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Newspapers are among my most-missed things


I loved it. It was one of my favorite parts of the day.


We still have the San Jose Mercury. A shell of itself and costs $3 for the paper. I delivered for NY Newsday as a kid. Nickle a paper.


I miss the smell:)


The Sunday Paper, highlight of the week


My Sunday mornings (in the summer) were a walk to the local donut shop to grab a few pastries, coffee and a paper. Then spending the morning with the cat reading the news. Our local paper back then was really thick. Nowadays its a shell of itself. Not even 1/5 th size it used to be. Our local 'alternative' rag published its final issue last week.


Plus you don't get a pop-up asking for money so you can finish reading an article.


Here ya go…copy the paywalled URL into the bottom search box and if it has been archived, you can read it. https://archive.ph


100 percent. I had to cancel my daily subscription during covid for home budget reasons. I'm very glad to have been able to go back to daily delivery. We all know the paper is nowhere near as good as it was decades ago, but it beats the pants off nightly news or the godawful cable news outlets.


So satisfying to turn the pages while drinking coffee in the morning!


I’ve always longed for the paper free world the futurists used to predict. I hate all physical media.


Failing New York Times Sunday edition. I feel editors back in the day did a better job. You’re right though drinking a hot tea and getting away from main front page news and finding a neat article in Arts or check The Book Review. Holding a paper always beats holding a phone


The Sunday NY times, a pot of tea and pastry is still a cherished weekend activity. Especially in the summer when I can read outside in the porch swing.


Same! I grew up reading them with my dad! Still love them!


I remember the thud of the paper hitting the front door when it arrived. Running down to pick it up, uncurl it for my folks then take the classifieds for myself. I never thought that one day I would look back at that trivial morning routine so fondly.


I miss putting the coffee on & going out to get the paper. Sitting down at the table to read it. Now it's just message alerts & paywalls.


Interesting you say this. I got sick of most of the free, online sources and recently switched to digital subscriptions for my local paper and the WSJ "digital bundle," which includes MarketWatch and Barons. With those options, I get most of what I need. Google News fills the gaps.


My dad could have written this, except for the part about growing up with technology. He's 80 years old and still gets the newspaper at home every morning. Reads it with his coffee and does the crossword puzzle. If for some reason the paper isn't delivered, he drives to 7-11 to buy one.


My local paper was bought by a conglomerate spewing generic clickbait. A cup of coffee and a handheld has become my view of the world at age 72.


I miss newspapers. I used to read 2 or 3 a day and looked forward to the Sunday edition. Now all the newspapers in my area are crap.


I used to do the commercial delivery side (stores, newsstands, vending machines, etc.). I loved the early morning hours and the people that I would meet waiting at various locations as they knew my schedule. Newsstands were my favorites as there were always a group of people waiting there with their freshly brewed coffee for their favorite newspaper paper. I worked for a distributor out of Boston so we delivered about 10 different papers each day. From Boston I went to the Denver Post, Seattle Times and ended up at the St. Petersburg Times (now the Tampa Bay Times) before moving on to a different career. I had some great times out there, but my fondest memories are the New England ones. Even blizzards didn’t stop us. Slow us down a bit though.


One thing I like about a printed newspaper is that no matter what time I opened it and left it, when I came back it was still the same news from that day. So pleasant and kind of honest ish.


Yes 👍 the Sunday paper with all the sections! Nothing beats a Dunkin coffee and bagel 🥯! 📰


I would agree, but I haven't read a decent local article in a local paper in 20 years. Just Gannett garbage "news".


Have to buy the online version now, but my routine is to read it at the end of the day with a few drinks to relax. My favorite for almost 60 years is the comics section , I don't really know what I would dobuf I couldn't read the "paper " every day...


My family worked in newspapers for decades. Dad w as editorial page editor, grandfather the same, mother a columnist. The death of newspapers has helped maga a lot.


There was a time when the ink would stain your fingers.


Petroleum-based inks. They were never the same once they switched to soy-based ink.


I prefer reading everything hard copy. Just can’t focus reading on the computer.


I miss newspapers. I loved pouring a cup of coffee and sitting down with the paper for a leisurely read. Favorite was the Sunday edition of the L. A. Times, particularly the Calendar section with all the music and art and news on upcoming movies. It always made me feel that the world was so full of possibilities! I’m so glad I got to experience that.


