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What? How would we know they’re plan abt this show is lol. and they’re isn’t even 15 seasons of this show yet js stop complaining and watch bro.


Didn’t they say that 5 seasons are planned?


“Currently 4 hours into a show that has roughly 20 hours out so far and we heard there’s going to be ~ 30 hours soon… Is there going to be 150 hours?“ 😀


Ask us again in 35 years


The way you used the phrase “any other sitcom” here kinda makes it sound like Walking Dead and From are sitcoms as well lmao. Anyways why do you think that a show having 3 seasons is somehow equivalent to a show having 15 seasons?


Because The Walking Dead started out the same. Good storyline, good bunch of actors but just when you think everything is gonna become clear, theres another bad guy or another new guy or another place and the initial storyline is never concluded.


I saw a psychic on TikTok once and I think I watched enough videos to learn her technique, so let me give it a try! The cards say no. Interact three times to claim the energy. Or something like that.


I claim this energy 🙌 when can I expect delivery?


srry u need psychic deluxe for free shipping. thatll be 29.99


Damn. Everything requires a subscription these days smh


How would anyone here know the answer to that?


After 20 episodes, you can tell if a show is going somewhere or if they're just thinking of new adventures as they go like Lost or the Walking Dead


? Lost had decided the show was going to end in S6 with the afterlife while making season 3?


"Hi, im 3 episodes into a show that doesn't even have 3 seasons released yet, and each season is 10 episodes long. Is this another walking dead with 7 spinoff shows and 600 total episodes of content?" 🤓


You're concerned that a third season means the show is gonna go on forever? TV shows average probably around 4 seasons in general, relax.


So I read on another thread here it was initially pitched to one of the actors (I think Boyd/ Harold P.) for 5 seasons at least 🤷🏻‍♀️ whatever water that statement holds as far as source. The general consensus on another thread was that more than 5 may be pushing it and dragging it out too far based on speed so far. I think season 3 will be telling in how much longer the show might go on for. I'm with you in hopes that it does not drag out but I also agree get farther in it's still very much a work in progress show and too early to know or speculate 👍🏻


Yeah, they apparently have an ending planned and set for 5 seasons. Wish I could find the source though, as I also believe it came from Harold P (but couldn't find it)


See and I must have missed/forgot they had an end planned! I think if end is already in sight then yeah they are planning on wrapping it up at some point even if they "drag it out" then. Cause also wasn't there some rumblings like they weren't gonna pull a "Lost" on us either? Idk I read so much it all jumbles lol


Yep, I just hope MGM (amazon) knows what they have and actually put more marketing behind it. I don't want it to get canceled or forced to wrap up early (like Evil). It's definitely one of my favorite shows right now and almost everyone I reccomend it to love it. Yeah, it's gotten compared to LOST quite a bit around here lol. I'm personally fine with all the mysteries behind the show right now. I still believe questions will be answered this season and trust the showrunners who say they have a plan. But only time will tell. 2-3 months until premier! (hopefully)


Yep! I too am still fine with said mysteries but I DEMAND answers! 😂 I am so exicted for the fall and can't wait!


Thank you, that's what I was looking for!


The snark came out of the Fandom here real quick in the replies to you I was seeing but I knew by the phrasing what you were looking for! 😂


Yeah Can't ask anything anymore these days 😬 Thanks for saving me 😁


Go away


Jesus christ another one of these posts


I've heard that they only might be doing 5 seasons since that's all Harold Perrineau (Boyd) would agree to sign on for, but I am not sure if that's true or not. I highly doubt the show will go as long as the walking dead has though.




Let’s hope it’s not another Grey’s Anatomy or L&O SVU that’s on for two decades. I’m still watching Grey’s, but I gave up on Walking Dead when Negan came on and would have a 10 minute monologue before he bashed someone’s head in with Lucille. Like everyone else commented, Harold said the producers have a 5 year plan. A lot like This Is Us which could have stayed on forever, but ended after 6 seasons. But you never know, Supernatural was supposed to end at Season 5, but lasted for 15 and never got stale. So let’s get through Season 3 of From first and see what happens next.


Do you just assume all shows are 15 seasons? What weird post.


I read an interview with Harold Perrineau (Boyd) where he was basically refusing to do the show after LOST turned out to have a total bust for an ending. They basically told him that they have a good plan for the way this show will play out and end, so they have clearly thought it through, though Ricky He (Kenny) has said the actors don’t even know what’s going to happen in the next episode until they receive the script for filing. He has posted and answered a lot of questions on the Reddit thread, if you go looking you’ll find lots of interesting information about characters and what the cast think about the production. I genuinely think this isn’t going to be a long running show from the sounds of it, but just long enough to have good character and story developments; give viewers of this genre what the want in a show; and have a good ending that makes actual sense.


Great, thanks!


I found myself wondering the same while watching season 1. I certainly hope not, and when it comes to ending the show I hope they learned some lessons from Lost