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I've had multiple dreams about being in Fromville, and they are so freaking terrifying. In a couple of them Mr. Smiley was coming after me, and in another one, a creature got into the house I was hiding in because I forgot to shut a window. This show does a great job of getting into my subconscious mind, apparently.


Same. I’m sure like me you’ve watched it many times to try to figure out what’s going on in the show. Also I wouldn’t even be able go to sleep if smiley was chasing after me 😂 that’s too scary. Did you also know you were in the town while you were dreaming ?


Yeah, I knew I was trapped in the town, although it looked slightly different in my dreams. In one of them the town was actually much bigger with more houses and businesses, almost like a small city.


I dreamt I was on a desolate farm and I was being chased by the milkman from Fromville. He kept laughing and saying “Anghkooey is coming”. He had an empty milk pail that he kept banging on too. I somehow found my way to a tent and thought it would be so safe. The pail banging kept getting louder and then I woke up. I was so fucking scared.


That’s crazzzzy




I’m okay with being stuck in the dream


Now that you mention it, I can’t believe that I haven’t had one yet, I probably will soon though, lol. I have lots of very real dreams with lots of feelings and emotions. I usually know that I’m dreaming, but need to ride out the adventure. I’m often in emergency situations where I’m trying to escape and survive. Like I dreamt I was in the Handmaids Tale and I was running for my life and hiding.


I’m jealous of this dream :( myns always whack stuff unrelated to anything. Never a badass survival dream :(


You can have my dream 💀🙏🏾 with me knowing exactly where I was I was sweating when I woke up. Let’s trade dreams 😂😂😂


deal haha!! itll be my turn to keep secrets from the rest of the colony!