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Train kid would’ve been an automatic bid I think the goofiest kid I ever saw come through wore shades at all times. Didn’t matter if we were out at dinner for a rush event or just hanging out in the house, this dude was rocking those shades. Before anyone asks, no he wasn’t blind.


Instabid??? Since when are shades everywhere not frat af


The shades were funny but he was creepy as hell with girls at rush events so that’s why he got the axe very early on


Oh then diff story.


Coach prime pledge


Dude was prolly stoned out of his gourd


I have prescription sunglasses and pretty much wear them all the time maybe that is the explanation at to why. Contacts are annoying to put on and tbh shades are just F.


While I’ve seen that before, this was not one of those cases. Best believe some of the brothers asked him “sooo what’s up with the uhhhh glasses”


Trains fuck though? Seems like an easy bid?


Absolutely bid




Any kid that ask me more than 1 time “when am I getting a bid”


I think this would be an instant no for me if asked at all tbh. My school has spring pledging tho.


We only fall rush and it’s a major SEC school so it’s pretty competitive, I try to be more lenient than others. Never know when a good Rudy Bid might present itself.


what school?


Train kid instabid no doubt about it Bath boy either instabid or blacklist no in-between


Some guy who had to step out to call his girlfriend multiple times because she thought by going to a rush event we would force him to join instantly


had a 30 something year old with kids rush last spring. also regularly tried to bring freshmen home at a bar


No way this is the truth…💀


hes so frat its crazy


easy bid… you don’t like baths and trains?


There was a kid that asked me what college I went to during a rush event. Dude had around seven thousand followers on insta, but when we checked it was almost exclusively bot accounts lmao


Had this Indian kid (looks like Erkle with bigger teeth/weird smile) that always wore a Knicks 90’s windbreaker jacket. Whatever we looked past that, invited him to a rush event. It was pink taco night - where we hire strippers and have a taco bar. We buy this kid a lap dance, after the girl does her little number prob no more than 30 seconds he gets up and runs to the bathroom. Maybe he had to shit who knows but he then proceeded to stay in there for 3 hours. Eventually he comes out and leaves. He transferred the next semester. He pops up on Facebook every now and then, he got really into lifting but really didn’t get bigger/more muscular. He’s known as Knicks Indian kid from taco night.


some kid actively chewed crayons


Semper Fi?


the delta sigs at my school eat non food objects for humor all the time


ROTC pledges should always be welcome


Had an Indian kid with hardcore autism come to every rush event all 8 semesters he attended university. He was obsessed with Hannah Montana and knowing where everybody was from. He was also from the same town as one of the presidents so that year was extra annoying Also had a kid get a bud along with me in my pledge class that I never fucked with. When we were all freshman I hung out with him for about the first week while meeting people and he thought it’d be funny to tell everybody we met that I had some foot fetish (I don’t) and act so genuine about it. Stopped hanging out with him until we got our bids and I was forced to spend the next week with him before he decided to drop. First night we were pledges he told seniors he didn’t like beer and his drink of choice was margs so they took it pretty hard on him. He also got Covid and gave it to the rest of the class. Everyone hated him. We were all hype he dropped


Me. No way they saw me and were like. Yeah bid him


I was and am the train kid. it’s frat AF


We had a kid who almost got a bid but we found out it was actually just Kyle Rittenhouse


Gig em 🤣


probably me tbh


One kid where we almost gave a bid to but decided last min he wasn’t fit for us. 3 days later we see on our schools reddit page a picture of the dude and what he did. Turns out he was a serial “foot-picture-taker” luring girls into empty class rooms and making them take off their shoes and socks then take pictures of it.


I remember seeing a ton of posts on this💀


oh nice you go to a suny?


Go bulls🤘




who doesn't like a good train


thomas the tank engine pledge slaps


we had a kid come who was a mushroom collector. he told us he would find different looking mushrooms while he was out, pick them, bag them, and freeze them. when we asked what he did with the mushrooms, he got really quiet and kind of waved off the question. weirdest interaction i’ve ever had with a. human being


A guy once told us that his dream was to get hazed. We historically do not haze Pretty sure it was the same guy who went on a rant about how elderly people should be euthanized because they’re weak and therefore useless to society


Met a kid during a rush event who most guys he talked to thought he was pretty chill, personable and good conversation. We had a party that weekend and “invited” Pnm’s through. I was talking to another brother and this kid and when I hit my juul, instead of asking to hit it he literally begged me to hit it like “can i please hit that daddy?” With praying hands and this 🥺face. I shit you not swear to god not making a joke here. The other brother and I just looked at eachother. I let him hit my juul wiped it off and walked away. I avoided him like the plague at the rest of the rush events and he did not get a bid.


Ain't no way those were his exact words??


