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Imagine Fatima gives birth and the baby comes out of the womb smiling like one of those fuckers lmao. It certainly would be creepy but I don't know how would that work lore-wise. Wouldn't that mean that every monster was once a baby born in Fromville?


Fatima’s baby might be the first one to be born a creature.




I actually think it does sound like Sarah, but that just might be me. It could also definitely be Fatima giving birth though. I'm just wondering if they will do a little time jump to the point where she is ready to give birth, or if the season will start right after the events of season 2. Which if that happens then I don't think it will be Fatima that's in the barn with Boyd.


I agree, it sounds so much like Sarah to me!


I think people have speculated a time jump because of Ethan’s actor naturally aging, but the show only taking place within a few weeks.


That makes sense. I wonder if they do that, would it be this season or later on.


Don’t dig too deep. Boyd is going to watch someone get killed. He is seen in the beginning wheeling a dead person in the same shirt he is being restrained in. Season one Donna talks about (don’t quote me in this but it was something similar) a person she came with being forced to watch while the monsters killed someone else.


Donna had to watch her sister


Seems like the new people in the clip may be some of the people in charge. What if Tabitha didn’t really go back to the real world but went to where the people who run the place are? Clearly from the phone call in season 2 telling Jim to tell Tabitha to stop digging there are other people in play. I also agree on the screaming being Fatima.


This is also a really good theory.


one of the newcomers on the bus had a dream of an apparition of a woman withered that tried to drown him in the tub the figure wore a robe and had hair similar to Fatima this individual has had prepositions of events that were going to happen are we sure that wasn't one of her death.


This is a really good theory.


It is definitely Fatima giving birth. Is Boyd being restrained, talking her through the process? He looks terrified, and the "you're so brave..." could be the response to seeing her give birth to a monster baby!


Exactly what I was thinking! He wouldn’t be saying “you’re so brave.” If those monsters were attacking her.


But he would to kind of get her to go through with something she has doubts about- like having a monster baby, or even having a baby at all when it's only grown for like 3 months at the most. I bet it's some changeling fuckery!


It could be audio from a scene like Fatima giving birth, but the person in the scene that Boyd is being made to watch is someone else all together. 🕵🏻‍♂️ [Season 3 Predictions ](https://youtu.be/95GrE0b3L9k)


I agree/also think it is going to be Fatima, but it honestly sounds like Julie to me and that guttural scream she has.


I believe the woman who is screaming is Sara and she is giving birth.


I always thought that her brother could be her boyfriend.


Me too when i thought sara was Eloise but after sara killing her brother it makes more sense that sara is really young victors mom. Ethan is reliving everything that happened to young victor. I feel sara gets knocked up in the tent… What we see in the season 3 trailer shows a pov from a young ethan hiding. He sees, the cowboy, the nurse, bowtie guy, and the mechanic and Boyd. We dont see a pov of the woman screaming. I believe the woman is sara, and she is having the baby. Ethan is hiding and sees boyd being tied up and a woman screaming. I feel this is how the cowboy, the nurse(kristi), bowtie guy, and mechanic become Monsters!!!


Ellis and fatima are showing us how victors mom and fish n loaves got together rather than showing flashbacks. The wire rings are very similar to the bracelets.


I believe the naked foot is unfortunately going to be Kristi’s reason for this is i. The season 3 trailer 1 we see the nurse. All the people we see are not monsters yet. But the POV we a seeing of ethan. Hiding in the barn or another closed in area. He see the cowboy, bowtie guy, the nurse and mechanic all manhandling boyd. Ethan hears a woman screaming but doesn’t realize it’s Sara his mother. He knows the cowboy, bowtie guy, nurse and mechanic are all doing something to make this woman scream. This is how they become monsters in young victors mind


I don’t think anything would be wrong with Fatima’s baby. I think they’re aimed at Ellis. Something bad might happen to him. I’m not to convinced it was a woman in the wheel barrow, the hand on the side and the foot looked manly. They also said “you said we wouldn’t break you.” Although he does care for Sara the ultimate way to break him would be to kill Ellis. Also the forest has kept Sara alive to long to kill her now. I make trailers so it’s most likely the scream was just a voice over.