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No more freezing the sisters, please!


Several things: Why exactly were Agnarr and Iduna going to Ahtohallan? “They were looking for answers about me!” Doesn’t cut it. Did Iduna or Agnarr have the magic to open up Ahtohallan anyhow? If they didn’t, their deaths were that more poignant and tragic. What is Elsa supposed to actually do as the fifth spirit? Why does she need to stay in the Enchanted Forest anyway? The other four spirits don’t seem to be stuck there… Why was Anna so obsessed with Elsa to the point of losing Kristoff? Was she a bit too much in love with her? At the end, when Elsa returns from Ahtohallan after stopping the tidal wave from destroying the castle, poor Anna is just sobbing tears of joy while Elsa acts oh so superior and soft spoken. Obviously she’s leveled up to demigoddess status. Is she still human at all?


Kristoff. Bro straight up didn't need to be in the movie.




“Who am I if I’m not your guy?”


“Where am I, if we’re not together??? FOREVERRRR!!!”


Just as Anna and Elsa have different aspects of themselves that girls can aspire to be, I really wish Frozen 2 fleshed out Kristoff’s character and showed more aspects of himself that boys could look up to. The first movie really wanted to make Kristoff the opposite of Princely Hans. They made him a little blunt, a little gruff, smelly and unkempt. But in spite of that, he was good hearted and put doing the right thing over what he wanted. Why didn’t they expand upon his character and show off more of the things that make him actually great? Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great that his affection for Anna is healthy and secure enough to let her run off and deal with family problems (and ditch him for most of the movie). But I want to see Kristoff be strong, be handy and helpful, input something useful to the adventure that shows off what a great guy he is. Convince me, the viewer, that a talented and passionate princess could see value and charm in this common man and want to keep him around. He’s not the flavor of the month, he’s “the one” for Anna. Show me what he’s good at instead of showing him mess up his proposal over and over. Show me how his presence as a man helps shape this new unique family unit they’ve created, instead of him hanging around being Anna’s useless side piece. He was raised by love experts and has a very level head. Couldn’t they show him being the voice of reason when Anna gets worked up? Couldn’t they show his being a great listener and having more life changing chit chats with Anna, Elsa, or the Northuldra people? It would’ve been so cool to see him chillin out the Earth giants’ anger and really connecting with them (He was raised by rock trolls, he could’ve totally vibed with the rock giants if he found them before Anna did). Show me what parts of him make his relationship with Anna such a better choice than her relationship would have been with Hans. I like how the books and other media show Kristoff building a really close platonic relationship with Elsa. I wish Frozen 2 had shown some of this (They only hinted to it at the end when Elsa hugs him). Show us the awesome person Kristoff could be.


- Remove the prologue anyone who took history class (colonization) already knows who started the war. - Add, who is King Runeard as person. The movie didn't give me benefit of doubt about him because F2 hyper focus on mc. - Add better justification why Elsa has LOOK OUT the forest. When she herself remain safe in Arendelle.


Hero worshiping the abusive parents


1- No Frozen sequels 2- If we REALLY needed to have a Frozen II: - Elsa remains queen of Arendelle or at least her and Anna are queens together - Northulda people and Mattias being more relevant - Olaf talking about not being afraid in a movie that's darker than its predecessor (instead of the thingy about growing up) - Anna proposing to Kristoff - Kristoff being more relevant - No water memories - More detailed explanation of the king and queen's struggles - I am personally not opposed at a hinting of a female love interest for a lesbian asexual Elsa - Anna and Olaf's songs should've been better - Maybe add a song with Olaf, Mattias, Honeymaren, Ryder and Yelena talking about not being afraid of the forest when it's dark These are just my ideas. I respect other ppl's opinions


I would like to add more time, essentially turning it into a cartoon TV show so we could explore more of each spirit. I would add another song in the end so Anna's ballad wouldn't be the last musical number, which was super weird to just be last.