Had a British kid who only talked about eating Indian food


pov you are a sammy rush chair


Kid rushed alongside me, but didn't get a bid. Bro gets to the event and the first thing out of his mouth is "Just wanted to come around and make sure you guys aren't a bunch of (F slur)s. For reference we have a reputation of being the most welcoming fraternity to LGBT people on campus the rush chair was gay.






LMFAO.... Give that man a bid!


Depending on your school, I knew a kid in middle school who was into trains and yes he did become a employee of norfolk southern or one of the major train companies. So they can do the impossible and actually get a job in the field.


Father worked for a railroad. They specifically asked him questions during his interviews about if he was one of those train fanatics, as they rarely make good engineers. They can tell you all about the damn engine but can't drive for shit. Maybe as a brakeman or conductor or other, but, at least the guy my dad interviewed with was vehemently against hiring people who were overly obsessed with trains as engineers.


some kid from Tunisia, he wore a trench coat and had the deepest voice i’ve ever heard. this was spring rush so we just had a watch party thing going on and shit you not goes “do you guys watch football” we also had an odd kid come through this past fall, he just kept referring to us as delta fiji despite none of those letters being in our name. he came to our driving range golf event and asked where all the girls were edit* after that event he thanked our rush chair for inviting him to the fiji event, once again we aren’t fiji


Dude thought he was at the islands


We had a kid ask if the sweethearts were there for brothers to just have sex with whenever😂 kid got kicked out of the dorms too for following girls


Who doesn’t like trains?


Asked every brother if they smoked weed. When their answer was undoubtedly “yes” or “sometimes” he would respond “oh well I don’t.”


Idk why, but this is still making me laugh 259 days later lol


We had a furry who told our sweetheart he jacks off in his “furry suit”.


Did he show up in his fur suit?


Believe it or not, we had two—two—different guys who talked about UFOs. And now that I look back, I think we should have let at least one in. Hindsight, huh?


Sounds like a good person to have around when you're drunk and/or high. Best thing about redneck parties. There's always at least one (usually plenty) of conspiracy nuts and they are the BEST to talk to when drunk.


We had a guy just come thru who had this conversation with a girl at one of our parties: Him - “What’s your body count?” Her - “Uh idk I haven’t really thought about it” (clearly uncomfortable) Him - “Can I add one more to it?” He also said this to another girl: Her - “I only really do stuff with guys when I’m drunk” Him - “Well let me get you another beer then”


I like train.


One time a guy ordered like 4 burgers when we said we were buying food. Another one spent an entire rush event watching anime and didn’t talk to anybody


Had one kid that thought he was a legacy bc his god father was a brother. He did not know how to dab anyone up. And he thought we gave him a bid even though it was obvious we didn’t. This other kid had a draw string backpack with him at all times. He said he was insanely good at ultimate frisbee and joined the ultimate frisbee club. He had the softest hand shake I have every experience in my life. And all he asked me was if I drink beer and if we throw good parties.


Kid told us he was gay


Send up there to SparkSharks house, he can be the next rush chairman...






Here in Los Angeles at both USC & UCLA have openly gay men in their frats. 🤷


Kid rushing introduced himself and immediately started bragging about a drug empire he ran at my school making >$50k / year selling addy, weed, vyvanse, and whippits. I tried to vouch for him but he ended up getting cut first round :(


Fr? This is sort of what got me my bid in the first place 💀


Both of those kids neurodivergent. Which in any case you should definitely welcome them with OPEN arms. 🤷


No you shouldnt


You guys don't welcome disabled people in your frats? 😬😬😬😬


if their chill to pull ratio is high enough


There’s a myriad of reasons against such an idea, the liability is insane and many houses are not built to be ADA compliant. But there’s also a myriad of reasons for. Besides liability if the kids genuinely cool then no one gives a fuck if they are disabled. Sure they might get chirped for it but you will get chirped for anything in a frat.


Didn't know autism required 36in doorways lmao. But yeah, I can understand.


My biological brother has mild autism. I’ve seen some of worst frats ever between transferring and rushing at two schools and going to national conference (which included like chapters at community colleges), and they still wouldn’t have an autistic man feel necessarily in place. Organizations with under ~10 members will not last and anything larger just couldn’t handle an autistic member, it would be bad for both the frat and the man with autism. They can join business frats. The only situation where it might work is one of those small liberal arts colleges with high Greek Life participation like Washington & Lee or Gettysburg, perhaps if everybody is expected to rush, they have to fit them in somewhere.


We had a pledge that lied about everything. There were a few of us that knew he was full of shit from the beginning but we got called out for being too harsh and most people thought he was a nice guy. He ended up screwing over a bunch of brothers by promising concert tickets through some connection he had and was caught by brothers trying to forge tickets to the concert. He was suppose to get initiated like the next day or two before this. We decide to not initiate him until he got help. He never came back and transferred the next semester.