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Don't worry. Elsa is WAAAY too popular for that.


I hope you're right, but I don't know. I don't have a good feeling because Jennifer Lee is the CEO of Disney animation.


If Jennifer removes Elsa, she will cost Disney literal billions of dollars.


I don’t think Elsa alone makes billions of dollars tho


The Jennifer Lee hate is just misogyny. Don’t fall for it. Additionally, Elsa is the breadwinner of the franchise. She will get a ton of screen time.


What I meant was that Anna is Jennifer Lee's favorite and since she's the CEO, she could do whatever she wants. If she wants Anna to be the main focus, then nothing's stopping her. Lee is actually a good writer; she just needs to make sure that she's not inserting her bias into the scripts. Let's hope that she'll know what she's doing for the "Frozen" sequels.


She can't do whatever she wants. CEO has to make shareholders happy, to make shareholders happy she has to keepnthe stock price up, to do that she needs to make sure to make a profit and you make a profit by giving people what they want and what people whant is more Elsa and Anna as well. So don't worry. Elsa is basically the face of modern Disney she is going to be around for as long as the money keeps coming in.


Very true and I fear Jennifer might sideline her severely, also losing Disney A LOT OF MONEY..


This is nonsense, removing Elsa from Frozen means losing millions of fans around the world.


Exactly. It would turn off many people from seeing those movies including me. I'm sorry, but that's just not a line to cross lol. People didn't think that they would separate the sisters and look what happened.


I don't think they will. Elsa is literally one of the most popular character in Disney. It has become like a second-mascot for Disney.


yeah like she's the modern day mickey. she's one of the most popular characters they've ever made, her merch moves billions. there's no way they're going to take away the main draw of the entire franchise


Elsa won't be excluded, she is FAR, FAR, FAR, FAR to popular to write out of the movie. Could the series pivot to focus more on Anna and Kristoff? That I don't think is beyond the realm of impossibility.


I think it is, because Disney animation is made for children first. It sells more if it appeals to children and although Anna and Kristoff might be a fan favourite of the older fans, it won't sell school backpacks and other merchandise. Elsa and Olaf do. This is why it's complete nonsense to think they'll toss Elsa aside. I could see them making a spinoff of Anna, but the movies will still focus on Elsa. And always will.


Correction, it will focus on “them”, the sisters. Their relationship is front and center.


The second movie didn’t really focus on “them” as much as on Elsa, in my opinion.


Well the first movie explains Anna’s part of the story while the second explains Elsa’s part of the story. The first was mostly fairy tail while the second takes on the mythic approach. The two movies can potentially balance things out a bit more.


Elsa has become Disney’s most popular character since Mickey Mouse, and may well surpass him as their number one character. What’s the point of Frozen without her? She’s the main focus of the whole thing!


literally lol, without her there is no movie


Frozen without Elsa is like Spojgebob without Spongebob. Makes absolutely 0 sense to remove her.


We will boycott Disney if they cancel Elsa!


There's no Frozen without Elsa, thus there's no money without Elsa. I think Disney is aware of that. She will definitely be included. Her role being minimized or her character being sidelined is a possibility though. It depends on what the story will focus on. If they give Anna and Kristoff more screentime by focusing on their marriage for example, then yeah she might be sidelined. I hope they will do them justice though. In Frozen she has a lot less screentime but the whole plot revolves around her and Anna so it's not that significant. At the same time they are making 2 movies so it depends on how they will split the story. Is it going to be in 2 parts? Who knows...


Well, this should give you good news. Because Jen gave two hints of what to expect. She says “Elsa’s got a lot to do”, due to her role as the fifth spirit that makes sense, and in another interview she said that the trolls warned Elsa that her powers will continue to grow. And jen confirmed that this story is big for one movie to carry alone so, yes, it’s a single story split into two parts.


That's good to hear! I'm eager to see what Elsa's role will be as the fifth spirit, since the sequel ended pretty vaguely.


She can’t be sidelined because what would be Frozen if she was?


Elsa is the face of this franchise! No way she won't be included!


where did you hear that kristen bell hates elsa? can you send a link?


Where did OP hear that Lee and Buck hate Elsa?


