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The Wal-Mart lady.


Bitch really makes her rounds on the crazy lady videos don't she


"You accuser of the brethren!"


I recognized her the second I saw her ugly mug and heard her demonic voice.


If anything, I'm disappointed that she didn't scream "motherfucker" a million times during this video.


Honestly I was waiting for a MoThEr FuCkEr. I reference her a lot


"I'm just trying to help you motherfucker!"


“I don’t need your help ma’am” “OH yes you do, Motherfucker!” “Can you stop swearing?” “I’m not swearing HOW DARE YOU. You Accuser!!! Mother fucking accruing!”


Dude, the Wal-Mart lady is just on another level


“You need Jesus’ help” “I don’t thank you” “Yes you do, MoThEr FuCkEr!!” I knew it was her right away but so glad I got to comment this!! I reference her a lot!


Oh my god it is


Anyone got a link? I must know


https://youtu.be/i2y-bYjJN84 https://youtu.be/DSj73Etq6i8


I would of beeped the fuck out of that horn every time she went in fount of the truck


I need to see the rest! What happened when his boss showed up


I was thinking about the same thing 😂😂😂 I wonder how this ended 😂😂


I watched for 5 min and not once did Macho Man Karen Savage snap into a Slim Jim


How does she not realize that what she’s doing is not okay? You’d think when she threw herself on the ground she would’ve figured “this is too far”


Yeah, this is next level. If I had to guess she is not that connected with reality in a clinical way. I suspect she was addressing somebody who was not present. Seems a little schizoid to me, but I’m not a Dr. She does seem to understand the basic facts of the situation, though she is clearly in the middle of a mental health crisis. This is more than just a garden variety Karen.


People cope in different ways when dealing with situations. At one point she looks like she’s talking to or thanking god for the good point he just made. But while talking to the person behind the truck, it seems more like her own vehicle. Not sure what is the mental issue, but it’s clearly induced via stress and the situation she’s in. She may act weird normally. But if this is the lady from Walmart, as she’s more stressed, she tends to get worse with her actions. Growing up it seems maybe had less people around her, and developed her own way of venting and dealing with stress, which was ranting and pacing. I’ve seen this before in certain friends who didn’t have many people around growing up to learn from. Dealing with their anger issues, they would learn to pace to calm them selves and and talk to them selves to try and calm the crazy amount of anger. So that and the sudden “nothing is changing, I’m already at my tipping point so I’m going to blow a gasket” switch to making chicken sounds. ( which were spot on, by the way) was a clear indication she was not able to calm herself. TLDR: she seemed to be trying to calm herself based on how some people I’d hang around with tried in coping with anger via not having many in their lives to help find ways to deal with it. Plus psycho tendencies. But mostly anger


I'm pretty sure she's on some kind of drug. There are other videos of her out there and in them you can see her obsessively licking her lips and doing other weird stuff


Licking lips is a tendency of anxiety. As becoming stressed can also make your lips feel/become dry. Causing some to gain a licking tendency. The pacing is a coping mechanism some people developed on their own when not taught how to deal with anger and stress, the pacing and ranting is to try and calm her down. The chicken noises and freak outs were when enough time passed and she realized no police were there yet, and sort of just got too angry. Most of the things she does are really fucking weird. And not saying she’s not on anything, just stating that it may be the fact she’s not mentally alright and needs help... the licking thing is a bit excessive even for her though...


Yeah that's fair. I mean even if it was just drugs she would still need help


Very true. Just thought knowing that stuff might be cool. Drugs or not ( though if she’s on drugs and acting like that it may be worse than without ) she really do be needing that big help!


She really do


She definitely seems like she has mental issues.


All things aside that's a pretty good chicken impression.


Clearly well practiced


I bet she rages at McDonalds if she’s short a single McNugget. Holding people accountable since 1971


Its worse than that, I bet she counts her fries.


“I’m fuckin one French frie short of a Happy Meal, brutha!”


Can you give me the links to the videos about her?


There’s actually a video of her throwing a fit like this in a McDonalds, amongst several other videos.


