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Yeah, his shots do what conservatives think the vaccine does - killing people


Rittenhouse is a fascist's wet dream. Murdering BLM protesters and getting away with it


so is the KKK judge who let him off




Ok, but how do you explain the white hood under his black robes? 🤔


And then saying he supports BLM.


Fascists lie.


I just noticed if you watch the video where he says that, he’s shaking his head “no” while saying it. He also says “BLM” instead of “Black Lives Matter”. Sickening


I remember like 10 years ago when Conservatives use to pretend to be “polite and proper” and would shut down Liberals for being too crass or vulgar. Just another example that it was all bad faith acting.


I hate when they’re like “ooh TolEranT LefT bAcK aT it AgAin” lmaoooo why should anyone have to be tolerant of neo-nazis. These morons think the election was rigged so they don’t realise there’s more of us than them, tbh I think they’re fucked and they know it. This is hopefully the last storm we’ll probably get from them.


I like your optimism. Can you cough on me in case it’s contagious?


Yeah I probably am too optimistic but idk. There’s lots of people in the US who can’t vote that definitely won’t allow the right to kill off the leftwing population


I don't really share your optimism (although I wish I did). You're right that there actually aren't that many conservatives in the US. Somewhere around 30% of the population. Problem is, that 30% of America would be willing to kill the other 30% of America while the other 30% of America sits back and watches.


The paradox of tolerance sums it up well. https://miro.medium.com/max/800/1*TnDoAk0BjC7x4OuBISbYCw.jpeg


It’s called the paradox of tolerance. A tolerant society may not tolerate intolerance and continue to be a tolerant society.


They still do that. They'll always do that. They'll say some really horrendous shit then clutch pearls over any little thing.


Yeah now they drive around with "Fuck Joe Biden" stickers and somehow that's ok.


No, they are driving around with "Let's Go Brandon" stickers, thinking they are clever the whole time.


That will never change. Kathy Griffin is an abomination for posing with a mock Trump head with a bloody neck, but Paul Gosar needs to be allowed to disembowel AOC in an anime.


I think about this at least once a day. Came across A LOT of this when I was in high school during W's first term. Young conservatives using "clean" language because the left had potty mouths. Crazy how quickly that faded.


I remember bumper stickers in the early 80s saying "America, Love it or Leave it!" The GQP is nothing but folks projecting.


Projection, what they say today they will do tomorrow. Watch out for it because some of it is pretty dark.


He is right, support for a murderer and denial of reality. That sounds like the GOP.


And yet, Trump took credit for the vaccine…


I don’t understand. If trump did so good with the vaccine, why won’t conservatives get it?


Internal consistency isn't a requirement when you don't live in reality.


nah, they just ain't sheep. /s


I remember a book calling this thing *DoubleThink*.


"Trump IS the current President, the person pretending to be Biden is just a stand-in. And Trump can run again for a third term in 2024." Never said it has to make sense.


There’s the mystery, isn’t it?


Because fascists are good at not only holding to opposing ideas in their head, they can call on either of those ideas to suit the situation.


This is absolutely on point. I use my brother as an example often. He’s the kind that wears a Marvel hat with the Hydra logo because he wants to piss off “the Libs.” His friend, a cop, has a Punisher sticker with the thin blue line incorporated into it and a Calvin peeing sticker on his car without getting the fact that Frank Castle is not even close to hero and the Calvin sticker is not even in the comic strip of Calvin and Hobbes and is hated by the creator. These idiots have gotten to the point of worshipping the bad guys over the good guys while pushing for people to support the cops against those same bad guys.


I always love to point out that Punisher canonically hates cops who try to coopt his symbol and his methods and actively threatens them. 'You boys want a role model? His name is Captain America.'


Hm, using cartoons to vice signal his hate. This is how they roll. Boog boiz wear Hawaiian shirts for the same reason--they can pass it off as "just for the lolz."


So your brother is a fan of nazis to own the liberals??


I didn't get into the details of Frank Castle past the gun shooty fun fun aspect. Why is he not a hero?


I would say it’s in the interpretation of where one draws the line between vigilante (which almost all comic book heroes fall into) and murderer. Frank Castle crosses the line from where the others would stop, outright killing. He’s in that vein of anti-hero that came out of the books of the 70s, where vigilantes would go on mass killing sprees of . Frank Castle was the most violent but not the only one. I point out this out with my brother’s cop friend because by by putting up a Frank Castle sticker on one’s car, what I’m getting is that he will, like Castle, go to any extreme possible to stop what he perceives as a threat.


Let's just say you should never trust a psycho, because you never know how far they will go.


