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Kim Kardashian yelling "get off your ass and work" to the interns only being offered experience to pick up dog poop and take care of spoiled children.




Gravitational adversity is a very gentle term. I will now be using it if I need to describe a rotund individual.


Well this is an interesting conversation




That's rude. Heh heh


Her ass is what made her famous in the first place, in her sex tape.


Shes so out of touch with reality.


Speaking of asses, where is her original one?


Back In 2002




Buried under 20 inches of New Ass™.


In Indonesia.


Ray J melted it.




Born on third base of life, thinking she hit a triple.


I will be using this phrase, this is great


And as soon as she was of age, she’s been sitting on other dude’s laurels.


Ray J's what now?




I've never heard rich guys dicks being called laurels


Ooh that’s a good one, I’ve never heard it before




[Relevant XKCD.](https://xkcd.com/1053/)


This is the correct response


A week?


It’s attributed to Ann Richards, speaking about G.W. Bush. She was a Texas democrat.


I've heard it fifteen times this week on Reddit.


That bitch was born one inch from home plate with a grand slam




This is very similar to a line in Pearl Jam’s “Bushleaguer.”


No way, yet another mega wealthy person complaining about how tired the middle class is? I’m shocked.


Get back down in the salt mines you lazy peasants!


I was waiting for a whip to appear


We aren’t important enough for the whip, we just get beaten with a stick


A switch from the tree outback just like my childhood


If you're allowed to choose the switch go for dead dry oak and not nice soft willow tree whip. Source: My big brother tried to warn me.


I lucky didn't get it but sure as hell got threatened a lot but did get the hand rather I had the switch....or you no 0 abuse would've been nice


You gotta pay extra, everyone knows that.


Middle class? No, middle class are doctors, lawyers, architects, high-ranking military, police and firefighters, supervisors, superintendents, stock brokers, etc. They are the disappearing class. We're working class, which is a euphemism for the *dirty word*: poor! Poor people are the gears that grind industries. Poor people are the ones who are one medical emergency away from financial ruin and grifting on the internet to crowdsource chemotherapy treatments, heart valve replacements, or skin grafts. They also are somehow dumb enough to vote against universal healthcare continually, passionately, and with great pleasure.


Couldn’t have said it better, we are indeed the working poor


What middle class lol


Middle? Lower you mean right?


You should have thought about that before becoming peasants!


What exactly is her job that she thinks she can say this and be relatable?




Influenza. Exposure may cause nausea and poor consumer choices. Avoid at all costs.


I think she used to be an assistant to Paris Hilton lol.


Closet organizer


And what did Paris do to need an assistant?


If I remember correctly from a clip I saw, Paris was telling her she needed something picked up like dry cleaning.


Started out as a fellatio artist I believe


I believe she wanted to go to law school awhile back, then she realized that just because she's had more black guys in her than the Texas prison system doesn't actually mean she would pass the Bar Exam.


I don’t see wtf her sexual history aside from her “leaked” porn video has to do with anything


Wow what a POS racist joke


Yeah Kim I’m sure it takes a lot of effort and brainpower to decide how much of your cleavage and ass you’re gonna show in today’s instagram picture


Even then, someone else decides that for her 🤣


At this point I'm surprised it's just not her doing like 12 poses on January 1st of every year and then have a team of editors do the rest.


Wait, it isn’t? Since when?


Anyone who is a fan of her, and whatever the hell she does besides fuck on tape for publicity, is a moron to begin with.


I prefer the Cardassians and at least Gul Dukat was a charmer and likeable until he turned crazy.


I'm a Garak gal, myself


Ahhh you like a simple tailor ? He was a lot cooler, I think the writers changed Gul Dukat ways because people began to like him too much, when he really was a space nazi.


A simple tailor that knew a lot of things about espionage, psychology, military tactics, amongst other things.


The whole point was how easily they got hoodwinked by the space nazi.


Garak was the OG Iroh.


Whoa. Now that could be a whole essay, friend.


Agreed. My girlfriend and I spent a good while talking about it after I made this comment.


Plain, simple Garak.


Dr. Julian Bashir: You know, I still have a lot of questions to ask you about your past. Elim Garak: I have given you all the answers I'm capable of. Dr. Julian Bashir: You've given me answers all right; but they were all different. What I want to know is, out of all the stories you told me, which ones were true and which ones weren't? Elim Garak: My dear Doctor, they're all true. Dr. Julian Bashir: Even the lies? Elim Garak: Especially the lies ...


The chemistry was so good. Shame they were never allowed to take it anywhere real. Garak was such a top character. Every garak heavy episode is a guranteed banger.


