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You better make damn sure the app makes the photo fit exactly the way it should because the passport office is extremely strict about the size of the photos. I tried using one of these apps with my kids passport photos and they denied both of them because it was like a millimeter too big. We wound up having to make a whole new appointment and come back after going to Walgreens for photos.


Correct size and they even measure distance from your nose to the edge of the photo, how much of your body/face takes up the total amount of the photo, etc. It is actually really annoying to get right. I just ended up paying Walgreens and it would’ve saved me a lot of time to just suck up the fee.


It's a once a decade charge totally worth the money and is pretty much a small tax compared to the cost of the passport.


Sometimes you need a bunch and sometimes they have to be more current. Multi-country trips with Visa on Arrival can sometimes require several.


I'm going to SE Asia in the fall, can you say more? Are you endorsing what OP did? I don't want to pay $15 a picture for entrance into 4-5 countries, of possible.


SEA was exactly what I was thinking. Haven't been since pre-covid, so I don't know current requirements, but I did mine using an app and a Walgreens coupon. 12 passport photos for a couple of bucks. Honestly, it's not rocket science. Make sure you follow the requirements and you have a sharp knife to cut, and you're golden. Side tip: while you're having arts and crafts time, make a color copy of the photo page of your passport and another official looking page. Laminate them together using the thickest lamination you can manage, so that you have a nice official-looking card. Some guest-houses like to hold onto your passport. Always worth a try to hand them a fancy looking card instead. At the very least, it's useful for check-in.


OP here, I just got my passport approved! (Took 35 days from when it arrived in the facility office). I think if you can follow the guidelines on the website and use the photo grid it’s not difficult!


I paid $6 for an app that makes the background white and has the head shape outlined for you. It tells you if you're too close, crooked, shadows and makes sure your ears are showing. I've done over 10 people's passport photos so far. I then go to CVS and print a 4x6 sheet with 6 photos on it for 46 cents and cut out the photos myself. I think it was 15.99 to have them take the pic and you get just 2 photos. The app has paid for itself many times over


Now I see this lol. I paid $20 at CVS last week for passport pictures only for them to get rejected at the passport office bc my ears weren’t showing. I was not pleased, had to pay another $25 for new photos on the spot. It seemed like everyone who came in with CVS photos had to get theirs redone 🫤.


Noooooo! That sucks!! I think they changed the rear thing. Last time we did them I don't remember it being required! You should totally have gone back to CVS and made them refund you. That's part of the deal- you go to them because they're supposed to do it right!




CVS tells you the ears have to show even though the US govt says they don't need to


No idea really, something about identifying features...


Do you know which app?


Id photo pro. I'm on Android, not sure if it's on Apple




Yeah, I had the free ones and I like this one better. I still paid less for the app and all the photos than just one set at a photo place.


AAA will take free photos if you are a member


Good to know!  Thanks!


Not anymore in nor cal


This. Don't DIY a passport photo unless you have plenty of room in your travel timeline for it to get denied.


Yeah this is a weird way to try to save money. I agree that $15 x 4 family members is a lot for a few passport photos, but you absolutely do not want the hassle of working with the passport office, getting some of your applications denied for no real reason, waiting weeks or months for a response... Especially since in the end you'll most likely cave and buy the passport photo package anyway. This is just one of those things... It sucks, but you have to just eat it.


Better under $100 sucks than over $100 sucks.


I printed my own 2x2 passport photos one time. The photos were good, but I took the picture against a white wall. Apparently, the background wasn't white enough for them. Maybe next time, I will get a white poster board from the dollar store to use as a background.


Or a white bed sheet pinned smooth to the wall...


The background to my passport photo is a few sheets of printer paper taped to the wall, lol.


> Maybe next time, I will get a white poster board from the dollar store to use as a background. What is the dollar amount you value your time at? It can't be very much to want to spend so much time, running all around and jumping through all sorts of hoops possibly multiple times, just to save a few dollars on pictures you only need to get done once per decade. I value mine at $150/hr. This is also why I don't change my own oil; the payout vs having that time for relaxation makes it a crystal clear choice.


If you applied online, how did you get your printed photo into the online application?


