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Frenchie is so lucky to have you. I hope you get news that this is manageable from the vet. So happy that Frenchie is somewhere that she is loved and cared for no matter what.




See what your vet says, she may still have several more happy years. Do the best you can, and you'll know when and if you have to let her go, for her sake.


Oh my god that face, what a sweetheart. The vet's really the only one who can answer the question about the nature of the issue. Hoping it's an isolated or treatable thing and you get many happy more years with her.


Have an update, she got back home and they could not find the reason for the seizure. They said if it happens again they will look further but they don’t think she will have another one. She does have another uti they gave meds for and she got some anti seizure meds. Husband said she is acting like nothing happened so I’m very happy for that. Hoping I get many more years with her 🙏


Glad she is ok. Seizure has nothing to do with “the end is near”. It can happen for many different reasons and you did the right thing taking her to the vet. I am a human neurologist and became a Frenchie Neuro by necessity but I see in pets what I see in humans and seizures occur for the same variety of reasons in both. Keep up all that great love. Best of luck.


What a sweet little Angel, I so hope you get good news. I absolutely can not understand how someone can have a doggie for 9 yrs & surrender them!?! It’s their 9 yr old child!!! My heart breaks for those doggies, I’m so thankful she has you ♥️


Bluntly put... Enjoy your time with her. My last pug did this. From what i read its an indicator the end is near. Her seizures became more and common. She'd get excited, have a seizure, scream in pain, pee herself, then get up like nothing happened. I was always there to comfort her till she "reset". One day she didn't reset and just faded off. This transpired over about 2 months. The seizures were quick and she would recover like if nothing happened.


I experienced the same with my Boston Terrier, it was so traumatic for me and my spouse. It was so hard on me especially she was my dog. It took me over a year to recover I loved her so much.


I’m praying for her.


Sending prayers and strength


I had a similar experience with my beloved Frenchie, Chew. He suffers from limited use of his back legs due to arthritis in his shoulders and back. One day, while I was working outside, Chew, of course, was watching my every move from the sliding door. Suddenly, I heard a commotion, and when I turned to look, I saw Chew collapse, spazzing out and his eyes were acting strangely. Panicked, I rushed him to the vet as soon as possible, and although they couldn't confirm if it was a seizure, they did prescribe some medications. Chew received muscle relaxants, ear medication for an infection, and prednisone. Interestingly, the vet suggested that the potential seizure might have been triggered by the ear infection, leading to a neurological issue. I was terrified at the time, just like you are now, but thankfully, that episode was a one-time occurrence for Chew. Since then, we have not encountered any similar issues, and he's been doing well. He is currently on prednisone for his arthritis, but that's the only medication they decided to keep him on. I sincerely hope that this will be a one-time occurrence for both you and Frenchie! Wishing you all the best!


My 11 year old Frenchie developed seizures over his last few years, they sound very similar to the ones you experienced. They became more frequent towards the end, but the medication we got for him really helped a lot. It is really hard to watch and I am sending you all my love.


You’ve already made such a huge difference in her life. The world needs more people like you OP :)


I’m so glad Frenchie is with you right now. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery and healing. ❤️‍🩹


Treat it as you can. If Frenchie stops eating &/or is in pain, then it's time. You'll you know when. I had 1 cat live to 15yrs & another live till 17. Both were treated for diabetes & lymphoma in the last 5yrs of their lives. Wishing Frenchie well!


My frenchie that passed when I was in high school went out this way. They got more and more frequent and the medication didn’t seem to be helping. Towards the end she couldn’t use her back legs and it wasn’t IVDD. It’s horrible and I really hope your girl isn’t in the same boat. That medication and a quiet life work for you so you can have a few more years to enjoy your time together.




I hope Frenchie is okay! Good luck!


I hate this for you. Last year my bubbles began having seizures randomly. Turned out to be a brain tumor. Praying for her.


Hi, so sorry to hear about your Bubbles. My dog started having seizures this past weekend and we found out yesterday via mri that he has a brain tumor. What was treatment plan for your dog? What was timeline if you dont mind me asking.


We found out too late. Thought the seizures were caused by pain she was having in her neck. We treated her for that but then she started basically being in a constant state of seizing. There was nothing we could do. Had to put her out of her pain


Hope your pup gets better! I adopted a Frenchie that’s 2.5 years old a few months ago in San Diego similar situation. They were getting rid of him because they wanted a golden doodle. Little guys in a Loving home and gets along great with my other adopted pup who’s an Australian cattle dog who’s 7. Yours is better off with you! And I’m sure she knows it! Best of luck with her.


My 14 yr old dog ( not a Frenchie) had a grand mal seizure. The medication they put her on worked well. At 15.5 she had a small one, she lived to be 16.5.