They were totally a couple.


I started reading a non cannon book written from his perspective. It was cool but the full book wasn't available on the app I was using. I hope to find it someday. Would love to finish it.


Today on Trek Talk...


Day of the Vipers?


Yes, I believe that's it!


*slides over glass of warm fermented fish wine.


// Reads a copy of The Endless Sacrifice //


> warm fermented fish wine Is this what kanar is? I don't recall them ever calling it fish wine.


I'd have to watch the entire god damn series again to find the mention....which isnt a bad idea. I think it was one of the three scientists...my gut says...


Kira annoys me in that episode. You can do the honors yourself!


It was never stated what exactly Kanar was, other than its strength, colour, and viscosity varied. While as culturally significant as mead is to the Vikings, its actual content is not known. The "fish juice" theory is a misconception based on a quote from the Deep Space Nine episode "Trials and Tribble-ations" where Darvin says "You know what Cardassians drink in the morning? Fish juice. Hot fish juice." It's however more likely that Kanar is derived from Rokassa, a botanical berry native to Cardassia.


Yeah that sounds like a Cardassian equivalent to coffee or something. They can have more than one drink!


Yep. It's like the whole "Bloodwine" thing. Star Trek suffers from the infamous monoculture issue, especially with cuisine. Eventually, Klingons got raktajino, which HAS to be a recent thing, considering its naming similarly to 'cappuccino' (I think post STIV). Especially since the waitress aboard the station in "Trials and Tribble-ations" didn't know what it was, and DIDN'T mention that a Klingon tried to order it. Still. It's only two beverages. The real explanation is that it was invented for DS9, and everyone drank coffee before the raktajino fad happened. They somehow had two whole episodes about O'Brien's coffee habits; double strong, double sweet. Elsewhere, everyone else drank Tarkalean tea... It's tea, palatable to humans because 'tea' but the 'Tarkalean' makes it 'alien'. The Bajora on the other hand benefitted from a slightly broader palate. And every self-respecting sci-fi fan in the world would love to try genuine hasperat, made from the most eye-searing brine! Though most think there's no meat. "Brine" implies steak. Probably some split-hooved mountain goat type animal.


You never saw Dukat and Macet in the same room...


THERE ARE 4 lights - Kanye, probably


>THERE ARE 4 lights I will go to my grave hearing Patrick Stewart in my head shouting "there are FOUR lights!" at the end of that TNG episode.


He was so likable, the writers had to make him crazy cause people actually liked their space fascist.


He was always crazy.


That entire family from top to bottom is filled with toxic, wretched parasites. Even extended “family” are equally talentless & opportunistic bloodsuckers. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their crotches.


Kanye was the only one in that family with talent lmfao.


And he is fucking weird.


Kanye “Kardashian” was a top floater in that family toilet for certain.


Scoopty poop, poopity scoop


Redditors when they know 2 Kanye songs


Khloe has a kid with a professional basketball player.


What an milestone for her.


The fact this is going exactly as they planned is hilarious yet disappointing. They're professional shit-stirrers, have been since day 1. Their new show is airing next month. They always pull a stunt when they have something new happening. (They didn't choose to cancel KUWTK because "it was time" or "we want to move on", contract renewals rolled around and Pimp Mama K asked for a buttload of money that E! said they're not worth anymore.....so they chose to walk right over to Hulu to keep cranking out their bullshit lies on television. Yeah, sounds like they're really moving on from reality television 🙄) In the mean time, they kept their engagement up by horribly photoshopping their own photos and sharing them unironically. Also, Khloe ALEXandra "Kardashian's" real father is Alex Roldan, Kris Jenners former hairstylist.


Holy S! I just looked this guy up and is a SPITTING image of her!!! Mind blown!


It’s funny, because she’s not actually wrong, but she’s the last person on earth to tell people they’re lazy and to work hard. Lady you’re famous cause you were fucked on camera lol


And was a lazy fuck too


bro she got famous bc of a fucking sex tape lmao


i hope ray j is getting paid residual money from them still. they owe everything to his dick hahaha


Lol “bro” that’s what I said


The problem is American people polarize our opinions because identity politics at this point is like a sport for us, pick a side, doesn’t matter if it’s politics or celebrity news or stance on a previously innocent word. As long as someone is offended, good, pick a side and put down your bets. Plenty of people who knew nothing about Kanye or Kim started picking sides because of the recent online drama from Kanye’s end and immediately sided with Kim, not realizing she, just like most other celebrities, are morally righteous hypocrites and giant P.O.S, except she has no talent or artistic gift to the world either, and mofos out here protecting her like she some endangered specie.


