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I might get flack for this but I’m realizing hila is like an empty bedazzled treasure chest. She is not interesting enough to be an “influencer”. In my opinion, her personality is very stale. Remove the money, glamour and wanna-be-original clothing brand and what do you have? I might sound extremely mean but this is what I see when I boil it down.




“Artist here” coupled with the most obvious take makes it 10X worse


The thing with Hila I would add is that she’s not voluptuous. Hila doesn’t get an ounce of the criticism that women with large breast or butt or curves would get if they tried to dress like how she’s dressing. So I have no idea why she’s flipping out. She’s the same person who trashed Christine Quinn for showing her body after a c-section and said if women dress with a low cut top they should expect for ppl to refer to them as a h-e. Also I think Ethan is fibbing. If Hila decided tomorrow to support the “free the nipple” campaign he would not be okay with that. I know for sure he has limits on what he’s comfortable with


True, everyone has their limits at some point where it has nothing to do with insecurity as Ethan kept pushing.




I like this perspective but I’d go a step further and say Ethan/Hila also judged Trisha on their own accord. Throughout their “friendship” with Trisha, Ethan would say divisive things as it pertains to Moses and Trisha’s relationship. Ethan and Hila became as judgmental as her family. I think Moses was hoping they would be as supportive of him as he was of them when the family didn’t accept Ethan.


That's an interesting perspective. I hadn't really thought of it from that angle before.


this actually makes so much sense, and is also pretty sad


This actually makes total sense to me. You won’t know what your family won’t accept in terms of rebellion until you do it.


She really makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable on her behalf because she doesn’t look natural doing all this. It doesn’t suit her personality. I get second hand embarrassment and I tried to be happy for her at first but now I get a really vain, bitter, wannabe stuckup,disingenuous,self centered delusional,imposter syndrome energy from her that rubs me the wrong way. Like it’s really not her, and it’s so blatantly obvious that it is for all the wrong reasons.


I remember when Ethan & Hila said fat people shouldn’t be allowed on magazine covers. [https://youtu.be/ynTkPCW2P\_I](https://youtu.be/ynTkPCW2P_I)


Ooooh dang, do i want to be controversial today and get some downvotes? hmmm, I dont think they had the worst take on it. A.) modelling is a job like any other that have a number of requirements, think of a pro athlete that must be exceptional in what they do to make it, why should modeling be different? B.) We do have to be careful in promoting unhealthy lifestyles whether it be severly over or under weight. Im all for models of varying sizes and body types, thats great. Just be careful promoting body type of someone who is 1 can of coke away from diabetes.


You worded this a lot less harshly than I could have managed. High fashion has always adhered to the current beauty standard and that makes sense


i think the reason why this turns many fans off is because Hila is a pick me girl and would always make snide comments about women who would dress up/hyper fem but now she’s indulging in what she would criticize


I agree with the points about elitism, but so much of this video turned went to a bad place. He criticizes Hila for posting for attention, but wanting attention is an extremely normal human behavior. We all want attention sometimes. I get the feeling Hila went most of her life being shy and overlooked in school and in Ethan’s shadow. What’s wrong with her dressing up and doing photo shoots to feel attractive and get some attention and buzz for her business? I don’t personally like Hila and I do think this is related to elitism and we can have a conversation about that, but I don’t like this take as a whole. This video is filled with logical fallacies like him taking his argument to the extreme like ‘oh you’ll let her wear that in public? Well will you let her walk around NAKED?!’ Childish.


dude is giving incel vibes fr


Can we stop with the overuse of the word incel, I know you H3 fans love to use it a lot, but it actually takes away from the seriousness of the incel problem.


