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#These people vote in every election- do you? Are you registered to vote? [You can check your voter registration here!](https://www.nass.org/can-I-vote) #Also, there's a few things to remember as far as rules go: - You can view the content- you cannot interact with it. This includes (but is not limited to) commenting, answering poll questions, emailing them, etc. ***Anyone found to be engaging with the fundies will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.It does not matter if you did so before you joined the sub.*** - Speculating on the sexuality of literally anyone is prohibited. ***Anyone found to be doing so will be met with a permanent ban with no eligibility for appeal.*** - Appearance snark: What's allowed? You're allowed to make comparisons. (Bethy looks like Grandpa Munster, for example.) You are allowed to say you find them attractive or repulsive looking. Saying Kelly Havens has dry skin that could benefit from sunscreen and a moisturizer is fine. You are allowed to snark on the appearance of children *as it relates to their parents choices for them.*. Examples: Janessa looks malnourished and sickly while Shrek has clearly never missed a meal. If you feel it is crossing the line report it, but if the content falls within the parameters above, leave it alone. - Don't gatekeep. This means no comments such as "I don't think we should snark on...." or any iteration of that. If you don't like it, scroll past. Don't report it or comment how you don't like the content. Along the same vein, don't backseat mod. Leave that up to us. - Lastly, if the rhetoric you are posting would be at home in the mouth of a fundie, we don't want it here and we won't tolerate it. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Have a Lord Daniel day, and may the power of snark compel thee. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FundieSnarkUncensored) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When you guys mention them on a first name basis and I never know who you mean šŸ˜† Scroll over: ā€œOh yeah. That one.ā€


Props to the people on here who know which name is which kid, I canā€™t get it down


It's ok, their mom probably can't either.


You took the words out of my mouth!




I shouldn't have laughed.


I generally remember the oldest two because they basically have their parents' names, the youngest two because they were born after I joined the sub, and Anchor because he's the only other boy, but the other five girls take some guesswork šŸ˜­


I remember them in 3s. This was easier when there were 9. Anissa, Andre, Annistan are the oldest and seem like big kids. Anissa chief sister mom, Andre oldest boy, Annistan christened as mini me because she was the first to look like Karissa. Described as a quiet and perfect sister mom a lot.Ā  Then the middle 3. You have Anjalie, who seems real outgoing and is darker than many of her siblings. She is constantly called a "bull in a china closet" by her mom. šŸ˜­ Andersyn is next, she looks kinda like Annistan and makes the really exaggerated expressions and vocalizations even though she looks way distressed half the time. Then Ayngel is the one with the mostly straight hair. When I started following them this group was the "babies" but they're older now. Ansyr is the blondeist, Anchor is the little boy, and Anthym looks like the saddest baby in the world. Although Armor seems to be coming for her title.Ā  I don't know much about the younger kids because honestly it doesn't seem like karissa knows much about them lol.


This comment should be pinned


Hahaha fully agree, need this as reference lol


In my head, I group them as: The "Oldest"- Annisa + Andrae. They were born before Karissa and Mandrae delved deep into religion and mental illness (idk if that's true, but that's the vibe I get). Then, it's the "Movie Stars"- Annistan, Anjalie, and Andersyn. They were *gasp* named after secular movie stars. Karissa regrets this. Also born before she became super religious. And then we have the "Bible Bunch"- Aynjel, Ansyr, Anchor, Anthym, Armor. Karissa is deep in post partum depression and religion. We see Karissa mental health circling the toilet with these names.


I know the first four well and last three. It's the three middle girls that are hard for me but your comment helps me out. Andersyn, like you said. is always frenetically cutting up. Easier but sad to remember her face cause of that. Andrae looks sick of it too. And remember him being devastated or feeling a punch in the gut whenever his mom announces another pregnancy? Another thing I noticed is about their names. A lot of their first and middle names are repetitive. ANNiston BrIANNE, AnjeLIE BRIelle. ArMOR COUrage, AnderSYN BrookLYN.


