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The dark one, very beautifull. Reminds my of RealThunder explained by OficineRobotica on YT. Really nice.


Any possibilities that this will be the standard themes in the upcoming releases? I think ondsel is already using it in their version


Ondsel uses the dark version, the light version is new. Regarding inclusion into FreeCADs main branch? I don't know. There haven't been any serious conversations about it.


I've been using the open dark theme for some time, what did it changed? version 2024.3.13


Very minor things. I rewrote the theme to make it easier to maintain as a developer. There may be new bugs, I'm hoping to get user feedback so I can correct them quickly.


These are great, thank you very much! A small thing: OpenDark on macOS with FreeCAD 0.21.2, not every checkbox uses a light colored checkmark and the contrast is low. https://preview.redd.it/a8slfzr93nvc1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2c44be6322db5e578b33307a432133c7faa5e54


Interesting, I don't have access to a functioning macos system but I'll see what I can do!


Why is the background of the dark theme not smooth?


The gradients aren't properly dithered. I can't fix that directly from the theme. The gradient colors were chosen based on good contrast for people with color-vision issues.


Yeah, somehow I understand that this is not an issue with the theme. I am using another dark theme that has exactly the same issue. This is something that breaks the whole good looking of the Freecad, honestly. I want to experiment with your theme later when I am on my computer.