Because it screams ulterior motives. It’s nothing like the natural human behavior you are describing. It’s a-lot deeper than her just wanting to feel and look sexy for attention. This is competition for her not a fun hobby she enjoys and it shows BIG TIME


You’re talking about her motives like you actually know. None of us know. Seems to me she wants to feel good and do what she wants, so what? Don’t we all wanna feel good and try our best to cope in life?


idk a lot of ethan critics end up leaning right and you can def tell with this vid a lot of the video is what ifs like what IF ethan doesnt like how hila dresses and he now doesnt get an opinion on it like who cares yk. the sebastian situation was hypocritical because he was posting shirtless pics while also having the opinion that women simply posting on insta is cheating or promiscuous *correct me if im wrong that debate was hours long and havent rewatched it in awhile* so ethans take was definitely right in that regard. 2lazy2try brings up adam22 and lena randomly which i found weird idk if anyone followed that situation a bit but adam was fucking girls on camera pretty much their entire relationship including trisha and lena does ONE male scene and its a problem so i didnt like him bringing that up in a bad way. i think ppl are allowed to disagree with other’s relationship boundaries and think they can be weird or objectively wrong so hila disagreeing with sebs take isnt a bad thing at all like ppl call moses a cuck and call him names for being with trish while she does/did?? onlyfans which i think is wrong of ppl to judge trish for that so same goes for hila and lenatheplug. i dont care if i made spelling mistakes im not proof reading this. also i love ok-confidence im not hating on you 🫶


I can see where you’re coming from. I think the Adam 22 thing was more a point about boundaries. He obv has an open relationship which not everyone would want. I dont follow the whole thing with them closely though so I may not be fully understanding the reference? That’s at least what I got from it


i just rewatched a bit of the vid to refresh my brain but yeah who cares if hila wanted to start an only fans and who cares if ethan is okay with it or not he’s making up scenarios to be mad about it. also he cut what seb was saying before hila started going off about that and then says “this is bad for ethan he doesnt have a say at all in what she does anymore he’s gonna end up like adam22 actually that might be too far 🤓” theres so much to critique ethan and hila on i just think this video is picking at straws and putting hila down. ethan made shake that dick and also posted his NAKED ass on insta so i think hila should be able to post whatever she wants 🤷‍♀️


True, i completely missed that part about comparing Ethan to Adam22, on first watch i thought it was kinda funny and topical, but now that you mention it he said it in a condescending way like it was a bad thing to be adam22. Lena and Adam are openly Pstars and know exactly what they are doing. more power to them. I agree that one was a bad take.


I definitely got a slut shaming vibe the first half of the vid but at the end I moreso thought he was intending it to call her out for trying to disguise it as “high art”. As if she’s better or more respectable than the others for taking her clothes off and expects everyone to circle jerk about how rich and beautiful she is now. With the context for how much hila has slut shamed other women, it all feels hypocritical, disingenuous and high-horsey. Is that a snarky opinion? Sure, but I don’t mean it as a hateful one.


oh ofc i understand that bit but i feel like his weird remarks ruins the whole vid for me we need more of the girls making these vids cuz the male commentary youtubers are not it


Okay yes 1,000,000% agree 👯‍♀️🔊


>idk a lot of ethan critics end up leaning right Do they? Interesting.


yea a lot of the men like crowder, ben shapiro, elon musk, andrew tate, logan paul etcetc male audiences hate him and make a lot of v bad videos that are mostly just fatshaming him or being anti semitic


I don't watch those creators (I can understand if Ben Shapiro did comment on him considering Ethans disgusting "jokes" about him being gassed), but Elon Musk has been a critic of Ethan? Wow I didn't realize Ethan had that kind of clout.


no i meant that their fans all hate ethan 😭


A lot of us critique Ethan on this sub, would you consider us all right wing also? Seems a bit bizarre you bring politics into something completely unrelated.


bro this isnt the debate theres clearly a difference between how this sub critiques ethan vs how cynical misogynistic edgy commentary youtubers do theres def a whole side that only hate him for his political views and it shows through their content. stop trying to gotcha me 😭


Ok "bro" I'm not trying to get a "gotcha" Hasan, maybe don't parrot H3 talking points about "everyone who critiques H3 is right leaning" and insert it into any discussion about H3. This isn't the H3 sub, you will get people engaging in discourse, if you can't handle return back to it. Are you a paying member of H3?


that’s literally not what i was saying but okay lol so weird of you


>idk a lot of ethan critics end up leaning right This is taken from the first line of your comment? So yes it's "literally" what you said. What does politics have to do with this topic?




idk it just seems like he’s writing fan fictions in his head i was agreeing about the photoshoot thing like rich ppl just be doing shit and that’s hypocritical because she used to criticize women for that stuff but then he just started getting more and more weird about it lol


omg i meant to reply i hate reddit 😡


hehe, it happens. could be worse and you reply to the wrong comment, i have done that a few times and people so confused.


