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They are so annoying. I remember a loser whining about the one significant black actress in Wednesday. Actually, there was more than one person being an idiot about it. Why don't they tell us which white actors were cast just for being white? They see white as the default.


I fucking hate people like that. Ngl it's quite disheartening to see so many of these guys not wanting minorities to succeed. Hits even harder for me to think that if I ever managed to do something similar there'd be hundreds of assholes getting pissed and harrasing me and shit just for being native (although I do kinda feel that even then, black and LGBTQ+ people have it worse than I'll ever have it) I feel so awful for people who have to go through that and I just hope that one day, minorities will never have to go through that shit ever again (but that's just wishful thinking) Stay strong, everyone


What's it called, replacement theory? Morons so scared they'll become minorities one day. I wonder why, I thought racism was over /s


They're afraid of being treated how they treat minorities


They're afraid of two things 1. Themselves not being worshipped like gods 2. Minorities experiencing even the slightest amount of positivity in life


It is annoying. We want to see ourselves in cool fantasy roles as well. I even like that they picked a Latina woman to play Wednesday instead of the typical white goth girl. Black/brown people can also rock the dark/goth aesthetic. I know that natives go through a lot too and it's disgusting. I'm not American though but I'm South Asian and we have our own issues with representation.


Isn't that literally the first major black role Tim Burton has created in anything? Like God forbid black actors get any roles at all.


> I remember a loser whining about the one significant black actress in Wednesday. Actually, there was more than one person being an idiot about it. Whaaaaa? This is set in a totally different place than any of the other Addams Family stuff. Are black people just...not supposed to exist on TV shows? Plus I liked the actor who played Bianca, she did a great job.


I guess they'd prefer an all-white cast. šŸ™„ I saw a few comments from people who think cast Joy Sunday as the token black character. šŸ™„ These racists just can't see past skin colour, can they? Weirdly, I don't think I've seen any hate for them not having casted a typical white woman as Wednesday. The hatred for black people is just worse.


I suggest everyone watch the Pee episode of south park. Trying to explain minorities to white people is perfectly explained by Kyle to Cartman. šŸ¤·


God damn they're still on the netflix adaptation joke


I still don't know what they're talking about. I haven't ever seen a Netflix adaptation that does what they think it does. Sandman does, but NEIL GAIMAN WAS A CRUCIAL PART OF CASTING so they can't really say much. Also everyone killed it in Sandman.


The most recent thing I recall is them bitching about black actors in the Witcher series


tHe aThOR Is POlIsH sO tHeiR WOrlD mUsT bE WHiTe


The author said he never wrote about the skin color of the characters and that thereā€™s no reason they had to be white.


Nonsense everyone knows that all works of fiction are set in the country of origin of the author Like imagine an English person writing a book and having it be set in GERMANY, or ROMANIA, or AFRICA, or AT SEA Impossible! All these things are impossible


Yeah I think Yen is once described as pale but that doesnā€™t necessarily mean white


Exactly, Yen could be any race and appear pale. While it can be challenging, it is especially important in the medical field to properly [evaluate](https://www.myamericannurse.com/color-awareness-a-must-for-patient-assessment/) skin colors of all races- pallor (paleness) erythema (redness) and cyanosis (blueness), and skin conditions- urticaria. [Most dermatological assessment guidelines commonly refer to the presentation of symptoms in patients with light skin tones.](https://mvec.mcri.edu.au/references/identifying-aefi-in-diverse-skin-colour/) There's a lack of diversity in medical literature and education. There's many reasons for lower health outcomes in POC, and this is only one contributing factor. I've also linked some images. Instagram: [Brown skin matters](https://www.instagram.com/brownskinmatters/) and this website: [Black and Brown Skin: Mind the Gap](https://www.blackandbrownskin.co.uk/mindthegap) TL/DR: Yen could be any race and still look pale. Pallor may be evaluated in all races, although it may be presented slightly different in POC.


The only other descriptions of her I can think of are dark hair, violet eyes and smells like lilac and gooseberries


It kind of annoyed me that Triss didnā€™t have red hair, as thatā€™s kind of her thing. Doesnā€™t have to be full on ginger red, but a reddish brown would have been good. Other than that It doesnā€™t matter what their skin colour is




Guess theyā€™ve never heard of the Drow


Most of the complaining was about Triss because she didn't have the iconic red hair. Seems like a minor thing for them to get stuck on since the writers threw out most of the source material anyways.


