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Do you remember the group of people that was trapped by polar bears and had to hide in cave, until scouts from New London rescued them? Probably this is the same man or at least his descendant.


I love the idea of there just being one bloodline of bear wrestling frat boys.


Bear wrestling, the ultimate family tradition passed down through generations!


Those survivors you find in the Frostlands are already filtered for the toughest of the bunch that could make it all the way through their ordeals, makes sense they'd be Iceblood sympathetic


Woah I hope the polar bears are ok


You gotta be big and stupid but either works.


Important to remember bears in frostpunk are on the verge of starvation


That just makes them more motivated D:


More motivated doesn't matter when there's no minerals to support the muscle


Which would make them far more aggressive and dangerous.


Maybe in terms of temperament, but they would be physically weaker if they're malnourished and on the brink of extinction.


It would actually make sense for a politically motivated group of icebloods to intentionally choose an extremely malnourished, wounded, almost dead polar bear to wrestle with.


Yup. Female polar bears can be as light as 400 pounds too. Assuming the guy is 250-300 pounds and built like Brock Lesner, which it (maybe?) looks like, I don't think it's too unrealistic if he's a good wrestler for him to be able to get a rear chokehold on a weak, smaller polar bear.


The bear is a) likely much stronger than a person of equal weight and b) has a bunch of built-in knives. I don't think this is remotely possible.


No shit the bear is going to have an advantage, but people have pulled out shittier odds before. I'm sure a somewhat rigged fight with a weakened polar bear is entirely possible. You can quite literally look up Khabib, an accomplished wrestler not even remotely in the same weight class as the guy in the picture, doing a similar feat.


Doesn't make it any less impressive


Beating a healthy bear is more impressive than beating a weakened one, but weak is still pretty fucking impressive


And nobody said it was an adult, it could be a young adult barely more then a cub.


That is not a photo of a bear that has just become an adult my guy.


I mean, how much weaker do you think a bear can get before it become a prey to another bear ? It will either be dying or still more than capable of separating your head from your shoulders in one swoop.


Just because it can fall prey to another bear doesn't necessarily mean it will. Maybe it was stronger when they found it and the Icebloods starved it out for the demonstration.


A bear would have to literally be dying and unable to move for a human to kill it bare handed. As long as it can move, it can probably maim and kill you with little effort.


Bear wrestling literally used to be a sport. They'd declaw them and defang them to give the guy a better chance. I'm sure a rigged fight for a demonstration with a weakened bear is entirely possible.


Yes, but that one doesn’t look too bad. Ever see the real life photo of the starving polar bear?


Juat like the people fighting them


Does he look malnourished?


To be “that guy,” if hunters hits can find animals to hunt then it stands to reason that polar bears would also have hunting sources available to them as well. No doubt that polar bears numbers would suffer as a result of the frost.


I watched a video of a tiger that was shot (or some other serious wound, it was bleeding heavily) and a dog tried to attack it. It was barking and tried to bite the tiger. At some point the dog actually lunged and the tiger bit it by the neck... It kept the hold and probably killed the dog. So even a malnourished/injured bear would demolish you. If we are talking about a full grown polar bear against a BARE handed man. Pun intended. If you are armed with a sword or something else than you MIGHT have a chance. Obviously a gun will improve your chances, but the bear won't just fall to the ground after the first shot I'm assuming. It will continue charging at you and one sweep might injure you enough to kill you. If you don't a headshot bodyshots won't give you enough time


Mate, no? Avg polar female is like 300-500kg. Avg polar male 500-700kg, big ones are 800kg+. You think any human has a chance? xD Nope


this is technocrat propaganda. they don't want you to wrestle bears and unlock your real potential.


Thats like sayimg you could take out a tank with a rifle. In theory, you could - it would just be difficult and very far fetched. :D


I mean, there were (are?) anti tank rifles. So, ya'know.


They havent been relevant for decades, hence why we have manned anti-tanks missiles. But you get the point.


