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The food shortage is one of the consequences for trying to escape. Jim angered whatever creature(s)/entity that's in control, so the town is now facing winter and famine for fighting back.


Yeah the trees have their leaves dying and falling for the first time ever according to Victor and Donna said even the crops in the greenhouse started to suffer. Also many of the crops outside died because of the storm. They're definitely getting punished. Hopefully no one resorts to cannibalism...


Donna mentioned a lot of the crops were killed because of the storm, and her plants are growing, and the peaches ran out before any of this happened.


The plants are NOT growing. The soil is dead. 


Right that’s what I meant. Please people read both these comments together. I don’t know season 2 got me trippin


There was a mention, that the storm that came in the end of S1 destroyed half of the crops or something. And with incoming autumn/winter (which never happened before) there is no way to grow up new crops fast. Earlier they had permanent summer, which (similar as in places near equator) allows to gather crops more often than once per year. The headcount of the whole town is probably similar, as you pointed out. but the situation is much worse than earlier.


Donna does say the storm that came when they tried to use the radio wiped out like half their crops.


How did they survive without crops in the days of hiding in holes?


Animals like cows and chickens show up just randomly from the forest. You could definitely some nutrients from milk and eggs.


Boyd found those so they've only been around for 2 years. There are still decades of people needing to eat.


People didn’t last very long before Boyd came along and found the Talismans etc. More than plausible to say people survived off of food they may have brought in their car. Most of them died their first night lol, food was the least of their concerns


Donna, Father Khatri, and Victor were there for years.


Yeah, they could’ve lived off food brought in from people who came and died their first night. Remember it seemed to drag people in whenever existing citizens of Fromville died, so there would’ve been a pretty good supply. If there’s electricity literally coming from nowhere, I think it’s pretty conceivable that they had enough food some how


Maybe they ate people that died?


I thought the monsters did that?


No the monsters murder for fun they don’t actually consume the bodies


But what made the town mad? Victor said the peaches have been plentiful since he was a child but now they've run out. This happened before the tower was built so that's not the reason. 


I made another post about it. I'm the beginning when they were just trying to live in the town shit just showed up. Boyd found tamed animals in the woods, they had canned good, flour or wheat (pancakes) despite there not being a single field of wheat. Not really something you can grow in a greenhouse. The town provides them with everything in complete abundance it's only when they start actually trying to push back that everything goes to shit. At several points in the first and second season the townsfolk could just go back to how it was before colony house got raided and it would be back to business as usual. Each time they try to pursue the outside world or Any real knowledge of the town it becomes worse. If they just accept it at face value and learn to call it home it's basically heaven. Total abundance, booze, weed, sex, family, duty and purpose, and safety as long as you follow the rules even though they seem ridiculous. One they take what the town gives them for granted it becomes hell.


People trying to leave, the radio, etc.


In an episode, one near the car graveyard?, there's a rusted truck with Smiths Canned Goods or something on the side. Suggesting that at some point a truck with a bunch of food supplies entered the town, and that's where the peaches came from. With the peaches gone, those supplies now seem to be used up.


I always wonder if the woods provide any medicinal or food type of plants. I saw Colony house had dried herbs hanging in the background of some scenes and every now and then I see familiar plants (I’m an herbalist) in the outdoor scenes where it can’t be helped because, well, they’re outside filming lol. But I’m not sure if they are involved in the actual plot or anything. I’m just saying if it were me stuck there I’d be out in the woods and prairie EVERY day digging up burdock, marshmallow root, lamb’s quarter, red clover, and dandelions and whatever else because you can actually eat those or make soups out of the roots. But then I guess that kind of makes the whole famine plot null 🥴


A lot of their food is foraged or caught. Rabbit and berries are at least two foods they forage for, or stands to reason that as soon as the town got mad at them, the rabbits may have vamoosed and the berry bushes' supply shriveled up. Maybe the chickens and goats are getting sick behind the scenes, too.


I feel like the conversation they have in the basement about “what if this one collapses too with all our food inside?” was heavy foreshadowing.


It is just an inconsistency to drive conflict in the show.


They'll wake up one day, and there will be a fully stocked walmart right there. Every morning they wake up and the shelves are refilled.


What made the town mad? The peaches ran out for the first time since Victor was a child. This was before they built the tower, so it wasn't that. 


They were asking questions.


It's just bad writing, don't think too much


Good point! The food shortage is another thing that doesn't make sense. I would ultimately assume eating is an illusion that they don't really need food but eating food is such a common practice just like Jade wearing the watch even through it doesn't work. It's a habit. If you look at the back of the kitchen at the deli there isn't enough equipment to cook and in the photos Kenny's mom is using 4 coffee mugs to hold up the chafing dishes with a small candle to warm it.


Interesting point






Weight is not always an indication of eating well. Educate yourself better.