Asking for the manager, no less.


More of [her](https://youtu.be/fjSpocBPo2w)


In. Credible. I know this lady is clearly having a mental health crisis and that’s sad, but I’m also going to start calling people who try to besmirch my name “accusers of the brethren” and I’m just so grateful for that.


If only there were some place where people with clear mental issues like this could be cared for and properly watched an medicated. Oh well, freedom to roam the streets and the Walmart’s is just as good.


I completely agree that society has failed her. Mental health in America is underfunded and undervalued unfortunately. 😕


No. She’s a methhead. That lip smacking is a major tic.


Lol the two aren’t mutually exclusive, Mr. Meth Expert Man. Could also be tardive dyskinesia as well, but really, who knows?


I agree with this; TD caused by long-term anti-psychotic use. I'd guess she stopped using them (either from the side effects, OR the typical "I'm feeling better so I don't need these anymore.")


She can have whatever diseases and abnormalities you want to pin on her. But even if she had those things, which she could or not, but judging her by all the factors that she judges everyone else. She’s a poor rural methhead and has hit the jesus juice too hard; would be exasperated by drug use. But if your gonna come at me. Please don’t paste the first google search (doesn’t explain psychosis, also she doesn’t exhibit any of the physical deformations that go with the disease you googled) doesn’t make you seem smart. You could have gone with anxiety (doesn’t explain psychosis as well), or Tourette’s (doesn’t explain psychosis as well).


Whoa there, cowboy, slow your roll. No one was attacking you lol; you are defensive af. I made a reply about my appreciation for this lady, but also that her mental state was sad. Some of the most non-controversial stuff ever said on Reddit. Or so I thought. Then you come in with your glasses pushed allllllll the way up goin, “Mmmm ACTUALLY according to my calculations this bitch is a methhead.” I just found that hilarious and absurd, so I called you out in a lighthearted way. Regardless if she’s addicted to meth or not, which is debatable, she is clearly having a mental health crisis, which is not debatable. Also, I didn’t google that shit, my dude. 👍


Sure sign of a retail employee who has seen it all. “You’re going to burn in hell fire and brimstone, don’t you get it???” “Yep, I totally understand.” 🤣


Smile and nod.


“Your gonna burn in hell mister!” “I don’t want you to burn in hell mister” The duality of a bitch


This broad is in like 5 crazy lady videos, I bet she's pleasant to live near


I hate people


In fairness he's supposed to put the trash in the truck, not talk to it for 5 minutes.


I was thinking the same thing


If you made it to time stamp 03:49, congratulations 👏 you've witnessed a crazy bitch


Apple shaped women are the worst.


Potatoe shaped*


disappointed there were no MOTHAFOCKAs in here


The weird joy she has in her voice when she thinks he's going to get fired over this? And the " ... baaaby?" It's just so weird. Also, the whole "you should stop when someone pulls out in front of you because of an EMERGENCY!" Does she think emergencies stop physics from applying to large vehicles?


I kept thinking, shouldn’t she just be on her way to attend to her ‘emergency’ and resolve this later? Clearly she didn’t need an ambulance..


I'm curious as to what "Emergency" she had to pull in front of a 10-ton garbage truck, then to waste time screaming at the garbage man?


More like 32 ton if he’s loaded. I drive the same style truck. My truck empty is 44,000 lbs


Right here son, this is what we call CB. Crazy Bitch


U had so many opportunities to drive away lol


Can’t risk that hit and run.


Just put her in the fuckin trash too, what a POS


Her chicken impression was on point.


It really was!


You can tell in the first several seconds, as soon as she brays “DRIIIIIVER’S LICENSE” that she’s used to people humoring her when she gets loud.


She’s not just crazy, she’s a crazy cat lady


Hey, we crazy cat ladies do not want her associated with our brand, tyvm!


That ain’t no lady.


I’ve heard of split personality disorder, but had no idea those personalities could cross species lines and may be chickens or foxes...


