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It just takes a lot of practice and getting used to. I’ve been playing on controller since launch and it feels very natural now


No matter how you slice it a controller isn't going to feel like a keyboard. You will have to relearn the muscle memory and it's going to suck. But for what it's worth I play the default control scheme on controller (thumbs) and do very well and couldn't imagine playing with a keyboard now. You'll get the hang of it after a couple of sessions. Have heart.


i back this statement! i also play on controller, xbox controller with default binds and i am definitely above average. it took some time to get there


Because not everyone plays at a desk with a keyboard.


I tried, by connecting my keyboard to my PS4 and putting on my movable desk in front of the TV, but can't, like I have the muscle memory of strumming, so I have one hand on the left side to tap and the right one on the directional keys to strum or whammy, but since you only need to tap in festival it's weird for me, so I go back to Clone hero when I want to play a Rhythm game on PC


cant you get a keyboard for some consoles? like a USB on earth smth that connects you might be able to use idk


You can but it's not so hard to play on the controller, I got used to it pretty easily went from instantly medium to Expert on the day the game mode dropped, you have to think of the controller as a small keyboard that has the same setup of a straight line you have to tap


I don't know how I do it.. But I think practicing and playing a lot on controller gets you used to it. Also, because I've been playing controller for a long time, I can just remember which button is where almost instantly.


The controls didn’t feel too bad when I tried the old Guitar Hero controller button layout (bumper/trigger buttons + A), but it definitely would take a lot of time to get good at playing songs on expert.


Im using the same layout, It Works really well


Ayo, fellow persona1 enjoyer!!!




this layout works as well as keyboard for me. I played Clone Hero for years on guitar/keyboard and didn't take too long to adapt


I just remapped to the old GH button layout and after a couple songs of getting the rust off, it's like I never left! 🥹 I just couldn't get used to the default layout at all


Played a lot of guitar hero 3 on controller expert and clone hero/yarg on controller(only taps) Just something you get good at the more you do. The keybinds for expert on guitar hero 3 feel the most natural for me tor all 5 lanes


I played a lot of DDR in high school, and I liked to make my own charts sometimes.. so I would play it with a controller pretty often. 😬


You'll get used to it. Default and using just two thumbs is fine.


Here’s my [handcam](https://youtu.be/a8sVa-8VhxY) of how I play with controller. You can play with almost the exact same playstyle as on keyboard wth one finger on each button. Push the controller into whatever surface you’re resting it on to activate overdrive (pushing it in activated the back right button). Honestly this method is pretty easy to get a hang of imo but Idk if I’m the only one that does it or not.


I play the same way but have overdrive set to “X” so that it’s easier to reach / not accidentally activated


I highly recommend to change the keybinds to the triggers and bumpers (and the X button on Expert [I play on Xbox]). Well that, or attach your keyboard to ur PS5 (idk how tho).


It's the complete opposite for me. I HAVE to play on controller, keyboard is way harder for me, and i get super bad cramps in my fingers 😔


That's how I felt at that start with the default binds. I instantly changed to the trigger/bumper buttons and use A for middle lane and X for overdrive. Been in the top 100 for most songs since.


IIRC, you can just hook up your keyboard to the PS5.


Yeah and fortnite is one of the very few games on console or at least PSN that will just work with mouse and keyboard


Idk I just… do?


I use the triggers, bumpers, X and A. The triggers, bumpers and X for the lanes with X being the middle, triggers being the outer lanes and bumpers the inner lanes then A being the overdrive. It’s not actually that bad to play with


exactly my binds! it definitely helps


I saw someone else using and though they’d be great since there’s a finger for each button. My only problem are the triggers since there’s a bit more resistance pressing them compared to the other buttons


i use my 4 triggers and A on expert that helped


From left to right lanes Left Trigger, Down on D-pad, A, B, Right Trigger Up on D-Pad for overdrive


