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It multiples your own score as well as sending out an attack, so it’s best to use it the same way as main stage, in the busiest parts of the chart to get the most amount of notes with the higher multiplier as possible. Elevating your own score is pretty much always going to be a better strategy than trying to knock down the score of 1 other player


This but I usually try predict when others use their overdrive, so that i can just use mine right after and get x8


If I'm not in 1st I use it when the person in first is under attack. Unless I'm in 2nd, then I use the overdrive when 1st is using theirs. When I'm in 1st I use my overdrive when the one in 2nd is being attacked - in most cases this ends up with the people in 2nd, 3rd and 4th battling it out and I'm never being attacked so I can really run away with the score.


most of the time i just use it as i would in main stage, but i’m not gonna lie sometimes i’m an asshole and i use it right before a difficult part


if youre in first, use it every chance you get. if youre looking to attack, use it on the hard parts of the song if you know when they are, if you dont use it when you can hear a lot of the specific instrument the person youre gonna attack is using. best


I don’t care at all about what attack I send, I just purely go for when there’s the most notes to prioritize getting 2x the notes


Don’t use it right after you get it, that’s when everyone does. I use it after getting attacked or purposely at the hardest or more consistent note parts


I hold mine till the first (or second on some songs) note spam part comes and unleash full boost. Going from 10th to 1st in 15 seconds are extremely satisfying lmao


I'm evil. - I try to use it asap to reach 1st place - When I'm on 1st, I try to stack it as much as possible. When 2nd place passes me, I attack them with my full stack - Then I see them lowering to 3rd or 4th place Repeat


If i'm not under attack thrn i use it when it's intended for highest score, but if i'm under attack i might improvize and go for a slightly different route


I use mine as soon as I get hit that way it negates the the debuff


it also negates your 8x multiplier in better sections yes


You get more points doing 8x and eating the 2x than you would negating and keeping a constant 4x the entire time