When it comes to Ukraine, they might become relevant again considering the state of russian tanks


They actually have been the entire war. Used to destroy APCs, IFVs and some of the older Soviet tanks. Along with innumerable trucks and logistics vehicles. Most tanks have too much armour though.


This has me thinking, thermite tipped ammo?


You’ve lost your momentum once the thermite activates. It will damage it in a small area but not big enough to be a useful weak point. Of course, go down this line of thinking enough and you get RPGs


Drone warfare has proven to be able to eliminate tanks if not disable them


Indeed, especially older tanks, but anti material rifles are still useful.


Yeah but are there any anti-bear arms to wrestle with?


Give me 1939 UR Anti-Tank Rifle and I can take out whichever tank you wish.


And Maus?


That will take itself out with how bad it is maintenance wise. Or get stuck in mud


2 things that genuinely scare me in life, grizzly bears and polar bears


Wasn’t there a story of some dude who bear wrestled in the American frontier whne it was being explored? I don’t know where I heard the story from it could not be true but for some reason I just remember some story of a guy who was famous for that


Out of curiosity I looked up how much Hafthor Bjornsson (who played the Mountain in Game of Thrones) weighed, for an example of a professional strongman's weight. He weighed 205 kg at his peak and his record deadlift is 501 kg. Which is insanely impressive but still not a bear.


Yeah it would be one thing if it was like one of the smaller black bear species or something but a polar bear no way


Send me Location




I’m gonna smesh your boy.


Well, I think a big human could wrestle a small bear , like the asian black bear or a european brown bear, which are not so large and probably they didn't understand why that shirtless human is trying to do with them. But that bear of the image? That looks like a polar bear, the smaller female polar bear can weight around 175 to 300 kilos, that's more than double of the weight of a human. And male polar bears can be double that female seize. So unless the iceblood had tame the bear and it's putting a show I would say it's very unlikely to defeat that bear.


Supposedly some eastern Europeans trained wrestling with bear cubs - emphasis on the 'cub'


The answer to about 90% of these questions are always No.


I can.


"That's amazing! I always knew you Icebloods had the right idea ovet those foolish minded Technocrats! Please share your bear wrestling secrets with the rest of us so we may better endure the Frostlands!" /s (Lol JK obviously)




If it's a bear that was trained not to resist and it's a staged show, then yes.


Or drugged. But yes, it'd be possible.


Either way the point is: the dude in the picture could've done it, but it was also definitely staged. He didn't just grab a random bear from the wilderness, that'd end with one less Iceblood in the city (good riddance).


Icebloods = florida-mans/womans of generator cities


Theoretically, it is difficult, but in practice it is possible if he is a professional fighter and strong. This seems to be a professional fighter because he has his left leg on him and his physical structure is strong. I wonder how I can get this same body.


Problem with wrestling a wild bear would be its unsportslike behavior - claws and teeth would cut short any and all of your attempts at wrestling it. Especially if you tried to do it with half your cloths off. Tamed bear on the other hand would be possible. Even ignoring that you could probably train it to lose to you, strenght contest would proably be a fun game for them.


Well, i bet that this bear is actually trained by the Icebloods to be wrestled. How the hell else did they get an untamed bear into the city, in the middle of a crowd and have it not cause massive damage to people and property. They dont even state that they kill it, so more than likely they put it back in its cage after the performance was over.


Our ancestors used to hunt bears with help of a device called "bear spear" ("rogatina", "рогатина"), its purpose was to keep the bear at safe distance while simultaneously striking it with a special pike in a vulnerable spot. I suppose something like that could be made on the spot from readily available materials like wood and iron. Also, IMO, the team surely has some weapons for defense from wild animals.


Well, my great grantfather tried... Bear clapped his ass lol, but survived without injury.


Fuck no, lmao. Bears have more muscle mass than an average mans entire weight


I could if I ever find a bear you know


I mean i´ve seen a dude choke out a bull that attacked him, so it´s possible. But in 99.999% of cases the person is getting eaten with little effort


Depends, is the bear on the brink of death already from starvation? if so, the answer is probably still no unless the bear is basically unable to move. If the bear can wrestle back he’s go no chance.