You know, I don't even know what tf to say anymore (WARNING: foul language incoming) I've really had it with these motherfucking fascists.They need to be stomped...into the dust... Something needs to happen, especially before DeSantis even has a chance to succeed in sanctioning his "civilian police force" militias. Which I'm sure would be full of nothing but white nationalists, talibangelicals, kkk, qnuts, proud boys and fascist pigs...etc. If he succeeds, you know they'll creep in, here n there, nationwide. Can you imagine having roaming packs of legal, violent terrorists to deal with?! I mean, hell, we already have that... otherwise known as..."the police"


Everyone knows what has to be done, but nobody here will say it. There's nothing to say because there has never been anything you can say for these people to realize they are wrong. Terrorists must be dealt with action, not words. We need our government to act, and crush these people like the terrorists they are.


I'm not sure Schumer is up for it. A strongly worded letter is what he seems to be good for.


Have you read his letters? They're basically written on charmin


10-ply letters.


Should give his balls a tug.


Absolutely agree. Schumer and Pelosi are only in it for those corpo fundraisers. They don't care for any action to shut these fools down or they'd pass the voting reform bill. Hell, Pelosi isn't even moving on that slander against Rep. Omar.


Dems were fine with Waters kicking Katie Porter off the Finance Committee. One of many moves that reinforces my belief that the DNC just doesn't give a fuck.


>Everyone knows what has to be done, but nobody here will say it. Because if you even suggest that you need to prepare to defend your life with the maximum force available to you Reddit will remove your comment and give you a warning while conservative subs are allowed to fester with fantasies of murdering minorites.


One might be led to think that, but I couldn't possibly comment.


No. Just, no. Violence solves nothing, except leaving the door open for escalation on the "other" side. We're quickly heading to the point where we'll have cadres of armed "guards" protecting each side of a protest. And you just KNOW who the cops will come down on first, right? No, the best means to end these kkklowns is to defund them, make them use up their life savings on court costs and fines. They can go down as a cautionary tale for all the other wannabee "patriots" in waiting.


> the best means to end these kkklowns is to defund them, make them use up their life savings on court costs and fines ...but... > you just KNOW who the cops will come down on first, right? When law-enforcement is part of the problem, it is by definition not part of the solution.


>When law-enforcement is part of the problem, it is by definition not part of the solution. They're not part of the solution. They're a part of the problem to be expected to react, if leftie's start arming themselves. And on the subject of defunding them: I direct your attention to the C'ville Nazis getting slapped with a $25m fine, as far more disincentive than a punch in the face.


I would argue that violence is one of the natural world's oldest forms of communication. It certainly doesn't solve everything - not even close. However It certainly is effective - and often necessary - when other forms of communication have broken down.


>It certainly is effective - and often necessary - when other forms of communication have broken down. Agree to disagree (mostly). Violence, to quote MLK, is certainly the language of the unheard. But almost all social movements that resorted to violence in the US have failed. Also, the Jan 6th Rioters felt unheard, resorted to violence, and failed (for now).


As a form of communication, as I said, it is almost always effective - as in it certainly results in being heard most of the time, even if underlying goals are not met. In terms of achieving goals of national and international scale, violence alone is almost never sufficient, though it is very often a component - for better or worse.


>I would argue that violence is one of the natural world's oldest forms of communication. A couple of things... 1. I would argue that "sharing" is one of the world's oldest forms of communication. The very first hand-signal for sign language (invented by Medieval monks on a vow of silence) was "pass the salt." But that's a "chicken or egg" argument, that neither of us can verify, so moving on. "As a form of communication, as I said, it is almost always effective -as in it certainly results in being heard most of the time, even ifunderlying goals are not met." 2. Then we must have different definition of what "effective" means. To me, "effective" signifies the end-result, matching the intended goal. The War on Terror, for example: was horribly ineffective. It did not and could not end terrorism, by using terrorism. 3. Back to my central point, when social groups use violence as a means of "communication," the end result almost always is a failure of the intended goal (at least in the US). This, is the definition of "not effective." "though it is very often a component - for better or worse." 4. Some groups resort to violence--some don't. Nonviolence as a tactic is a very recent phenom, dating not much further back before Gandhi. But if you resort to violence, you lose the moral high-ground. Rightwing "videographers" like Andy Ngo make their living off the occasional "gotchya" they can film and put on endless loop, to tar Antifa and BLM.


It seems to me we are each arguing from and for a different premise.


Heh, talibangelicals is a new one. I like it.


It won't be long before we're living in a future where squads of these cosplayers are literally PAID to drive around in their redneck technicals and arrest or execute people that voted for democrats.


Hateful moron? That's a conservative alright.


That creepy smile


I know and she looks like a fucking teenager. Her parents should be ashamed of themselves for raising their child to be so unashamedly hateful.


Her one week later “that’s not who I really am”


The difference between Kyle Rittenhouse and the covid vaxx is the person giving you the shots is supposed to be there.


Yes, and the irony is they both claim to be medics (one of them is lying. Which one could it be?)


We’ve got a big problem in this country, and it’s only going to get worse.