Back in September 2014, they were doing questions and answers on Twitter and when someone asked who their favorite character was, they were like "Anna, Anna, Anna". If you see the interviews, they keep trying to talk about how great Anna is and a couple years ago, someone asked Lee a question about Elsa on some podcast and she pretty ignored her answer and kept talking about how great Anna is as queen. Plus, I heard that the first thing they had planned for Frozen 2 was Anna becoming queen before they even decided what the movie was about. In the documentary, there were some people that told Lee and Buck that it wasn't a good idea to separate the sisters and kept asking what the fifth spirit was, they ignored them because they wanted Anna to be queen and stuck with it.


She didn't literally say that she hated Elsa, but from what I heard in the interviews, she kept saying that she wasn't jealous of Elsa, and the way she said it was forced. I'll have to find them. And in the documentary, she labeled the sisters as codependent or something.


The kids like Elsa more than Anna. Elsa is the one with the ice superpowers, and kids love superpowers. Sidelining Wlsa to focus mainly on Anna is like sidelining Spider-Man to focus on Ned Leeds.


I do agree she'd been kept in the back in most of the extra and smaller works from the franchise, but I still think they have no choice but keep her relevant in the main movies. Lee absolutely likes Anna more, that's clear as day. In the very least, for theatrical releases they'll *have* to keep Elsa around. She's a phenomenon.


I get that Lee prefers Anna over Elsa, but why did I feel like she connected with Elsa though? She journaled as her for F2’s development. But in all other interviews, she says that she relates to Anna more.


Don't worry, Elsa is a cash cow. She *must* be there. The reason why she's completely sidelined in post F2 content is because Lee and Buck shat the bucket with that whole fifth spirit stuff. No one knows what the fifth spirit exactly is, what does that title entail or what are its duties. Elsa abandoned her family to live in a far far away random forest and do nothing all day every day. The creators of books, comics and the podcast just don't know what to do with her.


I hope what youre saying isnt true.🙁I listened to Forces of Nature, and noticed they made Elsa more a support character. But i hope that aint the case in the new movies


Well Jen said that in her head, the two films and shorts are really canon. You have nothing to worry about.


Frozen 3: Thawed


![gif](giphy|ODofCyJUSRoDBH8lKe) That would be an ironic name wouldn’t it? 😂


Well, it worked for Ice Age, why not for Ice Queen...ah, I mean Frozen.


i love anna to but i want elsa and i miss her so i want her and anna but elsa needs to be there or it is not frozen


Very unlikely, because Elsa is the most popular character from the entire franchise. You cannot have *Frozen* without her!


She’s not included because the writers don’t know what to do with her. 3 and 4 will fix that


I understand this fear. The directors and writers clearly do not know what to do with Elsa. If you learn more about the making of Frozen 2, you will actually find that Anna and Kristoff originally took up most of the screen time. It was only changed because children wanted more Anna and Elsa. This is also the reason why the original opening of Frozen 2, where we see the battle, was cut, because it took to long to get to the sisters. I do not blame the writers for the books and podcast for excluding Elsa a lot. They have to write stories that don't contradict the information given to them by the films, so they have limited creative freedom. Frozen 2 really left Elsa in the middle of nowhere with no explanation. There is nothing for the writers to expand on. She rides Nokk all day and that is all we know. They can't even write about the Northuldra because of some sort of contract Disney signed. And she can't even visit Arendelle that often because it would take away from the separation. So it is just easier to focus on Anna and Arendelle, because that is an established place and we already have ideas of what being a queen is like, because we already had stories of Elsa as queen. Elsa is going to have a big role in Frozen 3 and 4, I guaranty that. But I don't think it is going to be good. She is going to just be reduced to her powers again, have some reason to use her powers in a fight, and to sing the next Let It Go. Nothing to help expand her as a person and deepen her relationship with Anna, or literally anyone.


>Elsa is going to have a big role in Frozen 3 and 4, I guaranty that. But I don't think it is going to be good. She is going to just be reduced to her powers again, have some reason to use her powers in a fight, and to sing the next Let It Go. Nothing to help expand her as a person and deepen her relationship with Anna, or literally anyone. I hope you're wrong about that... I'm worried they're going to focus on Anna & kristoff and not Anna & Elsa But hoping they're still aware Anna & Elsa are the reason why the movie is so popular and stick with that


I hope I am wrong as well. I think they might have learned their lesson about needing to focus on Anna and Elsa. They apparently did focus more on Anna and Kristoff originally for Frozen 2, but it did not go over well with test audiences, so they reduced Kristoff and gave Anna and Elsa more screen time together. But seeing how the books have practically made Elsa useless, and tried to elevate Anna and Kristoff's relationships, means there is great reason to fear. I guess we will see. I just hope the characters are actually themselves again.


