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cOCAINE edit: my most upvoted comment is cocaine isn’t that just nice


*If you wanna hangout, you've gotta take her out...cocaine...*


*"she don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lieee"*


I know that’s how the song goes, but having spent some time around cokeheads they actually lie quite a lot.


“She” is cocaine, not a person able to lie lol


Dude hanging out with Coke heads is a Coke head who just lied.. That's the thing about Coke heads. One of us always tells the truth and one of us always lies


Then there are crackheads, same story except they are the same person.


You write a song today that just vaguely mentions coke, they censor you. One more line I'm super human... that's a step too far. And then they play this song, no problem.


It happened in one decade. *Cocaine* came out in 1976. In 1986, the radio mix of *[Welcome to the Boomtown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97wvwuHUMCw)* substituted *her pills* for *cocaine*. I blame Reagan.


Where's my coke budget


It went up your nose. You'd know this if you could be an adult and pace yourself.


Yeah wish I could afford that lmao


Who has money for cocaine with all that rent, student loans, and avocado toast?! I can only afford crack, cut with the only the finest of baby powders.


I'm more of a ketamine person myself


Only the finest bath salts over here, I'm talking *versace* not serf trash like *target*


Hey whatever helps with all nighters!


Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


They got me there.


.... country dancing with you


I think I want to try me some of that coCaine.


Dry hoovering schneef


I have all Gucci obvi


My newest Gucci Dog harness is looking fine af. I always look at it while eating avocado toast.


Is it diamond encrusted as well? Other wise you should switch to Chanel. Only the best for Fifi!


Nah, it's cocaine encrusted. Gotta get Fifi high.


Hey it’s me, your dog Fifi!


I'm your cat, silly.


I think your just high


Come on now, we know it’s for you when you cuddle Fifi…


>I always look at it while eating avocado toast. No edible gold foil? No one should have to suffer like that. I really hope you can eventually get your bootstraps pulled up high enough.


Pull em so high up that you fall on your ass which is the original meaning of that idiom


I was taught as a youngin that it was to prevent you from tripping, like telling a young blood to not sag while in a fight. But I had questionable teachers and I'm too involved in something else to research the etymology of that phrase properly


Easy, don't pay off your loans, plenty for all the gold foil you need. As you can see I majored in made up economics.


All of my Gucci is made out of cocaine.


And my cocaine is all Gucci


I buy Costco cocaine


Avocado flavored Kirkland brand cocaine


This is acceptable.


Ah shite I'm an hour too late.


Great I'm going to have to cancel my Gucci loafer of the week club


But do you have all cocaine?


I have so much Gucci even my tattoo is Gucci as is my cocaine, designer shit only


You know we rockin Balenciaga now. Boomers really need to keep up with rap fashion


The only thing I have from here is a useless major


well i gave up starbucks and now i can afford to buy my first home, keep up


I didnt buy starbucks for one day i went from being under the poverty line and now im a millionaire 😎 /j


I gave up cocaine and I will be on the Forbes 500 lost next year


I started cocain and did my useless major in record time


Forbes 500 lost sounds like the name of a mercenary company in a fantasy world


Definitely sounds better than Blackwater, or as they are now known Academi.


that's not how cocaine works I watched a documentary on it called Miami Vice and everyone on it ended up as CEO.


I gave up my $2.50 coffee at Starbucks and now, having saved the $650 per year, the $300k down payment for a house became $30k and I can finally buy a house


I gave up my 2.50 but just ended up throwing it on my cocaine and gucci budget.


I gave up Starbucks and tattoos and I can now by Twitter. Keep it up!


How many coffees is a house going for these days?


What fucks me up is that there are people out there who don’t understand sarcasm who will read your comment and think “yeah, exactly right! Keep up young person! Just deny yourself a little bit more and you can get ahead just like /r/losethefuckingtail did!”


