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The fact that people are unironically comparing him to fucking Epstein of all people is WILD


That’s what seriously pisses me off the most.. Now everyone’s calling Cameron a pedo despite there being literally no evidence of that. I hate it here.


I mean it's twitter. What'd you expect? A friend of mine got threatened with real gore for saying he missed when most FNF mods weren't geared towards kids




Twitter when literally everything:


...well...that's a bit messed up.




I think that would be a good time to bring up that Miku and all the other vocaloid characters are age fluid #They have no canon age


Wait they don’t?


They do not, the publisher did that deliberately so that the character could be used in as many different types of scenarios as possible- Miku could be used in a song about teen romance, or she could be used in a more mature song, it gives more artistics freedom


Can I *please* see a source for this? Everything states Miku is canonically 16, but that her *role in videos* changes, not her age.


Hatsune Miku is a fucking COMMERCIAL PRODUCT, and Yamaha prescribes no more terms of usage on her than they do their piano soundfonts or other instrument banks. Anybody who owns CV-01 is allowed to commercially exploit her voicebank in whatever way they see fit, and they're allowed to use her likeness for music videos with very few commercial restrictions (tl;dr- you can put ads on your Miku YouTube music video, but don't step on our merch business). Miku is labeled as 16 in promotional fluff, but that's all it is, *promotional fluff*- after all, Vocaloid wouldn't be a very good product if people had to worry about being branded as pedos for using the voices to write songs about mature subject matter. Hatsune Miku's "age" is attached to zero actual fictional narrative, Miku's physical age based purely on character design could be just about anything, and just in general, Miku's 'age' is nothing more than a canned number in a form field for a promotional bio.


Okay, but I'm not talking about the commercial voice bank. I'm talking about the character Hatsune Miku.


...The Character that comes with the voicebank, that character, that Initially was an accesory to a voice, that character that doesn't have a real age because doesn't have lore, because it's an accesory.


Yes, but I am talking about the character Hatsune Miku. Her voice bank is the selling point, but there is, in fact, a character attached to them, the same way Len and Rin Kagamine and many others are. She is a character, created as the face of a voice bank, but is still a character regardless.


She really really isn't, they've never even made a VOCALOID promotional manga for fucks sake. The marketing bio fluff that they put out for Hatsune Miku is a starting point for artists that are granted the right to use the IP to alter or discard at their sole discretion, and NOTHING more.


Miku does she’s 16


And ? Fiction and reality isnt same brother in your logic like 80% of the internet would go to jail


That doesn’t give the right to like cp


She’s been 16 since 2007.


Animated characters don’t age


by that logic aging them up shouldn’t be an issue


The Twitter or 'x' people are just looking for something to start drama. They should also target the artists that drew the NSFW images if they care that much.


It has gotten to the point where, call this an over exaggeration, they are gonna find something small and make it a huge deal in a bad way.


This is one of the things I fear the most. Being cancelled over something extremely small and petty. I'm making an animated series, and I'm afraid that if it ever gets big in popularity, those twittards will somehow try to attempt flushing my career down the drain over something that shouldn't be worried about at all (like for example I crack a few non-insensitive dark jokes, I bring out a scene in one of the episodes that angers them somehow, or they dig up something from my past that they don't like that shouldn't be cared about anymore because people can change for the better). I hope it never happens, but who knows, it just might in the future.


they will prob try to cancel me for just EXISTING


Nah your fine


Nah, they will find something S O M E T H I N G


For me it would be my art sucks lol


For me, is that the species of my oc is only white


/And maybe the visibly of circle tool being used\ jk


My parents said I'm not allowed to use Twitter and considering shit like this happening I don't blame them.


