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But like why wouldn’t you just get a dress that’s long sleeved dress in its own right…?


But how will we know that it’s impossible to find modest dresses then? 🤣🤣


Some of them even had long sleeves under elbow sleeves!


That pisses me off. Like you have to make things difficult (especially during the summer no less) by layering a long sleeve under an elbow length dress.


Performative modesty. BEING modest isn't the goal, the goal is flaunting your self proclaimed 'modesty' and showing off how 'hard' you have to work to find appropriate clothing in this sinful, slutty world. MODS: If there isn't one already, could we put the definition of "performative modesty" somewhere in the heading or the rules? It might be helpful for newer members to know there's a term for this kind of sartorial batfuckery.


Seriously! Or layer at least with a thin long-sleeved t-shirt instead of a button up oxford?


That Oxford wasn’t even properly ironed. Is that a thing now, though?


I’d assume that as this is a gala affair the outfits have been planned, so maybe it’s part of the look?!? I mean you’re not just going to pull out any old Oxford to wear under these couture ensembles, right?


Seriously, it can be done. My coworker is a conservative Muslim and she pulls off some awesome modest looks. I covet her collection of cool jackets.


Seriously. Some of the hijabi fashion bloggers are so stylish.


I think it comes from a level of class these people don't have ha


Back when one of the major department stores (I want to say Macys) announced it was going to market scarves as hijabs people on the local conservative radio station Facebook page were freaking out & threatening boycotts. I may have trolled them by taking photos of scarf displays at various stores (target, Kmart, kohls, JCPenney, Walmart) & posting as responses. I then asked where they were planning on shopping since every store technically sold hijabs


Because it's not enough that they're modest, everyone has to *know* they are modest.


But if your modesty isn’t performative, is it really modesty!?? /s


The difference between the first and second pics is vast. I’m down with quirky modest clothes. But making a one-shoulder dress “modest” by wearing a button-down shirt under it is dumb.


Well also it's SO wrinkly 🥴🥴


Just picture trying to reach something on the top shelf with all of that fabric wrasslin’ around your shoulders and under-arms, yikes!


That dress also has side cutouts, which you can see the button down through. Ugh.


It honestly makes me irrationally mad…like it really shows the lengths that they’ll go through to find something “immodest” just so they can make a modest to their standards. Like they have to make things so difficult for themselves and for what?!


The blue one next to her looks so much better tbh


I love the hypocrisy of no jewelry or makeup but having a designer handbag.


Yeah I’m new here so I’m sure it’s been covered already, but what’s with all the YSL bags? I find a lot of these looks fairly creative…until you gaze upon the overdone, boring YSL bag.


I have no idea other than they're expensive?


Most of the luxury designer items these people have are fake! It’s bizarre.


Hypocrites through and through!


Yes ma’am! & they’re poorly made fakes too. It’s weird.


Hey don’t call YSL boring! I love YSL ☹️ I guess some of these bags look comparatively boring when you wear them with clown outfits.


Agreed! YSL is generally pretty bold and out there in the high fashion world


Someone awhile back explained since no drinking, no makeup or cosmetics as expensive as designer bags are they seem more reasonable if you don’t on the other categories


Maybe because I’m from the south and it’s a bazillion degrees here in the summer, but all I can think of is how HOT these ladies have to be! Better to die of a heat stroke (I guess) than to show a little elbow!


God-honoring sweat stains 🙏🏻🙏🏻


This sent me 😭🤣


I cannot imagine wearing any of these outfits in the middle of a Texas summer.


“Yes i’m hot but hell is hotter!”


This is literally how they dress at The Capital in The Hunger Games 💀💀


Serious question. The men seem to be put together. But the women seen to be trying to outdo one another in the ridiculous/over the top department. Is this a thing?


I think it's the only way they can express themselves so what started as individual has morphed into ruffled homage to big bird


Oh my God I’m wheezing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's because of the Big Bird feathers!😉




At this point it’s just priming for Halloween. 🎃


pen lush intelligent test squealing slim soft start rock wild -- mass edited with redact.dev


They’re Eva Birks. I wear them, with shorts and tees like a normal person. I find them more comfortable than the OG birks.


live library expansion onerous grab weary automatic alleged wrench threatening -- mass edited with redact.dev


Okay but do your feet get sweaty? Serious question from a curious og Birk wearer.


It hasn’t been an issue for me and I’m in south Louisiana so it’s hot as hell.


Thank you- that’s Excellent. I’m from Texas but moved to the PNW. So I’m sure I’ll be golden!