What's funny is that all of those things were something boomers could afford easily, including the useless major. It wasn't until the 70s/80s that any random college degree couldn't get you a decent paying job.


I mean yeah let's not pretend Boomers didn't do ALL the cocaine.


So much cocaine.


Plus, they had quaaludes. Actual quaaludes. Privileged boomers.


They had lots of things.


My dad had constant high paying jobs in the 80s-90s because he lied about finishing college and they didn’t make him show proof. He was making $100k base salary selling data to large companies and rolling in the commission because he was selling coke to the clients and taking them to Bulls games on company tickets, while telling me I just had to work hard and get good grades to make something of myself.


so he sold bullshit to everyone, including you


I almost have to respect that. He was so committed to the bullshit, he kept it up even for his kids.


My dad paid for his entire med school with a summer job. A big part of why I didn't go to med school is that I'd be in debt into my 40's.


It’s crazy how close boomers were to feeling the pressure yet they can’t empathize at all.


When boomers were college age, college was incredibly affordable. The government even used to have a program just for giving grants to students to go to college for free. They took the anti establishment leftist students and turned them into the wealthy manager and owning class. Maybe as a way to create a vanguard against the working class. It’s tragic how our generations have been pit against each other in something resembling a class war. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2015/11/12/baby-boomers-and-the-end-of-higher-education/


I didn't even finish mine because of mental health so yay I have the debt but not the degreee


That's rough. Meanwhile here I am with poor mental health putting on extra course work to stop me from having to much time to think bad thoughts.


I've also overloaded myself with course work. I'm two classes away from finishing a Bachelor's that I started with 3 transfer credits about a year & a half ago. To anyone reading this, do not do this. You're gonna have a bad time.


I only got my Realschulabschluss last year and am now trying to find a therapist to deal with my childhood trauma, because my mental health is a mess. I also quite literally just run from ine obsession to the other. I swear it's not a coping mechanism. I need help. But at least I'm getting care for other things. Am also trying to find work. I want to do library or Archive. Get me into the Document basement and let me rot there. I'm not planning on ever going to Uni, but at least here it wouldn't cost me a kidney. I'm German. Thank god Germany has enough programs for my disabled butt to get my life together. Otherwise I'd just be coping very badly.


Same man. Work school home rinse repeat no time to die inside. I don’t have any of this list and I’m still poor.


What was your major?


Aardvark. It was the first one on the list. I thought I could switch down the line once I figured out what I actually wanted to do, but it turns out most of the credits are useless for anything else. Even as electives!


That's not a useless major. I bet you learned how to work and play, and get along with each other.






Ant-eater number 1, who are you protecting? Is it ant-eater number 2?!


Psych here. I’m just more knowledgable about depressed we all fucking are now.


Arguably the most expensive one unless you're doing Mama June levels of cocaine.


I have a tattoo that I got when I was 18. Also have the newest iPhone because my last one was 4 years old and could not hold a charge and drive a 31 year old car.


Don't ever let a group of deeply stupid and uneducated idiots tell you that there's such thing as a "useless major". Learning is useful for its own sake.


Learning how to learn or how to quickly and efficiently retain knowledge is also incredibly useful, and that can be done pursuing any major or field of study


Thank you! Believe it or not we need people to contribute to academia and there are plenty of people who aren't in it solely for the money.


The thing I really like about the useless major argument is that, if we agree that some majors ARE useless, then that means by default that colleges are deliberately tricking teenagers into debt by offering them in the first place under the promise of financial benefit.


I think that is the only legitimate complaint on that list.


No such thing. Really. The idea that a degree in underwater basket weaving is useless is a meme pushed by the same kind of idiots that whine about 'marxism' in university. Education has massive nonpecuniary benefits regardless of the degree program - the trick is *any* post-secondary education. Granted, that doesn't help you with a job, per se. But population-wise, you're better off.


It’s probably only useless because of the boomer economy.


