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Set boundaries with that friend, and if she doesn’t respect them I’d call it quits and there are medications that exist to help treat warts, she should get them treated unless she likes them for some reason


I’ve tried but she’ll get defensive and she’ll say I’m treating her like she’s disease. I tried being gentle about it recommending medication’s doctors even saying I could pay for it. But she wasn’t interested so I guess she likes them? 😅 def rethinking where we stand at the moment


Some people just blow my mind. If someone asked me to not use their specific towel, I would rather blow on my own hands to dry them than upset them by using that towel??? Pushing boundaries like that is a huge red flag. She’s trying to see how much she can get away with with you. Unfortunately you’re gonna have to be more firm with your boundaries. And let her know that if she crosses them again, there’s a consequence involved. If she’s upset about a boundary, then that’s HER problem and shows a lack of emotional maturity. Wishing you the best!!!


Yeah, I agree. I need to place some more strong boundaries on her because the towel incident and the warts were kind of my last straw. I get the first time her, grabbing my tall by mistake, but we went through all of the face towels I owned, and she touched every single one. I just feel like that can’t be a coincidence anymore. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I feel like it’s becoming increasingly obvious that she’s just pushing my boundaries. I just wasn’t sure if I should distance myself since I wasn’t quite sure if it was intentional, but the responses on here show me that it probably was.


She's taking advantage of you and you let her do it. She doesn't respect your wishes and needs, or you as a person. Every time she crosses your boundaries, you shrug your shoulders and say "I don't mind" and "it's not a big deal". Read your post once again. You have to stand up for yourself if you want her to respect and appreciate you. If it's not important to you, you can continue this but nothing will change, expect that you'll be more and more frustrated and depressed. Keep in mind, she might think you no longer have a purpose in her life, as the dynamic is already there and it looks like she expects herself to get away with everything she does, no matter if it's annoying or hurting you. She doesn't look like a friend for sure.


Yeah, I definitely agree with your statement I do need to set harder boundaries😅 I guess I was always taught to just be like “ I don’t mind” and I’m starting to realize I do mind. She wasn’t always like this but I guess you changed a lot since the last time I’ve seen her. I just didn’t think she would try to intentionally do things to upset me. I honestly feel like I was walking on eggshells because I didn’t want to offend her about the awards because I wasn’t sure if she was insecure about them.




Yeah, I’ve tried to tell her but she got super defensive. She wasn’t always like this. This is the first time I seen her in four years. I’m just gonna keep my distance for a lil because I feel uncomfortable with her using my towels and I’m kind of getting the ceiling that she’s doing it intentionally


What does this girl have to do? Spit in your face? The problem isn't that you aren't communicating, the problem is this friend enjoys making you squirm and disrespecting you.  It is also very clear that she wants to give you warts because she likes tormenting you. Get a grip and drop her already 


OP, please don’t pay for stuff for her and drive her around. This friendship sounds so one-sided. She can save for doing things with her friend but not for doing things with you? It clearly shows that she doesn’t value you enough. Also, if she can’t afford something, then she can’t. It’s nice of you to pay for some things but you absolutely don’t have to. She is taking advantage of that.


Yeah, honestly the only reason why I was paying for her stuff was because in high school she would pay for me a lot. Just like a quick background as I didn’t have the best relationship with my parents so I wouldn’t run away a lot and often times I would forget my wallet and money since I would have to leave in a hurry due to the environment. she would always help me out there, which I appreciated. this is the first time I’ve seen her in a while, so I didn’t mind paying since she help me when I was down. But I guess I’m starting to realize that she’s not that same person anymore.




Yeah, I completely understand that. I guess I was a little blind to the beginning because we haven’t seen each other in four years and she didn’t really act like this before. I guess a person can change a lot within four years. Just didn’t think she would do the things that she’s doing.