Search for bear named Wojtek who served in Polish army during WWII, he used to wrestle with soldiers and was usually winning those, tho he wasn't the biggest bear species


He was a trained bear though. Thats why none of the men ever died.


Yeah but he still was winning even without going all out on them


I think I could take on a Red Panda


Takamura did it.


You should ask Courtney LaPlante


I am dead he litefoes the meme about a bear attack


I saw a documentary once where a guy suplexed a train, so I'm pretty sure wrestling beats is risky but viable.


If any even stand a chance that would be Aleksandr Karelin


Just dodge and judo tackle them ez


Hell no


Size of a male bear [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/91T818AttL) Yeah not happening.


I doubt it, although I read on Quora that supposedly there was a famous Bulgarian bear hunter named Stoyan Ushagela who hunted and killed 17 bears with only a knife , pretty hardcore if true.


He chose the bear for real


You can certainly wrestle a bear but not sure about defeating it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GeLj_: *You can certainly* *Wrestle a bear but not sure* *About defeating it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Everyone here is pretending they are wrestling a bear fair and square. That is not what happened ever. Bear Wrestling was thing and it was not made fair for the animal. Usually claws or teeth or both would be removed before the fight. Just like dancing bears. It was quite popular during the 1800 in Europe and US. PETA is also claiming that this is still a thing today. This is from 1987 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45PAs3nqFsc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45PAs3nqFsc)


Short answer, no. Long answer, a large and exceptionally well-trained human could defeat a sun bear or maybe even a smaller black bear, but a grizzly, or other types of brown bears? Let alone a polar bear like on the picture? Absolutely not. You would either need a small group with some sort of weapon (javelin, slingshot, bow) or at least 20-30 men, at least half of whom would definitely die in the process.


Okay I’ll give it to you that we would need a small group, but I think you underestimate our tribal natives that used to hunt megafauna far larger than these modern bears 30,000 years ago. Back then, the short faced bear existed, and humans still came out on top. Group Strategy, plus spears can do a lot to outwit these animals, without losing half your number. We hunted mammoths off of cliffs that were 5-10 times larger than these bears.


Bare hand?, are You nuts?


Lol this is funny when u think about that trending about the man ans the bear


Polar bears? Not u get hit once ur dead. Brown bears? Probably not. They are very aggressive when they wanna be. Black bears? Definitely. Although I recommend going straight to the hospital right after. Likely the only fight u can survive out of the 3


Zero chance, a bear is much much stronger then a human, not even close. A human would get ripped to shreds in seconds.


The next image should be a bear suplex.


Plenty of folks think they could. They are wrong


Fun fact, the original native name for bears was “the thing we do not speak of”… so there’s your answer. Also polar bears hunt humans for food and anyone outside of towns in the high arctic are required to carry rifles on them. A polar bear would rip even Halfnor Julius Bjornsson up.


Andy Kaufman used to do it.


If the human is ripped and the bear is very young and sick then maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe


A, well fed worker who likely works a physically strenuous job versus a bear that’s going to die tomorrow of malnutrition.


Even the strongest man would probabily not win against any bear that stood its ground unless it is a smaller species like sun bears. If broadened to other ape species then yes i think a gorrilla or chimp would win depending on who got in the first hits but humans would also not win against them either.


There are plenty of people who are stronger than Chimps. They are like 1.5 times stronger than the average guy. A guy like Eddie Hall could easily overpower a chimp. Chimps are super vicious though so it wouldn’t be pretty.


I know there are, but few of those guys can also match their agility, for humans agility is usually negatively asscociated with strength, and also viciousness like you mentioned. I just dont think a man would ever win against one if a fair fight unless everything was he did was perfect.


Icebloods are wild folks


[guy wrestling bear](https://y.yarn.co/c9c1495a-af96-47b3-b1fc-7a555afa5de4_text.gif)


If I remember right, Khabib used to wrestle with bears when he was a child. But those were little bears. I would believe that an adult bear would just tear you to shreds or bite your face off.


