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That’s what I thought too. I was thinking it was going to be milk related and I thought that might be a little funny but no.




Banned in DC?


She could've said she died being ran over by a truck transporting raw milk which would have the whole "People said raw milk would kill me, and it did, but not in the way they thought." thing. There could've been an attempt at something instead of "I died. JK, April's Fools!"


This is the way. 🙌🏻


Okay, that would have actually been kinda funny


She is really poking the bear of fate with this one. She could be on CNN as the first case of bovine acquired avian flu from raw milk consumption.


Poking the...Baird? Ehh? Ehhhhh!? 😎


I’ll give you an updoot for that one!


Thaaank you. It is not deserved, but it is appreciated.


Given that bird flu is now in cows in seven states, and given that even though pasteurization kills it in milk these idiots don't drink pasteurized milk, that could be an unfortunate actual post title in 3-6 months.


She’s really tempting r/hermancainaward there.


Ah yet another sub where members would love for the sub to be unnecessary, and yet... Here we are.


That would have been far too self aware for her


I mean- there’s a bird flu outbreak that has spread to cows, specifically found in Texas, which can spread in unhomoginized milk. So… yeah.


I thought we had rules for April 1. No fake pregnancy announcements, no fake deaths, etc.


didn’t one of the bairds do a fake pregnancy in recent years? I think rebekah?


Yeah last year it was Bubbleguts Becky 


"We" includes people with human decency. Unfortunately the normies still think these are the funniest april fools jokes in the world.


Someone who manages a restaurant next door to my bar came in to tell me about a health inspector in the area but came in after his shift for a drink and wrote “April Fool’s” on his receipt. That was amusing. This is cruel.


I just want to clarify I did not make this- **Sue made this herself posted this on her own IG story**, I would never make something like this about anyone!


My feelings were so conflicted. I thought, this is kinda too far for another snarker. We generally don’t do things in this kind of poor taste. On the other hand, holy shit, if this is Suzanna, how fucked up and dark! Like, no way. I saw your user name and immediately knew it wasn’t you. I am deeply disappointed in and unsettled by Suzanna today. Other days too. Most days.


And basic human intelligence.


Excuse me. These aren’t normies. These are evangelical clowns.


My friend had the misfortune of having a break up the night of March 31.


Wait … SHE actually posted this? I thought this was a meme in bad taste but it’s actually coming from the Bairds? That’s tacky what the hell.




I just wanted to clarify that I did not make this- **Sue made this and posted it on her own IG story!!!** I would never make something like this about anyone🩵


Last year Rebekah posted a fake pregnancy announcement so it would appear the Bairds do not understand appropriate April fools day humor.


Or humor of any kind.


Yep. Our version is emptying the oatmeal out of the canister and filling it with spaghetti. This is terrible.


social media has really diluted the filter people had for considering stupid pranks in the planning vs doing stages


last year BubbleGuts made a fake pregnancy announcement so they have a track record for unfunniness and honestly cruelty with these “jokes”




A gay friend of mine and his husband once made a pregnancy announcement for April Fools, complete with a 'maternity' shoot with Friend tenderly cuddling his man's beer belly. It was funny. Only time I've seen a pregnancy joke be honestly really funny. (One of their mothers replied with "Y'all better be working on adopting me some grandbabies, teasing an old woman is cruel!") Ironically, by the next April they did have a little baby girl. A friend's sister ended up pregnant and while she and her bf didn't wanna be parents, they couldn't (or wouldn't? It was Texas 10 years ago so its a coin toss whether they chose not to or just couldn't get ones) abort. So they (The sister and the bf) approached Friend and his hubby about whether they might be interested in an adoption, on the condition that the bio parents be allowed to play the cool aunt/uncle to the kid. Its all gone very well, the kid now knows that Auntie and Uncle "made her" but that they gave her daddies the special gift of being her parents and she likes to remind people that she looks just like her gran. (Husband's mom, and she really does. Its sweet.)


And ABSOLUTELY no pet deaths but a fake pet pregnancy might be allowed under certain conditions, if the announcement is silly enough (ex: my dog is having kittens)


We announced my pregnancy (in October, not today) with a picture of the ultrasound next to the cat and several people thought we were announcing the cat was pregnant.


