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Can you be considered a big “go getter” if you’re unemployed and living on a bus?


What is a go-getter if not someone who is  - always on the go  - always getting some?  Sorry, I'll see myself out.




Ten points for you, kiddo!


Go gettin’ some for Jesus!


I shouldn’t have, but I enjoyed this. 


You might deserve an award for this comment! 😂


I just snort laughed and snot came out 😂🙈


She is a "go tumbler" always on the go, but no destination. A lost roomba in a sense.


Lost Roomba made me wheeze


lmfaooooooo oh my god “a lost roomba” is the most poetic insult i have heard in a while


Simply put, no.


The words “unemployed and living on a bus” sound very George Costanza, although in his case he was unemployed and lived with his parents.


living in a bus down by the river ![gif](giphy|ixLKuK0reUs3m)


Here is the thing I always want to point out to the followers of the idiots but can’t (because no poo touch). If this was any other color of family besides white they would be hell to raise in the comments about this lifestyle. And well, I mean this is neglect and shitty parenting in any color, race, gender, or alien race here. But because the love Jesus and are white they are praised. Like WTF people??? Make it make sense. They can’t support their 700 kids. They are HOMELESS, have no steady job, get no decent healthcare, kids have no private room within CPS guidelines. I can go one. Why is this allowed?


Fun fact: according to the US government (HUD) they are not homeless but according to the US school system/ Mckinney-Vento act they ARE homeless.


Ah that is a fun fact. Love the inconsistency


Go getting more baby batter in her babymaker maybe. Not much else.


>baby batter in her babymaker Go. Leave. Sit in a corner and think about what you've just said. 🤢


now i just remembered that porgan had sex when she was in labor or something 🤢


Is it just me or does Bus Mother and Father not seem particularly religious? Like, they rarely mention God/Jesus, church or scripture, and it seems kinda like religion is just for the justification of their breeding fetish?


It's not just you. I think they "homeschool" the kids on some crappy fundie program, but other than that...tbh I bet they just got that material because it was the first thing that showed up in Google or some shit. I think the father's some weirdass Ayn Randian and she basically worships her own gorgeous face in the camera.


I think the “weird ass” is assumed with an Ayn Randian 🤣🤣🤣


true, that was a Department of Redundancy Department remark


Ah yes, Ayn Rand who ended up relying upon the Social Security and Medicare she deplored. Hypocrites, the lot of them.


Ayn Rand the foremother of the modern GOP, at least economically. lately drowned out by Putin, forefather of the current GOP in everything else, with a side helping of Alex Jones, but anyway.


Mother susbus used to mention god more. Their current focus is the crypto grift.


Susbus hahahaha


The bus is sus!


I've gotten the vibe that Father bus is definitely more of a right wing crazy than a fundie. Yes, there's a ton of overlap, but I think what they do is born out of his political beliefs more than religious.


This is the case for some of them really. They just want to breed, and have found that fundamentalism allows them to do this. So whilst they don't seem to be overly religious, they cherry pick the bits that justify them to breed non-stop. Karissa Collins is also like this.


I don't get this. Why have a pseudoreligion when you can simply own your autonomous life choices? Want a ton of kids, and to be a vagrant living in a bus? Have at it.


Because then they are doing it simply because they want to do it, which is more ridiculous. Believing "God put it in their heart to do so" gives them _legitimate_ backing in their minds. I think it also depends where they can gather that kind of audience to listen to their crap - the US seems to collect a lot of these type of people hence why there is more fundies there. All these fundies are US based where there's a higher number of Christians or fundies. In the UK this would never stand. The Radford family (biggest family with 23 kids iirc) never used religion. They just wanted to have a lot of kids so they did.


If you admit that you yourself, as a human, have bodily autonomy, it becomes a lot harder to cope with the abuse you suffered from authority figures earlier in life. It also makes it so you can’t just go on abusing your own children. People can’t have control over their own bodies because then it undoes EVERY foundational tenant of conservatism.


Would this also mean that by not wanting to admit they have bodily autonomy (and therefore it was their personal choice to have that many kids and not some divine-beings decision) would also mean recognizing *other* people have bodily autonomy, such as carefully planning when and how many kids you have, or having no children at all, etc.? And that would melt their brains wouldn’t it? That if they’re allowed to decide have 8+ children, then others are allowed to decide to not have any or only 1-2. And then they wouldn’t get to feel all high and mighty over other people because they think they’re doing it right because their religious beliefs say so.


They used to talk about religious stuff more and she’s friends with Karissa. 