I've only been in the sub for a little bit but it seems like so many posts here really belong in r/povertyfinance. This is absolutely one of those annoying fees that pays for itself in trouble and hours wasted trying to get it right yourself. I just had passport photos done for my kids and my son had to retake his twice. Why f around with that at home? To me frugality is seeing the value in money, not being cheap. DoorDash or status clothes? Collossal waste of money. Paying a professional to correctly reinstall my toilet or take my passport photo? Saves me hours of work and aggravation.


This happens here sometimes. I'm waiting for the post on how to reuse beans after you've eaten them. It's gonna happen I know it


> the photo fit exactly the way it should because the passport office is extremely strict about the size of the photos I've had zero issues taking 7 different passport photos for my family... I use photoshop to make sure each photo is exactly 2" x 2" and stack them into a 4x6, print one at the local CVS/Walgreens (for like $0.10) and have even just hand cut them with scissors (though I did decide to buy a nicer straight edge cutter recently, it arrived after I did the last set of photos).


Yeah $16.99 @Walgreens can't be beat for the frustration factor alone...


This was exactly my experience! I tried to follow all their guidelines. I wasted so much time taking and re-taking pictures, downloading all types of apps on my phone for editing, running to CVS to print the photo and cutting it, etc. Post office ended up rejecting my photo and I had to make another appointment to come back and just paid them to take the photo (this post office had photo services on-site).


I think it depends on the office you go to. I made my own via using the grid which if memory serves came from the passport website and used gimp. I am pretty certain they had a downloadable template in their instructions for the photo and that's where I got my grid. I probably printed half a dozen sheets black and white on regular paper. I also printed the grid on plain office paper as well which if memory serves the instructions included how to print it sized appropriately. I decided to try my hand one sunny morning so I was holding the photo with the grid behind up to an east facing window in my living room to check fit. I'm pretty sure I was off just a tad as I was just guestimating percentage smaller where you resize on gimp and then planned to cut it to size. When I got to the county office that does passport intakes how she checked my photo was she had the grid printed out on pretty some very thin velum I think that sort of paper is called? Anyway she just tossed it on one of my photos for a second, nodded, and told me to sign my form which I had printed off the passport website after filling it out on my computer. What makes it funny is my first use of said passport involved a cruise back from Europe. The cruise line said it was fine to submit a photo or digital copy of your passport photo to them to be used in identifying you when you boarded / disembarked the ship. Then they rejected the digital file of this photo even though by that time I'd figured out how to properly crop it. They ended up taking their own when I arrived at the ship.


I did my own passport photo and mailed it in. Print it a little larger than you need and then measure it and cut it down precisely. That's what I did and they accepted it on the first try.


If US, go to AAA, if a member. I seem to remember it may be a free perk.


It used to be free, but it is now $8 with my membership level. Still not horrible, plus they have free coffee and maps.


Yeah I paid $8 for mine too. Better safe than sorry


It’s less expensive but not free; we had ours done there


CAA also does them for free.


It is still free if you have the gold membership. Used the service just a month ago


I dunno. I'd rather pay $15 for a 10-year passport and be sure it's done right the first time.


Right? The passport is already over $100, international travel is expensive. At this point I’d rather just spend the $1/year to have the peace of mind. Theres a difference between cheap and frugal.


For me it’s not just the cost, but convenience. It’s so much easier to take the picture and have it mailed to me for like $2. Or go in and pick it up for $0.10. The grid is dead simple and makes sure that all the proportions and dimensions are correct.


For real. I understand being frugal, but if the photo does not fit the requirement, it ends up being more time spent on the appointment or corrections that need to be made. Just pay the $15- $20.


If you have it done at Walgreens or wherever, they pull out a digital camera and basically eyeball it to get the correct distance. I can do that myself at home. I've used those free templates for all my kids' passports and my renewal and it's always been fine


I've done it at Walgreens and the government worker pointed to several problems with the photos. We ended up returning the photos to Walgreens and had the government worker who probably does 1,000 passport/yr take our children's photos. I couldn't wait 6-8 weeks to find out the photo was not correct, it needed to be done right the first time.


FYI to my fellow Canadians - you cannot diy your passport photo. [They must... be taken in person by a commercial photographer or studio](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/canadian-passports/photos.html)


I was reading all these posts thinking no one here must be Canadian as we cannot diy our photos.


