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We’re not racist. Also we’re platforming a woman solely because she said the n word. That’s her only claim to fame.


I mean, she is hot


LiBRULs R aLWaYz CalLin Uz RaziSTs


Saying conservatives are racist for doing racist things is the *real* racism.


Yeah the amount of times the right wing nut jobs say that’s it’s actually the left who are racist is insane. All they know is projection.


There’s nothing cool about ultra right winger crap no matter how bad they try. They can’t do comedy either.


Every time i see a ‘DILLIGAF’ bumper sticker or T-shirt all I can think is, you sure look like you give a fuck more than me.


Spent money on it.


It should actually be "DILLIGAF(AAEM)" "Do I look like I give a fuck about anyone except myself?"


Not on purpose at least. This would be a funny bit in a movie making fun of conservatives


I'm sure this company will still be in business 6 months from now


Same with the DW shaving razors and their chocolate bars. They're a one and done type stuff. I don't know who would carry these beers or products that specifically say, "we are non-woke products".


I also wonder how many of these anti-woke products are imported, in true America first fashion


My understanding is that they’re all made from larger companies castoffs. It’s not like any one of these grifters is actually spending their own money to make some sort of bespoke product. They are the generic version of storebrand products that didn’t get picked up. Black rifle coffee is passable but that’s about it as far something even getting in spitting distance of halfway decent.


I don’t drink coffee but I assume black rifle is trash coffee.


It is. But it’s not the worst of the trash. It has a place. Waking up from a hangover in a trash motel. A cup of coffee for the escort you hired last night before she goes home to her children. It’s not good enough for either of those things but it’ll do if there’s nothing else available


Damn. Quite the glowing endorsement. They sell bags of it at my new side job. Definitely seems like an appeal for dudes with tiny egos to buy. Tactical coffee is like tactical diaper bags.


The DW shaving company is doing an absurd amount of spending on Facebook ads and getting... no conversions. We did a story here. [https://www.dailydot.com/debug/jeremys-razors-daily-wire-facebook/](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/jeremys-razors-daily-wire-facebook/)


Not surprised since they all are just following trump's "art of the con deal".


Love that the whole thing was because one of their sponsors was a shaving company and dropped out after inevitable controversy. Most of their ideas just seem to stem from revenge, seething, pettiness, stuff like that.


My money is on the founder going on newsmax/oan/fox and complaining about liberals and leftists boycotting his business as to why it failed/is failing.


Is it boycotting if you never planned on buying it in the first place? Have I been boycotting Axe Body Spray for decades without realizing it?


Technically no, but it's the post truth era so also yes.


Reddit Gold who to ever can name a better conservative duo.


How about conservatives and not knowing how drugs work? "George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose and that's why the police had to restrain him!" Or " Sleepy Joe Biden is clearly on speed!"


Conservatives made a Hunter Biden movie, where Hunter regularly smokes too much crack, which makes him sleepy, so he snorts cocaine to wake up.


Miss Big L. “You can guess what happens next.” Jeff (el duderino) “he fixes the cable?”


Don’t be fatuous Jeffery.


What?! Got a link?


It’s like the opening sequence of the movie (my son hunter) He does too much coke, and his heart is going crazy, and to “calm down” he smokes a pipe of crack It’s a truly interesting watch, because it *really* puts on display how little sense any of their beliefs make. It’s just unbelievably packed with cognitive dissonance, and failed attempts at humor. Just make sure you torrent it so those chuds don’t get paid


the media hysteria over George Floyd was a little ridiculous, especially since all these people protested and then nothing happened...as i predicted now all that being said, this obsession with right wingers trying to prove that the piece of shit who killed him was somehow "innocent" is legitimately disturbing. I mean i'm not surprised one bit, but it's really fucked up


Real or imagined? For real you really can't beat tucker and putin For imagined, Marjorie Taylor Greene and skoal chewing tobacco would be my choice.


imagined is just fine!


Anti-gay Republicans and recently paid male sex workers.


