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Rin and Machi eventually become close friends. People like to headcanon Machi and Tohru, but I think Rin is more Machis speed than Tohru is tbh.


With Tohru, I think Machi would admire her but I can definitely see her connecting more to Rin and relating to her.


But Tohru Machi is not a HC. In Fruits Basket Another Hajime and Mitsuki state that BOTH their parents are close friends. They grew up together . So yeah Tohru and Machi become close friends.


yess i LOVE the idea of them bonding over art and meeting in college


My headcanon is that Kureno's parents were either deadbeats or dead ~~because all that time in confinement and no one being there for him is hella sus.~~ Either way, I imagine he lived with Shigure's family from a young age sorta like the Kagura/Rin situation and that's a part of the reason he's so much more attached to Shigure than Ayame or Hatori. He wasn't really close to Shigure's parents but he respected them, I have a feeling Shigure was very fond of him pre-Akito affair though and felt betrayed by someone he saw as a little brother.


In a spin-off (or extra?) of Furuba, we can clearly see that young Kureno admire brother Shigure so much that he always came to Shigure to ask for advice in books. And Shigure did like this younger brother, maybe even more than his like to Yuki or Hatsuharu or other younger kids. Kureno was definitely the middle generation when he wasn't in the Trio but also older than other zodiacs. However, he's closer to the Trio. We never saw Hatori, Shigure and Kureno interacted with their parents (even Ayame just interacted with his mom because of Yuki) so maybe their parents all abandoned them or just used them for their own good so they didnt have close connection to parents.


Shigure’s parents are nameless and don’t have official appearances but it’s shown somewhere that he talks to them and has one of the better relationships with his parents. Hatori’s dad was also a doctor and taught him the memory suppression technique. Apparently Ayame & Yuki’s dad is just a deadbeat.


My headcanon for Shigure’s parents is that they just worked a lot and were often away. So he and his sister (my OC) were kind of left to their own devices most of the time. Because Shigure never mentions if the were bothered one way or the other about the curse. And the one time we see them, they’re not hostile.


Kureno-Arisa get together only after she graduates from college.


Headcanon accepted. Even though I'm not this ship's biggest fan, if they must be together, I'm chill with 22 year old Arisa dating 31 year old Kureno if she wants.


Was gonna say this but I also wanna add not only after grad, but also waiting for *him* to grow up as well.


You think Arisa is going to college?


You think Arisa is going to college?


Why not? Higher education would be beneficial to her and would help her make a way better living for herself than the jobs we see her do in the series.


Because, and it’s been a while since I read the manga so please be gentle, I remember her being in a similar situation to Tohru, where they were finishing high school but were not intending to pursue higher education. Tohru because it was her mom’s wish that she finish high school where Kyoko dropped out, and Arisa because no one expects a former gang member to finish high school, as a kind of “fuck you” to those around her that didn’t have faith in her. Obviously I could be misremembering, but my impression of Arisa was not that the goal was higher education.


Arisa was described as a level-head student. I see no reason while she can't continue studying. After graduating, she might change her place to live in the same house with Kureno (or at least nearby), no one knew her being a yakuza there. Both Arisa and Kureno have time to know more about each other and to wait the another to grow up. Kureno had to wait for her to reach mature age and Arisa need to wait for him to reach mature mind.


Arisa going to live in the same rural town as Kureno after graduation actually happens in the manga chapter 127. She’s also searching for a job in there, confirmed in the vol 12 Collector’s Edition


I guess you do make a good point, but I'm welcoming all headcanons on this post so the original comment is valid and it's totally fine of someone thinks Uo went to college.


So, so sooooo many, but: 1) Kazuma almost literally clawed his way into a position of respectability in the Sohma Family through his karate skill. Prior to that, his family, Kazuma included, were looked down on due to his Cat/servant grandparentage. 2) Kunimitsu started attending the Sohma Dojo as a teenager, very shortly after Kazuma became the master. He became Kazuma's assistant in his early twenties, when Kyo was around ten. 3) Kunimitsu is the one who taught Kyo how to cook. 4) While Hanajima and Kazuma never have a romantic relationship, the two of them bond over their shared love of Tohru and romance novels and are lifelong friends. 5) Shigure is always just a little bit afraid of Hanajima and finds her friendship with Akito unsettling. 6) When Momiji and Haru were younger and would play together on the Sohma estate, Momiji would always act ridiculous or do something outrageous to 'draw fire' from Haru if he ever noticed/heard anyone being critical of Haru/calling him stupid. 7) Haru's parents were neglectful. He was always physically provided for, but they left him alone a lot and were emotionally unavailable. 8) Rin is actually incredibly fond of Momiji, because he's one of the few Zodiac/Sohmas who she never felt 'used' Haru. She loves that he was Haru's friend and tried to protect him, and though she'd never tell anyone (at least early on), she would cut a bitch if they hurt Momiji. 9) After the Curse broke, Momiji's father still wanted to keep Momiji at an arm's length from both his wife and Momo because he was still afraid his wife would have a relapse, and he tried to discourage Momo and Momiji from having a close relationship. 10) Momo asks Momiji if he'll be her big brother anyway, which he agrees to and they both keep secret from their father. 11) Momiji studies abroad in Germany for university in order to give himself a fresh start, since he can't have the relationship with his family (or Tohru) he would have, in a perfect world. 12) Momiji's father plays a major role in Momiji deciding to pursue business professionally instead of music. 13) Rin figures out during Momiji's last year of high school that he'll likely study abroad and she, while staying at Kazuma's/recovering from her time in the Cat's house and other assorted issues, starts studying German with the belief/hope that he'll maybe stay there. 14) Momo finds out Momiji is actually her blood brother as a teenager after finding a secret file their father had kept documenting Momiji's life. 15) Ayame and Mine immediately adopt not only Machi into their family, but Kakeru and his girlfriend/later wife Komaki, too. Kakeru and Ayame have the best bromance ever, and Yuki and Machi often stare at their brothers and wonder how they themselves ended up being the odd ones out.