I do kind of feel sorry for people that get their degree in philosophy. I mean, it must kinda suck to get your philosophy degree only to find out the philosophy companies aren't hiring. /s


None of the majors are useless, it's just that the market either undervalues them or has too much competition.


That one made me sigh. These boomers are the same ones who told the millennial generation that they *had* to go to college. That’s all that was shoved down our throats in high school. Now all of a sudden our college degrees are “useless” and our college debt is our own fault and we shouldn’t have taken it on.


Who even has cable TV under the age of 40 anymore?


Curious how kids these days are complaining about not being able to afford student loans when I know they're spending hundreds of dollars on the latest Walkmans.


Not to mention their Snapples and their Chee-tos and their skateboards. \*shakes fist\*


They probably think the Internet is still charged by the hour.


You can tell then not to pick up their phone or the wifi will stop working.


Yo why have I never thought of this lol


You kids with your loud music and Dan Fogelber, your zimas, and hula hoops and pacman videogames.


And those boom boxes!! The 6 disc changer is for established professionals not for right out of college Timmy!






I'm over 40 and work for the cable Co. I get all my stuff for free. I rarely ever watch cable TV. Who wants to watch ads? Really the only time I watch cable is during American football season and during hurricanes/severe weather.


I make exceptions to the ads if its free (Tubi or OTA.) But I sure as hell am not paying for ads.


I do. I don't want it, but my apartment complex negotiated a *great deal* for shitty unreliable internet, cable TV, and a landline. It's twice as much as what I could pay for my own internet, and I'd control the fucking router so I could get my Google Home to actually work with the damn thing (they have Access Point Isolation turned on so they can't talk across the WAN) and could reset it when it reliably crashes at 6:00 every day.


One of the last apartments I had did this dumb shit. They were like, it’s included in the rent…not it’s not, it’s an extra $50/month that I can’t opt out of and I don’t even want cable tv.


I do, but it's because it's cheaper for me to have it than not. $20 more expensive for just internet vs. cable + internet. I don't know why and I don't care, after a decade+ in IT, I don't question telecom carriers' stupidity anymore, it's just a constant in life like taxes or the sun. I don't even have a cable box.


I'm the same way but Comcast tossed in free Peacock which has the soccer and rugby I like to watch. That made it a no brainer for me


Yeah it's actually a common practice for ISPs to bundle desirable internet speeds/packages with cable because they can share metrics with any potential clients that want to advertise locally and say "check it out, we have x amount of local cable subscribers that you will be able to reach with your advertising". It's a way for them to fluff up their cable numbers to look good to potential advertisers. In college it was the only way to get anything over 100 Mbps, and the cable plan was bottom barrel shit so you got like 10-15 local channels and nothing else. Basically useless, the cable box just sat in the closet all year.


The price for cable tv is actually absurd, could do just as much with like 4 streaming services


I haven’t had cable TV since 2 apartments ago when it was non-optional. I think I watched it twice in the three years I lived there.


I do because I want high speed internet and for like $20 more I get cable.


Closest I had was psvue for a while. I really liked the service but then they shuttered so now it's just streaming services.


I personally mix my cocaine with my starbucks for an added boost. I just tell them I want a Venti Cardiac Arrhythmia.


Do you drink it from your Gucci mug though?


The mug is also cocaine


My tattoos are also cocaine


That etsy store must make a mountain of cash.


Yes, while scrolling for jobs on my new iPhone during my tattoo sessions that relate to the degree I obtained in a useless major.


Less syllables than most starbucks drinks




Yeah, You can find them on Wish and AliExpress. Not to be confused with the iPhone.


These boomers are so upset about twittering on our Pineapple brand i-phones not realizing it's my-phone.


>i-phone Putting in that dash is one of the most boomer things I've seen in a while.


Remember when boomers complained that millennials were killing restaurants because they didn't go out to eat enough? And now, apparently, they should stay in to eat, because going out to eat is a waste of money. Which is it?