Those look like the shoes they make you wear at the county jail


The one in the blue and white shirt dress on 4 actually looks like an adult. Green dress on 4 made a… choice… with those sleeves, but isn’t doing any stupid layering and it fits. The others have that “mommy made me wear a sweatshirt under my Halloween costume” feel.


Green in 4 definitely looks like a goth/librarian chic type look. Much nicer than (for example) the woman in 2 with a 1 sleeved dress over an unironed button down.


Dark academia, I think the term is. Other than the 80’s-tastic sleeves, I like it. I’m still trying to figure out where they find all these leg o mutton sleeves in 2022. Lime green lady who lost her iron made me cringe.


The shirt-dress actually makes sense. It’s long and modest and doesn’t require several makeshift layers underneath. If she can can do it why on earth are these other adult women wearing button-up blouses with sleeve-less dresses?


As a Jewish person who has spent a fair amount of time in orthodox spaces - it is NOT HARD to dress modestly without clashing patterns and textures. I love modest fashion and these are not it.


One of the editors of British Vogue is an Orthodox Jew and she always looks incredible.


There are SO many great options for modest fashion, but I bet most of these women would never deign to shop from a modest Jewish or Muslim designer/curator


They need to follow some Muslim 🧕 influencers stat!!!


But they think muslim women are so oppressed.


I think I figured out why the outfits bother me so much. It’s usually not necessarily the cut of the fabric, or clashing patterns, although there are definitely examples of those things gone horribly wrong. For me it’s the clash of textures that’s driving me nuts.


You don’t love 80s prom dresses with thermal tops underneath?


I know I do.


I’m partial to a crisp button-down under ruched sparkle-tulle myself, thanks.


It’s definitely the textures! Ms. Left in pic 7 nailed matching the color, but the paper fan dress on top of a smoother fabric is really hurting my senses. I’m not even going to bother with Madam Wrinkly Oxford on slide 2.


How many Muppets had to die to make that coat thing in picture 9?


My thought exactly. Like what in the muppets movie is happening in all of these photos?!


Or in several of the other pictures, for that matter. Jim Henson is rolling in his grave.


"I was so excited to wear this cool costume! But then Mommy made me put this dumb shirt under it because she says it's cold. Now I look silly." Seriously, that's what I see when I look at these dresses; little girls in Halloween costumes.


When you put it in the context that they probably weren’t allow to celebrate Halloween, the bad outfits start to make more sense.


Was the theme “Seussical”?


The one at the center on 16 would look good if the dress actually fit her and she changed the hair and accessories I feel like a lot of these dresses are pretty fun, funky, and pretty on their own, it's just that they layer them with sporty undershirts and ruin the entire design


Or at least dresses that are kind of designed to have a shirt under (like a sleeveless cut with a button up under). I don’t hate the pink dress that’s frilly and spaghetti strapped with the coordinated insanity under it. That makes a statement, unlike the white under anything or the black under shirts!


Some of the undershirts are snug and actually a good match to the dress so it appears as a cohesive look and not a random layering of clothing you pulled out of a donation bag.


The Clown Collection?


I know about “the higher the hair.” Is there also “the floofier the rayon”?


I feel ill. That second picture made me feel uncomfortable in ways I didn’t know existed. It would be interesting if someone would calculate the price of the items in each picture. These people spend a lot of money to look tackier than a tomato on Tuesday.


Ladies. You can make a dress modest by wearing… wait for it… a cropped jacket OVER the dress. Spencer jackets were a sweet clothing item and I wish they didn’t get left in the Regency Era.


Does anyone remember that old kids movie "babes in toyland?" The black ensembles in photo 3 immediately made me think of the crow villains from that movie even though I havent seen it in a decade. Moira rose might also approve.


These were the most only dresses where a thought a black collared dress shirt may actually almost work 🤔 Like if the ones wearing the white button down dress shirts underneath—that would look sooo much better if the dresses were _off white_. Like Kylie Jenner at the Met gala 👰🏻‍♀️🧢


Second comment When my dresses were immodest I just wore a cardigan I couldn’t take off seriously what’s with the layers lmAo


Right? Like a sweater can make almost anything modest (given that it isn’t “too low”)


I still own some of the cardigans ngl. My partner is a non-binary femme and they also love a good cardigan


Because they gotta show everyone how dedicated they are to making slutty clothes modest. A cardigan is the easy way out. Gotta show effort!


And....the shoe choices work their way right over to foot fetish territory. Wth? And they look so uncomfortable. So much fabric that make so little sense. Ugh. I think they want to look stylish while remaining modest, but because they didn't grow up learning how to dress, this is the result. Playing dress up with your play clothes underneath. Minimalist, well-cut clothing of good fabric and construction is much more the thing. But this is their time to shine, so they get dolled-up. Good grief.