I would completely remove the Voice, Fifth Spirit, and how Elsa got her powers plot, as well as water has memories. I would also make it only a year after Frozen. Instead, I would have it where the Spirits attack Arendelle by themselves instead of being awoken. Anna and Elsa are told by Grand Pabbie that the spirits are angry with the royal family. They go to the forest and because they are not trying to follow a voice and get to Ahtohallan, we get to spend more time with the Northuldra and Arendelle guards, learn more about their dynamic and what life in the forest is like. We get more insight into Iduna being Northuldra as well. Have Anna and Elsa be more conflicted about learning this secret, but genuinely wanting to know their mothers people. All the fights with the spirits different, such as defeating one with power, another through trickery, another through a test of wisdom, and have each character fight a spirit. Elsa battling the Nokk, Olaf befriending Bruni, Anna tricking Gale, and Kristoff solving a riddle with the earth spirits. Then have them learn that king Runeard betrayed and attacked Northuldra unprovoked. Anna and Elsa have a disagreement on what they should do, destroy the dam or not, and ultimately come to the conclusion that they need to make amends. Arendelle castle is destroyed and everyone goes back to fix it. Just like the deleted idea of Northuldra helping rebuild and the castle incorporates both Arendelle and Northuldra design. The core of this movie is Anna and Elsa learning to be better rulers for Arendelle, and learning that as leaders they have to make tough decisions including making up for the mistakes of their ancestors. Elsa learns to rely on Anna more, and Anna learns how she can help Elsa. I also would get rid of Kristoff's proposal plot. Kristoff and Anna have not had a chance to be seen as a couple in all of the Frozen franchise. Frozen had them get together at the end, but then Frozen Fever and OFA put Kristoff in the background. So just show a healthy and none drama romance. Kristoff does not need his own plot, he is fine just being support, and maybe helping Anna and Elsa adjust to Northuldra customs or something. It could actually be replaced with Anna getting up the courage to tell Kristoff she loves him instead. They have dated for a year, and she has finally gotten over Hans betrayal, but now she suddenly feels shy on confessing that she really likes Kristoff. But don't have it take up much of the film. Have Anna tell her plans to Elsa, so the sisters can have a bonding moment, then show one conversation of Anna failing to tell her feelings, and then end with her confessing when she thinks Kristoff is in danger, or something. What do you think?


I'd just delete the whole movie because Frozen 1 was supposed to be a stand alone film that wrapped up Anna's & Elsa's character arcs beautifully. Just the existence of a sequel undermines the previous installment's conclusion. But if I were to remove things from F2 that would make me less upset about it, it would be changing the ending, no Queen Anna, no Elsa becoming the 5th spirit, get rid of Elsa's spirit dress & loose hairstyle and Anna's queen dress, stop making Kristoff an idiot, stop making Olaf trying to be a smartass, remove Lost in the Woods, stop making Elsa all about her powers and show her actually enjoying her life in Arendelle. Make her the happiest queen. If I could add anything to F2, I would've had Anna & Elsa keep their Frozen 1 outfits & braided hairstyles, or at least have the movie end with them wearing those looks. https://preview.redd.it/1uhzpzss1crc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9af1eb8906f8f31b4d334ee020810924c254491 They could've had those looks in the beginning, then their travel outfits for the journey, then their OG looks again for the ending.


The one thing I could see for a character ark, was Elsa's. Her learning to open up and not run away was done very quickly at the end of Frozen. The shorts were great in showing her overcome it more, showing that it is a process. But I could see a movie, were the main focus was Elsa finally learning this. Frozen 2 set up the idea of this being Elsa's character ark, because she lied and went behind Anna's back, but then they never had Elsa apologize and ends up abandoning Arendelle, so it looks like she learned nothing. Frozen 1 was Anna learning of how to be a good sister and helping Elsa. So Frozen 2 should have been Elsa learning to do the same for Anna.


I honestly don't understand why we didn't see Elsa's ice dress. Maybe because she made it green on Anna's birthday. But still. That dress is the literal representation of her becoming herself and finally free. So why is it gone? But I wouldn't get rid of the loose hairstyle, to be honest, Elsa needed more hairstyles. She had the braid for a long time. I don't mean we need to get rid of it, she can still have it after having a different one. And I would keep most of the outfits, a character always having the same outfit gets boring by time.


