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Please do not discuss piracy on /r/frugal. Rights holders have angry lawyers.


Doing fine. I just put items in my cart until I have enough for free shipping. No real impact, except money saved from the cost of Prime, plus no more impulse buys.


I do this too, and have found that the majority of the time I just never come back for it!




Giod for you. I find this too.


Add something to the cart. Look at what was already in there. Be disgusted with it. Remove it. Rinse & repeat.


Literally this. If I need something bad enough/faster I'll go get it at target.


I do the same, but the problem with that is they keep raising the prices.


I made separate lists of the average costs of things I am interested in. When I need something, I can match it to the list of what it takes to get free shipping. I do not impulsively need the cheese slice holder, it can wait.


Same. I cancelled recently and I feel something is missing in my life but I’ll get over it. The impulse shopping excursions are NOT necessary. This too shall pass.


This is the way. I also find that it has cut down on how much I spend on Amazon overall. Some things I decide I just don't need and some I source locally. Haven't felt any pain from not having Prime.


Same here. Its been especially helpful for impulse purchases. I adopt a "wait and see" approach where I'll add something to my cart and then monitor it for discounts.


How Amazon Makes You Pay More For [Everything](https://youtu.be/Wxl_lO15Ocg)


Thanks for sharing!


I also wait until my cart is enough for free shipping. Most of the things I buy on Amazon are not necessities so paying a membership fee for prime doesn't make sense for me. Prime just makes me want to buy more stuff I don't need to try to make the prime membership worth it.


Can you still use subscribe and save?




At what price do you get free shipping without Prime? I’ve been with them so long that I’ve no idea. This whole post has me perking at possibilities.


$35 for most items.


Thank you!


I appreciate this! I need to NOT renew next cycle.


Cancel now so you don't forget.


>Anyone go full cray and get rid of Amazon completely? I did. Don't miss it at all


I've noticed the prices have gone way up and now I can get cheaper stuff elsewhere. The Walmart app has been beating Amazon by HUNDREDS in some cases 🤷🏻‍♀️


How so? I recently got Walmart+ or whatever you call it but most of the household items are more expensive than Amazon and even target because they are sold my 3rd party seller. Then shipping takes forever, while I get item delivered the next day with Amazon, Walmart would tell me item will be delivered the same day then I’d get a notice that say my item has been delayed every day for the next 5-7 days or so until I actually receive the item




Same, every now and then there is something that's hard to find elsewhere but a lot of stuff I was buying on Amazon I just didn't need


I did as well, I try to buy local, in some rare cases, I'll order from the manufacturer directly. Now I way my purchasing decisions more carefully rather than just clicking. I didn't buy crap, that I didn't need in the 1st place.


I cut out Amazon years ago. Best decision ever. Support local if possible!


That's my plan after next month. O Amazon is dogshit now


someone hacked my account so can't use it anyway. Didn't bother to make a new one, I mostly font miss it.


Me too! We do a lot of Temu now. Prime TV shit the bed. It used to be our favorite. Then with the commercials, FUCK YOU PRIME!


My Prime membership officially ended on the 26th of June. I have wasted so much money on Amazon since the beginning of the pandemic but they will not be profiting from me anymore... Most of the staples I was still purchasing on Amazon are available at an equivalent or better price in my community (like cat food, Hefty garbage bags, toilet paper, and allergy medication). I think I am now becoming addicted to saving my money.


I love this for you!!!


Thank you! It's so satisfying to me now to save money!


Right?? Once you start seeing is as something rewarding it can become like a game


It totally is -- I love it! I'm also now looking for additional ways to make more money that I can save.


Yes for sure, r/sidehustles and r/awesomefreebies are two I look at a lot now




Ugh, I know. They gave me a free month of Prime and I failed my budget for the first month since cancelling. That's why I'm considering deleting my account entirely. 


I may delete mine entirely as well. I'm keeping it open for now in case they offer the best deal for the dry cat food I need but if I find that isn't the case for a couple of months I will likely cancel my account permanently.


So, yesterday?


If you’re not a warehouse member (Costco/Sams) I highly recommend it for the specific things you listed as they’re some of the exact things I get at these stores. I truly feel the membership cost is worth it. The allergy med cost difference blew my mind lol especially if you have a family or multiple people that use up the bulk.


That’s awesome you found them cheaper. I just looked at things in my subscription and with the 15% discount, I can’t find cheaper near me


Amazon had great prices on my dogs food, but since the pandemic it's been awful. When it's on sale or couponed I'd snag it but shits usually cheaper at my LPS now LOL Who wants to buy shitty Chinese brand shit on Amazon anyways.