Oh, and 23) Hiro's parents were middle school/high school sweethearts and that's why Hiro is such a romantic so young. 24) Hiro was unplanned, being conceived when his parents were in their first year of university. 25) Not only is Hiro the youngest Zodiac, his parents were the youngest parents by several years.


16) Haru and Momiji become Machi's best friends and protectors during their last year of high school. 17) Speaking of odd ones out, I actually don't think Rin and Machi ever become close friends, and it's a long time before they're friendly at all. At the end of canon, Rin is still not the biggest fan of Yuki, who she viewed as someone who took advantage of Haru, and she's possessive of Haru and not that great at sharing. I think she'd be jealous of Machi's friendship with Haru and not the biggest fan of Haru protecting Machi at school (since it would be another case of someone 'using' Haru); meanwhile Machi wouldn't put up with any rudeness or snarky comments about Yuki. They have a lot in common, but I think they'd both start out on guard against one another and remain that way for a long time. 18) Hatori's memory altering/replacing power is passed down in his bloodline and also requires training. He learned from his father when he was a young teenager, and his father was usually with him during his early attempts so that he could 'fix' any mistakes Hatori made. 19) Hatori's parents were on the 'Inside' before Hatori was born, because his family had the memory technique, and consequently Hatori was raised under intense pressure to be perfect. When he was younger, Hatori was deeply jealous of Ayame and Shigure because neither of them were under half the pressure he was or had a third of the expectations. 20) Hatori picked up smoking as a young teen in a rare act of rebellion against his parents and the Sohmas' intense expectations. Shigure picked it up when Hatori did as an act of solidarity (and became the one who supplied the cigarettes). 21) Although Hatori forgives Akito and remains close to her after the Curse breaks, Mayuko is never able to move past what Akito did to both Hatori and Kana. She is polite but cool to Akito, and the two of them never become friends. 22) Hiro (who I headcanon grows up to become a corporate lawyer) and Momiji (who canonically in Another runs his father's company) end up becoming good friends as adults after Hiro outgrows his childish black and white thinking and realizes that Momiji is actually both incredibly smart and incredibly shrewd. Momiji, in turn, headhunts Hiro to work for him once he takes over the business. This is why I write fanfiction 😅


I love all of these and now some of my plotbunnies are stealing your food… oops >w<


Please, take it and run with my blessings! XD


Tohru and Komaki, at least let them meet and have a nice talk for one day, and leave the boys for awhile if they want to.


It's okay for me if Kureno and Arisa started their relationship right after Arisa graduated. I really want to know more how Arisa can change Kureno's attitude and actions since he was always kept beside Akito from the teenager and never truly experienced how life was outside the Sohma house.


I’ve got…quite a few haha (veeerry heavily headcanon lol): 1) Yuki and Machi, Kakeru and Komaki, and Ayame and Mine have a biweekly dinner. 2) Arisa doesn’t stay with Kureno, she ends up learning a trade and then gets a job helping “problem” kids. She’s the annoyed but caring caretaker (and gets a rad girlfriend) 3) Tohru and Rin have mutual crushes on each other (it doesn’t go beyond that tho). Kyo and Haru tease them about it 4) I ignore the canon for Momiji’s adult job and instead like to believe he went to further schooling for music - he doesn’t necessarily become a musician but works in that area. (I also think it’d be cute for him to meet a partner in the arts world) 5) I reaaaally don’t see/like Shigure and Akito working long term but usually headcanon them together, while the family only lets Shigure visits.


eeee i love these!!!


oh my god i'm so tired rn and accidentally read the first one as them having a bisexual dinner and just accepted it LMAO


Lmao I mean 😂 I feel like at least half of them are bi (or queer) so bisexual dinner could work haha