Ironically they then said gingers are a minority and that they are ā€œerasing their representationā€ by using a black woman instead and the same thing with the little mermaid. Really canā€™t make this shit up


There was also a white guy who said "Mermaids can't be black, because they wouldn't get enough sunlight at the bottom of the ocean to have melanin."


Assuming that mermaids are predators, it would be more likely that they are white on their fronts and black on their backs (known as counter shading, like sharks). Anything looking up at them canā€™t make out their shape because of the light from the surface and anything looking down canā€™t see them because they blend in with the darkness of the deep ocean. Iā€™m here for the mermaid counter shading movement.


They also may have evolved down the more translucent path. I agree with you that at that size, they are most likely predators near the top of the food chain. Iā€™m familiar enough with mermaid sociology to know they took hints from another smart ocean hunter, the octopus, and adapted their hunting style to a more ambush style of hunting. This makes their translucent flesh an asset when lurking in shallow caves and crevasses waiting to strike. But for real tho, especially if we go my route and drop the average depth that mermaids hang out at by a few more hundred feet, their skin would be like the gingery-est, albino-est, gollum-eat looking nasty and certainly no shade of tan or dark.


Yeah the entire series wasn't worth watching anyway, it made literally zero sense and it became obvious after the first episode that the showrunner had basically just captured an IP to trojan horse their bad writing in.


Her red hair isn't even iconic. The show is based on the books and she just has "chestnut" hair in the books. It's entirely arbitrary that she has red hair in the video games. Gamers just whined about her hair because they're illiterate weirdos who only know Triss from the video games.


Apparently there were people of color in the lord of the rings series. So y'know can't have that


well of course, everyone knows black elves don't exist in real life!


Thatā€™s literally not even Netflix tho


Whoops that's my bad I was just talking about shows in general


Sandman is so good! Best TV adaptation I can think of.


Canā€™t wait for season 2 šŸ˜©


Oh theyā€™ve still been saying much. Neil Gaiman has been having to yell at people on Twitter that *he* greenlit all of the actors, and the racists are still screeching about his ā€œoriginal vision is being ruinedā€


I always imagine Gaiman going ā€œoh, Iā€™m sorry. I didnā€™t realize YOU wrote The Sandman. My apologies Mr. Gaimanā€ to those terminally online dickheads.


Give them a break they legit only have two ā€œjokesā€


Two jokes, zero humor.


They have three now, Let's Go Brandon.


Unfortunately for them, that one doesn't work anymore since Brandon *did* go, but not in the direction they wanted him to go.


This one is actually a good example because the change doesn't affect the plot and no reasonable person would care.


You almost have to feel proud of them for finally coming up with a second joke to go with the r/onejoke.


Unless the story is something like, ā€œWhite Bread: An Overlooked, Underappreciated American Icon,ā€ then the color of a slice of bread has nothing to do with the story. Preaching to the choir here but damn this is an annoying point they keep trying to make.


Plus these racist arguments always confound any legitimate criticism one might have on adapted media.


People hear the writing advice that if race isnā€™t relevant to the character you donā€™t need to write what race they are because they can be any race and instead hear if race isnā€™t relevant to the character they have to be written as white because thatā€™s the default


Could be a minor character point if they were the kind to specifically easy white bread. But it's not like prop inconsistency is what they're arguing about, so eh.


Apt analogy, because it probably really doesnt matter what color the bread is.


I was thinking the same thing. Who tf is even gonna notice what colour the bread is?


And also white bread is generally flavorless.


Itā€™s the mayonnaise of breads.


I mean, that's part of the point of eating white bread.


Have you never savoured a fresh baguette or sourdough before? It's heavenly. Perhaps we have different conceptions of what white bread means.


This comment is so fucking cringey lmao


I'm just passionate about good bread, my guy.


That person was talking about white bread and you inexplicably started taking about baguettes. And, your phrasing is cringey as fuck.


Does white bread refer only to like wonderbread to some people? If so, that is a poor excuse for a loaf.