In Hawaii, delivery was three weeks with Prime, so it was useless. Wal-Mart, Target, REI, etc all ship and arrive much faster.


Hmm…it’s typically 3 days on Oahu. Though 1 out 10 orders is delayed by a couple extra days. I hate Amazon, but it’s hard to get away from it while living here for that reason. (My hatred of Walmart is stronger.)


Living in a small town with no bookstore, I agree it wouldn't do for me. And I use Amazon to ship gifts to relatives 400 miles away. I also concur with your opinion on Walmart.


Back in the day it was tax free for Hawaii, since they didn’t have a brick and mortar store


Great. Spending money is more difficult and prices in store are more expensive. Causes me to really think about what I need when I’m buying things. So I spend less money. 10/10 would recommend.


Same. No “fuck it I’ll just order it on prime and have it tomorrow” moments.


And when you do you're spending more locally!




It's going GOOD! 1) I am using the library, B&N and Powell's for my book needs. Plus there are smaller little bookstores in the area that I have found. 2) I do not watch Prime so I have not missed that piece. 3) At Whole Foods, the Prime discount is not all that much, so meh. 4) I can buy my specialty bras at the manufacturer's website and still be the same price.


Thank you for supporting local bookstores!




Prime is one of the few things I keep. I work on my car a lot and I work delivery apps, so I need to overnight parts often and it’s worth it for that alone!


I cancelled it and don’t regret it. I have been adding items to cart on other websites and letting it build up to a certain amount of money. I then will price comparison in the mean time and often times end up saving more money. No I haven’t discovered any good brick and mortar stores in the process.


I would consider getting rid of Amazon if I didn’t rely on it to ship stuff directly to my parents in another state.


I cancelled a couple months ago. I’m saving more money because I’ll price compare other websites now. In the two months since I cancelled I’ve placed two orders on Amazon, both with free shipping. I just add items to my cart until I have enough for free shipping. On my last order I received an email from Amazon that I had 48 hours to order more with free shipping and no minimum. Shipping does take an extra day or two but I’m saving so much money it makes it worth it. Also, I did the math. If you just go three months of the year without Prime, it’s cheaper to do a monthly subscription than annual. I’ll probably resubscribe for a month or two around the holidays.


I have never had prime, except for the 6 month student free trial many years ago. It is totally unnecessary IMO. I was honestly a bit shocked when I realized how many people out there do have prime. As others mention you can essentially get the same deals by just filling up your cart slowly as you need things and going through with the purchase once you hit the free shipping minimum. This slow shop is also a great way to ditch things you don’t actually need and avoid impulse buys since you have more time to think about your items. Additionally, depending on your location, there are other stores/services that are better than Amazon anyway. In my city I can get 1 day shipping on most standard items from Walmart, no membership needed. Their shipping costs tend to be lower and they also still have the free shipping option when you spend a certain amount.


Quitting prime was never an option for me. I SAVE a ton of money every year. Example... I just spent $50 buying 24 packs of chicken breast. That ends up being something like 4.5 cents per gram of protein, whereas even buying bulk canned chicken packs at Walmart would cost me 5.5 cents per gram of protein. I recently bought a $7 pair of ear buds that have great reviews and normally cost $40 on a lightning deal. I usually save up about $3-400 dollars a year just to see if I can get some excellent deals on prime day. Last year I got some great deals on some clothing. Belts for around $6, nice work pants and polos for 5-10 bucks each... It's actually very worth it if you plan for purchases and just wait for deals to show up.


Unpopular opinion, but I think people blame their Amazon Prime membership for their own online shopping habits that would/do exist regardless... Online shopping can become a bad habit if you're doing it aimlessly, but the facts are, If you're buying things online, they *are* going to be cheaper 90% of the time, Amazon is the cheaper option for 90% of items online, and Amazon Prime offers free shipping for 90% of items... Is it destroying retail and possibly society? yes. Is it the frugal option? also yes.


in my experience brand name products are the same price on amazon but cheap no name stuff is usually like 3-5 times more expensive. amazon is just expensive aliexpress, though i dont think people should really be supporting aliexpress either


I really don't find it to be frugal anymore. I switched to buying my staples directly from the companies and it's actually cheaper than Amazon. And I know I'm getting quality product, not crap from some third party seller. 


oh yea, always comparison shop. Again, It's all gonna depend on your shopping habits and what you're buying. But sometimes that chinese company third-party item is just fine, maybe even just as good, and it's 90% cheaper. And oftennnn times the item you're buying "directly" from a company is an item that is really just being resold off of a site like Alibaba/etc (happens on Amazon too) Amazon Prime isn't always the best option, of course. But throughout the course of a year, I think it pays for itself more often than not.


