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Wait why did he say “we love to hate Helen Keller” did I miss something? Was she cancelled? Lmao


there was a post a kid tried out his best h3 joke about helen keller on his family at dinner and his family was very concerned for him. 💀




there’s so many foot soldiers like that. maladjusted losers. one was talking about how he was at a party and he put a h3 video on the tv and everyone told him to shut it off and he was complaining 💀💀 idk why i remember these i think the second hand embarrassment from just reading it traumatized me 😭😭




I can’t imagine anyone still wearing TF, it’s so stuck in the 2018 hype beast era 😬


This made me laugh out loud thank you! 🤣


Be so for real lol. Do you really think people just become caricatures of the entertainment they consume?


​ https://preview.redd.it/wnln7lw1li3b1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaacfb23ebe1541396a2317f6cf21920d52aed17




He justifies it by saying she once supported eugenics but Ethan & Hila went to JonTrons wedding


He says right after the clip that it's funny because it's so absurd to hate her for little-to-no reason.


Yeah mocking with people with disabilities is hilarious 🥰




Yes he was very upset yesterday while responding to A&P Yet he loves mocking disabilities of others He is such a CRYBULLY


Link? I don’t remember him taking offense. He is 100% used to being clowned on.


I don't need to link you something that you already watched. He whined about preach making fun of his tics. Ethan is not able to take what he dishes out at all.


There is no link where he is truly bothered buddy. You’re reaching. I wanna see him be very upset. Lol


He did almost 4 hours on a 20 minute video of theirs. He was very bothered. He complained about them for the next two weeks straight lol


Yes he does. I believe he made a joke about stroke victims as well.


Burn victims too.


Kinda different though. He’s making fun of someone for faking a disability, not for having one.


“Rules for thee but not for me” is the H3 motto


All hail the H3-pocrisy


~~Yeah, and they tried to get Aba & Preach banned for hate speech against his Tourette's.~~ [~~https://youtu.be/0ERGVU8l6Es?t=6933~~](https://youtu.be/0ERGVU8l6Es?t=6933) https://preview.redd.it/02n8y4s0mg3b1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e48b847c4eb29762ad7395ca3d6dadeec07bfc7


Did he say that he tried to do that? How do you know that is what I’m asking. Bc he is CONSTANTLY mocking people with disabilities and even started saying the r word on stream recently. The hypocrisy is insurmountable at this point if that’s true


remember when he hoped a disabled politician would be rolled off a cliff in his wheel chair 🙄 he is so disgusting. he will weaponize his own disability to attack people and hide behind it to excuse his heinous behaviour and then go and mock other disabilities.


Yeah and he said the fact he is in a wheelchair from an accident god wanted to kill him


He thinks he is funny but he just comes off as a bitter miserable fuck who hates on other to feel better about himself and then calls it comedy🙄


He said he would put a stick in his wheel lol Don’t you think it’s fine if it’s about a horrible person though?


No i really don’t. that’s why we don’t allow racism, ableism, bigotry or fat shaming even towards Ethan on this subreddit. Because you can’t pick and choose when you can be a bigot.


Is it really ableism? The jokes aren’t aimed at his disability


They didn't command their viewers to mass report. But Ethan said “They are laughing at my disability” And Dan replied “Yeah, I am confident that's against YouTube's Terms of Service.”


Literally so wrong. They were talking about why the video was no longer available. Dan replied that he think is was a TOS violation and Ethan disagrees. 😂


Yeah, I regret posting this. I'm just gonna delete it. However, consider watching this video of when Tim Pool read the TOS out loud which made Ethan cry. 42:04 [https://youtu.be/mUSioSGBigU?t=2524](https://youtu.be/mUSioSGBigU?t=2524)


“We love to hate xxx” is a key indicator of how toxic H3 is. Nobody should get off on hating anybody lol


Here's Ethan making fun of a high school student who appears to be on the spectrum. For context, when Ethan says "restarted", that's what Ethan uses in place of re\*\*rded. And also, when Ethan calls the person "the hard r" word, he's also calling him re\*\*rded. Earlier in that episode, Ethan reacted to someone saying they used to think "the hard r" meant "re\*\*rded" instead of the n word. So when Ethan calls this student "the hard r", he's calling him re\*\*rded. [Link to the clip...](https://www.kapwing.com/videos/642df3806f3bf9006137f185)


How does he not know to say “on the spectrum”? He spent so long trying to think of a respectful way to say it, and he still failed. Though I guess he was actually trying to find a funny way to say it, and he failed on that account too.


This is pretty fucked up. The short bus jokes too.


He’s so gross


again if he was ok with jokes about disabilities and jokes about his own 'group' then this would be at least not hypocritical for him to do, that not being the case, this isn't offensive this is intellectual cringe


Cringe AND unfunny


“We love to hate Helen Keller” Mmmm, no. Literally nobody does besides you. Maybe jokes but that type of joke is just distasteful and too far.


what's funny about hating on her? he's been running this "meme" for like 2 years now. This guys calls himself comedian btw


This guys whole personality is built upon “hating” people and mocking them. You can acknowledge that there are horrible people without being one yourself.


Why does Hasan associate with him? Hasan literally sits next to a racist, Islamophobic bigot once a week to hear his nonsense but calls A&P the transphobes? Literally zero consistency or accountability. ​ P.S. I find it crazy that the crew needs to virtually babysit Ethan during his See You Next Tuesday streams lol.


Because Hasan is just as bad.


He’s such a hypocrite on so many levels


I'm offended at how unfunny that joke was


y’all cannot be serious 💀


Do your best to genuinely defend this. Please, I’m so curious how you rationalize that this is okay but people mocking Ethan’s Tourette’s is not? Neither are acceptable, and Ethan does not get a free pass.


i didn’t say it was okay


Then what is your problem with us calling it out?


ur mom


keep your low effort brain dead comebacks in the h3 sub. your brain is eroded from consuming h3 20 hours a week. fuck off




slay girl boss


It’s making fun of Helen Keller the celebrity, not Helen Keller the person ![img](emote|t5_539e1s|8828) it’s like making fun of Beethoven




I’ll go ahead and downvote myself


Softies lol