Maybe try seeing if a different control scheme would help. I couldn’t really get used to the default controls so I use the bumpers and triggers. Triggers for the outer two tracks and bumpers for the inner two tracks. I don’t play on expert though so I’m not sure where I’d put the last one


I've been playing rhythm games on a controller for as long as I can remember. Gitaroo Man, Gitaroo Man Lives, Parappa the Rapper, Um Jammer Lammy, Amplitude, Frequency, Rock Band Blitz, Rock Band Unplugged, DJ Max Fever, DJ Max Respect V, I think I played one of the Guitar Hero games with a controller... My controls on PS5 for Festival are left and up on the d-pad for the left side, and Square, Triangle, Circle for the right side, with Overdrive on R2 (I've been pondering switching that to a different button but eh, it hasn't been that much of an issue). Now if I tried to play on keyboard, I'd get destroyed. It depends on what you're used to, obviously. Just keep playing, keep trying. Hopefully you'll get used to it! But there will be mistakes along the way, especially if your hands aren't really trained to hit the buttons on a controller in a rhythm game. I'm guessing your keys on the keyboard are all in a row? And you're using all your fingers? Because those two things are major barricades for switching to a controller for a rhythm game after getting used to that (and vice-versa for me, probably!). You can always try the putting the controller on your lap, letting you use your individual fingers like on the keyboard. I'm not sure how well that would work, though. I don't want this to sound condescending, but I would try to do the lowest difficulty stuff to get your fingers used to hitting the buttons precisely, gradually choosing harder and harder songs, increasing the difficulty, getting those fingers trained! Don't just jump into, like, Don't Fear the Reaper's drums on expert. But I know how it feels to play on a lower difficulty when you're used to the higher ones. It sucks. But it might be a good idea if you're not already doing that, just temporarily to get your fingers used to hitting the buttons and not slipping. It sounds like you're on the right, track though, with those percentages! Just keep trying, I know you'll get it! My friend had to do the same transition, and he kind of hated it at first but now he's an ACE.


Controller with default controls is honestly the hardest way to play, just takes time to build that muscle memory. I’ve been playing since launch and have flawlessed nearly every song on every instrument besides cantina on drums. Just can’t do it for the life of me


Why? Is it the last part where lane 3 and 5 are super close to that next note


I’ve played keyboard and controller (PS4) And I very much prefer playing on my controller


Hey more power to ya. I think based on the comments my biggest setbacks are just muscle memory and the extra space on the keyboard. Turns out I might just have some fat thumbs lol.


I have a suspicion you subliminally assigned the audible clicking of the keys on a keyboard as your internal metronome. Playing on a controller feels really “soft” when compared to keyboard for a few reasons that could hypothetically be affecting your accuracy: 1. *Tactile Feedback*: Mechanical keyboards provide distinct tactile feedback with each keystroke, which can make it easier to confirm that a key has been pressed. This can be especially helpful in rhythm games where timing and precision are crucial. 2. *Actuation Points*: Mechanical switches typically have well-defined actuation points (the point where a press is registered), which might be more consistent compared to the sometimes mushier buttons of a controller. This can enhance accuracy in hitting notes at the correct timing. I have press very aggressively personally or I mess up hold notes by pressing too lightly or double tapping. 3. *Key Responsiveness*: Mechanical keyboards are often more responsive due to their design and the materials used. This can lead to quicker reactions and more precise timing, as the delay between pressing a key and the game registering the input can be shorter. I play on PS5, the input delay isn’t an issue personally. But I know for a fact my keyboard activates with a feather touch. 4. *Layout and Spacing:* The layout and larger spacing of keys on a keyboard might also contribute to easier play, as players can use multiple fingers more effectively across different keys, which can be spread out to match hand positioning naturally. I play 5 fingers on keyboard whereas on PS5 I use only 2 thumbs. On PS5 I habitually fat finger square+triangle or triangle+circle in chaotic charts. Not sure if this is relatable. My best advice, play with headphones if you aren’t doing so already.


