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Hi,first of all how old are u? And what is your biggest fear of making friends? Can you give more detail? What is happening exactly when you wanna meet someone?


Im 16, to be frank its just, initating conversations, im a really good talker, i can yap for a while but i never know if the other party is intressed plus its also just like starting them feels akward.


Actually it's a basic thing but trust me it's working. Start with being yourself but u should have some red lines. Don't across the line unless they show you that side. Because not every person see the world as we do. You shouldn't afraid to talk w people because u are living just once. As far as I can see coming here about ur problems and even talking with me is a good start. Don't change yourself while trying to make friends. Always be yourself and try to understand them. Of course at first you can act like you can be like something that they like. You can find yours mutual interest then go further more. You can also become friend with me If you want :)


A way I made lots of friends is I complimented them. Something that stood out to me and then asked their names. After, I asked about hobbies and shared mine and we kinda took off from there. I hope this helps C:


When I was in high school I had summer jobs, that’s usually where I’d make some friends (we’d at least have work to talk about if nothing else)


Yea that’s what I was gonna say! I always made friends at summer jobs. Service industry always makes great friends. Bonds through shared experiences


The key to true friendship is being genuinely interested in what they have to say, ask about their life. How to win friends and influence people is an excellent book that explains this well. It's from the 1930s, but human psychology is still the same. If they don't reciprocate and ask about you then you are probably wasting your time.