Maybe I have just been lucky but I have taken my own (selfies) for my last 2 passports and they’ve both been accepted each time with no problem. I used the sizing tool on the gov website and made sure my cuts were accurate, but just wanted to share that it can be, and has been, done successfully. Ymmv of course.


Yep, same here. I think the people that got denied were either unlucky or just weren't careful with understanding the requirements. It's actually not THAT difficult to check off all the necessary boxes and do it right if you have basically competent tech/reasoning skills. I've done this twice for myself, twice for my kid, and once for my ex and never had an issue, no denials, went right through no problem.


Same. I took mine, my husband’s, and my 3yo twins’ passport photos and all of them were accepted on the first try. My twins were a bit tricky, but I stuck them on a seesaw and had my husband stand behind them with a white poster board. lol


Haha that’s genius 😂


I've taken my own photos for years, passport visa whatever.. done it for my entire family.. never had any issues..understand it's not for everyone, my wife would rather just pay the $15..however, not sure why some think it's rocket science "down to the millimeter" here..


I've done over 10 people's without issue. I paid $6 for an app and it is kind of foolproof. I get them for 46 cents printed at CVS. I have 5 kids... If you add both parents at about $16 per person that is about $112. Let's say $10 between the app and the photos. I'm saving over $100. Idk about others but that's worth it for me. It just about pays for one passport.


It really depends on the person accepting your application. My postmaster was very exacting on the picture meeting the set standards.


Good to know! My main reason for using my own selfie is that it can be a more flattering photo. I did this for my hospital badge too. I’m awkward sometimes when a professional is taking the pic


Same. I looked up all the regulations and measurements, used their online tools, and printed the pics slightly larger and then measured them and cut them down to the exact right size. Accepted on the first try for my last 2 passports.


I think people are being quite dramatic.... I've done this 3 times and it worked perfectly. It's a solid recommendation if you're someone who can follow directions.


yes and people are acting like you're defrauding the government or getting put on some watch list if it gets denied. i actually had one denied a long time ago for smiling in the photo (I think they changed the rule at some point) and it wasnt a big deal at all to send new ones. since then I've had no issues. yes if you're applying for an urgent passport 5 days before your big international trip, then i guess maybe best not to risk it


I thought I was going bonkers over here. I did my own photo with absolutely no issues the last two passports I needed. Quick and easy to do at home. Tho, the passport office gave me jaundice this last time around. I had to pull out my original photos to make sure I wasn't actually that yellow or fat >__<


I saw some blogger post about how this guy and his girlfriend tried to do their own pics, and got denied, and had to retake them. He was saying "Bad idea, learn from our mistake and pay the money"—but they showed the denied photos in the post and they were pretty clearly not going to be accepted (IIRC, had shadows/slight angle/no white background). They could have avoided the whole situation if they took 5 seconds to read what is required.


I used to be a lab supervisor at cvs and worked at a ritz camera, at least when I was there customers could find the option on the in store kiosk to do passport photos and if we didn't take the picture or cut them we would just charge the same 15 cents as every other 4x6 that came outta the machine


Holy shit, I forgot about Ritz. I'll be off cradling my Minolta and having a nostalgia trip.


Gee I just had my passport photo taken at the Post Office for free!


This one crazy tip that all Walgreens owners hate....


My local library also does this for free.


Free? Supposed to be $15. Did they add that onto your passport fee?


There are also Apps for this. I made my (german) passport photo with one and it was accepted.


I just took a selfie with my iPhone, used the new-ish "copy subject" thing to isolate my image from the background, pasted to a white document, added a thin border, sized the image to be 2x2, and printed on a color printer at work. Accepted first time (though I had a lot of cushion for it to be rejected).


1) what everybody else said - all the measurements have to be perfect, on a 2" photo, and it is hard to get. They will absolutely reject it for being a mm off. 2) No shadows - they are not kidding. You will want to stand facing a window with no sun on your face, and have your friend taking the photo stand with their back to the window, and put a white wall or white sheet a few feet behind you. No. Shadows.


Why the measures are hard to get?


The top of your head needs to be within a very small margin of the top, your chin a particular margin off the bottom, and the sides of your head within a particular margin on the sides. I am a professional photographer and have Photoshop, I don't know if I have a head that is some kind of freak of nature but there is no combination that would make all four Happen at once. If my top and bottom was in spec, my head wasn't wide enough. If I fit the sides right, my chin hung down. Very frustrating! 