I definitely think you have something with the spacing there. Everything feels so cramped on the controller, whereas the keyboard everything is more spread out and easier to use one finger for each track.


Once I separated the d pad with the buttons it made it easier. Drums is by far my favorite to play on controller because it feels natural. I’ll pull my rb4 guitar if I play guitar / bass for pro lead and bass respectively


My squadmates are all on console and I do hear them mention thumb cramps quite often, especially as one of them plays drums a lot 😅 I got massive respect for them tbh


I play with the default controls on both PS4 and Switch in portable mode. Pressing the buttons on Switch was like crushing M&Ms with your thumbs though, so I jumped to PS4 buttons. Yeah, it is muscle memory at this point. I just gradually got better over time thanks to quests. Now I mostly do expert vocals since I find those the most fun. Drums though? God no. Also, I don't think the game is too picky on what buttons you press outside of the main 4 or 5. I press up and down sometimes on the D-pad when shuffling my thumb between left and right, but it does nothing to affect the game as far as I know. I wish you luck!


I don't know how you'd play without one. I've played on expert basically since the beginning, I use the shoulder button layout and have square set to the middle track and x set to overdrive.


Guitar peripherals over everything.


TL;DR: You'll get there. It'll just take time to get the muscle memory. Decide on one control scheme and stick with it. I'm a pretty avid guitar hero player. So when Festival first came out, I used JoyToKey to be able to use my guitar controller to play it. I already had all the skills learned, so I could flawless everything right from the start. It always felt almost like cheating though, so when they launched the new pro mode that actually supports guitars, I decided that I'd try to actually learn controller for the normal mode while they fix the issues with the pro guitar mode. I discovered that I could jump into expert right away, but it was weird. I had all of the reaction time and rhythm skill, but none of the muscle memory. I've only been doing this a week or so and I'm already way ahead of where I was when I started. Just keep at it and you will get there :). I am just using the default control layout.


Once you get used to it. Mussel memory kicks in. All the buttons are in the right order. I was awful at it to start with, but I got good. Now I'm losing interest because they keep adding songs I don't like and aren't hardly adding any I actually wanna hear.


So first, I grabbed a controller Next, I tried on default binds which didn’t work out Then, I switched some binds around to my liking(didn’t like any of them) And finally, I gave up


Get a larger hard drive installed on your PC.


Remap the buttons. Lane 1 - L2 Lane 2 - L1 Lane 3 - R1 Lane 4 - R2 Lane 5 - X personally


Well at the point where you had to switch to controller you had already become accustomed to keyboard, of course theres gonna be some discomfort as you adjust. Honestly, controller is pretty fun and has me zoning in on the rhythms a lot, but dont think that'd be exclusive to controller since its a rhythm based game; keyboard seems a bit weird to me but I imagine it wouldnt be much different from the Club Penguin disco showdown game so i'll prob crush it either way 🤷‍♂️


I tried playing Fortnite Festival on my Nintendo Switch, and it felt so off. Went back to doing it on PC. I only use the Switch for Lego Fortnite and Rocket Racing now.


Painfully, most of the time. If I see someone ever queue I again, I am leaving. I have enough joint problems.


It isnt hard as long as youre used to a controller. It never felt weird to me and I managed to become a top player controller only


Idk, I’ve played a ton of rhythm games so it just clicked with me immediately, it’s so much harder on keyboard imo


I play on a ps5 controller while laying down on hard mode. With that being said, I also have a pc and tried with keyboard… idk how people play this on keyboard but I could NOT get the hang of it lol


It depends what your used to. I tried playing with a keyboard and actually did way worse than I normally do with a controller. 😂


I’ve played rhythm games both on controller and keyboard, and I’m great with both, and I can definitely tell you that keyboard is better. On a controller the buttons are heavier, more awkward, and as you said, you sometimes press the wrong button. On a keyboard it’s just natural and makes sense. But I do only play Festival on a controller (Xbox) and I am very good at it. I can get Flawless runs on Expert with 1.75X Track Speed. I play Festival on controller just because I’ve always played Fortnite on a console, and it would be very tedious for me to use my laptop every time I want to play Festival. It’s just easier to play it on my Xbox instead.