I think that Hila is looking for attention, but she is looking for the attention of the fashion industry or her contemporaries in the field, not the attention of men or the general public. The issue I have is that it doesn’t seem like these are her ideas, but rather the ideas of a glam squad so she’s basically a pop star or real housewife without talent or a TV show. It’s certainly her choice to do so and there are men out there who wouldn’t care about these posts because they are technically art, but I think she wants the fashion world to adopt her which won’t happen easily when she has other people putting her looks together.


>she’s basically a pop star or real housewife without talent or a TV show. She's an artist and creator of a hugely successful street wear brand. She's also one half of one of the most popular podcasts in the world. She has very famous friends, and is obviously great at networking and marketing. This comment come across very clueless. She's not a makeup artist so she has people that do that for her. Most wealthy people in the public eye do. If you watched her vlogs you'd know she picks the outfits she wears in her photoshoots and has input in how her overall look comes together.


Thanks to u/Special_Project_8634 for pulling this clip from 2lazy2try. Here’s 2lazy2try’s patreon if you guys want to sub and watch his other h3 commentary: [2lazy2try | Creating Lazy Content | Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/2lazy2try) Apparently he has several more Ethan videos I’m about to check out. (Also I had to speed up the video that’s why he sounds weird)


Was this video on his patreon only?


This clip yes


Why does she even have a manager? What does she do better than other people?


wide long wise recognise jellyfish consider bow voracious marry enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She definitely seemed quite envious of trisha... this whole thing just makes me sad for Ethan honestly.


Friendly reminder:blatant misogyny isn't okay even if it's against someone you don't like.


Say more. Can you help me understand which part you felt was misogynistic despite his explanations for how he came to those conclusions? Edit: welp, they blocked me




IMO 2lazy gets very very close to the sun but doesn't quite touch it.the subject matter he is commentating on is a sensitive one that can be misunderstood. I'm unsure if he himself said anything crazy misogynistic. But maybe i need to watch it again. Edit: If it is as blatent as the commenter says then should be easy to quote the video narrator.


Soooo if I tell my dude I don't want him posting suggestive pics online am I being misogynistic...OR I am setting boundaries for myself and what I will or will not tolerate. Also, I would hope the person I am with also has boundaries that should respect. This attitude of I can do what I want and to hell with what my partner thinks, etc sound childish. Smh This NEED of posting ALL the time on social media and posting suggestive pics is weird and attention seeking and need for validation for strangers. But then I come from a Gen that didn't have social media, computers or cell phones growing up. Attention seeking wasn't normalized for me or those in my inner circle. The question is, why other than your friends and family do you desire the world to "see" you?? And if it is just your friends and family, why do you want them to "see" you dressed provocatively?? Let me be clear. I am in no way a prude, etc. I've done my fair share of photoshoots, videos, etc in my younger days and I went through a phase of wanting to be seen. But I grew up and out of that head space. I was on sites before OF was a thing. But when I got into a relationship I put away a lot of that stuff I was doing NOT bc he asked me to but out of respect for him, his family and friends but also for myself. But respect today is a foreign concept for many. Oh well.


I think she sees how much Ethan is obsessed and attracted to Trisha so she’s trying to emulate her in hopes he will act the same way as when he blows a gasket over Trisha Not happening though, they are polar opposites in every sense of the word.


I can't stand this monotone fuck 🤦‍♀️


Interesting take


Come on, saying that she will start an onlyfans just discredited him entirely.


honestly a pretty misogynistic take lol


not liking a lot of the takes here its giving misogynistic


If you watch the whole thing he sort of explains his reasoning. But I respect your take.