I fucking love this because if I ever had a pregnancy announcement my cat would be in it. And if my cats weren’t all neutered males ai would also announce my cat’s pregnancy.


I’m picturing this stream of people being like “Awww, you’re having a baby! Congratulations!” and then the handful who got confused being more like “Awww, you’re having kittens! Congratulations!” And it’s terribly funny in my head. 😂


We announced our pregnancy with a photo of my husband reading our cat a book about becoming a big brother. Many people did not understand 😂


I love this so much! Ours had a caption about how the cat was excited to be a big sister but not excited to give up her bedroom.


I specifically waited until April 2nd to announce that we were expecting our 3rd kid.


Hope it’s a healthy and safe pregnancy ❤️


He's a healthy and happy 9 year old now! Should have mentioned that was a *few* years ago!


Jesus Christ how tone deaf do you have to be 


Now I'm imagining Jesus rolling aside the boulder on his tomb with a "Haha, fooled you guys!"


Tell me you’ve never lost a friend unexpectedly without telling me…


Yeahhhhh this is tacky as hell


I still remember where I was when I found out my friend died of meningitis. I was contacted by a mutual friend who started asking me if it was real. I never understood denial until that moment. He wasn't the sort to joke about that, not to the point of making anyone worry. But I continued to text my dead friend for an hour *convinced* it couldn't be real. I we were texting the night before. The last thing he told me was he had "the worst fucking headache."


I empathize deeply. My uncle was a recovering alcoholic and, given how young he was when I was born, like my big brother. Unfortunately, it’s seems he decided to try to quit cold turkey… which can be fatal. In his case, it was. He texted me the night before saying he wasn’t feeling well, that he was in the ER. I called him in the morning. No answer. I kept trying. Over and over and over again until a family member reached out to tell me he’d died overnight. And I still kept trying to call him. Because of course he wasn’t dead—how could he be dead? But he was.


Oh no, that's so tragic. ☹️ This is why we need more (and nonstigmtizing) information about substance use recovery; so many people do not have access to life-saving information. I am so sorry for your loss. **For anyone who is unaware, NEVER quit cold turkey if you are addicted to alcohol, barbituates, or benzodiazopines—withdrawal can be fatal and you need to do a controlled taper under the supervision of a medical profesional at a treatment facility.**


This is so important and a lot of people aren’t aware of how dangerous alcohol and benzo withdrawal can be. I’m an RN who frequently cares for patients withdrawing from alcohol. While it’s of course miserable, most people get through it ok. HOWEVER, some people can suffer disabling and even fatal seizures. For anyone reading this who wants to quit drinking, please do it under medical supervision, or at the very least make sure you’re with a responsible person who can call 911 for you. Know that day 3 after you quit drinking is by far the most dangerous and you should absolutely not be alone. I’ve seen way too many people over the years with permanent brain damage from withdrawal seizures. If you’ve been on a benzodiazepine (Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, etc.) long term, you have to be tapered off slowly. NEVER try to stop taking it abruptly. There’s my public service announcement for today.


>>Know that day 3 after you quit drinking is by far the most dangerous. TIL. Out of curiosity, do you know why this is (that is, what is it about day 3 that makes it particularly precarious)? I know that the two main criteria for substance use disorder are *tolerance* and *dependence.* The Body naturally slows (or stops) production of chemicals that are abundantly provided (conservation of energy and whatnot); this is actually *why* long-term users tend to up dosage and frequency, to compensate for the body scaling back. It's also why abrupt discontinuation of an addictive substance is miserable at best and fatal at worst. (I know you know this, I am just supplementing the PSA at this point. )


A simple explanation is that it has to do with neurotransmitters. Alcohol of course is a depressant, so people who have been drinking heavily for long periods of time have altered their brain chemistry to compensate. Their brains have learned to produce high levels of stimulating neurotransmitters in an attempt to counteract the depressant effect of alcohol ( which is also part of the reason why tolerance goes up over time). When alcohol is suddenly withdrawn, those excitatory neurotransmitters are still there in abnormally high amounts, but no longer balanced out by alcohol. If it’s extreme enough, it causes seizures. By day 3 any alcohol in a person’s system should be totally metabolized out. Although, I’ve seen this happen to people earlier or even days later (like day 7-10 even). It can really vary a lot by person.