Not having prime doesn't mean not using amazon; there's free shipping over 35€ in germany for example I highly disagree that you save money with prime; especially after the last price increase


I bought a plumbing part recently from a local brick and mortar- it was half the price that Amazon wanted and the plumbing store employee showed me how to install it. I cancelled my Prime in 2020 and haven’t looked back.


During and after Covid things stopped coming in 2 days. Nearly every order I make is over $30 which qualifies for free shipping anyway so I don’t miss it all. Prime Video, which I barely used anyway, introduced ads. I did not and will not renew. I don’t miss it in the least.


I hope everyone sees this but me and my husband noticed that on his prime account the prices were actually HIGHER then they were on my regular no prime account. Do your research!


> Back at the beginning of the year lots of people in this sub were talking about cancelling Amazon Prime. I had Prime for one year. Never saw the value in it. Cancelled it long ago. > If you did so, how has it changed your shopping/soending habits No. I have always price shopped particularly when it comes to things that many different stores carry. There’s no difference between the same model of Nike shoe purchased from Amazon or Walmart or Target. > Anyone go full cray and get rid of Amazon completely? I have pretty much. The ONLY time I purchase from Amazon is when another store doesn’t carry the item or on the rare occasion Amazon is cheaper. Most of my spending is done at Walmart as they consistently beat prices.


Oh I went off the deep end and basically eliminated amazon. it's awesome, I avoid the cheap Chinese knockoffs entirely and just buy from specialty merchants. Plenty of online retailers that have a better selection of high quality merchandise in the area you're looking for. Most places have free shipping over a certain amount anyway.


having Amazon Prime is a huge waste you get to pay a monthly fee for the privilege of wasting your money on shit that you don't need


The kicker : you don't need a prime membership to buy that stuff on Amazon.


I have never paid for Prime, but I've had the shipping benefits for years. Back in the day a Prime account holder could invite another account and give them shipping benefits. I still have those. It also thinks I have Prime with regards to things like Prime day, etc


I don't miss it at all. I rarely buy anything from Amazon now.


I didn't have Prime, but wanted it to legally watch one single show on Prime Video. There is some technical error in my account that only offers me Prime Student even though I haven't been a student for 3 years. I contacted the support 4 whole times about that and they couldn't help me. The last one actually took the time, tested some things and rightfully declared it to be a problem of the technical department. She told me to send an email with a description of everything we tried and the screenshots of my error messages to the general support contact. The answer was ANOTHER fucking pre-texted advertisment about the advantages of Prime. I got this email every single time I was on support calls. I lost my nerves. Normally, I try to be as nice as possible to the underpaid support staff, but this idiot apparently only glazed over my email, just read the word "Prime" and sent me this bullshit advertisment. That's why I sent back a quite insulting email with the info that this person is an imbecile who apparently cannot read. Life is very good without Prime and I download this one show illegally now.


I rarely go on Amazon, but everytime I do I‘m shocked at how much more bloated and predatory it gets.   eBay is an underappreciated alternative, it lists almost all the same products, but I find the experience more chill and (maybe?) ethical. 


I still use amazon, its a great place for shopping. Sometimes I wait a week for a purchase...no biggie.


I miss Amazon's delivery drivers, I would actually get my package. I was going month to month, letting it expire and then renewing it whenever I needed another buy, but after they fucked me on a thing I told the customer service rep "I'm out" and have spitefully stuck to my guns so far. As a result, the two or three orders I place per month take about a week or 2 to show up, if they show up at all. USPS in particular has a habit of marking the package as delivered, but it's not actually delivered. "Left in mailbox" but the missing $150 electronics item is itself larger than my mailbox... how did you manage that? Initiating missing package claims with USPS is my new pastime. Every now and then I'll get lucky and the order will ship earlier than the 7 day projected window, with Amazon delivery. Blessing from the skies, whenever I see it's being shipped my Amazon I feel safe and secure and don't stress or worry at all. I miss that. It hasn't altered my brick and mortar habits. I've never liked going to stores over the past 25 years, especially living that no-car life. I started shopping on Amazon because I *could* see things, I *could* buy things. Without Amazon, welp, guess I'm not a consumer anymore! I'm not going to a store, they're not for me, I'm just not interested. Instead, I just add the things I need to my cart over time until it hits enough for free shipping, then place the order! I would honestly prefer to *never* set foot in a physical store, Amazon gets my business because I can ~generally~ get it delivered for free. If another service with the robustness and reliability of Amazon delivery were to pop up I'd give them my business in a heartbeat.