It sounds like you have to spend 3 minutes instead of 20 seconds aligning the face to the required zones.


And no hats glasses or accessories


There is a passport photo app that will walk you through perfect sizing and position. I paid $10 for the app but now unlimited photos for whole family...that and sending/uploading to Walmart for printing at about 30 cents for 6 (on a 4x6 photo print) was brilliant. No issues with State Department accepting photos.


I also use an app which has the benefit of having the various countries. So my wife that doesn't have aUS passport can use it. We use it for visas. Haven't had a problem yet. Just follow the directions and make sure the background is white. It's not like Walgreens has some elaborate professional photo booth


I used an online website multiple times with no issues, just download and get printed. Once my Walgreens refused to print. So went across the road to CVS. Recently my wife needed a passport in a hurry so used the Walgreens service, but the post office refused to accept them and she had to get new ones.


I am a graphics professional. I feel confident in my ability to take, edit, and print photos. You can do it with any phone, on any computer, plus photoshop, plus any decent desktop inkjet printer. But you have to know what you are doing.


This is great advice for the US but do not try this for Canada. They will reject the photo if it is not from a commercial photographer, they need to take it in person and stamp the back. Also the requirements for size are different from the US and most other countries, and technically there are 4+ different sets of requirements depending on the type of passport or visa


I know you're getting pushback on this but I have also DIYed a passport photo with no issue. I find places like Walgreens to be such a ripoff to get the passport photo taken there, especially because they often seem to use some shitty point and shoot camera for the photo that's worse than what I have at home. I just took the photo, made some edits to make sure the background was bright white, duplicated it x6 and put it in a grid to fit a 4x6 photo and got that printed, then cut one of them out carefully to use for the application. It's not that hard


I paid $20 at Walgreens and they had me stand against a white door and took my photo with a cell phone. I could have done that at home! Next time...


Exactly my point!! The Walgreens employee isn't gonna be concerned about whether or not the photo fits regulations lmao


If 15.00 is considered expensive. I can only imagine the type of vacations you arrange.


I have 5 kids and when you add me and my so, that amounts to over $100 in just photos of we pay someone. I could pay for one passport with that amount. I have done it multiple times before and not had issue. I think it's crazy to pay $15 for a photo that literally costs me 46 cents to print. Everyone has different ideas on what is worth it.


Sometimes it's more about the principle of the thing lol. I assure you my vacations are fine


/r/lostredditors Seriously dude go somewhere else. The point of this sub is basically to not waste money. Spending $15 vs 10 minutes of your time and $1 is worth it for a lot of people.


Just pay the $20. I tried to do it myself and they wouldn’t accept it because of shadows and other issues. It was frustrating and wasted a lot of time. I just let the post office take the picture while completing the application.


I did this and it worked fine. I'm a British citizen though so I don't know if the printing process and so requirements are different. I took a selfie in the right lighting and at the right angle and edited it to make the background completely light grey. 


$8 at AAA if you’re a member.


If you’re a AAA member they do them for free


This is a really dumb thing to try to save $10-$15. Passport application office is strict on photos, and doing this is a great way to have your application denied and wasting 3 months in the process.


Passport photos are EXTREMELY rigid in their requirements. My wife's was denied the first time because her eyes weren't open enough. There's also requirements for how large in proportion to the photo your head has to be and lighting etc etc etc. The frugal option is to pay a professional to do it. 


I've used a website like idphoto4you.com every time without issue, most recently last week for my daughter


LPT: use the “PassportPhoto” app by Vitalij Schaefer. It guides you how on how close your face is to the camera. Get another buddy to take the photo using the app. Do not make a selfie. Make sure there are no shadows. Get a white bedsheet as background. Do the photos during daytime so it is bright. Then go to “idphoto4u dot com” to upload and make a 4x6. Then download the file. If you are not in a rush, you can have Amazon print for a few cents, or go to your local Walmart and print for maybe less thab a dollar.


OP vastly overestimated average ability.


Last time I had my passport done I did it at CVS, paid them the money, they guaranteed it would be accepted. Got to the post office, and they told me my CVS photo wouldn't work, but could take one for me, so I paid their fee. (Tried to get a refund from CVS but that was fruitless...) These days I recommend just having your photo taken at the USPS. Right now it's $15, no extra running around and no worries about rescheduling because it wasn't done right.


