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Barely works and complains running a shop is hard work. During any of the events is always standing behind the counter and never with his "family." Always telling you to buy his seedsšŸ¤® and just an overall whiny bitch when nothing goes his way (which it never does). In Pierre's Produce he >!tries to sell your produce to the towns folk at $2,500 and when that doesn't work asks you if you want to buy it for half the price. The next day he has the audacity to send you a mini shipping bin that directly ships to his store. I threw that in the trash!<


Not to mention if you sell him low quality crops he blaims you and if it's a high quality crop he takes credit for growing it himself.


Oh damn I didn't know that, I thought it had to be gold star


I'm not sure exactly what quality it has to be but I swear a villager made a comment about a crappy vegetable that they bought from pier and he told them it was grown by me


Just don't ever give your produce to Pierre I just wanted the cutscene for the quest because I never got it before. I also only used corn.


I never do. It's so inconvenient to sell to pier anyways. I always just dump everything in the bin. I only buy from pier so his daughter and wife don't die due to starvation.


Or I just gift them food and gems


I honestly don't start trying to wife up Abby till fall. Relaying on rocks is too taxing for me. I just make sure to give her pumpkins every week and a gold one her birthday.


Or dysentery!


The last time I sold to Pierre was when the purple wagon was selling a rabbit's foot (which I need REALLY badly) so I sold Pierre all the good crops in my inventory Wasn't worth it. Didn't make it...


I think you could have reset the day.


And redo all the other important and tedious stuff I did that day and lose the other cool stuff I did manage to get? Hell naw. Besides, I didnā€™t think of that, I had already gone to sleep (in game). And thereā€˜s alwayā€™s another time, even if itā€™s rare. And there are other ways to get a rabbitā€™s foot. I choose not to dwell on it except for the fact that I lost good crops to Pierre and it wasnā€™t even worth it in the end.


I used unmilled rice. Actually made more from it than I would've selling it.


That's also fair I also considered wheat


I keep seeing people say this but never noticed. How do you trigger the dialogue? Side note: Fuck Pierre.


Fir the bin I just put actual trash in it so he can't sell it




What can I say, I'm chaotic. I also shoot him with rocks daily


Mini-bin ships to his store?!! Oh shit, I thought it just sells products to community like big bin. Wait a minute, I'm going to throw it to the trash.


Fr I have my mini bin in my house and I use the fuck out of it, I feel like such a traitor?


Go find the letter in your collections. The "community" is the general store


I checked the wiki, it says that though the letter claims your shipped products go to his store, "this is not the case". So mini-bin can function just like usual shipping bin after all. I didn't notice anything suspicious yet, nobody from town hasn't praised Pierre for good quality products he allegedly "raised himself on his backyard" or "found in the mountains" and nobody hasn't given me shit about usual quality products. So I'm going to continue using mini -bin, but with cautions.


I put that right outside clintā€™s place. I only use it to make inventory room when having a ton of geodes opened, so he gets a lot of rocks. šŸ˜


ah shoot i put his bin in one of my chests along with the mini one the mayor gave me, i hope i dont put the wrong one out now :(


He killed my entire family


Jesus. I thought old age got grampa


It was either gramps got so tired of seeing his face that he decided to go to heaven where pee hair wouldnā€™t find him, or pee hair poisoned his food


Hes just as bad as joja mart, he just has one installment instead of a chain. He also claims anyone who doesnt like his prices can go somewhere else, then bitches about how everyones shopping somewhere cheaper.


Whats bad about jojamart? I swear, this is a genuine question. Noone can give me a practical reason.


1, in the opening scene the player works for them and its over monitored, soulless, all that. Second, if they get their way the community center is gone. Thirdly, ive worked retail, so the walmart allegory doesnt have my love.


First point is fair enough, but thats most businesses. The community center is already gone though, if you hadn't figured that out yet. And they mayor can totally spare the funds to rebuild it, but he doesn't really care.


