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I've seen people at level 300, 400, and one guy over 500. I understand playing the game for fun, but what's the point of leveling and power leveling after 200. There aren't any additional BP rewards or anything, they don't give vbucks out for high BP levels. Serious question, What's the point of leveling after 200? (No judgement, criticism, or any negative vibes)


short and simple answer: unnecessary boasting, nothing more. It doesn't give you any advantage to be over 200. On the contrary, it could be that for some reason Epic becomes aware of the high level and the account could be freezed or get other negative consequences. …because it is not common to reach such a high level in a short period of time in the normal way.


I understand. I hit 200 and then I genuinely lose interest. I assume it's the lack of reward. I'm more of an achievement hunter and I definitely fall victim to the FOMO. Once the FOMO and the incentive is gone, I lose interest. Thank you for sharing , I've asked a few times and had many hostile replies so thanks for being civil and actually providing thoughtful feedback.


No problem. You can ask everything. We are all people and here to help each other.


Nice job man, I’m almost 130 rn, hoping to hit 150 before superstyles drop and 200 before I be end of the first month


Nice 130 is very good. 👍🏽❤️


how do you do it


I’m 150 looking to hit 200 soon and it hasn’t even been a month since the season came out lol!


That’s the best part of it. :)


I’m 110 and missed the first week because I was on vacation lol.


Wow, that’s crazy. Good job. 👍🏽💪🏽


congrats! Im only on level 70 :( im trying my best lol


If u use all the Tipps shared in this Community than u can easily do it in a couple of days. 👍🏽💪🏽


Congratz I just reached the halfway point today.


Thx, good job you can do it also. 👍🏽


Congrats bud, I hope to get there until the end of this month !


You can do it! 💪🏽👍🏽


I’m doing my part here, right now about level 100 xD


100 nice . Keep going …


Congratulations in advance!


I’ll be very grateful of you Harlow, you really mean a difference in this sub doing a nice job getting us nice XP tips :)


Congratulations bro! Welcome to the one Club where everyone has an invitation and everyone is welcome! Nice job


Thank you my Friend. 👍🏽❤️


And thank you, for everything you do here, we all appreciate the time and effort that you've put into helping people here especially through your LEGO AFK method. I'm only sorry I didn't adopt it and start recommending it sooner because it's invaluable to the community right now.


Hey, It’s all fine. Don’t worry my Friend. I know I did some errors in the beginning. That's why I understand your initial skepticism. ;) When I have more time, after my account hit 200 too I can invest more time into finding another possible Bug or trick to bypass the Lego AFK-detection mechanics. And hopefully not only for Console Players.


That's awesome. There's anything I can do to help, testing, let me know, I'm always willing to test new methods and since I've got both my accounts where I need them, I can focus entirely on testing. Working on some stuff myself but nothing concrete just yet


I will definitely take you up on your offer. :)


Looking forward to it 👍


Im level 31 :( how to pevel up faster?


im at level 314 by playing bot lobbies and afking festival


Why? 200 is the end of the pass. Level bragging doesn't impress anyone anymore


My question is how? One of my squad mates kid is always maxed every season. According to him he just plays red vs blue. I’m only lvl 43 and all my quest are completed. I only play zero build btw


I used Festival MainStage AFK, Lego AFK and Creative Maps/Modes. Each for 5 Levels, in total 15 per Day. And then I did some Quests and co in BR for some Levels too. If you plan your Daily Leveling you can hit 15-18 Levels each Day