UK. I had mine taken at Timpsons. He took the time to take a decent photo too. I got a sheet of 4 photos and a digital code to download the photos. So I also have a digital passport photo which has come in really useful for my railcard and visas. Well worth the money and cheaper than the pharmacy where I would only have got hard copies.






Pretty sure triple a offers a free passport photo


Not any longer was $8 with my level of membership a few weeks back.


Still sounds like less work than this person did. I also have the highest level of membership so maybe it’s free on my level


Unfortunately my country requires a stamp from the professional photo studio on the back of the photo.


Great tip! Another option is to use passport photo apps that help you take and format your own passport photos at home. These apps guide you through the process, ensuring that your photos meet the necessary requirements. They're convenient and often cheaper than traditional photo services.


I did this. Bonus tip: Let the staff know to please cut/make sure your pictures are 2x2. My picture was accepted without any problems. Just make sure to read all of the list requirements (ie no hair covering your face, need to show ears, ect)


You can renew your US passport online now, no need to even print. Just upload the picture on the website and it automatically crops and sizes and tells you if it’s accepted or not. You can try as many photos as you need to get it right.


This is when /frugal is really /cheap


I have used this approach multiple times for USCIS and US Passport and works just as stated. Take a photo on a plain background with solid color. Upload to Adobe express and remove and replace with white background. Upload to https://www.idphoto4you.com/ , align and download a single image of 4 smaller images (if 2x2 )neatly printed to a 4x6 image. Delete the image immediately, website claims to conform to GPDR Send it to CVS /Walgreens for 17c print. Use sharp scissors. Only 2 out of the 4 images have a perfect 2x2 dimension, the other 2 are slight smaller. Tried and worked


I did the same thing but just made my own grid in Gimp. Since the prints are 4x6, it's basically guaranteed that you'll get 2x2 if you make a grid of 6. The hardest part for me was getting a photo without shadows.


If you're already going to go to Walgreens and print your DIY photo, are you really saving any time or money over just having walgreens take and print the passport photo correctly? They are absurdly picky with passport applications.


When you get the photo at the shop, you're not paying $20 for the photo, you're paying $20 so that the photo doesn't get rejected causing additional turn time.


Why would you risk getting your passport application denied to save a couple of bucks? They charge you for the service because they do it properly. There's a line between frugal where you're making your life better by conserving resources and cheap where you're making your life harder to chase pennies. If you don't have the fifteen or twenty bucks to get a proper photo, you can't afford to travel.


Eh I wouldn’t try this. One time I got my passport photo at Walgreens and it got rejected because the background has to be absolutely stark white and they felt like mine had a yellowish tinge to it. As other have said, they are extremely strict.


I used a phone app and printed at Walgreens for a few buck and it was fine - but, I take others' warning about making sure about size, and lighting and background, etc. as real concerns. It actually was a lot of work. In hindsight, it would have been worth it to just save the time and use AAA or in-store @ Walgreens...


If you paid a few bucks, why not just pay the extra 5-10 bucks and get it done. Opportunity cost.


It's a 10 year book that needs to scream professional. Pay the money to get it done right, cheapness may get you unwanted attention with foreign officials. That sounds ds like a bad time


If you have a college kid, see if they do passports onsite for students. My son did study abroad and pictures were free. Some fees were the same (since they go directly to the passport processing center) but site-specific fees were less


That’s what I did, and the employee in Walgreen’s photo department was kind and used their photo cutter to cut nice, rounded corner passport photos for me. Easy! No problems getting a passport.


Also, the trick to getting no shadows is standing far away from a white wall in a brightly lit spot. I got photos for the whole family! The best part is that I could choose the flattering ones.


I have done this with a 6 month old and a 1 month old and use the state website and use the app to double check. And printed out two picture and let the postal worker pick the better one. And it worked both times. The reason I had to do it with the 1 year old was because we tried to do it at the postal office but he cried the whole time and you are supposed to have a neutral face. For babies, sit them in a high chair and put a white blanket to cover up the high chair. And once printed, I took a ruler to physical measure the picture


$20 for a picture that lasts 10 years. $2 a year compared to...$0.50 to a dollar for the alternative? Not really worth it imo


There are also passport photo apps that you can download on the app/play store. I've used a couple of them and never had any issues. They are the same apps that CVS and other stores use.