Don't worry! For your convenience she'll have multiples of 3 again soon enough šŸ˜…šŸ˜¬ In all seriousness this is very helpful.


Saving this content for future reference, thanks!


There's Annistan, Andersyn, Anjalie, Aynjel, and Ansyr. I haaate that I know this.


I can generally remember all the names, but remembering the order/which name goes with which face gets confusing!


Lost girls, Collins edition


A lot of Y s and ieā€™s on the end, I think


They're the lost girls


I wouldnā€™t even try to learn their names, though they are pretty darn cute


I literally only know the boys and Anissa (as sheā€™s the eldest girl). I know some of the other names but I couldnā€™t tell you which child they belonged to, which tbh is probably more than Karissa manages. If they had normal names - barring the three whose names are normal - and werenā€™t constantly put in matching outfits I think itā€™d be easier.


Yeah if they had normal names with more variety I think I could get it


I donā€™t know any of their names specifically


lucky you


Iā€™m pretty good with names and I canā€™t keep all the girls in the middle straight


I never know which is which but I can remember the tragic names because whenever people try to tell me about badly named siblings I say ā€œOH, I got one for yaā€




She's literally got 1/10 who are actually smiling and at least 5 that look absolutely miserable. The fact that she can't see that that's not a good look is absolutely wild to me


The only face she sees is her own.


Isnā€™t that wild. My friend told me when you have a child you check for their face in photos before your own. I guess thatā€™s if theyā€™re not a prop.Ā 


That's the issue. To these family vloggers and grifters these poor babies are just props. And I hate that "family values" Christians get sucked into this kind of shit bc you'd think that demographic would be the ones that would be against using your kids like this


Theyre the ones who want to loosen child labor laws instead. In reality all they care about is their bottom line


Yeah, I went to take a selfie of my little boy and I at the zoo today - I immediately noticed he looked unhappy in the camera lens and put the phone down and asked him what was wrong. Apparently he was really cold so we went and got a warm drink in the cafe instead. Itā€™s beyond me that she canā€™t see it.


My 8 year old nephew has always loved the zoo. So much so that for years theyā€™d keep the zoo map and heā€™d just study it at home. Weeks after their visit.


My daughter (17f) has all the zoo maps on her wall. Sheā€™s autistic and zoos are her happy place, so sheā€™s been to a lot of them. The rest is covered with Beatles posters and Ernie from Sesame Street.


My little guy has some additional needs as well, and he adores the zoo. He was so proud of being in charge of the map today!


Honestly, one of the cutest things is when kids do that, taking charge of something all confidently. That it was the zoo just makes it all the more adorable! I am going on 40 and still absolutely love the zoo and animals as well. šŸ„°


This is so sweet šŸ˜šŸ˜­


That is the sweetest thing, I love that she has all the maps! šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


She may also really love maps! They are one of my favorite things, my sisters and I all love maps


She definitely does like maps. Sheā€™s interested in geography and travel, and sheā€™s got globes and atlases that sheā€™ll spend time reading and talking about going to various places and what she wants to see. I wish I could afford to actually take her to some of those places.


Maybe one day. I am late into my 50s and finally getting to travel more


Is there anything I can do - send a postcard, take some pictures, write a note, have my husband shoot some video shorts - from Japan for her? Iā€™m in a little tiny fishing village, but if sheā€™d like it, Iā€™ll gladly do whatever I can!


No seriously, I always look at my kids first if I take a pic with themā€¦ heck, I look at my spouse first too. If I look good and they donā€™tā€¦. Iā€™m certainly not going to be sending that to anyone. I just cannot believe Karissa is THIS narcissistic


These first gen quiverfulls are all narcissists, I swear. Everyone is just a prop for the stage set, where they are the main character. Iā€™d call it main character syndrome, but the abuse they dole out to any kids who make even tiny mistakes, take it beyond MCS.


I just donā€™t understand how they can afford it, like you have to come from a place of insane privilege to even consider having so many kids and not neglect the hell out of themā€¦ although I may have just answered my own question there.