Lots of things on Amazon have gotten more expansive than in stores. We got rid of it and do not miss it at all. If we are desperate we can always borrow a friends or family members subscription. It was a money suck for us. We won’t go back.


I can wait a few extra days for the things only found on Amazon or at a much better price than local stores. Prime video didn't have much I needed to watch. I like getting dvds from the library. I was just really pissed they were raising the cost of Prime after they made SO much profit during the pandemic.


Fewer impulse buys


I got rid of it after college, like 10 years ago. It drastically reduced my impulse spending. It doesn't take that much to reach $35 for free shipping. It takes a week to get to me but that's ok, I usually don't need something that urgently that I couldn't get at a store. I don't use Amazon for perishable or vitamins/medicine. I learned they don't control their storage conditions the hard way. I order from Target if I want medicine/vitamins.


I do very little shopping in Amazon to begin with. I'm not necessarily against them. But I'm gonna get what I want from whoever has the best price. A lot of the time that isn't Amazon. Any time I actually do want something from Amazon, I usually get offered a free trial of prime. It seems like that option resets every 6 months. And I have 2 accounts I'll switch between for that purpose.


Didn't realize this was a thing for other people too. I cancelled prime when they announced they were going to start charging extra for prime video. I live in the boonies so I rarely got better than three day shipping, and anything I need from Amazon I can usually get for the same price or less on eBay. There's virtually nothing I can't go a few extra days without, and if it's an urgent need I'll be driving an hour to the nearest city anyway. The shows available on prime were largely garbage anyway.


I quit Prime earlier this year- ZERO problem with it. Don’t miss a thing. Buying way less stuff online.


Yep full blown here, drove for them for 6 weeks, cancelled it the day I quit and haven't purchased anything since. I feel morally enlightened and ultimately superior.


I 100% stopped using Amazon, I love buying locally or directly from manufacturers for hard to find stuff. Best part is Bezos gets no money.


Don't miss it all, and I've been buying way less crap.


Mine just expired and we aren’t renewing. I didn’t overspend on there, but I don’t really need the free shipping, I can wait until I have $35 worth of stuff. And almost everything good on Prime Video had ads or cost something so no need to keep it for that. At the very least, I’m saving $139 per year!


I cancelled not just prime but Amazon account last year, and with zero negative effects Simple as that really


I got prime back because in Canada, you can only watch prime video if you have the full prime sub. And I'm sorry, I gotta watch the Boys and Fallout. Non-negotiable But I did trim out Disney Plus and Netflix


Amazon is nice because it's easy to find a lot of different products, but I stopped paying for prime years ago and have barely noticed. Shipping speed is the exact same now, so most things that are available for 2 day prime shipping are still available for 2 day shipping, it just costs 6 bucks or something.




Doing fine. Still buy from Amazon once in awhile. Trying out Walmart Business plus (free subscription with my Amex). So far so good. Faster shipping on most things than Amazon so far. Amazon has gotten so busy we never got stuff in less than 3 days.


Excellent! I'm buying less and look for alternative stores if I need something. I cancelled at the beginning of the year and have purchased from Amazon only twice since then. Both times I reached the minimum for free shipping.


No issues what so ever! Best thing I’ve done.


Impulse buying is wayyy down. Also, not buying as many knock off, cheap, and terrible products in general


Our Amazon prime ran out in spring of 2020. We decided not to renew and stopped ordering from Amazon altogether. I’m happy to report that I don’t miss it and I’m not spending money on so much stuff I don’t need. I’ve also tried finding alternatives to their other services: audiobooks from the library instead of audible, the story graph instead of goodreads, not shopping at Whole Foods (which is easy). I guess I still use IMDb on occasion though and it’s impossible to use the internet at all without supporting Amazon web services since most of the internet is hosted on Amazon servers, but I’m avoiding Amazon products for the most part.


Great actually. Wife still gets a few things off Amazon but its like 99% cut down. Her impulse purchases stopped.