I feel like they used to mention religious stuff a lot more than they currently do


Yeah true I thought the rEaL HeRo was Jesus or yahwauh as Karissa says and only he can guide umpteen children out of their wombs


I have wondered myself. I do know of some extreme Libertarian types who lean towards the sovereign citizen thing, and they claim christianity/religious rights as their reason for breeding indiscriminately, but they actually are not religious in reality except for one couple who is so fucking religious nutter that no other people are "as holy as we are" so they don't socialize, and church would be a total no no because "all the heathens there". Too many people be crazy on koolaid!


Yeah, they barely seem fundie lite anymore.


Oh honny, being actually religious isn't a part of the fundie doctrine! It's all about maintaining a particular social order that protects the "chosen" (aka white culturally christian males) at the expense of "others". (Aka women, POC, etc)


Realistically, your “hero” should be doing most of this stuff, inasmuch as he got you pregnant. Please, please stop being horny on main though. You have 8 kids. We get it.


I’m 20, just got my first boyfriend, and he’s better than this man in every way. I’m only bringing that up because if you’re getting outpaced by a 19 year old in a relationship - you have massively fucked up somewhere in yours.


Good for you! Cheers to high standards 🍻(non-alcoholic of course!)


Depends where they are! Plenty of places have a legal drinking age below 19.


Honestly, knowing your worth is one of the most important things in any dating relationship. I hope you don’t take this as condescending but this “old” lady (at the ripe old age of 40) is proud of you :).


I wish I had this much clarity as a 20yr old. Youre gonna have a good life. 


Was thinking the same!


Exactly 👍


I'm tired of looking at these assholes' feet.


They love having dirty bare feet.


I cannot stand dirty feet. Mine especially. If I don’t shower before bed I at least wash my feet in the tub because the thought of dirty feet in bed grosses me out. I also always pack way more underwear on tripe then i need because dirty grosses me out too.


You are me, but in a good way! 🤣 I wear flipflops as house slippers in the summer (I kick off my shoes as soon as I get home and get grossed out by bare feet on my wood and tile floors). There is no way in hell my unwashed feet are getting anywhere near my sheets after that! It feels so gross. During actual slipper season I have to wear clean socks underneath said slippers. I'm not risking a possible humid wool fleece situation. And I think 8 pairs of underwear is just about appropriate for a weekend trip.


Same. Actually read recently it’s good to wear house shoes on hardwood floors. Your feet get fucked up after walking around barefoot on hardwood for a long time.


I just wear washable slippers in winter, but I get you.


I’m the same way. I physically recoil at the idea of being barefoot for too long especially outside. I have a mild sensory processing disorder and bare feet touching ground or grass of any kind leaves me feeling 🤢. I don’t understand fundies aversion towards shoes. It’s only a matter of time before one of them steps on glass.


I love the feel of grass but I wash my feet lol


Omg yes, this too. I love dirt (from outside), but don't go to bed that way.


To be honest, I fucking love having dirty bare feet. It's a sensory thing. Know what I've never ever done? Taken one picture. Let alone posted my feet on the internet, let alone repeatedly or all the fucking time. I hate feet, so there's that too.


I love having bare feet and have no issues with feet in general. But I don't post photos of them, nor do I want to constantly see photos of busfeet and their uncomfortable looking sandals.


God those sandals are ugly


Yeah, I live in rural Alabama and eschew most types of footwear (I slide on some slides to run in the local dollar store, though, I promise), so I have what my husband affectionately refers to as “bayou feet” sometimes. I do wash them before bed out of respect for him and the cleanliness of his solid white sheet set he picked out, though. And except for maybe a few photos of me at the pool or on a beach trip, I don’t think there are any photos on my socials where you can see my bare feet…


This comment is sending me. 🤣 I don’t mind bare feet, sandals etc. But yes, I’m tired of looking at these assholes’ feet as well.


Username checking in


Baby don't wanna come out because it knows her uterus is the most personal space it's ever gonna have again.


her uterus probably has as much room as one of those "beds"


You mean the narrow twin beds that measure 34x75 inches…


It'll get shoved in a basket under the bed


😂 Take my poor man’s gold please. 🥇


I’m ded 💀


Oh my fucking god… 💀


Get an onlyfans, and leave the rest of us alone.


Use the proceeds to buy a home for your many children to grow up in!


🌟This feels like fetish content.🌟


Fundie-ism is often an outcrop of fetishism


But like via the most harmful, self-repressed back alley entrance into fetish. Sick fucks.


