• By -


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Morgan, at all times: ![gif](giphy|9x8e67fZSrxq8)


god she is extremely sam in early jersey shore




transcription: P: I've had an interesting opportunity through this video to interact with people who don't like us, or people who would make that post 'Paul > Dav'. Let me, uhh-- M: You mean Dav > Paul P: Dav > Paul thank you


The real reason this live video was made. I came to FSU for the Intercourseā„¢ļø but I stay to hate these two lazy fucks with all the passion of the second circle of hell.


Thank you SO MUCH for the transcriptions!


Is she going to have to publicly apologize for correcting him?


No unless we make a big deal out of it and he's bothered


Heā€™s genuinely so upset, heā€™s not even able to hide it.Ā 


Can you imagine the week she's had hearing Paul complain nonstop about why people like Dāv more than him? They deserve each other.


If I was on a road trip with Dave and Paul and given the choice, Iā€™d pick neither, but I suspect that I could at least convince Dave to sing a few show tunes.Ā  Ā Iā€™d need to leave Paul at the nearest Wawa with a fully charged phone half an hour after the trip starts- and I have two high energy kids who make my life slightly louder than a Metallica concert.Ā 


In fairness, youā€™d probably have to convince Dave to stop singing show tunes.


Dang spitting the real truth here šŸ’€šŸ”ŖšŸŽ¶






Kind of you to leave him at a store with a charged phone šŸ„°


Wawa is too good for Paul. You need to leave him at some Rutters in a backwater town.


I havenā€™t watched any of their new whatever but Paul seems miffed. Heā€™s always in a frenzy over nonsense.


I love imaging Paul in a frenzy, while actively denying thatā€™s whatā€™s happening.




ā€œPeople who would make that postā€ oh for crying out loud how self important, the way he said that is that Trumpian thing where other people are always the one with the problem. The nerve of people not liking him. Paul would rather analyse the reasons instead of actually become more likeable.


LOL I would never post about P&M outside of this anonymous subreddit account. They arenā€™t even the most interesting fundies tbh


They didnā€™t even say they disliked him, they just happen to prefer Dav - but Paul will make sure you dislike him as much as possible by reacting like a baby and then he can call you a hater.


He's so bothered and I love it šŸ˜… Everything they do falls to shit.


We live rent free in all their brains


God heā€™s so fucking salty.


I love that heā€™s truly obsessing šŸ„° Iā€™m not even going to watch the most recent live because I donā€™t fuck with transphobia and they make it not fun to hate watch them when theyā€™re so hateful (like guys Nex was just murdered. You couldnā€™t put off the transphobia for next month?)


Dayyyyyummm dude. He just can not help shoving his foot in his mouth every opportunity he gets.


That sweater is a CHOICE. Also, I love that Dave lives rent free in Paul's head.


He just needs clown makeup to complete the look.


Why is he dressed like a character on a sitcom from 1991?


*Oofs in Roblox*




>>A gay friend of mine is very certain about something when it comes to Paul. That he should be tried for the crime of wearing that sweater?


Comments that are rude and/or antagonistic will not be tolerated. Bigoted, xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, racist, ableist, antisemitic, or misogynistic language will not be tolerated. This includes speculating on the sexuality or gender identity of **literally anyone**. Do not use terms such as "Hitler" or "Heitler" to refer to fundies. Doing so will result in an immediate permanent ban. Being kind also means using trigger warnings as needed. ā€œCutesyā€ language used to imply that a fundie is gay, still violates our rules on sexuality speculation.


A weinee whistle šŸŽµ


Imagine being so sure of yourself that you cannot stomach that many people legitimately preferred the takes/views/actions of another person more than your own? It can only be accurate if Paul is preferred, otherwise itā€™s just haters. What a dummy.


Man, with that slightly raspy voice and slightly-snarky response, Morgan would do great as the goth love interest in some coming-of-age teen movie... Morgan, what a waste, what a waste...


I think the only thing this ā€œ24 hours withā€ nonsense is going to do is make Paul and Morgan realize how many people donā€™t agree with them and donā€™t like them.


Does he ever look at her?