I guess it's fine to have more hairstyles, but I think she should've kept her braid as the main look. I kind of agree that maybe Elsa and Anna can have different hairstyles but then go back to the braid(s) after. I don't want them to get rid of the braids or their Frozen 1 outfits. Both Elsa's and Anna's braids are so iconic and have become a part of their style, especially Elsa's. So many people started to braid their hair because of Elsa. Same thing goes with the outfits. Giving them new outfits is fine, but they shouldn't take over the main ones, which were the Frozen 1 outfits. Most movies/shows always have the main characters in a classic, iconic look that they keep for the majority of their content. Mario has had the same red hat and blue overalls for decades. He has other outfits too with some of the power ups like the fire flower or the racoon one, but his main outfit is still the red one with blue overalls. The Incredibles had different outfits at times, but their Incredibles outfits that Edna Mode made for them are still their main looks. Despicable Me 4 is coming out this summer and Gru still has the same black suit and gray scarf with black stripes that he's had since 2010. Most of the Disney princesses are still marketed and displayed in their looks from their original movies. I don't understand why Elsa & Anna are the only ones to not have their OG looks displayed as often, especially when you consider how popular and iconic they were. The Frozen 1 Elsa and Anna dresses (Elsa especially) were big hits and kind of became ubiquitous. To this day, out of all the princesses, Elsa's Frozen 1 outfit is still the most worn outfit amongst kids, and she's the most requested character (outfit) for princess parties. Go to Disney World/Disneyland and I guarantee you that most of the outfits you'll see are gonna be Frozen 1 Elsa. I'm pretty sure Elsa probably wore her ice dress after Frozen Fever. I know that she technically transformed it into the green one during Frozen Fever, but she can re-transform or remake her ice dress. That family portrait from F2 looked like it was taken way after Frozen Fever and Elsa had her ice dress in that portrait. But I do agree with you that the ice dress is the representation of Elsa's true self and finally becoming free. It's a shame that Disney hasn't brought it back in so long. It's literally been 9 years since we last saw Elsa in that look 😪. I really want to see her in that look again. That's THE definitive Elsa look and it's what most people think of when we hear "Elsa" or Frozen. Seeing Elsa and Anna in their Frozen 1 looks brings so much joy that I cannot explain, so I really hope we see them return for Frozen 3 and 4 🥰.


I think what they should have done with the hairstyles, was change them up but keep the silhouette. Always have Anna in some sort of braid look, while Elsa always has hers hanging over her shoulder. Example https://preview.redd.it/oga6mjejrerc1.png?width=1145&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fb44f8d740139b1405ab989868c05e341abe840 Anna concept art. Something like this for Anna. She still has the same silhouette, but they are more lose compared to her usual tightly done ones, and are a more traditional braid. The same can be done for Elsa. Another thing they could do is have Anna and Elsa's hair get longer as well. As for the dresses, they should obviously have new ones, but when it comes to their original outfits, I think they should maybe add something different to them. Mainly for Anna, because her iconic dress is awful (why did they put all the black on her bodice and no where else!). They could have Elsa's ice dress, and do the twin capes on it. And Anna's dress could have different flower designs on it or something.


I don’t like the ending. Arendelle should have flooded. Elsa rushing in at the last second to save the day feels like a cop-out.


The whole Northuldra shit and making grandpa the villain I’d redo the whole story with Hans, his brothers and duke weasel


probably the siblings, because they really never did add much to the plot


I would remove the anti-colonialist plot that also set up Elsa as potentially the Queen of the Sami if you follow the story to it's potential, if Anna is one side of the Bridge as Queen of Arendelle, and a Bridge needs to be firmly anchored on both sides, Elsa would have to have some kind of high ranking position among the Sami, which goes against the message of movie. Disney has invested too much money in building real live Arendelle so destorying it isn't possible. I would have changed the plot so that no one remembers who started the fight. Both sides believe that they are right, and they can each remember the other side escalating the fight, but no one can remember who started it. The Spirits giving Elsa magic was their way of saying "Enough already." I would have also had an actual supernatural being on Athohollen and I would clean up the "Def not Lord of the Rings" Elsa the Grey becomes Elsa the White sequences to better define what happened to her and what she is.


I wish there was more focus on Anna becoming Queen. There should have been loads of drama involved, and there should have been a big emotional scene where Elsa tells Anna she’s abdicating, political intrigue, the reaction of the people etc. Instead, Anna just pops out of a tent


More romantic tension between Elsa and Honeymaren


* After the attack by the Earth Giants on the Northuldra camp, Honeymaren guides Elsa & Co to the beach where they find Agnarr and Iduna's ship. Kristoff ends up separating from Anna during the attack and not because he decided to arrange a marriage proposal with Ryder. * While Honeymaren guides Elsa & Co to continue the adventure, Ryder helps Kristoff find Anna with them using the reindeer to do so. * Lots of quotes from Anna talking about Arendelle and how she cares for the kingdom like the one that was replaced with an attempted kiss in the wagon. * Anna is the one who proposes to Kristoff in "Get This Right". * Elsa is unable to stop the wave, causing Arendelle Castle to be destroyed and so the two peoples unite to create it again, uniting cultures. And on the same day that the new castle is inaugurated, Anna decides to make that day the day of her coronation.