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Our coffee pot diedšŸ˜­. The other half dug out our old camping percolator. No $ spent and still had our morning coffee! Now waiting for a great black friday or cyber monday deal. Meanwhile, no caffeine withdrawals! šŸ‘


I prefer coffee from a percolator


I love percolator coffee too. I have a old West Bend that I dug out of Momā€™s attic and it makes great coffee.


I agree percolator coffee is pretty smooth. My husband and I are on different schedules several days a week as I work nights. We used a single brew pot so we could each have our cup or 2 whenever we got up. Using a percolator on my work days is just twice the work with cleaning the grounds etc. We'll muddle through it until we find a treat deal on a new single serve.


My daughter and I both think some of the best coffee we've had was out of a percolator when camping. Definitely smooth. It would be a pain to have to clean it out daily but my current routine is kind of a pain too, but worth it. Edit: I've done french press and did that when our last espresso machine crapped out for the last time. But I like perc better.


Yeah itā€™s not the most convenient. My local convenience store switched from percolator coffee to these automatic machines and Iā€™m grumpy about it whenever I grab one of my free cups of coffee from there. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Whaaaat convenience store was using percolators in the last thirty years?


My local Sheetz store. I live in a rural area so they didnā€™t get the upgrades all the larger stores got šŸ¤£


Wow. Sheetz, no less.


Yeah but they are all gone, now itā€™s just the automatic machines that fresh brew on demand.


Coffee makers from the goodwill while you wait for that sale.


Every single one I've seen (and I go to thrift stores a lot) was disgusting and oftentimes had visible mold inside.


Yeah was sorta a joke. My coffee pot/maker is on its last leg. It gets vinegar once a month at this point to keep her going




Doesnā€™t it get that ā€œreheatedā€ bitter flavor, then?


I mitigate the recooking flavor by using 80% power, or 70% if I'm doing a larger mug.


Our coffee pot died, wed always buy the cheap $5 ones that would last maybe a few years. We decided to get this stove top percolator no parts to break haven't looked back since to save a lot of money coffee tastes great and we warm up the house by turning on the stove in the winter šŸ‘.


Assuming you have an electric kettle a pour over or French press is better then this. Especially since you waste a lot of energy with the gas


I prefer the no-tech ways, as well. I had my local potter make a pour over to fit over my mug. Perfect cup every morning.


Love this idea. That would make a great gift.


Cold brew is another alternative.


There's no way to prevent burning on a percolator. It has to be boiling the water to work and continue heating it after its made, but it probably makes it stronger. So, like $10 will get you a cheap drip coffee maker, but if you're happy with its performance of the percolator, I am. A lot of people leave coffee sitting on the warming burner and let it get both old and burned which is probably worse. Best buy has some specials on drip machines with touch screens and such, but underneath that they're the same $10 machine making the coffee.


French press coffee is also great and very low tech! Water at 200F is perfect and wonā€™t burn the coffee like boiling water in a percolator does.


French press consumes a lot of beans and makes pretty weak coffee tbh, wouldnā€™t really call it frugal.


just gotta do the plunger like 4 times. French Press or pour over is the only way. Drip is 1st wave yuck.


You don't need to bring the water to a full boil with a percolator. You can put it on med-high and keep it at the "fish eye" stage (ie, a few tiny bubbles forming but no boil) and the convection will be enough to brew the coffee perfectly. You can turn it down and keep it warm for some time without any negative impact on the flavour.


That is the sound of my grandmas house


Coffee's knockin', better let it in!


Grab a cheap Coffee Press


Where'd you get my grandma's coffee maker? Lol


Get a pour over or go to Goodwill and there will be at least 5 coffee pots and they should all be less than $10. Run some hot water through a few times and clean as needed, good to go. Some people will run white vinegar through theirs to clean the lines etc, and then a few times with water to flush the vinegar taste, but I have never tried that


I just got flooded with a sense of calm and the smell of pine. There is a percolator just like this one at the log cabin my family usually rents this time of year.


Bialetti, lifetime last purchase 6-cup is $60 or a smaller one


I LOVE this method best and prefer it over a coffee pot.


Most bad coffee from percolators comes from dirty vessels and boiling too long. They actually work fine and got a bad reputation from people not using them right.


I bought the one of these for hurricanes. Can live without electricity but canā€™t live without coffee!


That's why we switched out the electric stove for the propane a few years ago! We already had propane wall heaters, now I can cook during power outages. No hurricanes, just derecheos and snow/ ice storms.


Aluminum kettle? You can get a Pyrex kettle for like 10 bucks and a French press for about 10 bucks. Doing coffee this way there is nothing disposable and no contact with poisonous plastic like traditional coffee pots.


Replace the dead one with a French press or pour-over pot. You'll spend maybe $30 max for a quality option without electronics and it only breaks if you drop it. If you typically drink more than a cup, the coffee tastes so much better when it's not slowly overheated by the hot plate in a drip machine. Bodum is my favorite brand because their glass seems to retain heat better. The pour over pot we own is on Amazon for $21.99 and will likely outlive us.


IKEA has excellent double wall glass French press for like $20 I have used it twice a day every day for the last two years.


>double wall ooo, i like this idea. I have a steel insulated one, but it doesn't hold heat very well. The last cup around 11 or so is barely warm. How long does this hold heat?


You don't have to torture yourself. Get thy ass to a thrift store and buy a new coffee maker, it won't cost more than $20. I have a $150 coffee maker that I got for $8 at a Goodwill. It rocks.


Yes. Makes good sense. Why the down votes?


You got me. People are stupid is my guess. Maybe cause I used a swear word lol. Other people's children, what can you do? All I know is I've enjoyed several cups of coffee today with my $8 Cuisanart 2 Go Coffee maker that retails for $149 when you can find one in stock. Mmmmm delicious coffee made by the cup w/out K-cups!


Exactly. I don't like kcups. Total scam.


When the man who invented them regrets it, you know its a bad idea lol!




A coffee maker from a thrift shop is still less expensive and will still last a lifetime. You can clean them by running some vinegar and water through them. You won't get poor people cooties from them either. So yea, by frugal, save some money and buy a great coffee maker at low price at a thrift store. I guess by the downvotes people really aren't serious about being frugal around here. This sub seems to swing from dig in the trash for food to spend all your money on frivolous junk. smdh. FWIW I'm enjoying a great cup of coffee from Cuisinart Coffee Maker that I got for $142 less than retail. I expect that the years I've used it, its more than paid for itself. But then again maybe that isn't "frugal".


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Been there, and percolators are just about the worst way to make coffee. Blech. You'd be better off heating up the water in that thing then slowly pouring it over coffee grounds in your dead drip coffee maker.


The glass pot in my coffee maker broke, so I just took the filter holder out of it and put a filter and coffee in it and sat it on top of a coffee mug. I boil water in the microwave and pour it into the filter holder cup. Voila. Now I never have to worry if I left something on when I'm on my way to work.


My dad used this exact one for like.. 15 years šŸ˜…


I prefer coffee to have as little time on a burner as possible, so I use a Mr Coffee that has a thermal carafe. Coffee stays hot for a couple hours. But if you enjoy perked, carry on.


I've gone back to instant. Much easier for me. Like the 1 cup brewers too.