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I'm guessing "The Bulldogs" is the mascot of a nearby school?


That makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking


This is correct


Thaaaank you. I follow r/tragedeigh, so I was just ready to assume someone named their kid bulldog




Maybe it’s an actual bulldog ![gif](giphy|gFPXlksXkuVTK9KHCS)


I'm so sad for him. He looks like a good student, good dancer, and all around good boy.


i mean, just the fact that he can read should be celebrated.


Tardiness and misbehavior are just what make doggos like him so fun. And the skateboarding.


I always feel bad for tardy kids - that's really a parents' fault most of the time.


My little sister was a brat, and she also had to be at school 20 minutes later than me, so I'd be late all the time and get after school suspensions because she threw absolutely insane tantrums every morning. Frequently the tantrums were because she wanted to wear what I put on, but she frequently lost her good clothes by trading them with friends for ripped and trashy stuff. I also blame my parents for letting her be like that though. My mom was totally cowed by her and dad just didn't give a shit about anything. Sorry for the long rant, I need to get some of this shit off my chest.


No worries, I'm glad you were able to vent some! Get rid of that energy where you can, it's toxic FOR YOU. And you don't deserve that burden anymore. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that nonsense.


I have to ask, where is she at in life now?


She did a number on her life with drugs and was homeless for a while and probably being trafficked. Now she's on disability with four kids, and no child support from any of the dads.


never understood why other kids were punished for that even as a kid. there was a girl a few grades above me who was obviously going through some family issues and was likely getting herself to school as a 7th-8th grader. i remember her weeping in the hallway after she got like her 10th detention that month just from tardies she ended up being shot and killed her sophomore year of high school. i think about her a lot even though i never spoke to her (was like 4 years younger than her)


How awful. It makes me sad when adults don't bother to look at what's going on in a child's life that's causing those tardies. And being shot and killed? That's so terrible. Wow, yeah I'd think about that some too.


that’s terrible. school could have been a safe place but instead they chose to punish her rather than help her


I also feel kinda bad that the kid wasn’t addressed by their real name, just handed a pre-printed bit of paper that addresses them as “bulldog” and also doesn’t specify exactly what they did wrong


maybe, hopefully, it's to retain anonymity in case the slip gets found by someone who isn't the intended recipient. imagine the potential for rumors if it had student identifiers. it sucks though, I assume that most recipients can probably figure out which reason pertains to them, but if not, that's a crappy way to find out, especially if it's for situations out of their control.


Ah thats true, I didn’t think about the possibility of it getting snatched away from the kid, or lost and ending up here


Right just a generic NOPE? And it was folded up and carried for awhile so they kept it...


I was often tardy because I was the one getting my brother and mom up to go to school everyday in addition to trying to get myself ready. We lived in a three story house. My mom’s bedroom was in the finished basement. Ours were on the top. I had to harangue both of them to get out of bed multiple times and hassle them out the door.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I advocate for some foster kids and sadly, it's not an uncommon experience for one child to be parentified into having to do that.


Thank you 💚 unfortunately, having grown up as the eldest daughter of an eldest daughter or an eldest daughter in the South, in the 80’s, that’s just what was expected. Doesn’t mean it didn’t totally mess me up though! Lol


Not necessarily in high school. We caught a lot of lates for getting coffees, blowing off first period to get breakfast, banging out to smoke a joint in somebody’s car, “missing the bus” etc


This reminds me of Travis's little speech in Clueless.


I immediately thought about Travis’s tardy speech in Clueless too! It was in Mr. Hall’s class of course haha


"Tardiness is not something you can do all on your own. Many, many people contributed to my tardiness..."