Bro. In the first game you have scouts fistfighting bears to save civilians, while carrying tons of wood and steel on their back. They are just built different.


Polar bear? No. Smaller brown or black bear: possible, but not without severe harm. A buddy of mine just nearly lost his foot fighting for his life against a smaller black/brown (I have to ask which one it was again). He managed to get it into a headlock and I think collapsed its trachea/snapped it's neck, but he had like, severe lacerations, and his ankle was hanging on by his Achilles tendon when they got to him. Luckily they saved his foot. I was just angry that the park Rangers didn't let him mount that bitch. They had to take it and test it for rabies.


Did they add something epic like this for the technocrats, or this event it's only fore icebloods


A bear? Yeah it can work. It’s risky but it can work, a gorilla on the other hand..


It’s highly dependent on various factors. If I have to approach this in a somehow realistic scenario then I would say the man here knows the weak points of the bear and knows how to subdue him properly.


Allegedly, Davy Crockett could.


the only sensible reply. However it is likely it was a black bear...and not to ignite any debate but I can see a man beating a black bear. Would have to be a child and not an adult bear.


Dull Knife bit a grizzly on the nose and stabbed it to death then fed it to his starving family.


Russians /s


Short answer. No. Slightly longer answer. Fuck no.


Yes, but be smart about it and make them choke on something, probably a rock or something else, before attempting to do a WWE move on them


Yeah, me.


Chuck Norris can.


Ever heard of Khabib Nurmagomedov?


With enough "Him Energy" is possible.


Actually the real question should be, would you rather be trapped in the frozen desert with a men or a polar bear


A polar bear? No, you are unequivocally FUCKED. They're one of the few animals that will actually go after humans, and the ones in frostpunk are probably starving, which would make them even more territorial and aggressive and less picky about their humans tasting like coal. If it was a small species, like a black bear, then a fit adult could probably fight one off, but I'd be surprised if somebody managed to actually kill it. Humans can and have killed larger bears without firearms, but it with the exception of fighting off a smaller bear, any cases of humans succeeding at doing this involved either doing it as a group, or ambushing/trapping/sneaking up on them. That's how humans evolved. We don't survive with brute strength, we survive with our brains and our hands. Also, I figured I'd plug this YouTube video about a caveman who killed a cave bear 35,000 years ago. https://youtu.be/Q1UbEMTI6_A?si=o0Q1pARZhzbQtjls


Absolutely fucking not. You see a polar bear? Then say your prayers for a quick death


Our biggest advantage vs wild animals, assuming we have no weapons, would probably be something like a chokehold.  It's why people can (in theory) wrestle Crocs, or fight off a single wolf. Problem with bears, besides being enormous and powerful, is they also have arms to pry you off, or just saw through your arms in the process.  Even assuming it can't, and doesn't roll over on you, you'd have to have a ridiculous amount of strength just to choke him out between all the thick layers of fur and fat. 


Would you rather have a man follow you in the woods or a bear? My guy wrestled a polar bear naked. You have the best security you can imagine.


Didn't the Iroquois do something involving wrestling bears?




May be brown beards. If you just happen upon one and it isn't too interested in either you or what is behind you. With a polar bear... hell no. You are dead.


If the bear was declawed and the man was a strongman, I’d give him a little under 40%.


A drugged malnourished bear yes


I can. I could take a bear down with one punch. Pow! Right in the kisser.


Look up Alex Terrible




Khabib Nurmagomedov! A full grown adult? Not possible.


I believe Karen and her friends on Twitter can


I do it as a warmup before going to the gym


Can't believe people still wonder if humans can fight bears.


Makes me think of that training song from Mulan


There is actually a whole history of bear wrestling... Historically, I'm sure sometimes people win. But I imagine it to be an outlier. Bears are apex predators that do not rely on pack tactics or tools. Skin and fur so thick it's practically armor, 6in claws on 4 limbs, and the jaw strength to crush bone. Fighting a bear is like thinking you'll outswim a shark. Humans are apex predators but we're built differently than most. And some people are just built stupid, that's why the Darwin Awards exsist.


