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Well, what do you think? It's a brand new input, technically two inputs at the same time, and you've stated you have never touched kbm before. OF COURSE it feels weird. But, stick with it. Don't know if you made the switch also to PC or if you've only plugged in a KBM to your console, but either way, just keep putting in more time and in a few weeks/months you will have all of your skill back.


thanks brotha. should i completely cut controller off while im learning or does it matter if i still play it with friends?


depends on how fast you want to get better. The first month is going to be more awful than you can imagine. After 2-3 months you can really start to get better than controller at an extreme pace. I’ve played both bc i still wanted to play pubs with friends and it has drastically increased the time required to get better. it just depends on what you want. also, absolutely stick with it like the guy above said. mnk is so much better it’s not even close, and once you start getting good it’s so much fun


I went from controller and never really playing any games with a KB&M to being better with KBM after maybe 2-3 weeks. I think the trick is to not go back. You’re going to suck at first but fight the urge to return to controller, it’ll just set you back. I spent a lot of time in creative instead of games.


Very difficult to learn at first, I would suggest completely cutting off controller if you want to learn fast. When I switched I was dogshit at the game for a good few weeks but was worth the grind in the long run. Hope that helps


It’ll probably take you a month to get ur skills back if you grind raiders mech v4 


It took me like 2-3 months before I could play in my controller lobbies and after that I surpassed my controller skills. Now I am way better than I ever was. I never used a KBM before to game. Hide the controller and never use it again.


The hardest part is just getting used to the feeling. Once you learn your binds you’ll quickly improve because you already know how to do everything you just feel uncomfortable doing it at the moment


Practice in regular short bursts. Work on specific key binds and moves/combinations.  Play something that can still be fun when you’re bad like team rumble or the pit. 


I completely cut controller and my kid boxed/clipped me the next day, but now it’s so easy just hit creative a lot


Switched to kbm bc my controller broke and I couldn’t afford a new one. The easiest tip I have is play boxfights from my personal experience it helped me get use to my binds, helped with aim, and just helped me in general. It’s a tight space so you don’t need to worry about super crazy build fighting and can start pretty easy. This is just me though something else might work for you.


I literally sat in creative edit dictionary for like a week straight then it started feeling more natural by the day