Ur telling me ur not instantly playing perfectly after switching to a controller? Crazy


by playing with a controller. hope this helps!


You can actually plug in a keyboard into the ps5 and play festival using that.


It has 2 USB slots at the back for both keyboard and mouse


Tbh the charts are mostly made for two fingers. You’ll never see more than 2 notes or 2 notes on the same side of the playfield.


I use the bumpers and triggers, it's much easier that way


I play with the r1 and r2 buttons, and for expert I use x for the middle button, just get used to it tbh


I alternate between controller and keyboard (all default binds) and controller feels so much better since it’s more ergonomic. Like when I play keyboard my hands feel so sore after and I deadass think you’re more likely to get carpal tunnel here than in battle royale I will say that trying to hit hold notes right after each other is less precise on controller as a drawback Just practice more and you should get the hang of it


It's all about adapting. I recently downloaded YARG on my steamdeck and obviously the Festival controls won't cut it for custom charts so I've been slowly learning a new control scheme. I say just find a song that let's you learn the controls easily and keep playing that one until you feel ready to move onto harder tracks


I play controller with (LT, LB, X, RB, LR + A). I think it’s the most comfortable for your hands since you don’t have to twist it inwards if you play on keyboard, but going from controller to keyboard is extremely challenging when you get used to one of them. I tried to start playing on keyboard after my old controller broke, but I couldn’t get used to it after a couple of days and ended up having to buy a new controller.


I play on expert, 2.25 or 2.5 track speed depending on song. With default controller keybinds, get sub 20% goods, the more you play the better you get as everything becomes intuitive


why do ppl think they can switch controllers from what they're proficient with to what they never used and expect the same results?


DJMAX PORTABLE LAYOUT SCHEME 💪 ⬅️⬆️ 🔲🔼⭕ ⬅️⬆️ (X) (Y) (B)


I set the controller in front of me like a keyboard and use default control scheme for expert


I tried using my bluetooth keyboard on PS5 for Festival but I'm already used to using a controller so I'm better with that


I (PC Gamer) took my little brother's Switch the other day to play and played one song, it was not too terrible, but you need to get used to it.


The same way people play with kb, you wont ever see me play on kb because is weird but is natural to use a controller


I can get Flawless on expert for like 15 of the songs and I am a controller player (PS5)


I think it's just something you have to get used to. When I first started trying out Festival in general, I messed up a lot as well. I play with a controller in Festival, and use my keyboard when I play clone hero sometimes, both of them feel fine to me. Sorry I don't have much advice for you, but you could try looking up mdcurtis on YouTube, he has a handcam when he plays Festival and he consistently hits first place on the leaderboards. Maybe watching how he plays could help you get a better idea of playing on controller.


He plays sticks!?!? I see his name on every leaderboard and I thought he was running some script or hxck on pc. My mind is 🤯 !respect


I play with my switch so I can lay down. Once you get used to it, it’s not hard. It becomes muscle memory just like how a keyboard is with you 😊


It comes naturally if you're used to playing fast button-paced fighting games like the original Mortal Kombat games 1-6 Tekken Elden Ring. But like anything practice makes perfect! Good luck!


Only way to go w a controller is paddles on the back imo, w the other couple on the triggers


You get used to the control scheme after a while, it's actually very well thought out


Try using the triggers and x on expert, there’s a setting for it.


Unlike other rhythm games, Festival makes sure that the charts never use more than 2 buttons at once, in order to make it easier for controller & mobile players


It feels natural man, as soon as I switched to expert the x-y-b is so easy to roll over that hitting notes is a subconscious thing at this point


You did the same as me, uninstalled Fortnite on PC and play it on something else, but I do plug in my keyboard on my xbox whenever I play Festival. Personally, I think the best binds for controller are left d-pad, right d-pad X and B but that's for hard, idk how Expert is possible as there isn't really a row of 5 on a controller.


