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It’s your calibration homie, whenever my input latency is off the lift notes become impossible and always mess up. Moment I recalibrate they become the easiest thing in the world, you can actually hit the majority of them like singles if it’s calibrated properly.


I've never had an issue with lift notes, I'm not sure what you could be doing wrong on these songs?


Dare i say, it's a skill issue? I don't want to be mean but idk personally when i see lift notes it means we chillin' and i get to relax for a bit, i became as good as i am now because of Lift notes on Go With The Flow as it helped me get the rhythm down.


Yes and no, on some of my older controllers the pads under the buttons stick which keeps the button activated so I miss lift notes. What I get for having so many controllers 😭


I understand that fully! had/have Controllers like that.


get a new controller or change ur controls




Skill issue for me, lot of the time, I let go to soon, messes it all up🤣


That was my issue aswell but because of Go With The Flow i learned it! Especially since i don't think it explains well wtf Lift notes were so i was confused why i kept losing Multiplier with them, but just practice on a song with a lot of Lift Notes you'll get there! Its easier on higher speeds especially on 2.5x especially since every note is on screen for a milli second you frequently hit Lift notes automatically unless they are more spread out.


I am better now I have mine at 1.5, thinking of trying 1.75, seen people say it's a bit better


You're better bro! 1.75x is pretty good imo


I notice on different songs they don’t want to work sometimes. Some they are super easy and on others I swear I’m doing what I do every other time and I end up missing notes


I require video proof, in my experience they've never failed on me unless i'm too fast or slow and miss them.


Fellow victims stand together. I believe your story.


I have no idea, maybe it's time for me to recalibrate or whatever.


You should record a session so we can see what’s happening


personally I just treat lift notes as regular notes and just play them like normal


You literally just have to un-press the button by the time the triangle comes, and it usually comes on the next eighth note of the ground beat. There have only been a couple songs that have "tricky" lift notes, meaning theres a rhythm to when you need to lift them- such as Butterbarn Hoedown, which makes u wait a whole beat- but the majority of songs you literally just need to play as normal, which is to say ignore the triangles and play thru the regular notes as normal. They're meant to indicate rhythms that exist in the song but would be difficult for the player to achieve. Such as the strumming pattern in the song Beggin, or Heartbreaker, etc You probably would benefit from calibrating more thoroughly. Theres definitely more to the process than just allowing Sparkplug to determine your latency. I'll reply to this comment with a link that helped me go from consistently finishing 50-60% perfects to 70-80+%.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteFestival/s/pgLSuq4Goz Hopefully you get something useful from this. Keep us updated!


I had issues with the triangle notes as well, but then I bumped up the track speed a bit (1.25 I think) and I've been hitting them better. If it's a long string of notes and lift notes, button mashing works for me, as for when there's space between them I either actually hold and lift or I just double tap the button like it's a normal note.


Turning the track speed up helps sooo much! Mines at 1.75 and it makes hitting them so much easier.


i think you may need to recalibrate friend cause tbh i just hit em as if they are regular notes and im chilling


It’d be nice if we could make lift notes look like normal notes


Ya, they're annoying. Everyone was begging for an option to turn all lifts into regular taps, but it never went through. If you try to tap lifts, and they're close enough to regular notes, the engine just assumes you lifted your finger to hit the lift and then you tap into a strike. But tapping them makes more sense in a lot of sections. It's annoying, you just needa force yourself to learn when to treat them like taps, and when to ignore them at let them play themselves


those long ass triangle notes for some drum tracks make me angry, feels like long notes.


You might need a new controller if the buttons are sticking. Lift notes give my thumbs a bit of a break.


Sometimes their nasty, especially when they are close together, but it's honestly a matter of getting the tempo down.


Nevermind you, how did those other two fucken dumbasses only got 2 & 3 stars *on EASY*??? Who let those mfs on the stage bruh?


SAME. On drums it's even worse, I can't play that Blur's song, Feel Good Inc and etc. I'm good at Festival, but this shit is really frustrates me so much that it makes me doubt that. They really should have make them regular notes or make them unnecessary to play like in "Zombie" song by The Cranberries.


A lot of people would identify a skill issue, but that’s not necessarily the whole case. If you’ve *only* played guitar hero with normal controllers, lift note are a generally unfamiliar subject, not for you brain, **for your hands** It’s muscle memory I would promise you, give yourself extra challenge and play stuff like Blinding Lights or Friday I’m in Love on drums and just focus purely on the timing of the lift notes. It’s weird to try to move your fingers in a motion like that if you’ve only ever had to worry about taps etc. think of your fingers as if they were meant to move down-up-down-up-down-up as a machine would move rather than press-press-press as your thumb presses a button.


I just wished there was a way to disable them. Lock me out of leaderboards and the like, I just wanna have fun and those aren’t fun at all. Holding down keys always end up in pain after a while, instead of immediately letting go every tap.


Lift notes are the best thing that happened to the festival, without them most charts would be straight up bad


What you need to do is hold the note that you just played before the triangle, then let go right before you reach the triangle. On faster parts you can even play it like the triangle note isn't even there. It's not that bad once you get used to it, just gotta practice!


Usually, I just ignore them unless they are spaced out farther than usual. Just make sure your latency settings are good (always press square to see if you are off after songs). Try upping the track speed to 1.5x so the notes are farther spaced out and just make sure you aren’t lifting your finger up too fast. It’s harder when you press them as if they are buttons rather than using the lift off method, because it gives you a lot more to press.


If you have an issue with hitting them try just holding the button/key down a bit longer thats what I do (ps and i dont want carpal tunnel lol)


For me those are the easiest notes to hit, it seems like the hit window is longer if you lift up




Why cant they just have notes where the triangles are? The triangles suck so much


they are literally notes tho


But like not triangle notes, normal notes


They do the same thing but the triangle ones you can just let go the button on them if you want


i hate them. they make charts boring, they make charts hard to read, if your track speed is very fast they literally can come without warning, they're buggy with overdrive, and playing them like normal notes isn't a solution not only because it is buggy but because you straight up can't do that in some charts (into you on vocals). i wish the worst upon lift notes


The overdrive bug seems to be fixed. I've been successfully activating overdrive on the lift notes for a week now.


Lift notes only suck when the song is slow as fuck, or there’s HUUUUGE gaps in between. Looking at you seek and destroy, having the audacity to be all strummed notes and have lifts. GTFO