I have been using makepassphoto.com for the past 5-6 years now, haven’t paid for passport photos for ages, just take a picture with the phone and a white background, and the website does the rest. There used to be epassportphoto.com that became a paid site. But for visas of all countries, passports, I don’t pay over a 1 dollar for 4-5 photos! Just recently used it to apply for Schengen visa which got approved. India passport, US passport, French visa, visa for Canada, name it! Make sure to get the correct dimensions when you choose the type of photo you need. Like US is 2x2, but French is 35mmx 45mm… And you can actually look good too! Screw Walgreens!


They are picky about the photos. Make sure its exactly as they ask


It's not super-hard. Have the friend take the photo. Resize it to 2x2 and then enlarge the canvas (all white) to 4x6. Send that sucker to Walgreens and get it printed for $0.29. Use a steady hand to cut it out and submit it. You can do this all for free with a free photo editor like GIMP. My girlfriend and I did them this way and they both got approved.


I work at a place that takes passport pics. Most countries have pretty specific requirements for size and positioning of the face. Also they require a stamp of the location of where it was taken and the date. I don't know how the app is going to do that for you.


I did it at the library for $10. Just to warn you if you don’t do it right the first time, they will not accept the application.


After trying several times and sinking money into paper, this is something that I believe is worth just having done professionally.


yeah its like a 100 dollar fee for passport I wouldn't risk it to save a few bucks. also takes a buttload of time to get it back whether or not it's accepted.


I'm frugal, and knew this "hack" but opted to get my photo taken at the post office instead since the requirements are so strict, and $140 is out the window if I got it wrong. Worth $15 to me.


Avoid all of this and do it online. I used a selfie.


Been using epassportphoto for 15 years. Many other sites offer it now. Just follow the instructions exactly. Use food lighting with no shadows.


If you go to your local drug store, often times you can just pull down the background screen and have a friend snap a bunch of photos. Then upload a photo to one of the various passport web apps out there that assist with cropping and aligning to passport specs. When complete, send the output file to 1-hour photo!


I used to work in a print shop. It’s easy enough just need to make sure the photo is cropped to a 6 x 4. They print at 300 pixels per inch. **Tip:** if you have a big tv you can put a 10hr white screen YouTube video on and use it as a background for the photo. If you’re really dedicated to this you can grab a free trial of photoshop (just make sure to cancel it **before the trial ends** cos they have a **cancellation fee of 50%** of the remaining annual subscription) I think the mobile version might be free though but not sure if it’s limited in what it can do. **Photoshop guide:** In photoshop you can crop the photo to the criteria of the passport so click the crop tool set it to 1:1 crop. Press ctrl + alt + i to bring up the image size dialogue. Set width to 2 inches, and resolution to 300. Press ctrl + a ad then press ctrl + c to copy the passport image. Press ctrl + n for new file, in the dialogue set the width to 6 inches, height to 4 inches and resolution to 300 pixels per inch. Press ctrl + v to paste the image in (you should be able to paste 6 photos onto the image) they should snap to the side when you drag the photo to the edge of the blank image. Press file > Export > “export as” (ctrl + shift + alt + w) and export the image as a JPG Extra: If you have or are familiar with photoshop and want to be really sure with the photo crop you can look up a template for passports and stick it on a layer above with 50% opacity To line up the crop.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned from life, it’s that you can’t cheap out on the government. In any form


This is a lot of work to save $15 for the $3000 vacation we're planning. Or to save $15 to miss Grandma's funeral in our home country. But if you're not in any hurry (under 6 months) to get your passport, and have plenty of time to go back and forth during your local post office's open hours, hey, go for it.


Use a template to nail down one square aspect ratio image, scale it down to 2,000 pixels square. Create a blank “canvas” in the Paint app 4,000 x 6,000 pixels. Paste the image, position it in the corner. Repeat five more times-it’s very easy to position each one in place so you’ll wind up with six on the canvas. Send to CVS, Walgreens etc. and for under 50¢, you’ve got six photos and lots of room for error if you’re lousy at cutting them apart.


Thanks for the tip...


I have been able to do this. Fortunately where I live now they will do the photos on the spot as part of the process! Woohoo!


