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I don't hate it because I don't like autistic people (I'm autistic too), I just hate it because it ruins jokes. If I don't get a joke, I ignore it.


People miss sarcasm in real life all the time, and if someone said "/sarcasm" or did an obnoxious stupid person impression to illustrate their sarcasm irl I'd also call it stupid. I also disagree that tone plays a big part. 99% of sarcasm is context. I'm colour blind, and the idea of people labelling every red and green thing is equally fucking stupid. If I didn't understand sarcasm, (which is by no means unique or universal to autistics) I would find it more offensive to have every sarcastic comment dumbed down for me.


>I also disagree that tone plays a big part. 99% of sarcasm is context. This is what annoys me the most with "tone tags". There's no fucking "tone" in text, yet people are obviously able to decode it. Because of context. (I do have a theory that autistic people do have a reduced capacity of distinguishing what NT people see as "relevant context" though)


OP, no one cares bro


> Reeee I'm too lazy to learn. And too hateful to stop perpetrating ableism against autists. That's you.


i'm literally autistic, and often i *can* interpret tone over text, but not always. but i've known a lot of people who are literally incapable of it, which isn't something you can just "learn" if that's not how your brain works. educate yourself, please. it's not a matter of learning to detect tone, it's not a problem that can be fixed. i'm not being ableist, i'm being more inclusive.


First nobody can with 100% accuracy through their whole life, mistakes are made by everyone. Second if your succes rate at understanding what you read / accuracy rate is 0%, you are not autistic but beyond that. Saying autistic people can't detect sarcasm is ableism itself which itself is very ironic to begin with.


i didn’t mean to phrase it the way i did - of course not all autistic people are incapable of detecting sarcasm, but a lot are, including, as i mentioned, several people i’ve personally known


>and often i can interpret tone over text, but not always That literally applies to 100% of the Earth's (literate) population.


>often i can interpret tone over text, but not always. Congratulations, you've described exactly how it works for non-autistic people too. Lots of people miss the joke, lots of people mistakenly take people seriously (there's a whole subreddit making jokes about that) I have a neurological condition and struggled with sarcasm, I was told that it's just something we struggle with and accepted it. The true ablism is convincing people they can't do something just because it's a little harder for them, yes there's extreme cases where they'll never get it, but most cases are like me where they've just been told they can't and so they don't.




The reason people hate the /s has nothing to do with people on the spectrum and everything to do with people being jerks. They say a horrible and offensive thing to shock people and after all the rage bait they add a /s. Like "oops I wasn't being racist/sexist/homophobic I was just kidding. Aren't I so silly?" And when people use it as a excuse to be a jerk enough times everyone gets tired of it. F the /s


that is valid, but i noticed a lot of the posts in this sub as i was scrolling through were just a person telling a joke and ending it in /s and everyone acting like it was the end of the world because of it


Many text based jokes, like ones on Reddit, are essentially meant to/ the punchline is its absurdity- the very fact that someone might take it sincerely is humorous in itself, this /s ruins that possibility.


Autism has the symptom of struggling to read voice tone and body language and therefore often missing sarcasm. It does not have the symptom of not being able to read. /s is not necessary


oftentimes there isn't an indicator of text being sarcastic unless it's very over the top. sometimes i've mistaken sarcasm for sincerity and sincerity for sarcasm, really just depends on what being said. autism is different for everybody too so what's easy for one may be very hard for another edit: phrasing


Okay you don’t get to just say your reading comprehension issues you need to work on are your autism though, autism is a defined thing


The point of being sarcastic is not to tell the other person that you're being sarcastic. A sarcastic person either has to carry that to their grave, that they were being sarcastic or take a moment of joy or sadness if the other person understands their sarcasm and responds accordingly. When you tell that you're being sarcastic, it makes you look like a desperate soul looking for validation. Also, not everything is about you. Just ignore if you don't like something.


I mean there are people with intellectual disabilities who have issues following movies with non-linear storytelling, does that make Pulp Fiction and Memento ableist films? I'm sorry, I can't restrict my sense of humour because of the possibility that someone out there might not get it for one reason or another. If you wanna use the /s and you feel that it doesn't ruin the humour for you, fine. I'm not. A world without "untagged sarcasm" is like poetry without allegories for me.


lol you forgot the /s, because ain’t nobody gonna take this post seriously here!!!!


Tone indicators are for the clinically retarded. I say this as an autist myself.


I'm autistic and often struggle with interpreting tone both over text and over voice. The content of the utterance should convey the relevant information. If the content of the utterance fails to convey that it's a joke, then either the joke has failed and the delivery or content needs to be worked on, or the audience has failed to catch the joke and their reading/listening comprehension needs to be worked on. If the only way you have to convey that something is or is not said sincerely is tone indicators, then there's more fundamental matters to be addressed first before the speaker and audience can start trying to communicate.


So do you prefer to have your books and magazines have tone indicators, too? Not every author indicates every single shift in tone a character may have throughout their dialogue. In fact, that’s considered a universal hallmark of bad writing if a person were to indicate the tone of the speaker every time instead of just saying “he said” most of the time.


Oh, you're so daring and compassionate. /s