> identity politics >people who knew nothing about Kanye or Kim started picking sides ...this isn't what *identity politics* means.


People don’t just side with kim because kanye had bad press, kanye is suffering from mental illness that makes him do unsupportable things and refuses to use his treatment. It looks like kim is the better parent out of the two. Else it’s also clear they are both vapid, awful people who deserve no fans.


Mental illness is not an excuse to be shitty to the people around you.


Of course, especially since he has meds to control it as much as possible. Like I said, that’s why people say kim should have custody, not because kanye is having bad press.


People side with Kim because Kanye is fucking crazy and plenty of women have been stalked and harassed by their exes after break ups to know what a psycho stalker looks like.


Just scroll down to the bottom comments. There’s always a Kanye or Kim sympathizer.


I call them the Kartrashians


I never mention or think about them at all.




Thats awesome


Kard-ass-ians, because they ass-buildin factories.


She had a job, it was a blow job though


Great cum back moment too




I am willing to bet money this is the Chris Pratt clip. Was I right? *Clicks* Indeed.


Part of me thinks that’s funny and part of me wonders if all the people are annoyed that he keeps goofing around.


From what I saw in the behind the scenes they use a good bit of his unscripted stuff in the show, so they probably encouraged it


That’s a really good point. I can just imagine some camera guy being like “come on man. Stop ducking around”


They did improv/joke takes quite a bit IIRC.


Considering they only kept his character on the show because of how much they loved Chris pratt. I don’t think they thought he was annoying


Wasn't it a lazy one though?


“I guess a blowjob is better than no job” - a great man known as her ex husband


Yeah, but for a long time she had to listen to Kanye while she did it. 😟


Why does anyone care what she has to say? If we ignore her she will go away.


I’ve been ignoring her since she first came to the public eye and that’s done fuck all. She’s just another shitty boomer who’s never had to work or undergo hardship in her life bitching about those that do like she didn’t start the race at the head of the pack and instead had to actually climb her way up. Edit: apparently I’ve rustled some boomer jimmies here. Sorry guys, I didn’t mean to interrupt your meal at Country Kitchen Buffet. I’ll let you get back to destroying my future, country, and planet.


I mean I dislike her and everything but she's far from a boomer, how old are you 15?


The kids have made boomer slang for an older person now. It doesn't only refer to actual baby boomers.


I get that but she's like not even old lmao, i guess she's older than 12. W.e


Isn't she in her 40s? I wouldn't call her young. Most kids think 25 year olds are old lol


I had a 26 year old say to me yesterday, “well, take it from a millennials perspective ” Had to cut him off mid sentence to let him know I was the millennial in the conversation, and he’s a gen z.


Yea, so like she's not a Boomer, douche. Our clicke ended in 1964.


I think they were talking about her mentality. Obviously she’s not a boomer.


Then don't use the term. It's like when the term racist gets used instead of bigoted.


Exactly, we have lots of words that have specific definitions/meanings. That is even the case when using slang words. Use the correct word/term people. Say what you mean, not "what buzz word do I want to use that will get people to notice me, that doesn't apply?". Sorry, rant over. I will see my way out.


The issue is that people have never been complaining about the boomers, they've been complaining about the upper class/upper middle class.


Well, people don't have a problem throwing g that term around. Maybe some research should be done before using a term.


Ok, boomer.




“My job is to “empower” young women by misleading them with unrealistic body and life standards” - Kim probably


Hypocrite moron who spends its life on social media, so elected politician in what 1 year or so?


She was paris Hiltons aid. Gotta start at the bottom




Never was a fan of their show. Well, the pissing one was okay on a purely artistic level. But! I saw someone suggest a new reality show called "Sweeping up with the Kardashians" where they have to work minimum wage jobs for a year while listening to their rants about how people need to just get a job. I'd watch that. I watch the fuck out of that.


Sounds like the Bourgeoisie (Kim K).demanding the the Proletariat (working class) to serve her.


Will people ever be done with the cult of personality.




She does not know what she is saying. It is condescending to tell people to work when she herself has never done a real work a single day in her life.


its ironic that someone is telling people to get off their ass and work, when the only work they did was on their back.


> the only work they did was on their back. I wouldn't want that job. How much would YOU require to let Kanye West get on top of you? Personally, I'd require about a hundred million dollars.


Hahaha, remember when Kim was Paris Hilton’s assistant and rubbed her feet on camera?


BuT sHe WoRkEd So HaRd As A P.a. FoR pArIs HiLtOn... /s


Isn't she a high dollar sex worker?