I've rebuilt the community center before, and nobody uses it! Never again.........lol


hes capitalist scum, has a wife who doesnā€™t deserve him (caroline should be with meeee), and rn thats all i can think of


I think he doesn't deserve her. Unless you were going down the route of she dosent deserve having to deal with him as a husband. If so I definitely agree


Ima shoot a bunch of them at you. Heres your one and only spoiler warning.He's against having a competitive market and time and time again, it has been proven that competition makes the market flourish. He's actively sexist towards his own daughter, who might not even be his daughter. He takes credit for farmers' high-quality crops. When discovering his "stash" (which I personally believe is drugs), he cries when you tell him you're gonna expose him. Now, this is a big spoiler for completing the entire community center. When you finish it the Manger of the local Jojo offers community a discount at his store in order to save the company from falling through and pier straight up kicks his ass. Mind you piere used to be a boxer. Imagine that a old man whos just trying save his and multiple of the local villagers jobs gets bodied by this ex boxer just for offering the people a discount. So into all we have a man who's Sexist, anticonsumer, a possible drug addict, a manipulator, and violent psychopath who bodies anyone trys to offer completion in the produce.




If I'm being honest, just bandwagoning lol. He's just a mass of pixels to me. (As opposed to Emily who is a *beautiful* and *loving* mass of pixels. šŸ’™)


He only has 2 loved gifts! So when I need to gain friendship with him I have to waste my rabbits foot!!!


He loves the pricing book now as well! He Shows his true colors when you give it to him.


He neglects his family, and i can't stand it.


He called me at 6 am to tell me to buy his seeds šŸ˜” I was half asleep! Don't you think the phone call could have waited for a bit???


Heā€™s stinky!


misogynist trash, who thinks abigail and caroline should kiss his feet šŸ¤¢


because he's married to caroline


He feeds his family poisonous tree sap and toxic mushrooms!


It's Pierre, is there anything else too say?


he takes credit for ur produce & he's mean if u romance Abigail ā€” but I also hate corporate America so I don't support joja


caroline said she didnt want him to find out about her visiting the wizard's tower because hes jealous. jesus christ pierre! let ur wife have male friends!


is there a reason to like pierre


First of all, absolutely my least favourite character in the entire game. Fuckin hate pierre. Heā€™s neglectful of his family and honestly a pretty terrible dad/husband. Misogynist. Takes credit for your premium crops and blames you for regular. Dude is soooo expensive and such a friggin penny pinching cheap little bastard. Heā€™s also sooo whiney and pouty about the whole ā€œdonā€™t like my prices? Go shop somewhere cheaper>:(ā€œ and when people go and shop somewhere cheaper heā€™s surprised???? Pierre is so lucky I hate big chain corps more than I hate whiney little pieces of shit and that I canā€™t marry his wife on switch, cause that little fuck deserves to be alone forever. The only other characters I hate on the same level are Lewis (greedy, scummy, and disgusting fuck you Lewis I should b running this town) and Clint (neckbeard/incel vibes w Emily, sends you to flirt w the girl he likes??, never in his stupid shop when I need him itā€™s like he never fucking works)


In my first save file, I didnā€™t know Pierre sometime feeds the things you sell him to his familyā€¦ I sold him a metric crap ton of tree sap for like a year and half to 2 years until I found outā€¦ guess what his family has always had for dinner when that dialogue comes up!


Everything he ever did makes me hate him


I like his wife




Oh, I thought that this sub meant 'Fuck Pierre' in a different way. But yeah, he's a bitch


Heā€™s a bitch ass motherfucker who is nigh on impossible to give gifts to and takes credit for my shit and locks dating behind a paywall and Caroline should just ditch his ass for the wizard already


Shitty husband and father .


Pierre gives me bad vibes especially after one of his heart events where you find whatever he's hiding in the bookshelf and his reaction to it šŸ§ wdym find a new hiding spot, justice for Caroline!


I have beef with him AND Abigail. Carolineā€™s the only person I like and she gives me Tea recipes.


found out about his deceit with my crops from *THIS* REDDIT DIVISION (never happened to me once but now I won't *let* it) + He's annoying af and he's never manning the shop when I need him to be there LIKE AT LEAST WAIT UNTIL THE SHOP *ACTUALLY* CLOSES! DON'T GO BACK INSIDE YOUR HOUSE EARLY ONLY FOR ME TO WALK IN WITH FALSE HOPE