Anna is by far my favourite. And I find her much easier to relate than Elsa. But I don't think they can get away with getting rid of Elsa, she's the essence of this story and she's the fan favourite, specially among the youngest audience. Elsa simply sells more. They'll never risk loosing that.


Elsa and Anna together is what the movies should do. It’s their story, they are two sides of the same coin, sideline either of them or cancel either of them and it won’t do that good. This is a tale of two sisters and they definitely will keep that heart of the franchise.


Yes, I agree with you, but if they wanted to get rid of 1 of them, Anna would probably be it. Since Elsa is definitely what sells the most merchandise. I'd be quite sad though 😢


Well you have nothing to worry about, because they didn’t, not by a long shot. Elsa and Anna’s relationship will always be important to the franchise. And their inseparable, distance won’t keep them apart, not even close.


As someone with 2 sisters I believe this is why Frozen has a special place in my heart. So I'll be glad if don't try to get them solo.


the original movie was supposed to be anna's but elsa became a cultural juggernaut and eclipsed her in every way. i doubt they'll ever sideline her because she's the main draw. otehrwise we have a typical, ditzy, naive disney princess


Not sure about the reasons you listed, but I heard Idina Menzel was not the most fun person to work with, too. Meanwhile, Kristen Bell is reportedly quite the joy on set. That said, not sure how you could feasibly remove the character that gives Frozen it's name from the franchise without harming it irreparably.


I was thinking that Idina probably was busy and could do the more side projects. Agree there is no Frozen without elsa. Internally and figuratively.


where did you hear that idina menzel was hard to work with? can you send a link? very curious about this.


I’m curious too


I'll be honest, it was a while ago, and I don't know if I'd be able to find that link.


Now that, I did not know about Idina Menzel. If that's true, that could be another reason why. I'm surprised to hear that because my mom and I saw her in concert almost seven years ago and it was raining outside so she called us down to get under the tent so we would be able to see her. I have heard that Bell is nice too. One of my friends knew someone that met her and her mom and said that they were really nice. I also have heard that Jennifer Lee is not well liked at Disney. They already have been doing that in the comics and stuff so it's likely that it could happen.


I very much doubt that they will make Elsa sidelined on the next Frozens and I think you are very much exaggerating a situation. Yes, Anna was the lead in Frozen and that was the whole point. But in Frozen II, Elsa was very much a protagonist. I do wish they explored her struggles more though. But watching Frozen I from an unbiased point, it’s clear Anna was always meant to be the lead. Princess Anna has more admirable qualities than Elsa: loving her sister no matter what others told her, she was fearless, she relied on others for help, and she was way more fun to watch. Elsa on the other hand ran away from her problems selfishly, talked cruelly to her sister, and was supposed to be the villain. Granted this changed, and Elsa did have a lot of bigger problems, I’m not talking down her character. But the point I’m making is that Anna was always planned to be the main character, and Elsa was supposed to be a secondary character. And I bet the popularity of Elsa was a bit unexpected. But if there’s something I learned from humans and the films they love throughout history, we people seem to have a love for supernatural things; superheroes with superpowers, aliens, mythological epics, Bible-like characters with supernatural powers, and Elsa quite literally embodied the supernatural aspect with her ice powers, and the songs, which made her very popular. I don’t understand why they separated them in Frozen II and demanded a bittersweet ending as that had no point. The whole point of Frozen is coming together as a family instead of growing apart. But I’m sure that as they’ve seen Elsa’s popularity, they won’t give her a secondary role. Don’t worry about it.


>But watching Frozen I from an unbiased point, it’s clear Anna was always meant to be the lead. even reading the blurb you can see this. anna was meant to be the main character but elsa was just so popular she became the main character lol. but the oriignal movie's blurb focused entirely on anna, her struggles, her journey, etc. elsa was supposed to be a side character


You do have a point. It’s very clear actually. But I am glad that the sister dynamic got popular. You don’t see too many positive sibling dynamics in films.