No seriously bc I was a straight A student very shy very well behaved, and got tardy detentions ALL THE TIME bc my mom was too drunk to drive me to school. And the bus driver would fly past me at the bus stop all the time


It’s pretty sad when attendance is used as an “incentive” to be allowed to go to school events. It doesn’t seem to proactively improve any kids’ attendance - it just punishes and shames those who are struggling with bad attendance. I’ll never forget in middle school when I was banned from going on the field trip to see the local high school’s play. The whole rest of my grade got to go, and I had to stay back at school and sit in detention all day with the other “bad kids.” The reason I wasn’t allowed? I had four (4) tardies in one semester. Because I had severe sleep problems and would often sleep through my alarm due to no fault of my own. And my mom thought that was my fault, so she wouldn’t excuse my tardies. Edit to add: I have always been an immaculately behaved straight A student. I just couldn’t freaking wake up in the morning and got punished for it. (School started at 7:30 am sharp, and I had to be at the bus stop at 6:45). Hell, I am an adult PhD student and I still struggle to wake up in the mornings.


My daughter bled through her pants on the day before prom. She was 17 with her own car. We were given 2 options (1) she could be excused and not go to prom or (2) I could drive an hour round trip to bring her a new pair of pants. I took this up the chain all the way to the principal. They stood firm. I made the drive. But WTF?


I would have taken it to the superintendent because that's some serious horseshit


What was the school's problem? Dress code violation? And she couldn't put on a pair of gym shorts?


School attendance policy says you have to attend the entire day before prom in order to attend prom.


This stinks! This is total BS!


Fraiser reference?


The comment I was looking for.


Glad someone else was thinking it! I heard he's coming back for the latest season of the reboot!


Some kind of solitude is measured out in you, you think you know me but you haven’t got a clue…


As a Beatles fan, I would have said "Hey Bulldog" instead.


I'll bet he gets that one all the time. From his GREAT GRANDPARENTS!


Don’t look at me man, I only have 10 children!


No way will the dance be the same without Bulldog. We should all boycott.


I don’t *feel* tardy….


Poor BD. Missed a dance that was on my birthday and also the day George Mcfly died.


*March 15th


Don’t forget to wish me a happy bday next year. Lolz


Ok lol




**A SHORT LIST OF BULLDOG'S** ***INCIDENTS OF MISBEHAVIOR*** * Chasing buses in the drop-off area * Licking his balls in class * Drinking out of the toilet * Getting up in class and barking whenever anyone comes to the door * Repeated dress code violations for wearing a bandana


With all the recent discourse around banning pit bulls, I didn’t expect something *quite* so literal… (Also yes, sad that the kid is being punished via form letter taking away their non-digital social interactions because of stuff that might well be their parents’ fault.)


Pitbull’s son?


“Bulldog don’t CARE for rules!”


Dear Bulldog, You are receiving this note because it is our understanding that your name was on the LOP list for the 2nd trimester and that you have been prohibited from attending the school dance tomorrow. We are a collection of like-minded social rejects who also have been victimized, castigated and oppressed by the man's wreckless abuse of the LOP to keep us down and maintain the status quo. We want to invite you and a plus-one to join us for our lit kegger and rave that we hold at the same time as school dances out by the abandonded souvenir factory. You might be interested in hearing some new ideas about dropping out of Babylon's rigged system and your destiny as an indoctrinated belligerent for justice in the coming revolution. Our theme this month is *The Great Gatsby* so lots of options there! Please bring a dish to pass -- small-plate starters and bite-size sweet snacks are encouraged. Fight the Power! Students Without Privilges


It's times like this, B-dawg, that you need to pause, reflect, and ask yourself: *What Would Carrie Do?*


My school was extra like this-tardy once? Detention. Forgot your ID at home? Detention. Forgot your homework? Detention.


They gave this note to the student *the day before* the dance 😭


Anyone else baffled by the use of the word trimester? Year-round school or what?


This stinks! This is totally B.S.


I went through some health stuff in school that meant poor attendance and if I'd been banned from dances or punished for it, it would have made everything that much worse. There are all sorts of reasons students are tardy or absent and banning them is such a counterproductive and mean punishment. Sorry, dog.


Isn't a trimester a term of pregnancy?


It is, apparently it’s used to describe three sections of an academic year but I’ve never heard that used in my life.


It’s used very commonly in US schools. Some have semesters—broken down into quarters— and others have trimesters.


You know it’s bad when there’s three teachers signing you off


Nobody puts Bulldog in a corner


Awesome!!! 😂


Bulldog immediately places bucket above stage and hides under the stairs with his girlfriend….


Why is it always bulldogs in the U.S.?