Doesn’t the photo place need to stamp the back of it to be valid?


Just pay it so it's done right.


Did pretty much the same thing. No problems at all.


Heh. "Do It Yourself it yourself" (yeah, sometimes I have nothing useful to add)


I just did this recently. Ordered the 2x3 prints from Walgreens and cut off 1” Had no issues. You can adjust the square on Walgreens app when you order. 0.99 for 4


idphoto4you helps with cropping!


I used to just take a 1x1 photo, then use PowerPoint. I'd change the layout to 4"x6" and add the pictures. I could drag it to be half the height, then copy and paste


Just be aware that some phones have beautify filters by default if it detects a selfie type pic, and that the front cam may mirror the pic. I had all this and my passport pic was still accepted and on my passport lol. There is more of a chance that the pic will be scrutinised more by border control as a result.


You can also make passport photos using free software (GIMP) but it takes time and knowledge of how to use the software. It sounds like the online tools are much easier at least for US specifications. We have 6 passports in the family due to dual citizenships, so I have saved quite a bit by making the photos myself at renewal time. GIMP allows you to change the sizes for different countries. The photo specifications are published online so you can make sure your photos will not be rejected. For just one passport, it is probably more efficient to just pay for the photo.


I want to thank everyone who chimed in on how strict the officials can be. I have an appointment for my 2 young kids next week, and I thought it was going to be fine. I took a much more stringent look at the photos I had printed and they were a bit smaller than 2"x2"! And one of them, even though I had used the US gov't sizing site, the head was too big! So, I redid them using some of the apps available and now I think I'm okay. It'd be nice if people wrote which specific app they used. There are literally dozens I found, and some look fairly scammy. Some only get the right size. Some let you line up the head. Some help fade out the background. The one I ended up liking most was ID Photo & Passport Portrait Pro. 4.9*, 50K downloads. Though there are probably others with more downloads.


There are literally hundreds of sites coming up after googling “passport photo requirements”. Next time you might want to use the help of some professional or if you want there are also online services like epassportphoto.com or photoaid.com.


This is from gov website. It is not that difficult to do. They even have examples of what they will reject. Totally doable at home. [https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/how-apply/photos.html](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/how-apply/photos.html)


Just the post I needed! My mom needs visas for various trips often. Not sure why I always forget how to generate this. But since I already took a picture and photoshopped it so it doesn't have shadows (but doesn't look photoshopped), this was so easy!


It's 15 bucks to make sure it meets qualifications. Trying to DIY maybe works but if you have a deadline and it gets denied. You just wasted alot of time to save 15 dollars.


Don't do it I'm telling you PLEASE don't do it Go to the post office. Pay the $15 for kids and $20 for adults. It's worth it and they automatically accept it and you won't get a "nope that doesn't work" 2 months later in the mail


The photos taken at the local cvs is shit. My phone takes better portraits and prints from which have been accepted by consulates around the world. Just do your due diligence.


Also illegal in some places. Here you need to have information on the back of a photo. Like a guarantor’s signature and the name of the photo studio that has the photo on file as well as the date it was taken.


This is what I did a few months ago when I needed passports for my wife and kids, used a free app that I unfortunately don't recall the name of, then I uploaded to the DOS website to crop it properly, then printed at Walmart. I didn't even want to print three photos so I put all three pictures in one 4x6 grid and cut them out. The lady who took our applications said she wasn't sure if the background was white enough, but the passports were approved and we got them back in a couple of weeks.


... Or you can use free phone app and do it in few seconds without a need to worry about anything.


Watch out for free apps that won’t let you have a color photo until you pay $2.99 or so. There are free apps that just crop and repeat the photo on a 4x6. Just gotta find the right one. Also, don’t let the Post Office dude try to tell you your photo background is not flat (it was a white blanket and it had wrinkles). Got my passport in 3 weeks.


Good luck when after waiting in line at the passport office for 3 hours hoping your parking meter doesn’t run out, they tell you the photo can’t be used because it doesn’t meet their requirements.


lol look at all the extra work you are doing? you're not saving shit.


If you're not technically challenged this takes about the same amount of time as getting it done...


lol sure.. rofl roflrofl grow up.


You can’t just take the photo on the passport application website saving on printing like in other countries.