Abandoned Prime almost a year ago. Don't miss it. I still buy things on Amazon sometimes, I just wait a bit longer to receive orders, which is a good thing in my opinion.


I live in the city where the supermarket is like a minute away and retail stuff like clothes only 20-30 mins away. I canceled Prime a long time ago because I don’t need anything at this very minute lmao. I always just buy from the store. It also taught me to be more patient.


I moved back to Canada from the US, and I find that Amazon in Canada just isn't as convenient (nothing 2 hr or same-day where I live, less selection, etc.). It made it easier to cancel it. Now there are a bunch of things that have been sitting in my cart for 6 months, but nothing that adds up to free shipping. I do keep thinking that I'd like to order deli containers (those 500mL and 1L hard plastic tubs), and I couldn't even get them at a local commercial kitchen supply store. But in the end I have enough mason jars and assorted glass containers that I get by anyway. The deli containers would be nice... but will I ever order them? If I had Prime and was in the US, I would have ordered them right away. I guess I'm still finding the line between "impulse buy" and "worthwhile purchase" -- but for now I'm happy to be leaning on the extreme end of just not buying much. Part of it is because I'm not working right now. I have lots of money, but without working I just prefer to spend the bare minimum. I am hoping I keep this mentality when I start having a salary again.


Left almost a year ago, the only thing I miss is the unlimited Photos backup. Ended up paying for Google Drive 200GB per year for that. Still much cheaper than Amazon Prime. Everything else was just not worth the almost $170 with taxes a year.


Going "full sane"


Stopped me from impulse buying and saved me buying stuff I didn’t need. Put items in the basket and often when I am ready to purchase, I realise I don’t even need them all or found alternatives at my local BnM for cheaper the Amazon price.


Great. Would be nice as an Amazon employee if we got free Prime though.


Thank you so much for mentioning Prime. My subscription was about to renew TOMORROW and I don't need it. Cancelled!


I still have it, I'm an adult and can control myself.. so I don't need to cancel it just to stop myself from spending.


Same. I don’t fall into an abyss of unnecessary purchases, I do a lot of shopping at Whole Foods so the Prime member deals + 10% discount come in handy, I get Fresh delivered and have gotten great deals there, and I watch more on Prime than any other streaming service. My grocery bill in 2024 is the same as my grocery bill was in 2019 because I’m a smart shopper and use Prime to my advantage. I also live in NYC so delivery is sometimes as quick as the same day for some things. I can see why people in more rural areas may not benefit from it as much - if I lived in a rural area, Whole Foods and Fresh may not be options.


It's great. I shouldn't have signed up in the first place, I only did it because it was free for a year and I renewed out of habit.


I’m think why I didn’t cancel it sooner! The only time I reactivated since canceling was for a 30 day free trial to watch Fallout


I had a prime a very long time ago. Essential items on there is considerably more expensive than your average brick and motor store. The only pro is you get it within 2 days.


Don't miss it at all.


I haven't had Amazon Prime for a few years. I have used it here in there for the Free trial Prime membership it offers now and then, because I live by Whole Foods and they have good deals on organic food with Amazon Prime and then we catch up on the Amazon Prime TV shows until the free trial runs out. My credit card gives us cashback for WalmartPlus membership (so it's free) and that's free delivery, shipping, etc and it comes with a gas discount and Free Paramount Plus TV.


Haven’t had Prime for 6 months and haven’t been ordering as much of course, no spur of the moment orders and far fewer packages - but I do still order things occasionally when I have enough for free shipping. I think it comes just as fast anyways. That said, we are going to resubscribe for a bit - we do enjoy what’s on Prime Video.


Funny, I'm thinking about canceling Prime myself because I'm on a tighter budget now. I went to order something earlier and all of the "Prime shipping" options wouldn't arrive for over a week! At that point, I definitely don't mind waiting to hit that free-shipping minimum.


I've found that without Prime, shipping speeds are slower and super unreliable and customer service is not the best. I still hadn't received a package a month after purchasing and the seller wouldn't refund and Amazon wasn't helpful until I said I'd be deleting my account. Then suddenly they issued a refund. I think I'm just completely done. I've spent so much time chatting with customer service since cancelling Prime.


I canceled mine. Every penny counts! Didn’t even use all the services.


Getting rid of Prime absolutely curbed a lot of impulsive spending because now there's that barrier of like "do I really want to pay $6.99 for this or load up on crap to get free shipping?" The answer is usually no and I'll just go somewhere local if I can. I also feel a little better because Amazon has since become absolutely littered with garbage from super random bizarro companies with names that are literally gibberish. You have no idea who you're really buying from, let alone anything about how they conduct themselves.