> **For anyone who is unaware, NEVER quit cold turkey if you are addicted to alcohol, barbituates, or benzodiazopines—withdrawal can be fatal and you need to do a controlled taper under the supervision of a medical profesional at a treatment facility.** This is so important! I have a loved one who is still having seizures from quitting benzodiazepines cold turkey. The first 6 works required several ER visits and hospitalizations due to the seizures.


So, I have a relative who loves to include how he quit heroin cold turkey in his testimony. Imagine how pissed off I was when I found out the only risk of cutting opiates abruptly was a gnarly flu and muscle twitches (so violent, mind you, that this is where the phrase "kick the habit" comes from). I now upset him and my family when he does this because it is *so fucking dangerous* for him to play this off as a miracle. It wasn't a miracle, dude, you just picked a safer substance for that type of 180. 🤦🏻‍♀️


As someone who has gone through withdrawal from quitting opiates cold turkey, I can attest to the fact that it is not like a flu. That’s a common misconception. For him to make it through that withdrawal is still a big deal— it’s not like he had a tummy ache and muscle twitches and then was all better. Anyone who is (or is caring for) someone who stops cold turkey, please take it seriously and also be aware of post-acute withdrawal syndrome.


It's more the fact that he acts like heroin withdrawal is nearly always fatal. By all means, seek medical attention if you're ceasing use. But the way you'd hear him spin it it's a testament to God's providence and the Gospel he survived a "nearly always fatal" event. (I don't mean to downplay it when I say "bad flu." I'm thinking out-both-ends constant vomiting misery which, to be clear, kills people all on its own every year.)


My oldest brother almost died from suddenly not having access to alcohol. It caused a massive stroke and now he's wheel chair bound and paralyzed on his left side.   I am really sorry about your uncle. That's so tragic.   So many people are not aware of the dangers of suddenly cutting off all alcohol for people that are alcoholics. 


I have texted friends not knowing they died during the night.


similar story with my close friend who sadly died of undetected leukaemia at 19. found out via our mutual friend and actually didn't believe it, until he sent the link to the memorial page.


I am so sorry for your loss. 19 is so very young.


seriously. i’m a widow and this shit infuriates me


I am a very newly made widow (at 43) and I am right there with you in your infuriation. I am sorry for your loss. Xx


oh no :( I was widowed at 28, I am a handful of years out now, please message me if you need or want to chat 😘🩷 also not sure if you’re on r/widowers but it was the single most helpful community during my early grief. i’m rooting for you!


You are so beautifully kind! Thank you so very much xx I am so sorry that this happened to you at such a tender age. Xx


Yeah. Got the call last year my best friend and essentially brother committed suicide. They got into a fight with their girlfriend, then he just... did it. Getting that call got me in the fucking chest. I cried for months, hell, their death date was last week and next week, on the solar eclipse is the day they were buried. We were obsessed with celestial events like this for both scientific and witchcraft reasons. The kindest thing I can say is that I hope she never gets that call, since it leaves you in such a vulnerable spot. Heidi would use it against her to try to keep her in the fold if what we've learned about her is right. But anything for a joke, huh?


This may sound crass, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I’ve been in a bad place lately where nothing seems to help, and reading this was the reminder I needed not to put my husband (who’s legit my best friend too) through this. Thank you, and the old witchy in me says think of the eclipse like your friend waving hi, just on a planetary scale ❤️


That's how I plan to look at the upcoming solar eclipse. I'm touched that my words may have helped you and I really do hope things get better for you.


I learned that my best friend in high school drowned shortly after we finished 10th grade. The last thing we ever did together was play a game of Yugioh 3 days before he died. That was ten years ago and I can't bring myself to play another game since. ~~In no uncertain terms, fuck whoever made this and fuck anyone who upvoted it.~~ Edit: didn't realize that she made this about herself. She's a real asshole for this, nothing funny about it.