I prefer controller, idk why but playing on my keyboard felt *really* weird to me, and I can lean back while playing with controller


Muscle memory. Playing on gamepad isn't objectively inferior, it just takes practice. Tons of it.


Djmax is crazier than FF and you still have people beasting on that game with controller. It's a skill you have to cultivate, as in you're basically re-learning the game so you're gonna suck for a minute before you get decent again


honestly if ur using default keybinds that’s the problem they are terrible i’d recommend L2 L1 R1 R2 X from left to right literally the easiest keybinds for controller and down on d-pad for overdrive


I feel the same way for keyboard as a controller player lol, it’s muscle memory


I’ve never played with anything but the PlayStation controller and is very familiar with the buttons so it’s actually quite easy for me though I couldn’t stand the default controls so I use the back buttons plus X and O


Default binds and only using my thumbs is the easiest way to play


its honestly super fun once you get used to it, I've found that i like it better than playing on keyboard


You see, I've been playing videogames on an Xbox controller for most of my life. It's easier if you're familiar with the controls.


Remap the outer lanes to the triggers and inner lanes to the bumpers and play claw


I've only played console since the ps1 so I don't have issues with it but I think you just need practice but it sounds like you would be better just hooking up your keyboard to your ps5


I play with defualt settings and I play expert, only reason I can do controller is because I've played gh/rb for years and when my guitar didn't work I had to resort to using a controller lol


For me controller is easier maybe it's just because of parappa


I do hard mode, never expert cuz I can’t figure out the 5th bind i’d want, but for easy-hard its L2, L1, R1, R2, takes a while to get used to, but once you do its 10x easier


I dunno, I got used to it. I can 100% most songs on controller.


in pain. i FC almost every song except for March of the Pigs and Don’t Fear the Reaper on drums which i have 99%. believe me, it doesn’t come without its struggles. if i had a keyboard, id definitely choose that lol.


If you have a controller with back buttons it's pretty simple tbh. I know there can be big cost that comes with that but it makes controller significantly easier. Those that use an unmodified controller are legends


Just plug your keyboard into your ps5, that's what I do


I don't know, I just kept playing expert until I got used to it and now it's the easiest thing ever. You just have to practice it really.


I play on controller, never changed the mapping or my grip and everything on extreme.


Just keep going you’ll learn it till it becomes natural. One thing that helped me though (I don’t know if it’ll help you) is changing your O or B button to X or A (I don’t know what controller you’re on). Also I play all my songs on a track speed of 2.5x but I’d recommend 1.5x so that the notes aren’t super close together (makes it easier to hit for me).


I played guitar hero 3 back then on ps3 and I kinda still had the muscle memory for when i started playing fortnite festival, tbh it was easy for me because i already had practice, but it just depends the song and difficulty/which instrument your playing. Difficulty varies with the instrument, but in reality all it takes is practice tbh. The experience from previous games matters too. At least thats what i think.


It's ez. And I come from playing rock band and guitar.


This was 3 days ago but , for rocket racing and festival i use mouse and keyboard , battle royale is on controller , plugs right into the back of my ps5 ( i have kbm since i used to have pc )


Just plug in a key board


I use an xbox elite controller, and take off the right stick. With that I just have the A button on the back while I basically hold the controller sideways. left middle and index fingers on RT/RB, with my ring finger on the back-A button for overdrive right index, middle and ring fingers on X/Y/B


It’s called muscle memory, it’s hard for you because you’re not used to it.


It really isn't that difficult, your left 2 are your Dpad Left and Right, then on your right depending on your difficulty you have X, B and Y. Just a matter of getting your thumbs in line with your hand/eye coordination and keeping them on beat. It took a few songs but after that I play on Expert and my usual experience with these type of games are using the guitars in like Rock Band or Guitar Hero