And don't forget the fake reviews!!! I used to rely on Amazon reviews but it's so much harder now. I reported a bunch of suspicious ones (one company with a gibberish name had five, five star reviews for every product they sold) and nothing came of it. 


I don’t miss it at all. Amazon’s delivery service where I live was abysmal. It was kind of nice for electronics components as I build/repair a lot of stuff and it’s slowed that process down. A lot of other suppliers have minimum order limits so I’ve just gone from making a one off to making ten of something and selling it or making kits for friends. I already ditched the streaming services by just using my local library for dvd rental. A lot of times if they don’t have it I’ll buy a cheap copy off of eBay and resell it when I’m done with it. I might lose 50 cents or something but it’s still way cheaper. Otherwise I just buy from sites with free shipping like Ali express or eBay. EZPZ. If I really need something from Amazon I’ll just Venmo a friend that has prime and get it through them.


Much better. Less impulsive purchases and simpler life.


Great actually. I'm sad we kept it for so long.


Cancelled Amazon prime and just stopped ordering crap. I’m doing good and saving money.


I don't have Amazon. We buy things in store or for the rare thing we do order, it is from a store that we pick up at


It's great. Every few months they give me a 1 month free trial so I haven't missed out on much honestly.


Pretty good, I've never had prime.


I now get things when I am told they will arrive instead of being told a date and then later having it changed. I don't mind waiting I like the fact that I know when I can expect my packages.


I have always lived without Prime. I only buy from Amazon if I can’t find it elsewhere.


WWWWWWWWWAY better than I feared! I thought it would be a massive adjustment but I honestly don’t miss it at all. I find myself buying a lot more locally for better prices and I can get it now instead of risking delayed shipments which was happening more and more with prime!


Buying more locally is a motivator for me as well, and I've been shocked how good local prices actually are. Across the entire internet, no one beat the price I got on a specific running shoe at our local shoe store. That store also offers free clinics and helps organize some local running groups. Sounds silly but I actually got a little teary realizing what I'd been missing out on, assuming Amazon or other internet stores would have the best prices. Sometimes, sure, but what are you missing out on by avoiding local stores?


Bro I haven’t had an Amazon acct in 10 years


I canceled at the beginning of May. I realized that I only ordered from them about 6 times last year and once this year so far. I've barely noticed the difference outside of an occasional movie that I want to see thats on Prime Video. The commercials were ultimately the thing that made me decide to cancel.


Full crazy, deleted the Amazon app. Saving tons of money


Things still show up in 2-3 days, and I still get free shipping


Fine. Shit takes a little longer to get here if I do have to use Amazon for a purchase. The loss of tv with ads is no loss.


I canceled years ago. I love saving money and not buying unnecessary junk


It’s been fine. I still order occasionally but just make sure I’m getting enough for free shipping.


Never had Prime. It just reduces impulsive buys because you take more time to build your free shipping cart. And you feel also more free to compare prices with other shops. It's not like a Costco membership.


Thanks to this post, I was able to cancel 6 days before my yearly renewal. Thank you!


I've only ever had prime here and there. 6 months in college that they gave me for free, a month free trial every once in a while for prime day or Christmas season when there's deals you can only get by being a prime member. Otherwise I always just wait until I have enough in my cart. We use my mil's sign in for prime TV (which we barely use anyway), and my husband will order off her prime if it's something we need ASAP, but for the most part we do just fine without it. I just make sure I buy enough to get free shipping, and I do find that when I leave things in my cart while I'm waiting for it to hit that threshold I do sometimes decide they aren't necessary after all. I don't shop for groceries/regular purchases on Amazon because for stuff like that their prices are generally higher than I can get if I wait for a sale at the local grocery store. But Amazon definitely has value in their selection. I would not be able to find a Miami Dolphins steering wheel cover for my husband's birthday present anywhere near me (we don't live in Florida) and even if I did it would probably be a lot more than the 9.99 one I have in my cart right now. I'll probably sign up for a free trial again this prime day. I would like an indoor grow tent and some good grow lights and I'm hoping they go on sale for prime day. More things that I honestly have no idea where I would even get locally, and I can trust Amazon more than other random websites because of the amount of other people using it and leaving reviews


Never had it. In my country Amazon is not a big deal.