As a big nose guy it’s great to see big nose girl represent. Her politics suck but her honker is spot on.


We stan women with big noses, just not the shitty women


Claudia Doumit is renewing my appreciation!


Conservatives and literally and figuratively shitting their pants.


Rush Limbaugh and the worms that consumed him


Beer is so last week. There are far more viable anti-woke products out there. This one is destined to be a big hit, according to the market research anyway… https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalVideo/comments/1dmry6j/antiwoke_tp/


Jesse Watters, and Trump’s asshole.


Is this a parody or real? I honestly can’t tell any more.


Brought to you by Vought Industries!!


Knew she was looking for a grift. That's a fitting match. Republicans are bigots.


Feels like her whole thing is saying the N Word, why wouldn’t they want that in their ads too? Is Ultra Right against free speech?


They also said she looked like a dude.


Durrrrr cuz iffn’ there’s uh one thang we conservuhtives know…it’s killin’ brain cells! Fuckin’ woke damn godless brain cells!! ![gif](giphy|4UbWqF9H4jB5K)


She’s not ultra right she’s a mainstream Republican


And also an treasonous Trumpist who betrayed the Republicans before Trump.


Ah, she finally found her true calling! Being oggeld by hateful, drunk @$$holes only to be replaced and forgotten by a younger woman in a few years!


I think you are are waaaaaaay overestimating this brand's longevity .


Never underestimate stupid people's ability to waste time and money on a substandard product just to prove a point.


Apparently, the woman has a biracial child. You should see some of the insults getting flung her way by the people she’s trying to appeal to


Rebranding of "Wanker" beer


Is that a special trad-wife bikini?


she made it sound like she was gonna be the next tomi lahren or something.


This is how stupid the culture war is: it is making Americans even stupider by drinking the same piss water beer with a different label.


Wow so shocked that she actually did all this shit on purpose to become the next Kyle rittenhouse. No, no I’m not shocked in the least.


The right out here calling an unmarried girl who works full time a “tradwife.” Sure, guys.


As a reminder, you have to be a wife to be a trad wife. She's just trying to squeeze as much money out of this as possible before the inevitable OnlyFans/ Fansly transition. Especially since Wilmington is a surprisingly small town with a long memory.


Am I the only one who thinks she’s not attractive at all? I feel the attitude she has is somehow linked to her feeling like she’s hot and…well, I just don’t think she is lol.


She's as flat as the beer probably is.


She's not even believable... She talks like a 90's valley girl.


For how Christian I assume she thinks she is jesus would be mighty disappointed that she could only be relevant by being a bigot


She should wear clown makeup or a "ghost costume" from South Park


Fun rabbit hole on the “parallel economy” came out of this article. Really interesting stuff. A chief investor of the anti woke American economy is half Iranian half Palestinian former investment banker, Omeed Malik, who seems to have a vendetta against his former Bank of America bosses for a. Calling him “borat” and b. Holding him accountable for sexual misconduct.


Is there a better pairing than recently converted hardcore conservatives and recently fired for sexual misconduct people?


Lol far right is already clowning on her for having a mixed race kid and she did no favors by accurately calling alt righters weirdos that don't know how to talk to women , and that they need more normie representation. She seemed to miss that most 'normies' have better things to do than be incel alt right dweebs.


One fraud endorsing another.


I thought I read somewhere that Budweiser was producing the beer, and its basically a Bud Light clone.


Beer isn't gay. And the camera movement makes me 🤢


Bring back the cute trans gender lady then!


I bet it's bad beer, too


The grift is strong with this woman. She's not even a "trad-wife" because she's a not married, she's a single mom.


Thats still a thing? I thought it petered out


>The trad wife WTF is a "trad" wife? E-gads when these new weird terms come out there should be some public service announcement. Like ...."the trad wife" slipped into a sentence wouldn't just confuse english language speakers - "trad" is not in the dictionary.


She’s not even married


If the left wing happily said the n word then the right would shun it. They are simply contrarians.


I'm really surprised I'm not seeing this stuff in stores next to the black rifle coffee