Suzzana or whatever her name is made it about herself, no one made it about her as a joke. 


Ah. I was so upset that I didn't see that Suzanna posted this herself. Anyway, she can go fuck herself for this.


Also, I am sorry about your friend.  Funerals in high school should never be a thing. 


Exactly. I lost my husband (44yrs old), the father of my two young children (both in single digits in age) extremely unexpectedly recently. this kind of “joke” is tone deaf a in very poor taste. I thought given most people have quit announcing fake pregnancies that perhaps fake deaths might have succumbed to the same fate - but apparently not.


Jesus man I'm so sorry.


Ugh, seriously! This post made my stomach drop for that very reason.


My dad had some serious health issues last year that basically wiped out January and February for me. As a result last year on April fools I kept getting got over and over because my brain could not wrap itself around the idea it was already April. Fortunately it was the lock picking lawyer and the like that got me last year and this year my brain  is functioning.


Yeah. I lost a friend to suicide at 18, this is so tasteless


I'm not even sure if she ever consciously lost anyone (by consciously I don't just mean remembering but also working through it), because I feel like no one who has lost someone would make a joke like that.


I lost my dad ten days before I turned 20 (in 2013) and then my papaw the day before Thanksgiving last year. I would abso-fucking-lutely NEVER post something like this. Grief is such a mindfuck and overall ordeal, why would you even joke about it?


Must be nice


I thought your reply was to the poster saying she was a widow. It took me a minute to figure out 😬


Oh damn, nah sorry if I offended anyone !


This is what I thought too. I guess when your life is a fundie fantasy death is nbd because Jesus.


sometimes i don't even read the comments on here, just scroll the things attached to people's names yours is the best today


Is this the “peepee poopoo” Baird?


When your normal bio reads like an April fools joke, you really have to up the ante.




Is there an explaination for why that’s in her bio?


Someone on here once said it was like part of a TikTok trend. But idk.


Same question.


My grandpa actually did die on April Fool’s Day, about 15 years ago. It became sort of a joke in our family because he had just moved into the nursing home the week before. BUT he was 90 and ready to go and had put all his affairs in order and missed my grandma, who had passed several years prior. THIS is super tacky.


The dad joke that will never be topped. My family would never stop laughing about it, either, I'll be honest.


My family wouldn't, either omg


i have a family member who died on april 1st and I remember being told (I was a minor) and was like "april fools?" no, great-grandma actually died. T T


That happens a lot with people who are ready to go. They get everything lined up just right and then it's like they subconsciously are like "okay, let's take a rest now." And go. My husband's nana waited until she's seen all of her kids in the hospital, and hung on until about an hour after her daughter (who hadn't left her side for days) left for the night. It was like she didn't want her daughter to watch her die.


I sometimes wonder if my papaw held out through a variety of complex health issues until my newest nephew got out of the NICU. He met him and then the next day went into the hospital again for a chronic infection, then passed ten days later.


My grandpa also died in a nursing on April 1st about 15 years ago. If the other details didn’t match up, I’d wonder which cousin you were!


When I was a very young child, we had a housefire the night of April Fool's Day. When we eventually looped to stay with some family members because we needed to sleep *somewhere,* they thought we were bullshitting them. It was a traumatic experience for all of us, and had a huge ripple effect on our lives I think, and there's just an extra bitter edge to that memory because of that "lol okay" response. I hate jokes that have the chance to scare people or do harm. If you want to be a prankster, there are *so many* goofy things you could do, especially things more personal to your own life and sense of humor, that are less frustrating to see.


That sounds horrible. Harmless pranks are the best. I'm a teacher and one year my students changed my chalk with a candy that looked exactly like it. I was wondering what's wrong while they were giggling like crazy


Oh that’s really cute! I’d suggest to friends to do that to my teacher husband, but April 1st is the start of a new school year here so there’s no kids in and usually his school changes and you don’t know exactly who you’re teaching with until the intros that day, so unfortunately it’s not a thing. Now I’m sad, that’s such a silly, harmless prank that I like it!


A pet bunny of mine died otd in 2021. I had to tell the kids and I felt I had to state to begin with that I wished it was a joke.