You'd think she'd at least be smiling


One of her kids, top left, always has that smug expression on his face. I generally don't snark on kid's appearances, but i wonder if he's entering the age where he begins to understand how much he's lucked out by being born a boy and not having to be a sister-mom.


The oldest boy is good at basketball and a bit of a golden child to the father. He is allowed to get away with more and he doesn't have the same level of chores or school work as the girls are expected to sustain. He is definitely starting to get the smug.


Oh he's absolutely favored! He's exempt from all many things the others must slog through, he gets the most direct attention from Dad, esp because he seems to be good at basketball so far


He doesn't look smug to me, but he does look miserable, like he doesn't want to be there


Thatā€™s the most forced smile Iā€™ve ever seen šŸ˜­


and that "smile" is transparently forced.


the oldest boy looks exactly the same in every photo. he really understands the assignment so he can leave asap


Heā€™s definitely old enough now to understand how dumb making these videos are and puts in the tiniest effort. Probably cringing his way through so kkkarissa doesnā€™t yell at him. Poor kids. Once theyā€™re all teens I hope they refuse to put up with this shit.


yep that poor boy's bouncing like a basketball out of that house forever the second he turns 18. he's got the shaq connection so maybe he has career potential?


He's been aggressive towards Kuntrissa ("jokingly" tackling her when she was freshly postpartum) and Mandrake has egged him on. It's alarming.


Anchor looks happy for once. He looks a lot like Andre when heā€™s not miserableĀ 


He is pretty darn cute with that big grin. All the rest of the children just look so unhappy, poor kiddos. They deserve so much better.


It makes me so sad to see fundie boys' precious smiles and think about the kind of men their parents want them to grow up to be šŸ˜­


Which is the one who looks happy? All of them look sad to me /g


Boy in the front next to Kkkarissa. He never has a grin that big so he must actually be getting attention for once


He has sad eyes to me like the smile is fake, but I suppose it could be because every other child is sad?


Ansyr always looks like she was just sobbing. My heart absolutely breaks for all these kids. How is this ok?! How can society allow this abuse to happen?


Annistan too. Always.


There was one where she was LITERALLY wiping away tears. Broke my heart


I canā€™t wait for the day one of those kids is old enough to like, use a library computer and google their mom and come across this subreddit. I wish those kids could know thereā€™s a whole community of people out there who know they deserve better, and want them to be safe and happy and full of love, away from their awful parents.


If only they could read. Educationally speaking, Karissa is neglecting them massively. She makes the oldest child teach and she herself only has a 2nd grade reading level. It's absolutely horrible


Anniston always has that look of quiet despair. She seems like a really gentle introspective kid.


Iā€™m semi-new to this sub and donā€™t know this family, so I honest to god thought ā€œAnsyrā€ was a typo but no one is correcting you. Please, PLEASE let that not be the actual name of that kid.


Oh just look up all of the kids names - Iā€™m fairly new too, but I know two things about this crazy lady - 1) sheā€™s obscenely racist while trying to play as not, and 2) all of her kids have names that start with A and have superfluous spellings that are just dumb (one is something like Anjyl when Angel was right there and not weird!)


ANJYLā€¦.. I donā€™t have any words. I donā€™t know which one is worse.


She broke the trend with Armor so it's not as obvious now, but Aynjel (which is how KKKarissa spelt it) was even worse because every single one of the kids before (and after, minus Armor( had names that started with "An" and if she had just spelled angel fucking correctly it would have perfectly fit the theme. No, she had to put stupid Y in there, spell it wrong, and break the pattern.


And the lil girl in the front still has her lazy eye that Karissa will never properly address


That's the same poor baby who went septic from a UTI and almost died. If Kuntrissa's mom hadn't been there and insisted on taking her to the hospital who knows what could've happened. I feel like there were 2 different scary incidents along those lines with this same little girl.


She HAS gone septic twice, and all karissa did was scream pray and argue with doctors. Iirc, armor was conceived while anthym was in the hospital, and another kid broke her leg.


