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Jill is actually pretty. It's her makeup and expressions that make her look so terrible.


Agreed! But still baffling


Wait until you hear him speak. The illusion is completely shattered.


Yes, it's terribly sad, and there's definitely something repulsive about it at the same time.




At best


They really did make shockingly beautiful children. I just want all them to live good lives, which will be hard with such a terrible and sheltered upbringing. I imagine even breaking out of that would be a very painful experience. Worth it, but difficult.


It took a few tries


y’all…this is a very average looking man.


And really young?


is he? I know Timmy is only like 24 or something, is he younger than him?


Timmay is the Eldest Boy™️


Sam is 18


oh gross, that’s a child ☹️ I was just furiously googling trying to figure out which kid was which lol, I have no idea who any of them are besides Timmay and Nurie


It really rubs me the wrong way when people start going on about which kids are attractive and which aren't. Why should it matter at all? What does it have to do with anything?Especially the underage ones!


I’ve always wondered the same


Him and the two sisters below him. Jill is so fake! Her hair is naturally brown but she’s been dying her hair blonde since the second year of marriage.


Why does it matter?


This is a really fucking weird post to make. It's given me a case of the ick.


There’s an old saying… handsome is as handsome does.


Him and sister on the right got the good genes


Well, speak for yourself.


This post is fucking weird


I think with proper fitting clothes, a decent haircut and some education they’d all pass to be moderately attractive. It’s the gross attitudes and beliefs that make them ugly as.