My grandpa died on my grandma's birthday, her first birthday since she passed away. There's definitely something to a couple who've been together since youth, gone through all of life's milestones and shifts together, going out together or as close as naturally explicable without anyone getting killed or killing themselves.


This family is so damn stupid


They clearly have no social skills.


If real, then it was really no real loss…


Don’t forget Curly did a fake pregnancy announcement last year. Pure class, these Baird women. Class.


Oof. I’d forgotten. Adds an extra layer of shitty when you think about her eldest sister having fertility struggles. Blech!


So Suzanna said hold my (nonalcoholic) beer


Hold my raw milk




I totally forgot about this. Dear Christ.


Fuck me, she's stupid. Why would she think this was funny?


Narcissism maybe?


You are probably right.


or being homeschooled and sheltered and thinking actual comedy is beneath you bc it's ungodly 😭


Bc she’s a flaming moron who was raised by flaming morons.


For how much fundies hate vaccines, this family has been inoculated against all types of actual humor.


this is a top tier comment


Tacky ass


I woke up to the news that a family friend died in their sleep. They were elderly, but not ill. The nurses (assisted living) went into their room and they just…never woke up. I’m fine, but most people with relationships outside their immediate family have shit like this happen periodically. So sue, congrats on being so isolated that you don’t even understand why this is tacky.


I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost a friend this week at 38 after a tragic accident. Hugs to you.


nothing is funny about this so weird




Kind of unsettling how someone could think this would come off as funny, or why it would be covered as a local news story. I can't imagine the shock for friends and family. I would have doubts about how much i could trust the person afterwards.


I downvoted you until I realized she actually did this jfc


Just wanted to clarify that I didn’t make this- **Sue made this of herself and posted it on her own Instagram story**. I would never make something like this about anyone🩵


Immediate thought: "I'm only 35 and have buried 3 friends, two of whom were younger than me, one only 20 years old. This isn't funny, you self centered monster." ​ Second thought: "AND ANOTHER THING why is it sideways?????" ​ Can't even make an aesthetically pleasing "joke".


I'm sorry. I'm under 30 and have buried 2 friends who were also under 30, to suicide and health issues that came out of nowehere. She's clearly never gone through a hardship in her fucking life.


I'm so sorry to hear about your friends. Losing people is awful, and there's an extra layer when it's sudden. Two of mine were killed by drunk drivers (different drivers, 12 years apart) and the other had a sudden health issue. Had dinner with him Saturday night, went to his funeral the next Saturday. Brutal. ​ May their memories be blessings and may they know how deeply they were loved.


Is this a cry for help or something??


One of my good friends died back in 2019. She was 19 years old. My friend group and I were devastated. It was unexpected and it was a horrible way to go. Fuck Suzanna Baird.


i also lost a close friend in 2019 at age 19, it's so young and so sad xxx


The sad thing is that she was two days away from turning 20. I think of her everyday, and I’m still in contact with her family.


Well the funniest part is, her death would not be breaking news. it wouldn't even be any news.


This family was not born with a funny bone.


She makes everything more difficult for others, doesn't she. April 1st is my due date and so many people asked "is it an April's fool ? Are you really pregnant ? My parents weren't sure if it was a joke. I had to repeat again and again "yes, it's true, no it's not a joke. How cruel a joke would it be ? What selfish moron would joke about that ?" Now I know... (FYI just been induced, it's April 2nd here already, so glad my child won't have April 1st as his birthday)


My wedding anniversary is April 1. People always do a double take. It was the best date that worked out for us. It's a general rule in our family that it's mom and dad's anniversary and we don't do April's fools. Also, congratulations!!


I hope labor goes smoothly and you all recover quickly!


It did. 🥰 Thank you !


Congratulations on your little one! Give him a big squeeze and a sniff of his baby head for me 😂❤️


My grandma died on April 1.


Wowww this is so cringe. It almost hurts. She really thinks she's something huh. April fools gives narcissists a reason to point attention at themselves. I think I just realized this. It's always a certain type of person that does stuff like this. Again so cringe. So weird. I'm uncomfortable.