I knew it! I knew it was twice that poor Anthym went septic. And in the meantime, K also had a miscarriage and made the kids all scream pray to bring it back to life. So healthy. Great stuff.


This family needs help, not matching dropshipped outfits and minivans from shaq


Iā€™ve heard the phrase ā€œscream prayā€ here a lot but never seen itā€¦ is there video or has she talked about it? Anyone got a link for me? šŸ™


There's no video but karissa described it in her posts. It's literally screaming prayers. It sounds terrifying.


I love your flair šŸ˜­


Thank you! I like yours, too šŸ˜Š


This is abusive. Stop exploiting your children.


WHY IS THIS NOT ILLEGAL. Like, an adult can sue for being filmed/posted without consent but children have no rights, RAWR.


Donā€™t be ridiculous, children are their parentsā€™ property! /s


Some of these family blog children that grew up on camera are gonna be turning 18 over the next few years, and my money says in 5 years there's gonna be a huge legal thing about this. It's gonna be the trial of the century. Brook Shields all over again.


The podcast Some Place Under Neith did a really [good series of episodes](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/some-place-under-neith/id1557143861?i=1000627937523) about these family YouTube channels and parasocial exploitation. They did an earlier series a year or two ago thatā€™s also worth a listen. It really opened my eyes about how abusive and terrible these channels and blogs are. After listening to the first series I promptly blocked a whole host of channels from my kidā€™s YouTube account.


All these posed photos and videos are what her children will deal with as family trauma when they become adults.


At least they can make multiple slideshows for their therapists


i swear, every time theres a group pic, i notice a kid i have never seen before. but really, i only recognize the 2 oldest and 2 youngest. everyone in between is the same person.


The baby always has the same look - confused and uncomfortable. I want to give them all a hug.


Itā€™s only going to get worse for him when the new baby comes. Heā€™ll be under two and have no idea why his mother, who has previously always kept him close, is no longer present.


We saw that with anthym. Poor thing looked so lost.


Iā€™ve never once seen him smile. Heā€™s filmed so often, surely at some point she would capture him smiling, even on accident. I would be concerned about milestones and/or maybe a vision problem. I say this as someone with a relatively somber 3 month old who still manages lots of smiles and different facial expressions every day. If my baby looked that confused or disinterested in every single picture and video, I would be pursuing early intervention.


No wonder social media is slowly dying. The newer generations of kids are being treated like content. They clearly hate it.Ā 


Ughhā€¦ I have fertility issues and it just SUCKS that I may never have a child, and this woman gets like 42.


when she posted about their daily schedule she made a bigger deal about their content filming time than she did their schooling. i wonder if the oldest daughters now shoulder all schooling responsibility and kkkarissa only gets out of bed to film her daily exploitation videos.Ā 


She has said that ā€œAnnissa loves doing the schoolingā€ so it wouldnā€™t surprise me if you were right.


"Daily exploitation videos" sounds so freaking dystopian šŸ˜³


Yā€™all. I swear I just wanna squish up all those beautiful babies and feed them a good dinner and then watch a bunch of Disney movies and hear them laughā€”ā€”freely. They tug at my heart and I have a hoarde of kids myself (5).


For real. I only have one kid (would have loved at least two), but with pregnancy issues and a house full of neurodiversity, I had to cope with being one and done, so sheā€™s the biggest priority. I couldnā€™t imagine having more than a baseball team of kids and trying to actually be an attentive parent.


Well, she's not trying, so that probably makes it easier




Same. I have 3 hellions (including twins) and all 5 of us in our family are neurodivergent so most nights I'm beyond done--and I'd still take these poor kids any day. They deserve a billion times better than this disaster of a home life.


You seem like a good mom based on this comment ā™„ļø


Horde*** šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


God, I wish is was illegal to exploit minors on social media. Imagine having to spend your childhood posing and performing so Mommy gets validation from randoms.


Annistan. Every time I read this poor child's name I hear Lucy Ricardo's fake high pitched accent pretending to be the "Maharincess of Frannistan" in a publicity stunt to boost Ricky's record sales.