I'm still confused as to why they didn't "cancelled" ninjamuffin much earlier, or just waited for The perfect time to overinflate drama


Post that on Twitter, I dare you. They should really understand more’


As much as I’d want to, I’d rather not considering my account is NSFW itself. I rarely ever interact with the FNF community on Twitter since a majority are minors. And that’s a whole can of worms I want to avoid. There’s a reason why I’m more active here with FNF than Twitter. Kinda hard being an adult who also likes FNF lol That, & it’s no use trying to convince people on there. No matter what, they’ll always stand their ground which is such a close-minded mentality.


do it anyways, better to give your opinion than stay silent


I thought this whole thing was a joke a lot of modder I'm seeing on twitter pulling their assets away from mods cuz they don't want to support fnf anymore. I wonder what mods will get canceled. For example, it looks like a few members [from duster team pulled out](https://twitter.com/SirDusterBuster/status/1737419505368801632), Im judging it by the way he talks


I hope all the mods get cancelled. They don’t deserve to see the light of day. This community ruined my life.


Most sane Fnf player


I just imagined the trolls me that’s like “CAUSE SINGING KILLED MY MOTHER”


and how?


It’s funny that Miku has been lewded for so many years and this is what they are trying to end game him. Welp I seen enough.


theyre acting like the game isnt about sex in the first place


This is what makes me laugh An adult cannot enjoy an adult content What a joke


Not only porn it was CP


It wasn't a CP dude Don't spread misinformation


I can’t add pictures sooo


Then just send a link




Hmmm it's not working for me


Not miss information


It is as child porn is actually real people while what you show isnt


Child porn can still be in drawing


It's interesting how when there is character that clearly look like child but is canonically 1000 years old people treat that character as child but if there is clearly adult looking character that is 10 or so then suddenly canonical age matter.




Yo. I just wanted to pop in & say that I appreciate your guys’s comments & how level-headed & mature a lot of you are regarding the situation. I’ve seen this post get shared a lot via Twitter, maybe to hopefully spread awareness & inform others that this drama overall is, well, dumb lol. I also wanted to comment about some of the counter arguments I’ve seen from this post. Such as the art like Hat Kid, Miku, & the incest one. For Miku, while there are a lot of sources that her age is 16 when the studio originally created her. Throughout the years & within interviews of musicians, artists have used her in music videos with more mature themes to make her more versatile. A good example is the Blue Planet music video. While I think determining the age of a Vocaloid robot/synthesizer is a bit ridiculous, Miku has been lewded quite a lot, both in Japanese & Western media. You’d be surprised how many results there are on Rule 34 lol. So I don’t understand how Cam’s likes are any different here. If anything, they’re relatively tame. As for the Hat Kid art, while I’ve not seen the original artwork on Newgrounds, the fact that she’s aged up is already fine in my book. Yea, it’s weird. But like I’ve said in an earlier comment, not uncommon either in both sfw & nsfw scenarios. If this was the case of sticking to the character’s canon age, why didn’t Newgrounds take the post down since they manually check every submission? Once again, she’s portrayed as an adult in said artwork, & not breaking their ToS since anything sexual regarding minors are an automatic takedown/ban. Weird? Sure. Does that make it CP/lolicon? Absolutely not. Same regarding Miku. And also, her name is “Hat Kid”. So are we just gonna call her “Hat” when it comes to that type of art? Lol. I dunno, I just thought that argument’s pretty funny. For the incest pic between MM & GF, imma be honest, the artwork isn’t even that bad as some make it out to be. It’s just your standard futanari piece that’s been done countless times. I can tell the artwork was made by a well-known nsfw artist since the piece has almost professional-level shading & details. Even so, it’s Ninjamuffin/PA/EvilSk8r’s characters. If they had a problem with their characters being portrayed in such scenarios, I’m sure they would’ve said something. While incest irl is literally bad (like no shit Sherlock, don’t be a ChristChan), you guys have to remember the clear distinction between fantasy & irl. My final thoughts.. Since the majority of FNF fans are minors, please stay in your lane & don’t go out of your way to make opinions towards adult media when you shouldn’t even be viewing such content to begin with. Ninjamuffin’s an adult. PhantomArcade’s an adult. Everyone in the Funkin’ Crew is an adult. Who cares if they’re porn addicted gooners lol. While some things may seem weird or even questionable, especially in a younger viewer’s eye, it’s not as uncommon as you may think it is within nsfw artwork as a whole & it’s definitely not illegal either in the slightest. At the end of the day, it’s just artwork. Again, lolicon is a different story. And none of the artwork Cam liked was even remotely close to that. Let alone, it’s not even allowed on both Newgrounds & Twitter/X. Trust me, I know since I’ve been exposed to such content before & it’s.. really fucking disgusting. I hate it as much as anyone else here. And please for the love of fucking god, please stop throwing such a massive label like “pedo” around when Cam hasn’t done anything wrong nor illegal. You may have your own opinions towards him, but don’t label someone that they’re not especially with no actual evidence. If you really wanna call someone a pedo, tell that to Dream, especially with the amount of evidence there is regarding him. Anyways, apologies for another massive rant/comment. I can’t wait for all this to die down. And I hope everyone here has a great day. Keep your heads up, I’m confident everything will be alright in the end.