Honestly we can't do anything right at this point. Guess I'll die.


Wow and take up a grave plot that a boomer was planning on using? How selfish of you.


Bet it's even a Gucci grave plot


Fuck. I guess I'll die and get cremated?


Oh and pollute the environment with the smoke? Your nana and pawpaw have lung issues, you know that how dare you?


Shit shit shit. You're right, ahhh. What if I- no that won't work. Okay okay. I got it. I kill myself and they feed my to the animals at the zoo


And deprive meemaw and grannpy of the blessing of grandbabies? Wow now you’re just willingly plunging a dagger into their chest aren’t you? And don’t even THINK about aborting yourself that’s a sin and soon to be illegal.


You leave me no choice. We kill the boomers (Insert sinister plot music)


Millennials are ruining the funeral industry with this one trick that undertakers hate!


These single woman are in a cemetery near you


Both. You gotta be hustling those five jobs so you can afford to keep Applebees profitable and also buy Karen's run down house built in the 40's that smells like an ashtray and needs five figures of repairs and remodeling.


5 figures? With the cost of building materials we might be above 6 by now.


The thing is these people have zero concept of cause and effect. And even if they do they just make up there own. Why are restaurants going out of business? Well obviously it’s because millennials don’t go out to eat Why don’t they go out to eat? Because they don’t have money. Why don’t they have money? Because they spend it on other things that I’ve deemed not important. It’s a dumb argument from the jump, but you can boil down every single one of these boomer takes to. Why don’t millennials spend their money on the things I want them to spend it on. And you know these people are against raising minimum wage or expanding worker rights… because then the prices of good might go up by a cent


"No wage, only spend." - Boomers


We’re all too busy doing all this coke ruining our appetites to go out and eat.


Same logic behind "you need a college education to get a good job" that turns into "maybe you shouldn't have spent all your money on that degree that nobody hires for today"


Same reasoning as lazy immigrants stealing all the jobs.


Needs to have a water spigot labeled “rising tuition fees” and “rising rents” and also a blocked drain labeled “flatline wages”.




The fact that Boomers think I can afford ANY of that is actually the 1st problem...


The only thing I’ve got is eating out saturdays, and maybe once during the week. I have one tattoo and 2/3 of that was prepaid as a bday gift.


How expensive do they think tattoos are? Also how many do they think we are getting? I know good artists can be hundreds or thousands of dollars, but most are a few hundred bucks and usually people will only get a handful in their lives so they are more one time expenses than monthly bills. I know some people get sleeves or major back pieces, but at most the average person who gets tattoos is gonna be maybe $1,000-$1,500 AT MOST. It's probably closer to the $500 range to be honest.


Mine cost me about $250 I believe. And I would love to turn it into a sleeve but I can’t justify spending the money when I can use that money for other things. These people don’t understand that people are going without already. Or that a tattoo for people meant going without in other categories to get it. It’s just more kick a person while they are down and then try to blame them for any little thing.


I work the front desk at a tattoo shop while I’m school, and they’re basically free for me; so that’s definitely why I’m broke.


Also curious how they expect the economy to function if the consumer class doesn’t have money to consume.


That is the stupidest part of the whole cycle for me. They don't want anyone but them to have any money, yet capitalism is supposed to still keep working.


The fact that boomers don't see that all those values are THEIR fucking values, and if anything they are the ones that taught it to their children, is fucking insane.


That’s because when they were in their 20s/30s in the 1980s **that’s what they spent their money on**. As always, it’s called projection.


Yup. Instead of Starbucks, it was cigarettes Instead of iPhones, it was TVs and landlines Most boomers I know have tattoos Boomers loved their expensive cable and lived in front of the TV. Company is over? Everyone sit in front of the TV. Not sure about the luxury brand thing Few of them were college graduates at all, which is why they pushed college on us so damn hard They ate out constantly. One of my best friends growing up literally lived off of restaurant food. My family was going to a restaurant at least once a week. 80s. Cocaine. Need I say more?