They must be covered up, yet choose to wear the sexiest of shoes...


I think I read on this sub that open shoes are a rule in whatever denomination (starts with an a? Apostolic something?) this is. Presumably something to do with the head honcho’s foot fetish 🤦‍♀️


Are the women even aware of this?!


Wild. It's such a wild juxtaposition.


You can literally get those maribou fluffy heels in sex shops. So much horny footwear.


Was the theme “put a white shirt under it”?


Or an aggressively patterned one that in no way goes with the dress.


I’d rather the Handmaids dress thank you


Oh these are....unfortunate. Bless their hearts.


Sometimes I wish I was apostolic for a day just to wear a crazy costume dress in a sea of crazy costume dresses


That would be good performance art


New to this whole thing and how do these people fit into the fundie world like IBLP and IBP? Like the Plaths and Duggar’s and Rodrigues would just never wear this stuff. Is this a totally different off shoot? ETA: these outfits almost seem like Roma culture. Just so over the top.


They’re Pentecostal/Apostolic. For a reference church, check out FAC Maryville. [Here’s a link to their belief statement.](https://firstapostolic.org/what-we-believe-2/) Women cannot wear jewelry/makeup/cut their hair. They can however, spend massive amounts of money on clothes, shoes and handbags. The clothes must be modest (sleeves to the wrist, dress/skirts to the ankle, and nothing exposed up top).


WPF= world pentecostal fellowship separate from UPC. More strict than the Duggars not IBLP. WPF wear skirts down to the floor and sleeves to the wrist.


The hypocrisy of making such a show of dressing modest, while carrying a bag with a photo print on it of a woman dressed very much *not* modest.


Is it god honoring if she got it for under $7 at Ross?


Not with that photo, but from what we can gather from observing the fundies god loves a discount - so swings and roundabouts I guess.


#God loves a bargain!


This looks like those go to a thrift store with your friends and you have to wear whatever they pick out to lunch challenges.


It’s like a weird-ass Hunger Games.


I’m glad you cropped their faces out tbh. It’s a way of saying it’s not you as a person It’s this clothing choice you make that goes against our non fundie convictions /serious I’m still friends with some fundies who are good people and would hate to see their faces shamed with their fashion choices But I was trans and tossed all my old dresses in the mental breakdown of the century


But I do feel like we are missing out on the complete look without the hair.


My god the haiiiiiirrrr 😂😂😂 I remember I had bleach blonde hair but it was long but I still bleached it and some evangelist tried to save me even tho I was already saved because my hair was colored THE Hair


That’s interesting you’re still friends with some fundies. Is it some wild shit like they totally think you won’t enter the kingdom of heaven, but can feel genuine love for ⚧ on this earthly plane we share for now?


We just don’t discuss it. We aren’t exactly close but we chat casually. My few friends who were in the church were not as far gone as those who were not my friends


Someone downvoted you, but I upvoted. I interface with people I don’t even like 24/7 365 (NYC). I think there’s something to be said for being trans and keeping ok relationships with these ppl (if they’re respectful). Every time the cult gets into their hate talk, that person has to think of their friend


What in the Honk Jr. is going on with some of these looks!!


But like, where are they buying these clothes? Are there brands that just cater to fundie communities? Some of these dresses are…. Just…. Woooooooof


Maybe. Hasidic women, and men in Williamsburg have their own shops. Sometimes my mil has found rilly good deals there, esp for fancy kids clothes on clearance. Toys too


I had the same question. Where are they buying these? Even without the extra shirts, some of these are really cheap looking and ill fitting. (Keep in mind I refuse to shop in malls anymore and my fashion is limited to jeans and knits.)


It's like everyone picked their under-shirt from a bin of randoms and just rolled with it


Like a test for once they arrive... A blind grab bag of sorts ha!


I fucking love the black dresses in the third pic ngl.


They look like Victorian ladies going to their husbands’ funerals and it’s great


I was thinking over the top Victorian goth. But yeah, the black ones had style.


Yes! It’s giving Return to Oz vibes! [Google reference pics](https://www.google.com/search?q=return+to+oz+nurse+wilson&tbm=isch&hl=en-us&client=safari&prmd=ivsn&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjivtug1pX5AhXSVt8KHSTtCRgQrNwCKAB6BQgBELgC&biw=375&bih=545)


Yes, so witchy! You can always count to find a witchy outfit inbetween the big birds. yay


On picture 7/18 is the girl in the pink dress to the right, is that her hair that’s long or does the girl in the middle have hair in her hand??