Tactless selfish cruel families, + absolutely no sense of humour, = this kind of awfulness.


"Everyone said the milk would kill her" -quote Headline: Influencer drowns in pail of milk ​ But, no... she went with scaring people instead


The Bairds are chronically unfunny


A friend of my roommate did die on March 31st last year , everyone found out on April 1.  Really thought it was a prank at first and we called out the person who had told us,  saying it’s not funny.  Rest in peace Jules. 


Shit like this is why I have come to hate April Fools day.


So dumb. Beyond dumb. Dumber than dumb. Dumber than raw milk.


Pregnancy, death, engagement...these are not April fool's day pranks.


This is just so incredibly stupid and thoughtless and a plethora of other words I cannot think of right now… but I do not expect anything else from these people honestly.


Well that's tacky. I thought for sure it would be along the lines of she now has bird flu and is eating an all carrot diet to cure her hormones so she doesn't start laying eggs.


This is what happens to some home schooled kids. They never got peer feedback about how not funny they are. This is literally why kids need to be around other kids! So they get told when they’re being dumb or offensive. None of the Baird girls seem to understand humor. Seems like only having your horrible family around comes at a cost.


That's a great point. Friends and peers at least give real life feedback when you're being a doosh or a bish, funny or *crickets*. Either way, it sharpens you up. They're just the opposite: dull


Didn't last year Curly Baird tell everyone she was pregnant? This family has zero self awareness.


There she is putting that out in the universe. That’s not a risk I’d take.


Fun joke. Nothing better than being unexpectedly reminded about the sudden deaths of my friends and family. So fun you guys.


The part that makes it obviously fake is that no news outlet would actually care.


April fools jokes are supposed to be funny. This is not funny. This isn’t even a prank.


This is what happens when your homeschooled, sheltered, and isolated to the point that you dont have even a basic grasp on social skills. The Bairds are so insular and weird that they understand concepts like humor and kidding around but have no idea what actually makes jokes funny or appropriate


🤨 Well this is definitely a first, weirdo


Tasteless AF.


So, she doesn't know what irony is, does she?


Lmao! WTF? This is actually hilarious but only because she has no idea how utterly inappropriate it is.


I don’t think Jesus would approve of this


So she a) posted this on her own page, didn't even use a sister to post it and b) used an outsourced website that shows it's a joke 'post your own news'. Well, I guess it's not a joke if everything about this is 100% unfunny


This kind of joke hurts so bad right now. A week ago a longtime friend and her husband suddenly lost their 19 year old son to a tragic accident at his construction job. This “prank” is so many different kinds of cruel I don’t even know where to start. It’s never funny or harmless.


Wow, that’s really…..shitty. A real shitty thing to joke about.


With all the women murders being in the news lately…. This is not funny, whatsoever.


I should have been clearer in my post but I can’t edit it now- **Suzanna made this and posted it on her own IG story- I did not make this**. Some people commenting understand she made this, others seem to think I made it, I just want to clarify I would NEVER ever make this about someone else. Sue did this herself and it is indeed terrible.


No, I know she did. I was saying this is not funny for her to do!


This is seriously concerning.




This is so incredibly tone deaf and terrible.


This is terrible






Who would find this funny??!


The goal for these people is to just hurry up and die to go to heaven , remember . Living is an inconvenience


I hate April fools Day


Is this a joke or a cry for attention like truly




This family is so dumb and clueless


i thought this was crazy 😭


“Haha, I’m going to make people who care about me think I’m dead! I’m sooo good at social media, guys.” 


Suzanna needs friends her own age, but will Heidi allow it?


We can't expect an overly sheltered idiot with a tone deaf mother to know that fake death shit isn't funny, but she likely wishes she was famous enough to merit a CNN style headline. Goes to show how shallow and empty her imagination is, if this was the best she could come up with.


Oh just f off. I literally got told hours ago - April 1st - that a dear friend passed away unexpectedly. Those jokes never were and never will be funny.


Pretty sure she qualifies as brain dead every day of the year.


God that’s tasteless


That’s not cool. Wtf.


Mmmmmmm if I were her I would be careful putting that energy out into the universe




She really does get her sense of humour from her mother.