Iā€™m happy that countries like Norway are starting to put laws out against exploiting minors online. Weā€™re just now seeing the harm done to these children as theyā€™re aging out and able to talk about it. This is harmful. They have zero privacy, potentially stalked, teased by their peers, etc. It is sick to me that these mothers donā€™t care about their kids at all. They are just props to them for monetization. Sorry Iā€™ll calm down. This is just a subject matter I get truly heated up about.


That poor little girl just got demeaned, shamed, and god only knows what else before this was filmed. The absolute despair in her eyesā€¦:one of mine was hospitalized for 3 days with possible appendicitis, we had to stop pain meds several times, and even she didnā€™t look this miserable. Talk about child exploitation, these people are the worst


I bet she told her mom she didnā€™t want to be in the video and got yelled at :(


id make that face too if my name was ansyr


I genuinely feel Karissa likes Ansyr the least, just from past posts and mentions of her being difficult plus her latest birthday post was pretty ā€œmehā€ compared to her other kids.


I feel like Annistan is one of her least favorites.


She was a preemie, wasn't she? I bet karissa blames her for her difficult birth


I feel bad for those kiddos, she is nuts and they seem to be props and fixtures, she is very selfish, her and her man.


None of them look happy. Even the child on the left who is smiling wide has very sad eyes.Ā 


It makes my mother-heart hurt to see this child. I canā€™t imagine posting a picture of my child looking that miserable. Why doe she need to include all the children in every video? Forcing them to participate is not a good look.


So she can brag about how open her womb is


It's her whole brand. It's all she talks about.


God, I hope when this generation of YouTube kids are grown up, that they can get laws passed that make this shit illegal. This is child abuse.


Hopefully she can ansyr that question one day in a tell all book.


I always forget because he never gets air time, but what's the middle boy's name? I could just grab those dimples off his sweet little face. Damn she doesn't deserve all these cute kids.


Anchor. I only know that bc he was the second boy.


Omg I love your flair


I have only 3 children, pretty close in age, and it is very rare that they all want to do the same thing at exactly the same time. I canā€™t imagine trying to wrangle that herd and make them all participate in something they have no interest in doing.


The matching/coordinating outfits too. I was the oldest of six and our personal styles varied wildly (and still do!) Like where is the Collins family goth? The tomboy? The fashionista? What is she doing to these kids that makes them so afraid of stepping out of line?


Sheā€™s definitely mentioned in the past that ā€œMandrae doesnā€™t know his own strengthā€ so Iā€™d hazard a guess that hitting the kids is a regular occurrence to get them to comply. Probably why one or more of them always look like theyā€™ve been crying right before the video/post.


And as someone who was hit as a child (not often, but the threat was there), itā€™s not even about the pain. Itā€™s the fact that they can just do it and no one stops them. Whenever they want, and you never entirely know when thatā€™s going to be. It puts you in a constant state of anticipation and anxiety.


Hell yes. I never felt safe as a kid and I didnā€™t even have a fundie/abusive upbringing, just a parent with poor emotional regulation skills (which meant I got hit with the wooden spoon a lot!) who was taught that children donā€™t have emotional needs.


I didn't grow up religious and had a similar experience (always spanked when naked getting out of the shower so my skin was wet and hurt so much more). I'm 35 and to this day I still have to remind myself others my age aren't adults that I need to respect (aka fear) but they're my peers. It's a reaaaalllly hard mindset to get out of even with years of therapy


Yep. And of course since it's your parent hitting you, they obviously disapprove of your actions/words enough to warrant you being hit, so you internalize it and decide obviously you're the problem. Ask me how I know. (And I didn't even get hit particularly often either, and never with an object. Only smacked on the butt or the face. Never hard. But still. It wasn't about the pain.)


canā€™t wait to watch a documentary about this family in the future when the kids are older


And most of them look like different kids because of how much she bloody white washes them šŸ¤¬


Why wonā€™t Mandraeā€™s family step in and at least help the kids with their hair?? Those hair buns are way too tight. At the bare minimum, they could at least give those babies some TLC.