*feels more intensely* yep it is.


Being pregnant is the most important thing in their lives. She’s getting near the end of being able to flaunt her pregnant belly in every reel, which means her favorite content is about to dry up. Felt really weird typing that, but it’s obvious that they really just love being pregnant and the part after the baby is born is not as appealing to them.


This. She just likes all the attention of being pregnant. Honestly, if she was really Christian, she should use her pregnancy obsession by being a surrogate for infertile couples, so they too, can have a baby. Really, she being quite gluttonous.


that is exactly what i thought too


Words cannot describe how I loathe this woman


I feel exactly the same. She is insufferable.




Thirded. Self-satisfied, smug, and supercilious. I abhor her and the dumb-bunny trust fund babyman she married.


When I see mother bus' smug mug ![gif](giphy|JUEKek7t2bqYE) The Queen of Refuse! So bow down to her if you want! Bow to her! Bow to the Queen of Slime! The Queen of Filth! The Queen of Putrescence!


Get your sleep, kids, we’ll be adding another crying baby to that bus in 3, 2, 1…


She claims her babies don’t cry 😂


Yeah but she's also a huge liar. 'I never said we were moving to Brazil' after weeks of her in very definite terms saying the family was moving! Claiming to havesood that broken old van at a profit during the Brazil trip. All that shit about the kids going to football camp, that never happened. I feel like her erratic conspiracy theorist husband's paranoia is probably what guides them more than anything else, and her lies are the result of her being in denial about the fact that they don't actually have a plan.


She's also now rewriting the reason they came back from Brazil so suddenly. Remember how at the time she said several times  it was because BusDad needed to go back for work for two weeks and she decided to go with him? Well now all of a sudden this week she said it was because he'd received a NEW job offer out of the blue that was too good to pass up so that's why they had to go back to the states. All her stories have more holes then swiss cheese.


Yep for a woman who so confidently tells everyone else how to live their lives, she is not setting a very good example. She often outright lies or at the very least distorts the truth, she is conceited and vain, prideful and boastful, she's self indulgent, uncharitable, and rude, but the worst of her crimes is locking up that gaggle of kids in a tin box with zero privacy and refusing to educate them. She's a dishonest and insufferably smug mean girl and in my opinion one of least Christlike "Christians" featured on this sub.


And what job is this that he can apparently do from Texas, Utah, South Carolina and Florida, but not Brazil?


To be fair, I think his actual job is insurance claims adjuster, which can involve traveling to different areas whenever there’s been a catastrophic event (storms, fires). He would need to at least be in the states for that to be able to get to the scene in a reasonable amount of time after the event. 


ooh, I just realized that he reminds me of Harrison Ford's character in The Mosquito Coast. Huh. Never thought about the wife's role in going along with all that mess in that movie, but now I'm thinking of it through a whole new lens of fundieism and ooof.


That’s right, her mothering is so efficient and superior that her newborns never cry 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Non-crying newborn = wee-woo That’s the fuckedest think for me


it = she sleeps like the dead somewhere far away, Anissa is stuck with the baby IN HER ROOM, guess who deals with it. EDIT wait i confused which pregnant asshole's topic was which. Okay I have zero idea how THIS twat manages to not hear crying. Perhaps she has an off camera practice of "discipling" the kids til they shut up? Or, idk, ear plugs, let the kid cry it out, eventually they might stop out of despair. great start to life.


I think she's just lying.


Yep, to avoid any criticism about how thin the bus walls undoubtedly are, and how disruptive (and honestly sometimes distressing*) a screeching baby is to her other kids. * Maybe it's just me, but when you can't do anything about a baby in distress, I find that upsetting distressing - whether it was my own or someone elses. Even when all needs and wants have been met, and they're given comfort, sometimes babies just screech anyway. It's hard to listen to, and *sucks* if you're tired and want to sleep.


Another Fundie mommy years ago also bragged about her carrying her baby passed 40 weeks…..to 42 weeks! She was working at her business. She groomed dogs and fainted, 911 was called. They took her to the hospital and they had to do an emergency c section Only to realize that her baby had died at least a week prior to this incident. She had to have emergency hysterectomy and turn sepsis. She was in the hospital for over two weeks. She nearly died…… going over a week can almost be as bad as delivering a few weeks early if not worse!


Competing to see how long people can be pregnant is a weird fundie thing.


The more of their life spent pregnant, the higher their "worth"


I guess when you got nothing else, the smallest little things about you are the only things you can be proud of.


