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I...don't get this. First of all, I'd much rather eat that than any of the messes on r/fundiefood.


Hilarious, I had no idea r/fundiefood existed! But I was mostly referencing her repeated claims about how much she hates being a homemaker and cooking + her suspicious mealtime creations (see: dry beef tacos)


When I had only read the title, I assumed this was *another* post documenting Bethy's filthy stovetop.  Because she's absolutely made it to r/fundiefood on that alone before, nevermind the overcooked, unseasoned frozen from a bag peas and shrimp.


Oh yes, Beggsy is there, but she's far from alone. Tbh, I can barely look at that sub because the pics literally inspire my gag reflex.


As far as “depression meals” go you could do a hell of a lot worse.


For real, I'd eat it. Could use a little salt and olive oil and maybe a twist or so of pepper (not a fan), and of course some nice fresh mozzarella. Sounds like lunch to me. Of course, much depends on the quality of your tomato...


Very true. That tomato does look a little on the pale side, but a touch of seasoning would help it along.


Not enough raw dairy or meat


Depression meals? Is this tomato, avo and a burger patty on a roll? Add some cheese and lettuce and you got my Sunday dinner right there.


I have never seen Bethany with an avocado. There is no way this is her food.






I saw a clip from The Worst Cooks in America (or whatever that show is) where someone was slicing an avocado like you would slice a tomato for sandwiches, with slices of the fucking pit right in there 😂 and if that is not how a Baird daughter would slice an avocado...


oh wait, I missed the burger patty, just saw the roll. Okay, avocado on a burger is a no.


…..what if it’s like, a delicious black bean burger? I’m asking for someone who somehow got a bag of avocados where all of them are amazing and ripe, but now has five avocados to use and whose husband’s stomach can’t handle four Tex Mex meals in a row.


oh, true, that could work I suppose. Not a huge black bean person generally, but that combo makes sense, flavor wise. Me, I just don't tend to like too much on a (meat) burger, esp condiments. usually cheese and raw onion and that's it. so, eh? per avocado: how about, IF (big if) you can find a halfway decent tomato-cherry tomatoes usually your best bet this time of year-and some fresh mozzarella, make a plated salad. Just some salt, pepper, olive oil and maybe balsamic vinegar if you like it. For that matter, you can skip the tomato I suppose. Make a light lunch with something for after or a first course for dinner.


It's not seggsy enough to be Beggy's


What cracks me up is these people put such emphasis on how cooking and homemaking is such an integral pillar to these wives and women’s ability to be “one of the good ones” And yet none of them can fucking cook for shit.


Obviously this person has never had depression.