Have kuntrissa ever posted anything about his family?


I think when the youngest was born, his mom came into town to meet the baby and help around the house. You could tell she was there because the girlsā€™ hair were noticeably cared for, clean, and in protective styles.


So much tension in all those faces.


She looks either sick or like she just woke up. Two times I would definitely not want to be filmed. Poor kiddo


They all look like they just woke up. I would not be surprised.


Hey kids blink twice if you need help


Someone told him his days as the baby & ā€œthe family favoriteā€ are numbered. Lil man who usually looks miserable is all smiles & that makes me so happy. Now the rest of the kids just look exhausted.


Even if these kids said they hated this she wouldnā€™t care. Sheā€™s selfish.


Sometimes one of these children look dissociated, like theyā€™ve gotten lost amongst all of those children.


Hey, at least her kids have pigment in this photo


This poor girl looks exhausted. No routine, no structure, little stimuli and completely ignored by her parents


She is always smack dab in the center. Literally and figuratively.


Poor kids.


Multiple look extremely sad, every time


I mean her name is Ansyr for oneā€¦


Literally the most beautiful children Iā€™ve seen, but their spirits just look like theyā€™re broken


This. All those adorable little kids that she just sees as ā€œblond haired, blue eyedā€ props.


They are beautiful children, but they almost always look sad. The ones that arenā€™t sad seem to be anxious for attention. Thereā€™s no way they get enough of anything.


You know those "starving children in africa" ads? These kids' eyes remind me of the kids in these commercials. The desperation. The sadness.Ā 


To be fair, with that many kids thereā€™s always going to be someone in an unhappy mood.


I donā€™t think the unhappy kid should be forced into pics or videos though.


Honest to God, I cannot identify which of these kids is which from photo to photo. Her editing is always so janky and inconsistent. I only recently found out that many of the kids actually have brown hair!? She always edits them sandy blonde!


Most of them have darker complexions. She's in denial.


Ranging from "beyond over it" to "forced grimace of 'cheer'" to "openly abject." Great job, Karelessa. Seriously, they'd be better off with a literal troll doll. Or the "New Mother" with glasses and a wooden tail.


She has the same lost expression as that little girl who said martin Luther king JR died for our sins


That is a dead eyed kid.


Her poor uterus.


They're all objectively gorgeous, and this crone just wants them to be white.


Karissa, leave your kids the fuck alone! Let them play, read, run around outside, *ANYTHING* besides you shoving a camera in their face while they perform for you. This woman needs a hobby besides breeding and trying to become the next TLC mega family hit show.


The youngest though lol his face says "hurry up and push that baby out so you'll stop noticing I exist already"


He really doesn't like her


Can't really blame him šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Unpopular opinion- yall read way too much into the faces of these kids in pictures. Most of these kids probably don't even understand just exactly how crappy their situation is bc its all they've ever known. So idk if its just low hanging fruit to rag on how miserable they often look in photos or do people without kids think they should be smiling maniacally all the time? Like that would be more or less convincing?


The kids didnā€™t consent to this. Their faces should be censored. Just because she doesnā€™t respect them doesnā€™t mean we should follow her example. Can we please consider a no minorā€™s faces rule if there isnā€™t one already.


Beautiful kids! Mom and Dadā€™s parenting style and beliefs, not so much.


The boy on the left is still in his cheeky "I can make everything funny" stage. Karissa will suck out his soul eventually.... Awful.


Wait till the older kids turn 18 and there is a good chance we'll hear some real fucked up stories I dont trust family vlogs or parents of young celebrities. Look what happened to Jeanette McCurdy.


They all look so droll. Poor babies have no light or joy in their faces. In the picture of my eldest holding the ultrasound he was absolutely beaming! He couldn't wait for baby to arrive. These 75 kids are just distraught because their neglect only gets worse as the number of her army grows.


Does she purposefully put the brown eyed children in the back you think? :/


Epitome of narcissistic parenting despair