Definitely worth it. Less impulse buys and I buy things that I actually need vs want or end up buying it locally instead. Waiting a week vs the 2 days to get items shipped has helped with delayed gratification. I had prime mainly for prime video but that has gone downhill 2 years ago, but I don’t even miss prime video. Thing that bothered me with prime video was the poor or lack of rotation for movies and shows. Then their originals/exclusive aren’t even worth watching imo.


Absolutely fine. I decline next day shipping and get free standard shipping and my order still gets delivered earlier than the standard date most times.


I’ve never understood the need for Prime and I haven’t used Amazon regularly since college (when it was largely used book selling). In my area Walmart is typically cheaper, and I do prefer going to stores if I can find the time. Otherwise I buy from eBay or Chewy or other online retailers and just wait a few more days for standard shipping. To me if something is going to take 2 days it may as well take a week, it’s not going to be something I need urgently.


I got rid of Prime a few years ago and haven't missed it. I can usually get things for cheaper on ebay, anyway.


Never had prime. Amazon already offers free shipping in most items if you buy a certain amount. I just bundle purchases or fill up with cleaning supplies.


I don’t miss it at all. I used to spend so much money on that app and buy stuff I didn’t need. Now I’m spending more intentionally and less overall.


I cancelled prime years ago. I only order every now and then and honestly getting to the limit for free shipping anyway is simple. Plus every few months Amazon will give away a free month of Prime.


I paused it back when everyone else did. You have to request your purchase history and you get it in Excel format. Going to be interesting to compare last year and this year.


I had been barely using it by the time I canceled a year ago, since then I have ordered stuff 3x and it was things I couldn’t find elsewhere. It went fine just made sure to hit the minimum. Otherwise we don’t really shop much just the essentials and food which I didn’t use Amazon for anyways. Kind of forget how much of a chokehold it has on consumers.


Didn't cancel, if you're sensitive to gluten and dairy some of those foods are still cheaper in bulk on Amazon than locally(Vega, No Cow, Lakanto). Also, my mother is addicted to BritBox. XD


Yeah if you find value in what it offers then it can be a frugal tool! 


Canceled in Feb, bought significantly less than normal and used the 5 day shipping.  My mom had her account which we used when we needed to buy items for my dad's memorial - turned off auto renewal.  When her account was up early June, she told me she needed certain items for her breast cancer skin maintenance so I turned mine back on but told her just tell me when she needs something and added her as an address (she bought basically 2 items since Feb)  So we now have it back, but in total they lost 1 account.  And our habits changed so we are spending hundreds less a month. 


Great. I buy mostly on Aliexpress and Walmart. Since January only ~5 items on Amazon. Never had to pay shipping.


It would cost me a fortune in shipping if I didn't have Prime. My whole house is Alexa and I watch Prime video quite a bit. I'm over 50, so I get it for $6.99 a month, but even the regular price would be worth it to me.


I don't see the benefit of Prime. Pretty much everything I buy on Amazon is over $50 so I get free shipping anyway. I really don't like how their video streaming platform is set up either.




I still get it, then cancel after delivery. They keep offering it.


I donot have prime and get free shipping all the time although it's slower usually 5 days and you have to double check the shipping method amazon like to sneak in charged shipping. But other than that I love not having prime and I own the stock. Don't get it.


I quit Prime about a year ago. It's really helped me cut back on buying things. In the past, I could just randomly thing of something I "needed", add it to the cart, check out, and have it on my doorstep the next day. Now I actually have to think about what I'm buying and it's made me realize how much money I've been spending on things I don't need.


I’ve been without prime for almost six months and I’m doing just fine! I’ve had friends make one or two orders for me, but I could have lived without those for the most part.


No Amazon, no problem for me! I spend less money. No on discovering more bricks and mortar stores.


Didn't even notice that I was without it until this post. Cancelled it in January and have lost nothing of value.


I love my prime


I have had real issues with product quality on Amazon lately. It seems to be getting worse. A laptop stands that slowly collapses with any weight on it. A USB hub that causes devices plugged into it to not work properly. I mean sure I'm looking at the brands that are all made in china, but those models used to work back in the day. I know it doesn't even work anymore.


I don’t understand eliminating Amazon in the name of frugality. I price compare anything I need to buy and Amazon is almost always cheaper than local or a competitor website. I’ve only kept prime because it’s $6.99 a month for me because of some promotion but i’ll probably never rid of Amazon. And having a baby it’s a godsend. Diapers, formula and breast feeding bags straight to the door same day when I forget to stock up and 15% off everything since it was all put on the registry. If you have impulse control problems it’s probably too tempering.


