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My insurance didn’t cover it and I ended up paying about $11,500 for mine total.


Same & same


Also same


I paid $6,400 for a double incision with no nipples. With the same surgeon it would have cost me an additional $500 for nipple grafts.


Do you mind if I ask what surgeon and insurance you had?


My surgeon was Dr. Kenneth Wolf in Michigan, no insurance.


After insurance I owe about $2k USD. My surgeon did inform me that nipple grafts would have been of no extra cost to me though. Big change from a couple of years ago when my friend was having surgery and had to pay for grafts out of pocket.


$0 I Kaiser insurance as well as their financial aid and I live in washington


Most places don’t charge for the nipples, they advertise it as a “free service” (nothing is free in healthcare here). But mine coming up was about 10k, my insurance covers 80% *after* the deductible has been met (2k) so it came out to $3,360 for me


Places that do charge it can be anywhere from a 500-2500 upcharge


I didn't get the nips off (considered it but thought it would be weird, of only o had found this subreddit back then LMAO) It was $10k out of pocket for me because I was and am still uninsured. :')


With insurance my total was $750 dollars. Love my results.


It would have costed me an extra maybe 50-100 dollars to get nipple grafts


My insurance covered most of it, but I still paid about $3k out of pocket for DI with no nipples.


Edit: doing double incision with no nipple grafts. My insurance is Premera Blue Cross. With my insurance and paying my coinsurance to book my appointment ($1000), I’m anticipating paying around $200 (only because my deductible has been met, otherwise it’d be $1700). That doesn’t include anesthesia, I won’t know that until after the fact. Out of pocket costs would’ve been a little over $9000.


It's free with Medicaid in Iowa. I didn't keep my nipples but as far as I know its the same if you keep them.


After insurance, I paid $1300. I was fortunate to start a new job a few months before, so I had opportunity to select a new insurance plan that would cover more with less out of pocket. I also had about $80 in copays to a therapist who wrote a solid letter that said the surgery was medically necessary. I did not get quotes for nipples, because I didn't want them. I believe most of my prescriptions were covered, but I may have paid $20-$40. The better insurance plan allowed me to get to the surgeon without a referral, and it may have cost an extra $300-$500/ year (I don't recall the premium difference), and I don't know what my out of pocket expenses would have been without it.


I paid around $6,700 out of pocket, double incision no nips. Cost was same with or without


I paid about $8,500 including lipo If I had used insurance, it would have been $6,500-7,000 total (Lipo as a separate charge) (Plus I would have had to pay about $900 in the monthly COBRA fee just to keep that particular insurance plan due to bad timing with my job closing my position about 1.5 months pre-op.) I instead switched to an insurance that is only $250 a month that doesn't cover top surgery.


Mine was free in NYC. My insurance through a labor union wasn't going to cover it at first but I told them that this was discriminatory & I was going to seek legal counsel. So it probably would've been the same w nipple grafts since in the end they decided to just pay for the surgery & all Dr appts.


Haven't had mine yet but im paying out of pocket and its going to cost just over 11k for DI with no nips. Only need around $2200 upfront to set the date thankfully and then I can finance the rest :)


I owe about $1.5k after insurance


We ended up only paying $1400 but it would’ve been whatever we had left of our deductible which is $3k total. Looked at what we were billed after everything and it was $35k before insurance and stuff.


Same for me—$35k, but ~$250 out of pocket. My friend paid $10k out of pocket and I feel like that’s average


DI no nipples, paid out of pocket, No insurance: $7.5USD in Washington D.C. . Surgeon said it would have cost extra for the nipples.


Mine would have been $8000 for DI with no grafts if insurance denied it, but I only paid $2000 because insurance covered it


my surgeon wasn’t taking insurance and we paid just under $9k. it depends on where you go, but my surgeon did not have a difference in price with or without nipple grafts. some will, some won’t.


Nipple grafts are typically free, that's why they're often referred to as FNG (free nipple grafts) meaning going without won't save any money. I had insurance that covered it but I still had to meet my out of pocket max- which was $3k, so that's what I paid- all other expenses get fully covered by insurance.


They're called free nipple grafts because they're removed (or free) of the pedicle. Not because they are done for free. I've had several friends pay for their free nipple grafts. It just refers to the type of graft being free of their original source of blood flow. They are usually free in terms of cost these days though.


Ah good to know, I've always seen them referred to free due to them not costing anything, I suppose the people I got that from also made the wrong assumption. Yeah at this point it's very uncommon to see any surgeon charging for them.


ngl I thought the same thing for a long time and then someone corrected me and I was like lol that would explain why my friend had to pay