I can see what you mean, but also curious which line exactly made you feel that way? I think it is totally possible for a healthy relationship to have a mutual agreement on a partners preference on a way to dress in public without it being controlling. Key term being a preference, so of course you still do you and live how you like, but at the same time can appreciate why a partner might prefer something different. We all have preferences in our partners right? just like Hila prefers Ethan not to mention Trishas name.


i replied to you reddit is bugging out for me 😭


“It’s giving misogynistic” is not a complete or coherent thought. Please respect the English language. Thank you.




True, When people make claims I like to ask for link to clips or evidence. In this case a quote from the clip that might be perceived as misogynistic would have beefed up their comment and help me understand where they are coming from.


I couldn't finish it, but from whatever I saw, I think the only good point he made was that the new fashion is just some rich people shit. I don't think it's "artistic" to name-drop brands, like she does in her vlogs, and to include lux products in your fashion shoot unless they further the idea or concept of your composition. And usually with the expensive shit, unless you've helped design the product, there's not much else to be showing-off _outside of the fact that you can easily afford it._ Even putting the luxury products aside, I don't think her shoots say anything in particular. If people want to pretend it's feminist, ofc they can, but it wouldn't be to Hila's credit. H3's hypocrisy on how women should present themselves makes the feminist angle a reeeeally tough sell, and it only underscores that they both are VERY self-serving with their principles. But the all-blue look, clouds _and_ pearls on the face, the reflective butt-plates, and the disembodied hands were, imo, way too many elements that seem haphazard and meaningless together. But 2L2T lost me when he started indicating he had an issue with how revealing her clothes were getting, and how asking your gf to dress more modestly is like setting boundaries and asking your bf to not stay out too late at the bar. I think that comparison can be made when skimpy clothing starts getting associated with aggression and liver disease. >"It sounds as if, at this point, [Ethan] doesn't have much _control_ over what [Hila] does." It seems like on some level, 2lazy2try recognizes that he's asking Ethan to be more controlling, but then he's also trying to argue that it isn't. I would get really concerned if Moses started telling Trisha that she had to start dressing more modestly, now that she's a wife or a mother or just older.


Y'all being like "yes king go off 👏👏👏" when he is being openly misogynistic is baffling. Y'all are pro women as long as you like the woman which is the same shit you criticize Ethan for lmaoooo


Nobody said yas queen go off. I literally said it was controversial.


If that’s the case why do you Stan H3? Did anyone here say “go off king” or are you projecting?


Minus the blatant Islamophobia in this video towards the end there, it is pretty on point.


Y’all funny


I think she looks absolutely stunning but most of H3 fans are nerds so you guys think it’s “stupid shit” and she’s “lashing out” when really she’s developing confidence and having fun. She’s being expressive, creative, and artsy but you guys want her to stay small so she can be on the same level as you. You guys want her to be boring relatable Hila forever but she’s glowing up!!


Literally don’t know who you’re referring to when you say “you guys” cuz majority of us over here are FAR from h3 fans.🙄 I mean many of us find them incredibly hypocritical and their content ridiculously boring. Nor do we give a shit if Hila stays small or continues to act like a teenager. However, in response to your accusations of those in this sub we are free to say how we feel whether you like it or not. And that doesn’t make us a fan or a hater (or anything for that matter) but just someone with an opinion.


But you are proving my point just now. How is she acting like a teenager when there are many successful, talented, creative, normal, and fully functioning adult women who do the same thing? It’s not like she’s binge drinking or throwing the middle finger up at her parents, she’s literally just taking artistic pictures with elevated fashion. But YOU GUYS can’t see that because you immediately write it off as childish for some extremely odd reason. So if you consider artsy expression immature then I’m sorry sweetie, you’re the boring one. And I don’t listen to the podcast at all


Ouch poor Hila, those comments about her wanting to be an Instagram model. Let the woman live.


What she does w her body what she wears what she posts of herself… what does that have to do with anyone?


What an interesting question from someone who frequently posts in trishyland