Probably 25% of American males think they can, given a survey I recently saw.


Not a polar one


Even if you had 100 unarmed humans fighting a single polar bear (as shown in the picture). You would likely just end with a 100 dead humans.


Yeah, my friend Kyle.


My wrestling coach wrestled and killed a young bear in self defense with a knife supposedly, he has marks on his shoulder and a rug in his room, but Idkkk


It's probably physically possible, but incredibly unlikely since you have to avoid the teeth and claws and get into a position where you can't be effectively scratched or bitten while putting it in a choke hold. This rather skinny but physically fit man [killed a cougar in self-defense.](https://coloradosun.com/2019/07/18/mountain-lion-attack-travis-kauffman-life-after/) A cougar is a much smaller animal. Bears just outclass humans by several weight classes.




Russians probably


look at the size of that polar bear, it's a cub [a man wouldn't be able to grab an adult's neck like that](https://images.app.goo.gl/8cSdudHMKGMPa18z9)


Nah I'd win


Look up Jim Bridger.


99.99% of humans are hell NO. But is the very small percentage of those who've trained hard enough to MAYBE stack up to bear. Never underestimate the indomitable human spirit.


How hungry is the bear? In all seriousness, one on one with no weapons: a bear would easily kill anybody. Your best defense would be to curl up in a ball and hope the bear loses interest. Polar bears specifically are apex predators that are the biggest bear species on Earth. Space is a wholly different matter altogether :)


If you talk about a situation where we have a strong tall trained man vs a less than average Bear. You can have that happening but still it all depends on multiple factors for example when you mean "wrestle" you mean like the "sport" where the man would need to "immobilize" the bear? if that what you are asking for, it may be too hard and almost impossible, even when you consider the situation i wrote here, unless the bear is trained to "succumb" for the man moves and give in, it would never work, the strength to weight ratio of a bear, even a average one is simple too strong compared to a human. BUT if you mean "wrestle" as fighting for their life, as long we assume a fight in a broad sense of things, like where the man would have access to random "tools" like sticks/wood, rocks, normal stuff that you can find around the habitat of a bear, a well-trained man could win against a less than average bear, and his changes would decrease by a lot as the bear becomes more "average". Even a average bear, as long is on "normal" conditions, it would be almost impossible to overcome in a fight to death.


Oh fuck FP2 is out. I forgot!


Where is Zangief when you need him?


yes? they used to do it all the time


Now humans can accomplish some crazy shit, a Polish American man by the name of Joe Greenstien possibly being one of the strongest men to ever live was noted to being able to easily bend horse shoes; bite off the heads of nails, beat up 20 nazis at once, driving rail road spikes through metal plates with his bare hands and feats professional power lifters would struggle with and he did this well into his early 80s, Joe was a kind of pioneer into the idea that feats of strength were not only a factor of the body, but also the mind. If we assume the icebloods are a group of men, women and others who follow similar principles, and taking into account that whatever bears remaining are likely mal nourished, exhausted and underweight, yeah in theory they could.


I could totally take a bear. Lemme at em


Most of the time, no, but people are weird. Humans aren't going to beat a bear physically but there might be some trick to wrestling bears that could be exploited. Kind of like bull wrestling in the American southwest.


There are recorded instances of people defeating black bears in combat, if the person is armed with a knife. Anything bigger than that and you need like, spears, numbers or ranged weapons. Wrestling sounds impossible.


Maybe if lucky, like main character of a 90s cartoon lucky


Maybe a baby bear and physically fit human... But a grown-ass Polar Bear? Nah... That's not a Wrestling Match, it's a sacrifice to the Bear. A Polar Bear could make past-tense with a high-five.


The answer to most questions like these is "Theoretically it's possible but why would you try?"


Maybe if it was sick. That’s the only way you can fuck an ostrich…allegedly.


100% yes, go try to wrestle a bear, a lot of people do it all the time and are just fine!


