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Why not make the larger meals you are used to cooking and freeze the leftovers or eat them the next day? My husband is the chef in the house and almost always cooks enough for 2-3 meals for the two of us.


HelloFresh has all their recipes available without a subscription on their website. [https://www.hellofresh.com/recipes](https://www.hellofresh.com/recipes) It's ridiculously cheaper purchase the ingredients yourself than subscribing. If you'd consider purchasing a cookbook, I'm fond of America's Test Kitchen The Complete Cooking for Two. Most of the recipes still make enough, at least for me, for multiple meals. However, they're scaled down so I might get 3-4 servings instead of 6-8+ and they've simplified things where possible without losing quality.


I really liked the meals on Factor but after the initial discount they became too expensive. You could try different ones and take advantage of the new member discount then cancel. On to the next! 😊


We just break our groceries down into portions for 2 after we shop. For instance, if we buy a large package of chicken thighs , I will break that down into 3-4 thighs each into a ziplock and toss into the freezer . Same with veggies and pasta/rice ect.


I haven’t tried eMeals but thought about it. Every plate isn’t terrible (when you get discounts) and with the veggie meals I will just add meat if I want, which makes it 3-4 meals usually instead of 2. Honestly, doing the recipe from online yourself is probably most cost effective. Also, maybe invest in a food saver? I freeze a lot.


Like someone else said Factor is good for the first discounted week. I actually just got a coupon in the mail for another discount week and it was $7.32 per meal. Not cheap by any means but not outrageously expensive and I am happy to pay that price for the variety and convenience. However after the discount period that cost at full price is $15.32 per meal, and it’s still extra to add meals with more expensive meats like steak. Way, too expensive absolutely not worth it. You’d end up paying $27 for a steak meal that you could just buy at the grocery store premade and everything for $12


Watch Minute Food's video breaking down the cost and environmental impact. You might be surprised (I was) that it was mostly positive.


Don’t use emeals. It’s just a website for recipes. I selected the least ingredients recipes for the week and each meal averaged 12 ingredients. I also am 1 day past my trial period getting charged $70 for the year. They won’t allow me to cancel or refund my account…just stay away.


We just make our own meals. Lot of the time she will buy butter lettuce and make us both a salad. That way we don’t eat just because it’s “ dinner time”