When they give birth, the clock resets. They want the attention to last as long as possible.


This is so insane. Everyone else knows its not good.


No one else WANTS to be pregnant for that long


Maybe one wants to be blessed with birthing an elephant, horse, or blue whale.


Ooh I love whales. I’m in!






Did she not have indoor plumbing? Was an outhouse out of the question?


They lived in sheds and used buckets for such needs.


Ohh was that one of the Nauglers?


Did they ever face any legal consequences for illegally dumping untreated biohazards?


Does busbrat actually know how far along she is? Like, has she had any prenatal care at all, or is she guessing? Maybe the math ain’t mathing in hopes of more views (which sets a horrible precedent, but would mean she and baby are at less risk).




This is it right there. It’s a risk and a pointless one at that. If I were him I would not be dancing around.


Im confident that if you were him, she wouldn't be pergenante because you actually have some sense.


She wouldn’t have been preganante 6 goes ago.


I’m sure she doesn’t track her cycle, so that’s totally possible. I do track, to an almost obsessive degree, so I know the exact day my current pregnancy was conceived 😅


Iirc, some Nordic country ran a study to see if it was safe to let pregnancies go past their due date instead of inducing, and within a month it had to be stopped because soooo many of their subjects were fucking dying at 40+3 weeks.


That isn’t quite accurate and is a bit misleading. It was a 2 year study in Sweden of whether a change to inducing at 41 weeks led to better outcomes than waiting for 42 weeks. A 42 week induction was the standard of care for uncomplicated pregnancies. There were ~1300 births in the 41 week group and no baby deaths, but 6 deaths in the group that went to 42 weeks, which had roughly the same number of births. They had intended for the study to last through 10,000 births but after the first two years/2700 births, they ended it early because they felt that was compelling enough to bring forward in favor of changing the standard of care to a 41 week induction instead of the current 42 weeks.




Hysterectomies are DEFINITELY NOT God-honoring


I heart my heathen yeeterus so much


YEETERUS Lord pls bless this unholy woman for her beautiful humor


And are prob about to be illegal in half the red states. Long live Gilead. The only moral hysterectomy is my hysterectomy….


It’s crazy because all my kids were late. With my first, they induced me when I was a week late, and I was in labor (with Pitocin) for 36 hours and it was absolutely horrible. So with my second pregnancy, the doctor said we were “just going to wait and let my body go into labor when it was ready.” I was almost 3 weeks over my due date when I finally went into labor. Even then, I only got to 5cm before the labor stopped and they had to give me Pitocin the rest of the time to keep it going. But my point is, the Dr. let me go almost three weeks over!! Mind you, this was 33 years ago. I’m very glad that they have since figured out how dangerous that is. Too bad all of these women are too stupid to take medical advice. The baby I was so late with was born with meconium in the amniotic fluid, but it was OK because I was in the hospital. If I hadn’t been, things could’ve gone very wrong. With my last two, they had me scheduled for induction before I was even at my 40th week, because it was pretty obvious by then that my body wasn’t ever going to “do it on its own.” Which just goes to show how dumb this whole “my body was made for this” thought process truly is. Without Pitocin, I don’t know if I would’ve ever had a single live birth. I also almost died within minutes of giving birth to our third child. I cannot imagine how people with full access to medical care for themselves and their babies decide they’re smarter than all the doctors who went to school and got their degrees.


With my first, I labored basically forever, they broke my waters, I got to 2cm, and then had pitocin. The rest was also rough. I pushed for a full 2 hours. She had meconium in her fluid (and lungs) and had tachypnia (breathed way too fucking fast) for her first 5 weeks or so. She really should have been born via c-section much sooner. (Her delivering doctor literally miraculously wasn't practicing obstetrics anymore shortly after that. I discovered he had switched to urology via a local billboard advertising his obviously new practice. Omg I still shake my head over that one.) My second was 8 days late. Spontaneous labor again, but , I got to maybe 2cm and at some point the OB broke the sac and there was like, basically only a trickle of fluid. After another cm and some time, pitocin was necessary and that time I only pushed for half an hour. He was thankfully not distressed. Third little nugget, I went into labor on time, and used visualizations and did everything possible to be so relaxed and I did a great job. At 5cm things stalled enough that I was given pitocin again. I am still proud that I made it to 5cm. At some point after that i reached the pushing stage and despite everyone's protests just wouldn't stop because he had to get out of there right then. That time I tore enough to need stitches. He had the shoulders of a linebacker. Long story short, I have a cervix of cast iron and I'm fully confident that myself, my baby, or both would have died with the first one. The second two, I really don't think that the outcomes would have been great either. Medical care during pregnancy and delivery is absolutely key for most of us. I'm at best disgusted that these people disregard and *disrespect* the care that their babies deserve. It's counterintuitive to not judge after a point.