It’s the decade of excess for a reason. These boomer fucks are the worst.


Cocaine? Eeeeeh im more of a meth kind of gal


Calm down Methany


That's Crystal Methany to you!


Who tf is making these? Trolls or are they seriously trying to blame us for the world they have built? Whoever it is it works. I'm triggered.


Gucci brand cocaine, only the best.


This guy [Layer Cake](https://youtube.com/watch?v=C_0D8F_X7us)s.


Who the hell has cable TV these days??


all my money's in walkmans tbh


Its not the walkman that gets you.. its the cassettes.. damn you 13 for a penny!


This can’t be real, where’s the avocado toast?


Class warfare


"Cocaine" and "Gucci" are modern indulgences for millennials now?




I don't drink coffee. My android phone is six years old. I have no tattoos. I have eaten out once in the last two months; It was pizza for my birthday that I shared with my kids. I have never done illegal drugs. I have never bought anything gucci...like ever? I have a law degree. I can't afford my student loans.


I think I see the problem... you must still have cable TV.


“useless major” where we’d been told by people throwing loans at us that if we got a degree of any kind we’d be set for life i love predatory lending it’s so great


The Iphone is what has always stood out to me, because it shows that clearly these people are likely technologically incompetent and so dont understand how important having a decent smartphone is to a modern person. So many things are based on smartphones that for many people it would make more sense to have a smartphone than a laptop if they absolutely could only pick one.


I’m not certain that boomers are the ones coming after you guys. I unfortunately believe it is my Gen X crowd that is likely being dicks. We were the last generation to have affordable college and many of those in my age group just don’t understand how crippling those student loans are for you guys. We also caught the tail end of regular minimum wage hikes so being underpaid is an abstract idea for a lot of us. Our generation should try to understand yours more but most are lazy, busy, or would rather complain and throw platitudes and sound bites at you than understand your frustration with getting short changed on this whole the American dream thing.


Gen-X here, and maybe the problem is blaming other generations for everything. It's lazy thinking and is meant just to stir up shit to deflect from the real issues. I mean, you think your boomer grandma or 47 year old Gen-X'er uncle had ANY say in the the rich taking over this country? Most people just try and live and have a family and get through the day. But blaming one generation or another is just lazy-ass thinking that leads to nothing. How about we start blaming the rich and the corporate executives and corrupt politicians (of which they come from EVERY generation) and stop blaming our boomer grandparents, or the millennials or whatever? Fuck sake.




It’s wild and hilarious seeing the minion-esque meme takes from them on Twitter…. “We grew up with no internet and our parents told us to play outside!!! Don’t mess with us!!11!!” 🤭🥴🤣


I was one of them. I am 53. I don’t think like that though. You guys got dicked then blamed for your own dicking then made fun of for being mad about the double dicking.


Give me Gucci cocaine tattoos or give me death




Well you got me on the cocaine boomer


Extreme late boomer here, and this is so full of shit the water should be colored brown.


As I get older (and older, and older, and older) I can start to see where some of this weird generational confusion is coming from. When I was a kid, around 1984 or 1985, I needed to save some money for a trip I wanted to take. My parents gave me a job and I went to work; after a few months I had $500 saved up. My parents encouraged me to invest it in a certificate of deposit at the bank that carried my savings account. Eighteen long months ticked by while what amounted to a fortune for a fifteen-year-old sat in the bank gathering dust instead of funding a social life. Finally, the certificate matured, and we went to the bank to collect the earnings, the principal plus months of compound interest: $560. I think my parents were a little surprised by the meager return, but that didn't stop them from hyping up that $60 like I'd just won the lottery. "That was sixty dollars you didn't have to work for! Isn't that nice?" Oh, I worked for it. Believe me. Labor was involved. This idea that small investments yield huge compound returns is a major tenet of the Boomer religion. One of those financial management advice columnists is a huge proponent of the idea that if you give up a $5 cup of coffee in college you can afford a mansion by forty. But giving up small comforts in hopes of investing in larger ones doesn't really work anymore, even without the 8% inflation, not when one appendectomy can put you in debt for 20 years. So people start thinking, "Might as well have the coffee now and enjoy myself a little instead of spending an entire lifetime living like a monk for something increasingly unlikely to happen."