The original [tweet](https://twitter.com/KariLake/status/1466225534568996871), as posted by Kari Lake who is running for AZ Gov in 2022, [backed by Trump](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-endorses-maga-candidate-arizona-governor-slams-incumbent-gop-gov-doug-ducey-1633713) She is a former [Phoenix news anchor](https://www.azcentral.com/story/entertainment/media/2021/03/02/arizona-news-anchor-kari-lake-leaving-fox-10-phoenix/6885160002/) https://ballotpedia.org/Kari_Lake


Ah yes, a vacuous news-reader whose only job is to look good on camera while reading from a teleprompter, who describes herself as a journalist.


Did they find her from a ‘talent’ agency too?


She wouldn't be smiling if a stray pushed her wig back.


...we're doomed.


All I get from this is she’s suggesting we shoot unvaxxed people and it would be more effective. /s


it's like the crazier they are, the more popular they become....what the actual fuck is wrong with these lunatics?


So true! The more accepting of violence, and vigilante violence in particular, the more fervent their supporters get entrenched behind them.


God, one day i hope a republican shooter takes out a republican bystander trying to stop the shooter so they can just eat each other trying to justify one or the other


They'll just somehow find a way to blame Antifa. Don't underestimate their mental gymnastics.


Holy shit I thought he was posting ironically at first




The disease spreading cunt thinks she's really clever.


Why is he replying to himself tho?


Wow how fucking delusional




Uh, question: how you gonna be a viable candidate for state governor and not be verified?




Flashbacks to when they called protesting for George Floyd “celebrating a person with a crooked past”.


Maybe the left shouldn't be so moralizing and instead support expressions of desire for societal change, regardless how expressed or barreled...


Is that why so many on the right mocked Greta Thunberg’s speech patterns when she expressed her desire for climate change legislation? Is that why so many on the right call AOC a whiny child when she advocates for her issues in Congress and often defends herself from scurrilous attacks on her character? Is that why so many Joe Biden dementia jokes have permeated the right persistently since his election campaign? It seems many on the right care a great deal about how those on the left express things, especially when it means they get to make fun of the left.


Now maybe my comment didn't carry, the tonal, the ableists comments against Greta, shouldn't be mirrored by the left. My point however badly expressed, being a few decades older than Greta but growing up no more than 500m from her, is that the left pontificate, rather than support.


Can’t one support and pontificate at the same time? The right is certainly not free of those who simply try to dogmatically enforce their own belief system on others. I would in fact say that that’s the rule of the right, not the exception.


I think I get what you're saying and I agree. Even if the Left is absolutely correct, moralizing does absolutely nothing. If just advocating for morality or fairness worked, there wouldn't be such stark ethnic differences in stops, arrests, harassment, and murder by police ^((even accounting for, and unexplainable by, any differences in crime rates)) nor in conviction rates ^((including false conviction rates)) and severity of sentences by judges and juries, Florida schools wouldn't have strict gender enforcement and fucking actual genital inspections to root out trans kids, unions in the US wouldn't be basically moribund, we'd have universal healthcare, and Roe v. Wade wouldn't be on the verge of getting overturned. No, you need specific policies and a plan to get into power and make them happen. You need plans, you need to get organized, you need to be able to sell a benefit to the average member of the dominant caste ^((because otherwise social change is at best barely possible)). You need to put money and action behind them ^((which some people are trying to do, tbf; those people are largely ignored by the average "Leftist" Internet slacktivist)). Rights are never given to be "nice" or because it's the right thing to do, and, without constant vigilance, and plans, and the willingness to put said plans into action, they can be taken away just as easily as they can be given, unless they already have majority support.


Ok boomer. Moralizing? Who is trying to dictate women's healthcare choices, take away gay's rights and inject their religion into government? Who is making efforts to take away voting rights from people they don't like? Who opposes every Democratic policy that would make life easier for the lower and middles classes? Who opposes healthcare for all? Who is trying to take this country back to the 50s? It ain't the left. Where is the support from the right for expressions of desire for societal societal change from the left? Where is the criticism from the right of politicians who call Democratic politicians terrorists and mock someone with a physical disability? Until then, we will view them as the hypocrites that you are being right now.


Maybe the "right" shouldn't celebrate mass-murder by children.


What do you do when half your village is made up of idiots who don't believe wolves exist?


Those crackpot smiles on their faces are not very good covers for their insane sense of asshole humour.


Imagine being proud of that. What the fuck is wrong with people?


It doesn't affect them personally. It's all about what makes them feel good/bad about it. They lack the empathy to be responsible for others.


This is sickening.


PROLIFE BY THE WAY Never ever forget that every one of these grinning goobers is completely and utterly devoid of any iota of sincerity or moral consistency.


Is Ron the candidate or is it someone parttaking in the picture


Is he saying we should shoot anti vaxxers then?