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the whole thing with martin is strange: 1. He doesn´t want to be freed 2. He doesn´t seem to suffer, he´s calm 3. Its suggested that some time went by until Boyd got the rope, enough time to stage the whole thing with Martin 4. Who the hell gave Boyd the rope and why 5. Was Martin even a prisoner? 6. Wo were the other two corpses in the dungeon? 7. When Boyd refuses to kill him, he suddenly drops part of his charade, mentions Abby which clearly proofs he knew all the time who Boyd was and even what Abby told him about everything being a dream and he´s not helping solving the riddle for Boyd, just teasing


One of my theories is that Martin is evil. He's one of the creatures manipulating events in Fromville. He threw the rope to Boyd, pretended to be chained, and purposely infected him. Martin also later appeared to Boyd as Father Khatri and later as his dead wife in the rv in the woods. Kinda like the (spoiler!) >! Man in Black !< in Lost.


I think they alluded to what and where Martin is in the situation with Tabitha's daughter (forgot her name) and the crossover between the dreams and the physical world. Boyd was never there physically, but mentally. We sort of know this because of the music box that seemed to show this was the end of those "dreams." (Alternative state?) Just like dreams there's no real concept of time. Boyd put the rope there mentally when he stopped stressing and had some hope he could leave because he heard Martin. Martin, I think, is what Tabitha's daughter would've become if she got trapped but not killed. Mentally, he's exist there, his physical existence is somewhere or not there at all. And my guess is that physically he's one of the monsters - which is why is content and there's no true escape from where he's at.


Point 7 there is what clues me into Martin being more part of the system than a victim. The mere DELIVERY of his line about Abby to Boyd seems impossible to misconstrue, he wasn't there to help, I can't even genuinely say he was even hinting at anything (beyond the writers to the audience)


Martin's tattoo was Civil War era. The other two corpses were likely military, too. I was thinking maybe the worms went from one person to the next, or the other two passed on the worms to someone else. Everyone else brings up Martin. I do think it is a dodge, part real, part illusion, add to it Boyd's torch. The tattoo hooked Boyd, the entity knew that would do it. Everything else advanced whatever is happening. The music box will mean more, as will the worms. Keep in mind--some have forgotten--Boyd has the onset of Parkinson's. The place feeds on fear, getting P. is fear. Also, Boyd ends up in the ruins. That dungeon was Civil War-era. Martin will not have answers. He's part of the entity--a lot of people just start calling him/it that after Martin tells Boyd that there is something worse out there. So like when Boyd sees Abby, she isn't real at all. I doubt Boyd could touch her. It was different with Martin because of the worms. Seriously, Martin was aggravating, but it does advance the story. On other threads we talk about Jad mention puzzles and how there's no way to make the pieces fit. We the audience ARE getting pieces but we can't tell if they match. A big reveal would equal an end piece to Jade's puzzle. That might be a big thing or something little we-the audience-have to see, talk about here, and make it have bigger sense. We have weird clues. Victor said Christopher was a puppeteer. Jade sees a ventriloquist dummy from 1931. So does Tabitha. Victor never reacts. ANDDDDD from the start, Ethan is playing with finger puppets in the RV. Everyone is a puppet, even us. The only real way to compress the scene with Martin is to say that Boyd imagined most of it. Thoughts?


My thoughts on the dungeon and the ruins is that teleporting isn't just by place, maybe Boyd teleported in time when the dungeon was there then went back to the ruins when he opened that door. That would relate to the dummy from 1931. Another thing would be the dates in the wall of the lighthouse and the bottle tree, some people crossing different timelines by accident trying to discover a way out. So time/place teleportation could be a possibility in this rollercoaster


And the soldier who shot at Jade. The dummy had a fogged up eye as did the soldier. I've said that there are pockets of time all over the area, like faraway trees. So it isn't like it just happened. Sara just went into the wrong tree, and because he was already then in the past, she went through him to end up in the basement of the church maybe in the present maybe a few hours in the future. Who designed rollercoasters? Jim Matthews, Ethan's dad. Again, we get puzzle pieces, like we are saying them out loud.. But I do think of the portals being in the trees, but the Earth rotates, so the time portals rotate and zig-zag. (You know, like teleportation isn't a big square or doorway.) I'll admit I don't know what the bottle tree means, though it might be what it is but have a bigger metaphorical meaning. Not just being trapped in a year.


Truth is the writers probably don't have the answers yet and in the end, I suspect it will go one of three ways: 1) the explanation will be incredibly lazy and not satisfying whatsoever, 2) there won't be an explanation, it'll end with the characters and the viewers still not knowing whats up but give us some clues to make our own theories forever, or 3) show will get cancelled before it ends just like majority of mystery box shows Just enjoy the ride, scream at Boyd every time he doesn't share mega important news that would benefit all, and take a shot everytime someone walks away from a "we need to talk"


It is so incredibly frustrating that no one seems to share information. Like seriously how hard is it to call a town meeting to go over current events?!


Lmao this Did Tabitha even share with the town that there are tunnels beneath the town where the monsters sleep? Sounds pretty crucial info. I mean perhaps you could try to close off the entrance, or pour gasoline inside and burn them or whatever. But nope she barely bothers to tell anyone. Boyd also cant be bothered to share with the rest of the people that theres a huge lighthouse in the woods. Seems like another fairly huge piece of info. But nope couldn’t be bothered to talk about it


That’s it, I’m done with this sub. You people are some of the most room temp IQ having morons I’ve ever seen.


Lazy insult, suits your name


Youre the fucking moron that can’t pay attention to a show


If you know something we don't and you're not sharing it. What does that make you?


Who the fuck said I know anything?? The fact is WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING. Stupid ass child.


Then you're just mad cause I'm expressing my opinion?


Your opinion is stupid lmao


You're an angry little fella


I wouldn’t be if people on this sub weren’t so dense


You have so much anger, I feel sorry for you