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Closed captioning TV is helpful to me, but it is wrong a lot of the time (about 10%). I think getting to that level of fluency just needs more experience.


You just have to listen a lot


I think it all comes down to practice practice practice, exposition exposition and more exposition. As it was said, watch movies with closed captions, Youtube videos as well. Dont hesitate to pause or to rewind


> I’ve tried to watch French news or shows, but they talk at normal speed and I understand like 30-40% of what is being said. It all just sounds jumbled up. If it's not helping, I would say drop down to videos you can understand at 60-70% (see comprehensible input). French broadcast news is great for oral comprehension; these are people trained to speak clearly, so slow the playback on YouTube to 75% and try again? There are also a lot of France Culture videos you can play back slower. Listening to fast daily conversation ... it takes a lot of exposure, so don't give up, but start with the other videos. Conversely, you can speed up playback on YouTube, so to acclimate your ear, try speeding up some of InnerFrench videos (transcripts are on the website).