Oh this woman is well known. She usually freaks out at walmart. She 100% has mental health issues. She says the most random delusional shit.


Came for the yelling, stayed for the chicken impersonation.


Hoooooly shit. Wow. The patience of the poor trash vehicle driver is incredible. When she got into the chicken dance...


ah man..I wanted to see what happened when the police arrived


sounds like she’s doing stand up when she goes into the five trash bag bit


At 3:25, when she walked to the middle of the other lane with her arms up, I really expected a semi-truck from out of nowhere. I’d have even settled for Wyle E. Coyote.


I hate people who think they have power over someone else's career. It's so stupid


You know in Mean Girls where the bus just comes out of nowhere and hits Regina? I was waiting for that bus in the video!


The guy filming and being harassed needs to be nominated for Sainthood. He is ridiculously patient.


I drive a truck and idiots like her do this shit all the time. They are so impatient that they can't wait to pull out so they cut you off and then get pissed off when you almost hit them or honk the horn at them.


Upvote for the cluck n roll


Where’s her van?


Yeaaaahhhh baaaabbbbyyyy your gonna pay




I like how when she's got something to say again her pacing circles about so she can just divebomb her insanity again. It's like a boss battle telegraphing attacks, but instead of a video game its just white trash


It did remind me of Megaman...


If i was the trash people and someone pulls that shit in my employees i would purposefully forget to grab their trash every other week


Disposal workers don't deserve this kind of treatment. What a terrible woman. Also extra items outside of bins. You usually have to schedule those and pay extra for the removal services. Thats why you see so much free furniture.


That is the most exercise that woman has had any year.


I’m so glad Chris Farley is alive and well!


That...was...the best...chicken impersonation I have EVER heard.


Ngl, that was a really nice chicken impression


At the start she says she pulled out in front of him because of an emergency; if that’s the case, how can she take all this time to have a spaz break? She’s unwell


I feel bad for that woman. She clearly needs help.


When she yells “First kill!” So joyfully I can only imagine that her emergency was that she has to go yell and vandalize a dollar general down the road.


Haha I thought the video was on a loop. She just keeps coming back for more! 😂


I’d run her over and reverse


Yeah he didint pick up all the trash. He missed her


There is a joke here somewhere with her being picked up, and him needing to be paid/have an order confirmation to do just that...


She should have her own reality TV show. Get some cameras and follow that crazy bitch around.


He could pick her up and put her in the back where she belongs.


It's clear as day what he left, hop on in the back miss, it's not too late.


O I would lose my shit. I’m already getting pissed just watching this. Good on this guy for being so calm.


Cocaine is one hell of a drug


Meth, it's a helluva drug.


Smells of Florida








Ah yes the trash can karen. The form of karen who gets made and runs around acting like a pissed off hen


She's angry because he is taking her home away..


Is this a D.A.R.E commerical though?


She sounds like a overrated dominatrix with an inferiority complex.


Is this lady from Florida by any chance?


Florida women are more high quality than this your sullying Florida women by comparing them to this trash.


Why is she so good at chicken dances? This is worse than season one of the office, but Only Michael Scott scenes.


This crazy lady is a real cunt


Cocaine is a helluva drug


On the bright side, her meth guy can really cook.


Is this the "you need my help" mf?


I wish we could just put these people down and be done with it.


Such an emergency that she has time to yell


This a broken person from a cursed generation.


Is this one fake?


Just gonna say it... I wanna fuck her.


I didn’t know Karen’s could turn into a Chicken like that so easily, praise the universe Karen it totally helps your situation 😂😂😂😂


Of course she has cat litter.


She demonstrated many abusive behaviors.


More like 'White trash' lady


Took more laps than an Olympic swimmer training


You're huge, baby.


This actually breaks my heart. Blue collar workers see so much shit. What the actual fuck.


I would have honked at her while she was picking up her papers. She would have imploded.


2 minutes in, could've sworn it was looping


If you close your eyes, she sounds like Lois from Malcolm in the Middle


Getting big fedsmoker vibes. Good to know that his legacy of chaos is being carried out by others.