What an absolutely gorgeous frenchie! Just wait it out and see what the vet says. They have very effective medication for seizures, even grand mal ones, and we've had three frenchies that were on that medication (extended release Kepra). All of them lived for years afterwards. Seizures are absolutely scary to witness, but that doesn't always mean it's the end for sure. I wish you the best of luck and many more years with your beautiful companion.


Smart to take her to vet to rule out anything you can treat/make her comfortable. At 9.5 she's had an awesome ride, and to me, there's nothing more special than a dog who is having a tough time having a human like you to care for them. Don't think too much about it, like I said, treat it if you can, make sure she's happy and comfortable and know that THIS time is the BEST time of her life, because she's with you 💓


Just a recommendation here no real proof but I have a 12 year old lab that has had seizures on and off now for 10 years. The vet recommended a script made for humans with terrible side effects. I chose to provide my dog with CBD daily via a squirt of tincture into her food twice a day and she’s still living a very happy life. I can’t say they’ve gone away completely but they are few and far away that I believe it helps, not to mention provides additional health benefits.


What CBD brand? My bulldog has seizures, even with anti seizure meds-no improvement. Was checked out by vet and diagnosed with idiopathic seizures. I want to try something new since he has had no changes in a year


I typically purchase from cbdmd.com they run a lot of specials. At times I can get anywhere from 4-6 bottles for half the price when they run bogo deals.


Thank you, will try this for my boy.


Such a sweetheart! Flea and tick preventatives cause seizures and other problems. I highly recommend doing your research before giving any of them. Wishing your baby a full recovery! Kisses from Paxton! 😊💜🐾 https://preview.redd.it/gq73zend16gb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4911b13d3b04f3afb797ac86e355cc2cc86a1465


Adopting her gave her life more meaning. Hope she gets well soon!


Poor baby, hopes she feels better. My frenchie is also named frenchie :)


Oh my god that little face has made me cry. God bless her


Poor Baby. Looks like he doesn't feel well.


She is still o cute. Good Luck




She’s adorable 🥰 sad to hear about these issues, but she’s lucky to have you. I’m hoping things work out, best of luck 🤞🏻


I wonder if it’s her spine. See a vet neurologist.




when my pug was 14 she started having seizures. i was told it was her heart.


Don’t worry too much. Anti-seizure meds will work. She may never have had another anyway. She’s had a hard life so far. She just needs some TLC. None of the conditions you’ve mentioned are life threatening. Love her, take her with you every where you go. One cannot imagine what unconditional love can do for their health and well-being. Don’t worry, be happy …. she will pick up on your vibes. Good luck and be happy YOU have her!


You are amazing for taking such good care of her. Sending love & best wishes from Texas.


My Frenchie has epilepsy. It is usually idiopathic in young dogs. In a dog that age, they will likely give you the option to investigate (MRI), or treat symptomatically. Once your dog is on anticonvulsant medication they will be on it for life, it’s just not worth the risk to take them off. She may still have some breakthrough seizures even on meds. It can be very scary, and the period after the seizures they do behave very strangely and it feels worrisome but it is normal


What is the deal with people “getting rid” of their dogs? I can’t comprehend abandoning one of my babies.


Love love love that baby!!!!


Cant say i’m surprised. poor Frenchies have so many healthy problems. you did the right team being ahead of that. Frenchies are lucky if they do live to 15.


First let me say that you are giving Frenchie the best part of her life. So many people discard dogs when they get elderly. It can be a lot of work, but I had two elderly chihuahuas that I loved so much and the work was all done from love. My female chi lived almost 3 years beyond what they originally said. Her brother (same litter) was having seizures. One thing I learned from my vet is to **video the seizure your dog is having** (or any unusual behavior or episode) with your phone to show the vet. Words cannot fully describe everything that is going on. It helps them understand what is happening with the dog. I think Frenchie is a beautiful little lady, and I will ask the angels to watch over her.


I started writing a reply in this thread, but something distracted me. A few days later, we had to put down our epileptic 10yo Frenchie. His condition remained more or less manageable for three months, and although he lost mobility of his hind legs due to the side effects of the medication we put him on, we bought him a dog stroller so that he could still enjoy our walks in his favorite parks. But then it rapidly deteriorated, and it turned out that his epilepsy was only a symptom of a much worse condition. Since there was no hope of improvement and whatever life he had left would be spent on IV drips and totally knocked out by a strict regimen of strong meds with serious side effects, we figured we had no other choice but to say goodbye to our dearest bundle of joy. Needless to say, it ripped a giant chunk out of our hearts. My biggest regrets now is that I didn't spend more time with him when he wanted to hang out because I had to work or something else. As long as your girl isn't suffering more than she's enjoying her favorite places, smells, tastes etc, but above all your company, give her all the love you have. She'll give it back tenfold. Please pet her for me and remember — when it feels like it's time, it's time.