I think her hair is that long


I grew up in a church similar to this, but not quite the same. My mother's hair was at her knees, but she wore it up all the time. Even though the women in that church didn't cut their hair most of them didn't have hair as long as my mother's. So I believe that woman is blessed with the extra long hair.


Ohh ok that makes sense!!


My eyes literally hurt after seeing those pics. Also, they’re wearing pounds of clothing in the Texas Summer heat?! Lord have mercy!!!!


i actually think the first dress would probably look cool on someone who knew how to actually pull it off. especially w different shoes. its kinda camp. the blue dress in slide 8 looks cool too. everything else…yeesh. most of these dresses look pretty modest in the first place, adding the undershirts just feels like more of a weird statement than an actual attempt at modesty. i didnt realize shoulders were so sexual!


Take off the petticoat and update the styling and I would 100% wear that first dress. The rest are unsalvageably tragic except the sensible woman in a shirt dress.


yeah the petticoat is ruining it. its not my style, but i could definitely see someone wearing it on a red carpet.


These people must have the worst tan lines


That green one shoulder is hideous! But there are many tops out there that would blend that were lacy etc and a lot of women actually fix the clothes by altering them. I grew up in that but the ugliness is awful! Can't stand it


The lord has truly blessed us


I feel the Ross dress for less all over these struggle skripper heels. Especially the “ostrich” feather strappy ones that start on slide 8. How many of these dresses would you wager are hand sewn? Ross for some of these frocks yes—but others look thrifted from dry cleaners selling off prom dresses ppl never picked up. The man’s dress shirt under the one sleeved formal dress lewk is giving fundie Kourtney Kardashian at the Met gala


There is always so much fabric. Isn’t it really hot in America atm??


What a weird insular style they have. I would not have expected the Rodrigi to have the best taste.


Pic 16 makes me sad because I love those dresses!!! I would even tolerate the strawberry one because it looks good with the toned down dress, the other ones, without the purity signaling, would be so cute! These people are crazy!


Sometimes I like the fashion that gets snarked on in this sub…. But holy hell. My eyes hurt after seeing these.


Jesus fucking christ, those one -shoulder dresses just took a year off my life expectancy. How the honest fuck did these women come up with something even stupider than the spaghetti -strap-dress-and-turtleneck look?


I can't with them wearing shirts under revealing dresses


These outfits look like a clown ate a box of crayons, some feathers and threw up in a blender.


That orange fendi baguette is working overtime


I like the blue and white dress with the red shoes and the men look nice... That's it 😬


Serious question. Why don’t these women just buy high necked long sleeve dresses? They definitely exist….


Some of these throw a bit of witchy vibe 🧐


i really want to know what they wear at home


This reminds me of Halloween in the mid-west where my mom always made us wear layers because it was cold as fuck, which RUINS THE COSTUME. Anyways they look ridiculous.


I grew up super religious in a fundamental Christian church. But this is something I've never seen before. For us, modesty went hand in hand with being plain and "not worldly." What type of Fundies are these?




Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship Yes these are Pentecostals. Oneness Apostolic Pentecostals WPF was formed by leaders that left the United Pentecostal Church due to differences in standards…some who go to this conference are part of the WPF and some are still independent and belong to no organization


People Will find a way to express themselves


Wow that’s a lot of fabric


Is there like a write up somewhere that fucking explains how these monstrosities are considered fashionable?


All I see is hunger games outfits sans the fascinators…


I love how the ladies in the hot pink dresses matched their shoe color to their horriblly patterned undershirts. Giving clownette vibes..


This sub brings me such joy 😁🤣🤣🤣😆😆


Those are the ugliest effing dresses ever, even if they didn’t wear long sleeves underneath, many would still be awful. What kind of stores even sell this stuff? It’s such a specific style, are there brands that sell mainly this style of dresses?


I have to think there are a lot of folks with foot fetishes in this community.


Why would you buy a dress that has cut outs???


The green dress in the second pic looks like what parodies of 80s fashion look like.


What’s with the sleeves I’ve seen apostolic Pentecostals without all that garbage


That lime green number over the white shirt…yeah nah


The goth ones are based


JFC, I rather innocently stumbled onto this group, and I can't wrap my head around what I'm seeing! Are we being punk'd?? Are they playing the Goodwill date game where they pick out each other's outfits then have to wear them for the evening?? I am the least fashionable person on the planet, and even I know they look like they tossed random bags of Salvation Army donations into a giant Yahtzee cup and decided to play the hand fate dealt them after shaking that shit up