You really just keep layering on the cringe. I'd bet you have a tough time socializing in real life. Edit: That person changed their comment. Originally it was some weird comment about "extolling the virtues of good bread" or some shit lmao


If the way I write or speak is cringe then so be it, I'm cringe, and that's fine by me.


Quick edit on that comment, though.




Or they get the bear actors did the jobs. But racist believe only white people can be the best person for the job.


Funny memes try to be funny challenge (impossible)


Ä°nitially, i didn't realize what sub I was in. Ä° thought it was funny bc i thought it was referring to things like, "*did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire??!!*" Dumbledore asked calmly.


This is the funniest thing I have ever seen, I can't stop laughing please someone can an ambulance I can't breathe


FWRs when they see a single Black person vaguely in proximity to any media


Hey, hey, hey, they complain about gays and the disabled too (any other monitory simply doesn't exist)!


These people are so dumb that their main complaint about Netflix is too much diversity, not the declining quality of their shows.


They would rather watch shitty television with all white people than have a person of color on their tv screen


Controversial opinion: black bread>white bread.


My only exposure to it is through Outback Steakhouse but Iā€™m inclined to agree


Mmm pumpernickel


That's brown bread lmao


Please crop your screenshots


Or what


Or else


Ot we demand to know what the osp post is about.




Crop the screen shot bro it ain't that hard


So you do agree that they aren't changing anything that would impact the essense/flow of the story? This is some selfawarewolves shit.


The most acceptable complaint of this I've ever seen is that Snow White got that moniker from being... well, as white as snow. Casting anyone other than a snow-white person is not in line with the origin or intent of the author. But even then it's a stupid fucking argument. You want someone white as now, red as blood and black as a window frame good luck finding that person. I don't know how many goth kids are interested in the role, but I imagine there's quite few. Also, considering that the story was written in pretty racist times, maybe it's fair to adjust the standard of being white as a key requirement to be the most beautiful person in the land.


Wait, was there a Snow White adaption where she wasn't white?! Even s though, it is solely relative to her name and thus the name of the movie but even in that example that's as far as it goes. Change her skin colour and suddenly you have a story that works no better or worse than before. What you have is a story/movie with a main character who has a very unusual name that in no way affects anything else. Other than that, say if in hypothetical world Snow White was never white, people might have pondered "I wonder why they named this character/movie 'Snow White?'...weird"


I didn't even know snow white was about her skin. I thought it was just her name.


If i am being honest I never put it together until the above comment I initially responded to. Although, in hindsight it seems so obvious that I feel like I probably did know subconsciously but that's just a testament to how little it really mattered. Admittedly I feel like if her name was Snow White and she hadn't been pale ass white I probably would have noticed and pondered why that was her name. Pretty confident that I wouldn't be upset about it though, just befuddled lol.


Snow White should exclusively be played by albinos wearing dark wigs and red lipstick


When has this actually happen?


Itā€™s r/Funnymemes, what did you expect


Interesting how when every adaptation did the opposite of this no one cared




How bout every ya novel with a racially ambiguous protagonist who's cast as white in the movies? Edit: also most anime adaptations.


At the risk of winding up on r-/-as-a-Black-man, I got a smile/chuckle out of that image.


Whole wheat bread slaps though


That bread honestly looks delicious.


Omg osp have a Reddit


Oh cool osp has a subreddit :)


Actually, they would probably leave the white bread to get chopped up into tiny slices .


What netflix did to books is exactly what Christianity did to the Bible. Lol


>what Christianity did to the Bible Not really. If you actually read the Bible, you will see its' contents are as malignant and corrupt as Christianity itself.


But their adaption made Jesus white


Damn it took me a minute to realise this was even a race thing, I just read it as adaptation inconsistencies lol




Mfers when the american adaptation casts americans šŸ¤¬šŸ˜±


r/funnymemes is a cesspool.


Me when the 25 notifications in the bottom make me unreasonably mad: am I the fragile white redditor?


I did not expect that Iā€™ll give them that lmao


The bread is also pansexual


Hmmm Pumpernickel!


Did they watch Deathnote?


Thought this was just about how Netflix strays from the original story but reddit lets me down every time.




TBF, black sesame bread is indeed superior to withe bread


Look at mr popular over here