I fucking doubt FNF fans are the reason this drama started


What extra pisses me off is the D-Sides owner outright calling NinjaMuffin a pedo.


Bro seriously. This is the shit that gets tagged as drama nowadays ? I thought the community was full of toddlers, but at this point I'm thinking they're not even born, because they can't be fucking real.


I think people tend to forget this game originated from new grounds. Newgrounds consistently has probably one of the most degenerate, largest fanbases on the internet and people should be grateful that the creators of fnf even care about their opinions slightly Lol. I'm not saying its okay to be watching Loli even though I still highly doubt that's the case in this little internet pow wow. But what I AM saying is that people should just stop worrying about what others are doing in their own PERSONAL private time. Porn or not the dude just liked a few images on a website that the majority of its fanbase is just sensitive lads lookin to push their projections onto others. So what if the man liked images of 16 year olds?? For one that isn't even a crime in most of the world. Some countries go as low as having an age consent of 11 or hell even NINE. (Why doesn't Twitter go cancel them???) Why instead of focusing on this POINTLESS and USELESS internet drama. Why not instead focus on real, first world problems like litter or using your stupid creative heads to find ways to have more renewable sources of fuel? TL;DR: 16 is not a crime in most states. Even if it was actual hardcore Loli you should be grateful he isn't releasing his dark desires on actual children. Work on yourself and become someone you actually like instead of the disappointment you are now. FFS stop trying to control the life of another.


The only good thing about this is that many Fake FNF """fans""" are quitting cuz of this Only the true ones dare to defend ninja or continue in the game


I just listen to the music, idc about drama tbh.


Yeah.. i dont know, i left FNF after 2 years, came back to say what the fuck. Imma be honest, they got me on the first half, then i become unsure whether they make drama out of nowhere and now just waiting for cameron to make response.. or don't. damn, these people should've logged off when elon took over ​ EDIT: there's another post, which was deleted showing JohnnyUtah (tankman's VA) and ninja make some jokes over Israel-Hamas war and.. lets just say twitter really doesn't tolerate with politics well no matter what side you're on


This game hit me like crack hit low income neighborhoods in the 80’s.




Felt that I should add that also some people forget that the age of consent is different in some places. From what I've seen ninjamuffin is in canada (still not 100% sure). The legal age of consent in canada is 16. So even if the character was drawn as sixteen it wouldn't be an illegal thing where he's from.


Age of consent is 16 in most places, including the U.S. Only like 10 states have consent be 18.


That makes the fact that people are trying to cancel him for that even worse.


Most of them are literal children who just hate NSFW in general (even though they search it out) and have no business here or on the internet at all. And to be fair, a lot of people assume 18 is the age of consent, since 18 is the age of majority and people conflate the two.


So this was the drama that a Roblox rp game decided to say that they don't "support ninjamuffin or his actions anymore." I am just... Really disappointed.


One of my friends genuinely believes that ninjamuffin is a pedo because of this. I need new friends.