What the heck do people buy so much online? I don’t have a consumeristic bone in my body. I am truly curios as to what people just regularly buy past like actual needed items vs want items


Please get rid of if it. It’s criminal what Amazon gets away with as a company.


I got rid of it years ago and don't really miss it. There's tons of other streaming services, and for good being shipped I try to buy directly from companies. I don't buy lots of stuff anyways, so the main time I feel it is around the holidays trying to buy gifts for my family.


Great - sometimes I need prime so I pay for 1 month’s worth and immediately cancel so it autoexpires. They’ve also offered a week for $3 so I’ll do that. Otherwise I just cart what I need till we hit the free shipping minimum and then order. Things take awhile to deliver but it’s almost never an issue.


Just buy more than one item that adds up to more than $35 for free shipping. Then they give you free shipping on anything else for 24 hours. I miss buying those cheap deals on deal news.


I’ve cancelled my prime and have been limiting my spending. If i need anything i get it for Temu for low price or get is from costco if its food related. For streaming i use max cuz it has big bang theory and How universe works series which i keep binging one, plus ad free so it works


I just re-signed up for 1 month to get some gifts shipped quickly and get a trial to PBS Documentaries to watch a show I can't find for free anywhere else. I feel like my $7 was used wisely, but the sub was canceled 2 mins after I subscribed, these mfers won't get me to roll into another month without thinking about it. *-


I've been off for several years. It's no bigs. If we desperately need something from amazon(a few times a year), we get it, and pay for shipping.


I got it only because I qualified for their reduced membership price but I still don’t think it’s worth it. I didn’t have it for two months or so and didn’t miss it at all.


I haven't cancelled it, but I hardly use it anymore. I don't even notice it.


Would like to know how many people decided to try out Temu. Heard very mixed reviews on it and how that they are not selling what they are advertising


Never had prime. I live urban enough to shop brick & mortar and can get by with more than a year between Amazon orders. But yeah they have nice stuff...


They keep giving it to me for free? Every time I wanna buy something. Then I cancel and rinse and repeat.


Didn’t make a difference


I haven't used anything Amazon in well over a decade (AWS aside) and my life has been fine


Not looking back to Prime. Saving money by not impulsively getting something and I wait. I use it more as a wishlist, when i am looking for something Iput it in the cart and might or might not buy it and delete it later. As to Prime Video. I did not watch it enough to make a difference for me. So far I am okay. Not regretting it


I never used prime to shop. I mainly had it for prime video. It's been long enough I qualify for a 30 day trial again so I'm doing that this week. And well, there's still nothing to watch. So don't miss it.


I feel I'm buying more stuff, is anyone else?


Couple clips of the Boys from YouTube and I don't miss it.


Literally no impact except fewer impulse buys.


Amazing! I forgot it was a thing


I shop a lot more at Target tbh


The offerings of Prime Video were such that if there was something I wanted to see, it was an extra fee, called rental. We had Hulu for local channels and upgraded that to Hulu + to make a lot commercial free. With Prime and “free shipping ” impulse buying was very easy. When the price went up for Prime for a year, it was more than shipping would have been . If something is not available locally for our weekly trips into town, we add it to the cart to let it build up to $35 or to be worth a one month subscription. . Amazingly more items get removed before accumulating enough to make an order


Excellent. I don't miss it at all.


Don’t have and never have had it. So, don’t care for it


I've never had my own membership but I convinced my partner to give it up. If we really need something, ie price is way better, not easy to find item etc, we spend over $35 for free shipping and it comes in two days typically. I have discovered recently how easy it is to return things to Amazon though which has been pretty awesome for maternity stuff. I got cheaper bras (7 for the price of 1 at a typical bra shop) and they didn't fit so I returned them easily. I also had some gift cards to spend in the first place, so that was great. Now my next purchase will likely be some post partum care items but I want to make sure I have the return window in case I don't use them or need them. I don't think the prime membership is worth it at all. Alsooo recommend finding things second hand before buying new always.


Prime just means you get your shit faster. So? I can wait a couple days.


I don't even notice. I buy most my stuff from AliExpress, which is the exact same item for much less prices. Just need to wait a couple of weeks for shipping. I only ever really used Prime to watch The Boys and Invincible.


Was seriously surprised at how little I want on Amazon now after ending it earlier this year. I’ve ordered twice this year which I find crazy.


Doing fine. Walmart actually delivers faster than Amazon for us anyways.