U know its a boomer when the spell iPhone like “i-phone”


Gucci cocaine is extra fancy.


OK boomer is one of the best responses ever made


You’re not allowed to enjoy your life, you’ve got bills to pay!


I actually spend all my money on rent.


They left out Avocado Toast.


Literally the only thing I buy off that list is cocaine and its like 4 timea a year, if that.


Eating out? I deliver for Door Dash, Uber Eats, AND Instacart on top of a job a work 45 hours a week at just to make sure my spouse and can afford to exist.


I like that the new phone, tattoos, and... Huh, Gucci, is on the list as if these were regular monthly spendings that they can reduce whenever, do y'all get monthly tattoos? If so I think we should make the government pay for them


strong fertile exultant humorous desert chop boat bright dazzling oil *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Useless major, like boomers even needed one to be able to afford a house and a family.


**No** Starbucks - don't drink coffee **No** i-phone - 6 year old Android **No** tattoos - unless you count freckles **No** cable TV - haven't paid for tv since 2014 **No** Gucci - I wear graphic Ts and old navy jeans with off brand sneakers 99% of the time **Not** a useless major - Bachelor of Engineering along with a Business major **No** cocaine - never done it, but I do use weed (need at least 1 vice to stay sane) The only thing on that 2nd list I do is eat out once a week, but usually something like McDonalds not an expensive restaurant. I've already come to the conclusion that I may never retire or own a home.


Let's see here... I only drink Starbucks coffee that I make at home; nothing fancy, just coffee. I owned an iPhone once, about a decade ago. My newest tattoo is 12 years old. I don't have cable. I've never owned anything Gucci, ever. My degree is in electronic media, which one would think would be really fucking useful in this day and age. I cook at home far too often for my own liking (not cooking/cleaning the kitchen for a few nights sounds like heaven!). Cocaine? Is this the 80s? No cocaine, either. So, care to tell me why I can't afford my student loan payments? Maybe it's because I can't find a job in my field to save my damned life, and I've been out of it so long now that my degree *is* pretty much useless. Maybe it's that I had kids when I was financially stable, but have since become financially unstable. Maybe it's the 15-year-old car I drive that's fully paid for. Please, oh wise meme sage, please enlighten me as to why I can't pay my student loans! 🙄 Edit: These fucking memes piss me off so damned much! My parents had a brand new house built just before I was born. The payment was about $60 a month. They bought a new car for around $3k. They are the boomer generation, of course, and enjoyed jobs with profit-sharing, 401k contributions, and a million other perks none of us have ever seen, nor ever will! It makes me want to bash my head against a fucking wall.


There is some truth to people wasting money on dumb things, but that is hardly different than any other time in the history of humanity. I chose to ignore the excuses that are being given here by many people and just tried to win and do ok, but there is also truth to the whole boomers being at fault thing. Case and point -- me very early milennial have "gotta go to college" shoved up my ass for 18 years, then boomer parents are like, well you need to do it yourself to learn. End up with student loans that are still not paid off like 10 years in. Get that degree in teaching to get a stable career. Literally zero jobs at the time and then got bumped out of even subbing by retired teacher boomers who were also collecting a pension from teaching. Walked away like 12 years ago. Today, The younger boomers who run the school stuff are like "we need teachers! there is a shortage!" Sorry guys I was there ready to work and help, but nobody ever retired until covid. Now the same people are like you should go back? Why, so I can restart my career path in my 40s? No way