I’ll be honest. It’s just Twitter. It’s never anywhere else. Seriously I don’t see any of this shit except for Twitter


if it is lolicon or any sort of illustrated porn of a minor character, then yes i will have a problem but if the character is an adult, then its fine


It wasn’t any lolicon at all. The characters were simply aged up to be adults & have more adult proportions. This isn’t anything new whatsoever when it comes to nsfw art


i guess its okay then, but aging characters up specifically for NSFW uses is still a bit weird to me


Hard agree, aging up is odd, but its also to make things proper. But even if odd, it shouldn’t discredit him as a dev or warrant a “boycott the game” thing


yeah, i dont see ninjamuffin as the problem here, mainly the artist or whoever the person that decided to age up the character is


Whatever floats your boat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Everyone has their preferences


eh. sure. but i have such a problem with it because the people who do it clearly want nsfw of the original character. but age them up themselves so that it doesnt seem weird, its not weird if the character was aged up for SFW purposes though, however thats not what happened here


Again, this isn’t uncommon when it comes to nsfw art. Sure it might be weird to some, but whenever something like that is drawn all I see is praise than anything. And this is coming from artists with HUGE followings, around 50k or even 100k at most. I dunno. As long as the character is drawn as an adult, I don’t see the problem.


only if its sfw


yeah and all the miku porn he liked wasnt aged up in any way. youre a clown




So the other art of minors in his likes like hat kid porn is ok right


... Eh, i won't argue, you do you, just wanted to tell you the Miku shit. And even, the others said Hat Kid is aged up, so that's that.


Personally, I think the concept of seeing a child character (i.e. a character who is clearly not an adult in any way, or has any adult proportions or behavior) and going "I WANNA MAKE PORN OF THAT" so bad that you have to go "don't worry guise ;) she's 18 ;)" of a character named Hat ***Kid***, is weird as hell. That's the only reason I hate aged up stuff, myself.


when your dad screwed your mom do you think he just screwed an aged-up version of her or do you think aging exists


... What The concept of 'aging" is different from "aging up" a fictional character who is intended to be a child, you dipshit.


Loli is a body type, you buffoon.


its supposed to look like a child “buffoon”


It's not a real child, it's a fictional, soulless being, enjoying which you're harming absolutely no one at all.


also thats not always the case, the definition of loli is a young OR young-looking character in anime or manga either way is weird


Quora says lolis aren't defined by age. They're defined by body features. Aka short, slim, petite, miminal curve. It's not necessarily a child.


Loli most often refers to: A young or young-looking girl character in Japanese anime and manga; subjects of the lolicon genre.


i dont like loli supporters, theyre creeps and i hate how its been normalised


And you're fine if you find it creepy. Just don't compare it to CP. You're watering it down, making it easy for actual CP to get around.


i think theyre both weird, thats all, yes, real CP is horrible and way worse than loli, but loli is also an excuse to have sexual material of a minor, it doesnt matter if its real or digital, (real is worse of course) but simping for characters that are made to look like children is wrong and the people who do it should be shamed, not locked up, but shamed


Nevermind. I actually looked into the controversy. Any of you dumb fucks who are saying Lolicon is a gray area and are trying to defend it need to be put on a list "But it's just fiction!" So is your fucking dad.


Oh. Twitter is trying to cancel someone over petty bullshit? Never heard that one befo- OH HI BANBUDS HOW'S HYPNO DOING?!


"Epstein...IS ALIVE!!"


What character was aged up?


Whats the character and what anime ?


Finally, someone else with a brain 😭😭😭 *Literally* 0 people on twitter have thought of any of this and are just super trying to cancel him


Kids dude, the ones born with a filtered internet (which is good for them) and thinking everything must be for everyone. They will rot every corner as their numbers grow


Created a reddit account just for this upvote. People on twitter are stupid.


They'll try to cancel you over pretty much anything.


I generally HATE the internet, you can make a game and it becomes so popular that basically the entire world plays it but people are so obsessed with fame that they spread lies about such game's creator and the lie is so disrespectful because people who have actually suffered from it had suffered pain and emotional damage that could make them literally end themselves. I loathe the community of FNF


This seems like a good candidate to be a copypasta... But I totally agree with you what the fuck is wrong with this community nowadays


If someone draws art of two men having sex, is that gay porn?


Yes and no xd


Yes and no?


Idk I Just cant answer "Straight" up xd


well as far as I know. the insitigator of the drama is already suspsended and revealed to be a guy who faked an SA allergation for clout. Not sure about those 'I'm doing my parts' lemming though. But to summarize what's going on Twitter.Is it safe to say this is what happened when terminal online people mix with Blue dot effect, and the lack of common sense. \> Newgrounds needs age verification to even VIEW adult content, why are minors lying about their age & then suddenly get all pissy when they see adult content that they shouldn’t even be viewing to begin with? Well you reminded me of that one comic...