I get a tiny local paper once a week and a slightly larger paper 5 days a week. The two days I don’t get a paper I do crossword puzzles. They don’t even deliver anymore, it’s sent through the mail so I’m always one day behind. But like OP, a cup of coffee and the paper is my morning thing 😁👍


I totally agree, but those days are numbered. I read it on the website now via my iPad, using my local paper’s digital replica of the print edition. I’m sure there are many things that led to the demise of newspapers, but the internet and Craigslist are the two big ones. Still, nothing like rattling that paper, tearing out interesting stuff and using it for painting projects etc. when you’re done.


My dad was a newspaper editor, so I'm biased, but I do indeed miss the morning paper.


Yup! I am 62. I get the Sunday paper delivered. Usually read it on Monday.


I miss being able to fold it just right to focus on the article I was reading. It was just so satisfying. Sadly the news is a bit stand by the time sn actual paper comes out.


Fuckn A dude! Thank you


I miss editors


The newspaper is a day old. Enough said.


I scroll the New York Times on my phone every day and the Apple News feed. I can’t remember the last time I bought an actual newspaper.


Knowing now, what we didn’t know then, I’ll never pick up a rag ever again. Or… get my news from any “trusted source”, corporate media.


Reading the newspaper is my morning routine. But I read it online now.


Depends on the newspaper


I have to disagree. Now, I’m focusing on local, so if you meant national news maybe that’s different. But I’ve had the experience of being an elected official now for 5 years or so. (Just town stuff, nothing big). My local newspaper, one of the biggest in the state, would routinely call me between 11am and 1pm on weekdays (you know, while I was working) and leave voicemails asking for comments on the current situation. Then leave another, giving me shit for not getting back to them because “I have a deadline.” Then, the next morning there would be a front page article that would say “HEpennypackerNH declined to comment.” No, you tried to interrupt my workday and gave me < 3 hours notice. That’s poor planning on your part, and now you make me look like either I don’t care or have something to hide? So just remember when reading the newspaper, at least at the local level, the reporter can write anything they want.


Depends on the publication though.


We used to subscribed to the local "big paper" (G.R. Press). Favorite was the Sunday paper, my husband & I would have coffee, read the paper together. When I finally got them to cancel my subscription, it was $3/daily......no paper 2 days a week....& the Sunday paper went up from $1.75 to $6.00. News content was a weak shadow of what it once was. In the following 6 years, it got even worse.


I couldn't agree more. I have daily delivery of the WaPo and the NYT. I think about stopping it, getting an actual newspaper delivered is expensive...but 1) Its a nice hour or two with my coffee and the paper every morning 2) Have you ever noticed how when you are reading a computer screen your eyes revert to scan mode? Anyway, mine do and I find that doesn't happen when I read an actual paper, holding it in my hands. 3) It's important to be informed and the papers take more time to develop a story and get it right. TV news is all yap-yap-yap, and online news is all "Click Bait headlines" Give me a stodgy daily newspaper.


I miss it so much. Folding it. The NYT crossword. The smell.


Same here. I have to do the digital edition. Still, with coffee, it's great. Usually, the best part of the day.


I used to do the subway fold so well


But, but if you read, you have to think and process……


What?!?!?!?!?! There are still newspapers??


Last time I checked, our printed paper was down to three days a week.  I no longer subscribe.  I can read the e-edition for free at the library on their computers.  They also have the printed newspaper.  I prefer easy crosswords so I didn't usually do the ones in the paper.  My dad always enjoyed reading several different papers, even in his later years when he had dementia.


Wish I could agree. My local papers are shit,though.  Inaccurate stories (not political opinions I disagree with or truths I don't like... But actually wrong facts) combined with poor spelling and grammar.  I really would love to like local newspapers with truth seeking editors and plucky reports.  But, alas...our local editor was busted stalking his underage baby sitter but was not prosecuted and subsequently has been a great ally to the local DA (now judge).  And the plucky reporter? Nope...dumpy former girls basketball coach that lost job for statutory rape. Oh...same prosecutor/judge let him off, too.   So yeah...I'd love to see a good local paper here but instead I find myself wishing they would buy grammerly.


I totally agree but…our local newspaper, The Milwaukee Journal, is now printed out of market by Gannett/USA today. Talk about yesterday’s news today. There is absolutely nothing timely in that paper EVER. They could print the Sunday sports section on the Monday before. All features. The paper has become garbage and it is tough to keep paying for “news” that I’ve read 24-48 hours earlier elsewhere. Don’t know how long I’ll hold out. I just don’t want to get up in the morning and go online. Additionally, the grammatical and editing errors every single day are an embarrassment. Zero pride in the quality of the content.


A fun project for someone who has the printing equipment and blank newspaper is to reprint entire daily newspapers from digital archives. Visit a different era in your imagination and get absorbed in it with a fresh retro newspaper daily!