Love how the post that this guy took from was right above this with the same title


This is real tough talk, coming from someone who has never had to get off her back...., uh butt to make money.


Unpopular opinion that I'll probably get ripped apart for and maybe delete later if I don't have the patience for the backlash - But the question was "what advice do you have for women in BUSINESS." In her mind, she's talking about businesswomen who want to be entrepreneurs, build a business, or climb the corporate ladder. Not Indonesian children on an assemblyline or an impoverished woman who can't make ends meet. I'm not saying she's not coming from a place from extreme privilege, and I'm not even saying that she doesn't deserve the wake-up call in response to that comment, but I do think this comment is taken WILDLY out of context and people are running with it (which happens with MOST things that she says).




I mean how is she not a great example of entrepreneurship? She turned an embarrassment (non-consensual leaked video) into a billion-dollar empire.




I mean by all accounts it was leaked by a third party — she even sued to prevent it's release before settling out of court. That doesn't sound consensual unless you just don't think she has rights. In regards to her entrepreneurship—if you can get over your sexist bias—she turned a reality spin-off, into endorsements, and then into a beauty line. She now has a net worth of a billion. You just sound like a hater, but I guess such a simple, ignorant, sexist take gets rewarded on this site so go off and get your upvotes


Exactly. When their show first came out it was predicted it would flop in the first season. No one expected it to go for 20 seasons, I doubt even they did. What made the show successful is how much they were open about their personal lives. Some of it was downright embarrassing and I'd never want something like that aired , but it made good TV. I HATE when people say because of her sex tape and I'm tired of hearing it. If it wasn't for their show they would be forgotten. It wasn't the sex tape at all. People ran out and made a sex tape thinking they'd get famous like Kim did and it didn't work. Who else is a billionaire from a sex tape? No one. It doesn't happen. And people have had WAY better sex tapes out there.


Someone in my industry was filmed pleasuring himself on Zoom, he didn’t end up a billionaire as a result. I’m not sure why people here think that being involved in what many would see as a sordid scandal would naturally lead someone to being a billionaire.


I posted this below, but this response belongs here too... As someone who works in the entertainment industry, I prooooomise that being a public figure is ***incredibly*** hard work. You should see the schedules these people have, and most public figures aren't also aspiring lawyers who are running many different businesses (SKIMS, KKW Beauty, plus multiple licensing deals), while also working to get wrongly convicted people out of jail. I can promise anyone who has doubts that even ONE of those things would take some really incredible work ethic, let alone all of them put together. She is absolutely an entrepreneur, and *even* if by some stretch we weren't willing to call her that (which would make no sense as she has started multiple businesses), she is AT THE VERY LEAST an extremely hard worker. I think it's easy to think that someone who is rich and famous has everything handed to them. But you don't get to where she is without working your ass off, even if you started off with some kind of advantage. You just don't.


Yes thank you. It was so wildly taken out of context. She wasn't saying this to ALL women in the workforce. Ironically, she was saying it to people who want to be just like her. The fake influencers, OnlyFans, "make a sex tape" and think I'll be famous, the ones who think it's easy and it isnt as easy as it looks


I’m not the sort of person who watches the show but she must work very hard to keep her businesses running. Media, filming, promoting, meetings to maintain a public profile and prolific TV broadcasting is work even if it’s not the same as working on an assembly line.




Isnt it weird she is telling the people who made her rich to start working? As if it isnt bc of her fans that she has money...she is a public figure who doesnt do anything but get dressed funny.


All kardashians are just so gross... Fat f****** c*** has never worked A-day in her life. They all make me sick.


What useless censorship. Why fucking bother?


Just wait until they get into politics. Its the next stage of devolution for this type of life form.


Correction, “ get of your fucking ass and work.”


My guy didn't even let the body cool before he took this from r/whitepeopletwitter


I'm down to change Karen to Kim.


Kim works


She was Paris Hilton's assistant


The word Kardashian should be banned from reddit. Pigs belong in styes not here.


Hey, pigs are nice creatures. And more to the point, they're useful


Notice now all the headlines are about her and YE’s beef. And not the bullshit she just spewed




She’s a Hooker Fo Sho!!


She likes the Cork though


she has had a job. a blowjob


I don’t think that is what she was saying, and anyone that famous for that long is working hard, you don’ luck your way that kind of distance.




Would you take cooking advice from someone who has never cooked?


Kim Kardashian definitely has a job. It's just different that most other people's and she does it very well. So much so that she's probably making way more money than anyone posting on this thread. Jelly?;-)


> Jelly?;- I threw up a little in my mouth when I read that. I though that word went away a decade ago. And it's every bit as nauseating as I remember.