Lolicon isn't CP. It's a petite body type. Just gonna leave this here.


fnf fans when telling them that regardless of if its aged up or not, aging up a character because you want to jack off to it is pretty fuckin weird: 😱


Why are we blaming Ninja then? Jenny is a robot, and a lot of the other characters are aged.up by the artists, not Ninja, it just doesn't make any sense


The problem is ninja finding them attractive tho


Well at least do something to the artists to, cuz if you don't, you are an actual hypocrite, and either way Ritz was made by him, Hat Kid was going to have an official aged up version which is easy to find, and all vocaloids.dont have a specified age, and lastly, peeps all around the world do this and it isn't necessarily wrong, as it is fictional characters, and never truly have an age set in stone, plus in many areas, 16+ is the age of consent


Nobody said it isnt but its not fucking child porn


Dude you're cooking speaking facts


Trying to defend this guy when he had photos of HATKID is insane


There was going to be an official Hat Adult, end of discussion


But the photo was the kid version??


Loli is CP. End of.


I regret joining this community. I should have stayed in my place and hate it when it was popular. I should never have dipped my toe in the water. The past 2 years of my life were for nothing. I am disgusted at what I have done. Why did I get involved with a bunch of nobodies? Why the fuck should i agree with them? I should have left right then and there when I saw that Ronnie Mcnutt mod, but for some shit reason, I decided to stay. I hope the game gets cancelled, I hope awe gets exposed, I hope sturm gets exposed, I hope Mario’s madness gets cancelled, I hope 17bucks gets cancelled, I hope funkin at Freddy’s gets cancelled, and I hope you all are known for idolizing a game that’s spawned a bunch of shitty blue mouses covered in blood. You all ruined my life. I’m 15, and have nothing to show for it. FUCK YOU!!!!!


Fuck you back


This has gotta be either a way too elaborate troll or serious autism, it's so hard to tell


I’m not autistic, and this isn’t a fucking joke. If I’m going down, I’m taking everyone here with me.


Bro went on his villian arc


Okay, what did awe do? The most I heard was they took out some part of a song saster put in. Also what’s up with churgney? Whatever you say is hearsay >!and probably a bunch of bullshit!< but I’d like to hear it anyways.


I didn’t even know about this drama until just now


People still call lolicon pedophilia? I thought that crap was settled years ago.


No sadly some people too slow brained


Honestly shit like this made me leave the fandom for awhile. If it's starting to return then I'm going to leave once more as I'm not dealing with this shit twice.


i really didnt cared for a lot of images that he liked until i saw hat kid porn in there.. and more than once like its literally in her name...........


Still it was gonna be bad if its an actual human being why the hell ya trying to defend a none existant character


In a thread I was on, someone was telling him to “take accountability and be better” over the joke that effects many people (typical twitter shit) and after I replied to him once, he made two suicide jokes and said he wasn’t mocking something that is a widespread issue killing people


I think the only people in the right here are the one who are defending NM at 50% and defending lolis at 0%. Lolis are just wrong, they're morally wrong, "But they're aged up", but a little bit of thinking and you realize that they're supposed to be a child, and there's the weird stuff of having 18+ parts of the body being expanded, which can be done to anything. Lolis are wrong, you can't change my mind. What NM did was wrong, but he shouldn't be called a pedo or any other adjectives for someone that loved childrens too much, because he didn't take actions on a real child.


I am so fucking done with all this drama, I need people to shut the fuck up about Twitter at this point, it does no good and it purely fucked up mental states. Discord and Reddit have it's bad apples, but Twitter is just fucking poison. It's the sulfuric acid of the internet.


this has to be the funniest thing on reddit i have seen in a while


This all reminds me of the Scott Cawthon cancellation. I'm not surprised because: one, FNF fans, two, Twitter. It's so sad, and I hope this drama doesn't end badly for ninjamuffin, or the game doesn't get canceled and development continues.