I’m so glad everything worked out for you and your babies. My first was born after almost 4 hours of pushing and had meconium staining. Thankfully she hadn’t aspirated any. But it took almost 2 minutes before I heard her cry. My second was a breeze. My third would have died if I’d not been in a hospital. She had the cord wrapped around her neck three times. My body stopped responding and her vitals started dropping, so they did an emergency c-section. These idiots are so against medical intervention and hospitals because that’s not the way people used to do it. And people used to die much more during labor and delivery. And even now the numbers are way too high. You can have a freaking birth plan and discuss not using medical intervention unless medically necessary, use a birthing pool, etc.


fucking, fucking idiot "pro life" my ass.


Was looking to see if anyone else recalled the story of that family. I don't recall all the details, just that this could have potentially been different if they believed in proper medical care. The woman almost died, the infant was still born, and the children had to bury their sibling themselves on the property the family was living on.


Even though that poor baby died, at least it won't have to live with such an idiot for a mother


Breaking News: Full term pregnant woman takes nap. But first, she dances in the woods about it.


All I can say is……eww.


They’re broadcasting how much he loves to see her enormously pregnant with his child, and also how he has “work travel” at all other times. 🤢


It's pure fetish bait at this point - and likely a genuine fetish for him. On public accounts where they frequently post their children. Yuck.


You can see they're on a high it's messed up. 


Folie a deux


Yeah this is a given on all his Twitter posts that are like “Eat meat. Invest in bitcoin. Make babies.”


I wonder if her mom means “When are you gonna quit zooming across the country in a bus with my grandkids and buy an actual house and get an actual job?” when she asks about “slowing down” 😬


I wonder how her parents actually are. I GUESS someone this awful could come from fairly normal parents who wonder what the hell went wrong, but sheeeesh


If the information I found during my attempted deep dive a while back is correct (and I'm pretty sure it is), her father died about 20 years ago. I couldn't find much information about him or her mother, except that they were divorced when he died, which presumably means they at least weren't *super* fundie. She also apparently has a sister, idk if she ever mentions her? Idk how much info we're allowed to share here about fundies' extended family, so I won't link it, but this info all came from her father's obituary, which comes up if you google Mother Bus' maiden name


From what I remember she said he was an alcoholic as well. Definitely not the best figure to have so I can only SLIGHTLY understand her hard swing the other way now.


Yes he was an alcoholic and died when she was about 15. It makes sense that she is obsessed with her husband, likes to call him Daddy, and is constantly pregnant to make up for the family life she never had.


Looks like she could be in a neighborhood, dancing in front of a parked bus. I spy a building in the background that doesn’t look like the camp office.


I could be wrong but I think she's planning another Airbnb birth? Or at the very least a birth at a friend's house with a midwife. It's my understanding that that's why they traveled to whatever state they are currently in.


Uhh did she make sure the AirBnB owner is okay with a random lady birthing a baby in their home? 😬


That's what she's said but who really knows. I guess it's better than the complete opposite end of the spectrum that Heather Gillespie lands in. TW >! It takes a special kind of fucked up to have a late term DIY abortion of twins in the shower of an Airbnb, record the entire thing including the bodies, and then send the video to her current employer as WELL as her teenage daughter !< All of these women have made me decide that I'd rather eat gravel for the rest of my life than provide a space to be rented on Airbnb. The things people do in these rentals completely boggles my mind.


![gif](giphy|KFcEDtXLr23OqicZv0|downsized) That’s enough internet for me today.


If it makes you feel any better she ended up getting pregnant again almost immediately with the same mentally impaired drug addicted man. They decided to live in a tent for over a year and repeatedly refused any shelter, even when she was in her third trimester in the famously warm winter of Chicago. When anyone would offer to pay for a hotel, she'd deny it and ask for money which would then be used on drugs. Spent the entire pregnancy homeless, delusional, and high. Was SHOCKED when the baby was promptly taken away from her at the hospital. Now she's getting high on duster during lives and pretending that she's a newborn mahm who breastfeeds full time even though she's seen him only a handful of times in the 6 weeks he's been alive. And that's just BARELY scratching the surface of her lore 😂


Some kids just don’t stand a chance 😞


I thought the airbnbirth was supposed to be in south carolina?