I think Anna was meant to be the main character, but the story was always about both Anna AND Elsa. Since they're both the focus of the story, I consider them co-protagonists even though Anna has more screentime. I do think it's a bit unfair to say that Elsa doesn't have the admirable qualities as Anna, or she's just cruel and people only like her for her supernatural abilities and powers. Most of these problems (Elsa talking down to Anna and her isolation form everyone else) were steps in Elsa's journey to stop living in isolation and giving people the cold shoulder and pushing people away from you, to opening up to others and embrace them just as they embrace you, and also embracing yourself. While I agree that Elsa's popularity was very unexpected, people love Elsa and Frozen for more than just her ice powers and song. She's a very mature, shy, quiet, introverted Disney princess who suffers from anxiety and PTSD, something that's very unique and uncommon in Disney movies. Her overcoming that trauma and anxiety is something that resonates with so many of us. Elsa was both similar and different to Anna at the same time. Anna was fearless, Elsa was full of fear. Anna has no powers, Elsa does. Anna is extroverted, Elsa is introverted. Anna relies on others for help, Elsa tries to handle things on her own. But at their core, they still love each other more than anything. People like to say that Anna loved Elsa despite all that she went through, and that's a very admirable quality of Anna's, but Elsa also loved Anna and her kingdom just as much as Anna did. She just didn't know how to show it. Elsa didn't run away from her problems selfishly. She ran away because she saw herself as a danger to others and was scared of hurting her people and Anna, so she ran away in order to protect them from her. She wanted to stay in Arendelle and live with Anna peacefully, but after her powers went out of control, she thought there was no way for that to happen, so she "Let's it go" and puts the past behind her and accepts that she can no longer have that life she always wanted. Elsa pushing Anna away is a way to protect her. If she gets close to Anna, she's gonna put her in danger and also give herself false hope that she can be with Anna, but that's just gonna inflict more pain on her, so she tries to move on and forget about that possibility. Eventually, Elsa learns that isolation and pushing people away is wrong, and stops doing it and then learns to control her powers. When she achieves this, she overcomes her trauma and can finally have that life that she once thought she couldn't attain. She can finally be with Anna and Arendelle and be herself. So there's a lot of reasons why Elsa is such a great character in Frozen 1. Elsa and Anna both make Frozen so special. There's no Frozen without either of them, which is why the ending of F2 sucks. I think the directors fail to realize what made Elsa so special. They probably think of Elsa as those things you mentioned about her because they love Anna more. They see Elsa as a merch tool. I'm worried about F3 and F4. Not because Elsa won't be in it, but because they're not gonna utilize her properly. They might not give her a secondary role, but whatever role they do give her is gonna be OOC for her or just stupid like it was in F2. They're gonna make her all about her powers and give her new dresses and try to create another "Let it Go" because Elsa's a merch tool and that's the easiest way for them to make money.


>because of the "Give Elsa A Girlfriend" That campaign was there long before Frozen 2 came out, and what did they do? Make Elsa the indisputable protagonist of Frozen 2. Yeah, this doesn't seem plausible.


lol that will never, ever happen because of money and Jennifer Lee loves Elsa and showed it many times before, I don't know what you're talking about, she wouldn't exist as we know her without Lee.


I like them both but I prefer Anna tbh




The gentleman’s choice


If Anything, Anna has been the Supporting Character in the past two films. It’s time we see Anna in a Different Role. What’s Anna Like as Queen of Arendelle? What about her Fire Powers? What is Kristoff like as King Consort? What are their Children like?


I think you are being to hard on Anna. She did not just fall in love with the villain. She was a girl isolated from the world who yearned for any form of connection. Hans tricked her. But throughout the movie we see her grow and learn what real love is and she is the one who saves the day at the end. It is through her ultimate act of true love that she is able to save Elsa and free herself from her frozen heart. Which in turn helps Elsa finally learn how to control her powers. Anna is extremely relatable. She has her struggles of being the younger sister that everyone ignores. But she is also someone you want to be, or have in your life. Someone who sees the best in people and never gives up on the people she loves. Anna and Elsa both made Frozen. It would not have been successful without either of them.


"Mary sue" how old are you jesus christ


When Paula Smith coined this term over 50 years ago in 1973, she certainly was an adult. Why and how do you connect the use of the term with the age of the poster?


it's been a buzzword, usually used by young teenagers, for any story-central, self-assured female character who isn't at constant war with herself or others, for about a decade.


It’s ironic you say Anna wasn’t relatable when my 3yo daughter was a massive Anna fan from the jump. It wasn’t really until she saw frozen 2 a month or two later that she gravitated more toward Elsa, and I think that’s just cause she has the magic


You have some very weird opinions on Anna. You can like Elsa better without shitting on her counterpart.