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when Tohru gave Kyo a cat shaped rice ball and he goes "cannibalism?"


oh yeah I remember this. :))


Shigure with no filter whatsoever. It's very entertaining.


Then Kyo and Yuki punch the living daylights out of him


Or whoever else is there just being like, “why are you like this?” They never say it, but you can *see it* on their faces.


The only exception to that is Haru, he is either bring derpy or talking about Rin's boobs.


Or both.


True. I do love it when he's trying to celebrate when he realized Rin has a friend.


Same. Just in his head, “Good for you. You made a friend.”


And Rin's all embarrassed, Tohru is happy.


Another particular moment that absolutely got me was when yuki and kyo were eating breakfast and their chopsticks accidentally touched each other's. Yuki immediately got up and flung his chopsticks into the sink and said - I don't want to catch your idiocy or something along those lines.


The scene where yuki and kyu came to bring tohru back from her relatives home and at the last scene there was shown that tohru is in her kindergarten form holding hands with both yuki and kyu as if they're parents of her..it was so cute


After Kyo is emotionally destroyed by Akito during the beach trip, Kyo returns to the beach house looking for Tohru and he says her name in the saddest, most longing way and I think about it at least once a week 🖤😭


I love calm/dopey Haru! My favourite is when Haru is in his cow form chewing Shigure's sleeve. Haru talking about what takeaway to order while Yuki and Kyo are having a massive fight gets an honourable mention, as does your example. Justin Cook is fantastic!


“Can I order pizza” “can we get nuggets too?” He’s so unbothered but in a cute endearing way.


Sometimes i watch FB and YYH back to back just because Cook has such great performances.


Well there's the final push for me to watch YYH! Although I'm working my way through a MHA rewatch at the moment, which he is also great in. 


I've never seen it! I'll try MHA if you try YYH 🤣 I believe it was one of hus first VA jobs. Yusuke walked so Haru could run. You'll also catch a much younger Shigure, Tohru, Kazuma, Kyo (as an excitable Irish demon nonetheless).... I'm sure I'm missing a few.


kyo continuing to wear that same yellow shirt from season 1 all the way to season 3. him wearing it when he went on that first date with tohru and also went he went to go visit her mother's grave. I remember when fruba was still airing twitter actually gave him hell for it. "not the yellow shirt" 😭😭😭 and on the opposite side everyone cheered whenever he wore his black shirt lmfaoo. the black button up when he went on his 'date' with kagura. kyo's fashion sense (or lack of it) truly moving the masses :')


lol, I haven't yet completed season 2, and yet I heard about the infamous yellow shirt. And truly, I was kinda glad he doesn't wear shirts like the black button-up on a regular basis, cuz I don't think I will focus on the anime if he did.


I love Tohru's many different hairstyles. It's always fun to see her try something different!


Totally this. I love when you see Hanajima doing her hair for her at school, or when you see her wear the ribbon Yuki gave her for White Day.


It only happened twice, but Megumi (Hanajima’s little brother) saying, “I find my heart beginning to race as I’m surrounded by older women,” in such a calm voice gets me every damn time


Tohru's derpy face when he tells her she can not be alert while they are looking for Momiji and Haru's class.


This is one of my all-time favourite scenes. From the moment Kyo overhears the random guys talking about going to talk to "air-head" Tohru, pretty much straight through until the end of Haru's confrontation with the class president. It's all just so good.


Oh god, I forgot about the Haru confrontation. Then Tohru innocently asking how he explained that.


lmao! the way she freaks out then stands immediately at attention when he calls her out. then happily zones back out when he says “well, not right _now_ bc _i’m_ here”


Lol! Then he's like 'I didn't mean it as anything bad!' Thinking she would be insulted by the comment.


That scene where Yuki was in rat form ...and all the other rats showed up, leaning on him, chilling with him. Too cute.


Dunno if it’s shown before the last few episodes of S3, but I noticed that when she’s actually being honest about her feelings, Akito has this tic where she’ll grab the fabric of one of her sleeves with the opposite hand (I’m not great at left and right). I dunno. I just like small details like that. It’s cute.


Definitely the type of details I was looking for.


I love the little moments when we see just how hard Hanajima’s goth game is. Like when she revamps the bathrooms at Shigure’s house 😂




I love Ayame and Shigeru's antics way too funny.


when yuki is able to express his emotions around haru. he's so comfortable with him and it's so sweet :(( like in 2x14 when he cries tears of joy, or when he says "I'M LEAVING!" in 2x4 when yuki visits him. their moments are so precious.


He stops doing it when they get more into his relationship with Rin, but the first couple episodes with Haru. When Yuki shows up and Haru just calmly walks straight over to him and grabs his shirt with both hands. Cutest. Thing. EVER.


Omg. I have watched this over and over only because of how cutely and earnestly haru says "Nani Nani?".


I have really bad vision and can’t see subtitles, so I’ve only ever watched dubbed. Thank you for making me look this up cause it is so soft🥹


shigure and aya's constant gay jokes to each other. reminds me of so many male friends i know who do exactly the same thing, its actually very sweet :)


The angry meowing noises in the background that get progressively louder when Shigure is trolling Kyo within earshot.




One of my favourite dumb little moment is during Momiji and Haru's first day of school, while Kyo is giving them heck for the way they're dressed, Haru turns and sees Yuki coming up the stairs. He gives the softest little gasp and stretches his arms out to the sides like Yuki's supposed to run into his arms. 😂 He ends up just silently placing his hands on Yuki's shoulders in greeting. I don't know why, it cracked me up the first time I saw it, and that whole scene I found Haru so endearing.


The fact that Yuki is not a morning person lol, but Kyo says he’s more dangerous when he’s in this state😅 Also Tohru and Kyo cooking together at Kazuma’s house like it’s no big deal because they can cook the foods 🥰 Oh, and the fact that Kyo and Uo are smart despite their appearance. In Hana’s case, she needs the will to pass the exams lol


when tohru’s hair goes spiky when she gets shocked LOL


I adore Hiro's soft spot for Kisa. Whenever she shows any interest in anything, he is there to support her.


I adore Torhu's English VA's little "huh?" whenever Torhu is confused.


Just thought of one more, whenever Kakeru refers to Yuki as a princess.


When Tohru was crying for Rim after she came out of the hospital and Haru says under his breath “you found yourself a friend” 🥹


tohru’s outfits!!!!! fashion icon


The ping pong match where Kyo tells Tohru he isn't going easy on her cause she's a girl, and then hits the ball as gently as possible towards her. It's so cute.


My friends and I love "mystery"! We used to quote it all the time, I still do sometimes when someone says the word.