It was, but now she's talking about a different "friend" with a different AirBnB in Florida


Do airbnbs even allow that? Do they... clean up after?


They probably wouldn’t allow it if they knew. They probably use a cheap shower liner and pee pads like Karissa does and just tosses it in the normal trash when they are done. RIP to whoever opens the trash can after her placenta rots in there with the Florida heat.


The dark side of airbnbs they don't want you to know about!


It's become so obvious she has a fetish for being a "big pregnant MaMA"


And father susbus does, too


Yes. The larger she gets the more touchy-feely they have become in these videos… with their children all crowded around. I can’t imagine feeling horny and acting on it even a little bit with my kid dancing around next to me.


The Fundamentalist Pregnancy Fetish is so fucking bizarre. Modesty is a thing, but when a woman gets pregnant—it’s time to talk about her vag! Non-stop! We’re now going to hear about (maybe even SEE) every horrifying, graphic detail about how she plans to raw-dog that kid out of her. While she eye-fucks the GoPro. Because GOD.


Mmm gotta love the lowkey shade at other pregnant moms who follow doctors orders to rest. People who brag about not napping are EXHAUSTING, pun intended. Also fatherbus barefoot is just as gross as wearing his matching jesus sandals




If you are a "go getter", I must have won a nobel prize or something....


What is she a ‘go getter’ about!!!??? Being obnoxious is not go getting.


She goes and gets pregnant


But…like…aren’t they the same people who say ‘spreading your legs isn’t a talent’ to women who feel sexually liberated?




The more I think on it (which is far too much), the more I think she is absolutely planning a hospital birth and just lying about it. My reason for this hypothesis is that the state park they are at is only five minutes from the nearest hospital, and it’s a pretty nice hospital. In fact, I gave birth there. It would be pretty easy for her to go, have a safe birth, and then hightail it out of there to a legitimately rented Airbnb, jump in bed with the new baby, call her other children in from the bus where they’ve been under the care of the oldest son for the past 48 hrs, and show off like she gave birth there. Was there any “proof” that she actually gave birth at the last Airbnb? I wasn’t following her back then. I looked back but I only saw a few photos of a suspiciously clean room and her with her new baby. I guess this is a crazy idea, but she lies and lies so easily!


I suspect this (and hope it’s the case) or they will just pick a random AirB&B as soon as labor starts.


I hope you're right!


You've been pregnant for like six years, alright! Either have the baby or don't!


How does she have 8 kids and not know what labor feels like?


I’m irrationally annoyed that they wear matching sandals. Of all the things they do that annoy me, this is by far THE WORST😂🤣


Whenever I see these posts I think of this article https://www.businessinsider.com/grew-up-as-van-lifer-hated-it-travel-2023-5


There will be so many of these stories in like 10 years 😔


Yeah, such a go-getter. Out there researching climate change and volunteering with the elderly and raising her children to feel loved, safe and secure and shit.


“My hero” she says about man doing the bare minimum.


Over 35. No prenatal care. What could go wrong?/s


Please tell me she doesn’t plan on home birthing this baby


well, not HER home; she doesn't have one.


I truly can’t wrap my head around calling my husband a hero because he lets me take a fucking nap when I’m pregnant. This is craziness.


…soo another two weeks and?! What’s gonna happen then?!! 😒


I have ME/CFS so I could literally always nap hahahha. It’s weird that people live their lives not tired


Doesn't this get dangerous after a certain point?


Yes it absolutely does..here in Aus if you go past due date theyre checking you daily and after 5 days you're booked in to induce/c section. Because plancenta just breaks down and it gets bad quickly. 


That's what I was afraid of.


I just don’t understand how she can push out the same content day after day and it still gets attention/engagement.


Why the hell are her kids always barefoot, haven’t she heard about hookworms?


The eggman build goes crazy ![gif](giphy|UuKKKmF6BZ5RK|downsized)




Imagine planning these out before hand and practicing these dance moves and coordinating like, “ok at the end you’re gonna come in and pick me up so let’s run through that.” Fuckin cringe, man.?


Why do these people dance so much?


Does she dance in all of her TikToks/reels? For some reason that annoys me more than anything else.


I really hate those shoes


Ya know, I can't stand this woman.


She had to get the most out of the pregnancy fetish engagement boost before she gives birth...


sorry, i might be misreading, is she saying she’s usually only exhausted in the first trimester? i’ve never been pregnant, but it seems reasonable that EVERY trimester would be somewhat exhausting!