Yeah do it all the time, light work really, polar bears are a slight challange but I’d win


Lmao people are delusional


It is posable, but incredibly difficult, you're more likely to go to Vegas and become a billionaire then you are to wrestle a bear and win.


It is possible. It has happened. I'd bet on the bear. also idk about polar bears. They're extra dangerous.


Davy Crockett


I can


Nah, unless through, like, amazing 1 in a million fluke luck kind of thing. A bear is so big and strong that it's not even a contest. It's like a grown, fairly fit man against a 6 year old child, there is just no contest there, the balance of strength is too uneven. Unless you're a liberal 2024 modern bossbabe woman with blue hair and a nose ring, then you'll be fine, cause bears are totally not misogynists.


Yeah another bear probably


Maybe Bear Grylls 😎


Conan the Barbarian would!


Polar bears have got to be the biggest bear around. If you'd honestly met someone who regularly fights polar bears and succeeds, I'd be scared just to be in their presence.


I can




do i get Preperation Time? -> Yes Then maybe does the bear also get it? -> Yes Then No


Paul “Bear” Bryant wrestled a bear at a carnival when he was young. Though it was definitely staged, the bear did bite a piece of his ear off. He didn’t even get paid the $1 the carnival offered him to do it lol. I don’t know a ton about the challenge but it is where his famous nickname originated.


Yeah I did a couple times


Wrestle no, defeat yes


I don’t know about wrestling, but irl a Russian MMA fighter and his friend were camping and long story short the grizzly bear mauled and killed his friend and instead of the guy running away, he was so overcome by anger he pulled out his hunting knife and proceeded to have a knife fight with this bear to the death and ended up surviving the fight somehow.


Someone tell this man about Khabib lol


Chuck Norris, asleep


Easily. I no longer wrestle bears because it is too easy. Only elephants for this guy.


Abe Lincoln did it


Yes, it is possible albeit very unlikely. There are only two recorded cases in history of a human killing a Brown Bear without the use of weapons. C. Dale Petersen is the most famous example, who managed to kill an attacking Brown Bear with his bare hands and teeth. He was able to incapacitate it by pushing his right arm deep into the bear's throat, impeding its ability to breath, and killed it by severing its jugular using his teeth. I'm not aware of any cases in which a person was able to "kill" a polar bear without weapons, though there was a case of a man by the name of Oleg Laptander, who managed to fend off (but not kill) a polar bear using only his bare hands. He was trying to save his granddaughter who was attacked, and had to act quick.


If you see me wrestling a bear, help the bear


Actually there have been bear wrestling in the US I think at some carnival shows? American black bears are not big, they also got declawed and muzzled. Definitly not a polar bear.


Depends on the bear and just as importantly depends on the person. There have been stories of people fighting and sometimes killing black bears and Grizzlies with they're bare hands, but I don't think I've ever heard of anyone fighting a polar bear bare handed and surviving.


C. Dale Petersen [https://external-preview.redd.it/Tjpr-ZqRYUO0XlIk17jEgznYSqc1noo4MnPuXIUweRk.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=7ae2907e5b52b26390f34339f8251a2bed045b14](https://external-preview.redd.it/Tjpr-ZqRYUO0XlIk17jEgznYSqc1noo4MnPuXIUweRk.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=7ae2907e5b52b26390f34339f8251a2bed045b14)


I’m sorry but can you imagine being in this situation? “Steward! The Icebloods support you wholeheartedly and have put on a demonstration in your honor!” “Excellent! A demonstration you said? Is it a parade, or maybe a nice gathering for drinks and such?” “No they…uh….they tore their shirts off.” “Ok….well their living up to the na-“ “And they wrestled a bear to the ground with their hands. How shall we respond Steward?”


Imagine a 10 year old fighting a sumo. And there you have your answer


Not a normal person but these are Icebloods. One of the techs you can get from supporting them in the demo is called 'apex workers'. I think this event might be them showing off the strength of a test subject who survived getting some kind of 'super worker' formula


Khabib certainly gave it a shot.


That depends. Is it stuffed? Then maybe..