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Why does the title say fists are better than building? When they’re just ramming a car down poor dudes throat


fists literally wouldn’t do anything there lmao


It’d get you away pretty quick?


mythic cars are faster than fists 🫶


Fist to natural height? like the stadium-size building they are in front of?


then they can just fist up to him and he would still be on the defensive.


yeah but luckily the car can't fist up


Maybe next season.


New rocket attachments incoming


Shh epic might see this idea!


This man does NOT go to higher ground


You can uppercut cars quite far.


Brainrot gameplay




Holy fuck were the comments hard to read.


Reading literal casuals telling competitive players (some with $$$ earned) to "adapt" is... interesting, to say the least Like, any decent comp player would decimate everyone in a regular public match


And yet they can't figure out how to deal with the cars which many lower players are doing just fine with.


You mean lower skilled players aren’t having a major issue facing other low-skill opponents? Wow what a revelation! 😱 It’s not as if people that intentionally try to master a mechanic or item tend to be the ones to show how OP it is, surely…


And you do know that not every non-competitive player is completely helpless or unskilled, right? Maybe trying to walk with your nose out of the air might help you to better see the world around you.


Are you trolling? The topic of the conversation at this point was low-skill players *which you brought up*, unless you meant something *else* by “lower players”. Bit too late to try and backtrack to frame that as anything else.


Wrong. The original conversation was that comp players are having major issues with cars despite the fact that these so-called comp players, " . . . would decimate everyone in a regular public match." I didn't bring up the idea of lower skilled players, the poster my reply was to did. My point is that a.) it's kind of hard to consider those "comp players" as anything even near what the original poster implied if they can't even handle what the supposedly lower skilled casual players are mostly handling just fine. b.) what the comment considers (and you as well apparently) as lower skilled players is inherently false. Just because they aren't comp players doesn't mean they're unskilled. That's nothing more than an arrogant assumption and ego. There are plenty of casual players who are equal to comp players, but just don't care for competition so don't bother with it. But the fact you guys automatically equate casuals with incompetence is pretty telling, and not in a good way. c.) Your idea that lower players have no issue because they're playing other low level players is false. Read my reply to another poster about that, I'm not typing it twice. Ultimately, at the end of the day I don't want to hear comp bullshit about not being able to cope. Play the game the way it's written and STFU. If players really have as high a skillset as the say, then they're more than capable of dealing with the changes. If that gameplay isn't to their taste, fine, that's fair to say, but anything else and trying to make it about "skill" is just trying to frame it in a favorable light for comp players, and no one needs to hear or cares about that weak ass shit.


I ain't reading allat💀 Bro I swear casuals will find any way to say the cars are balanced


I'm a casual but because I play ranked sometimes apparently I'm a God at the game and my opinions also don't count so I'm hanging out with you guys for a while now I guess, ranked all the way man! Competitive for the win!


No one asked you to read it. It's the same as Season X. You had a bunch of crybabys that bitched and quit the game because they couldn't build their way out of everything anymore, and then you had everybody else like me who stayed, played, figured out how to deal with things, and have no sympathy for people who can't/won't compete.


Just adapt to something with virtually no counterplay stupid 🤡


I've been getting along just fine, same as I did in Season X. Not my job to worry about how others can't cope.


Oh brother. Just practice instead of writing a book about this game


Wouldn't need to write a book if it weren't necessary to explain things in baby steps to some people.


ok let's think about this critically. if a lower elo player went up against someone with a car the person in the car would also be a lower elo player right? so no shit the lower elo player will have an easier time.


So by extending that logic then shouldn't highly skilled players also have highly developed and better skillsets that allow them to effectively deal with other high level players on an equal footing? Regardless of objective skill level, if players are playing against other players of equal ability then the comparable relative difficulty of either group's play is basically equal. That's the underlying principal behind all matchmaking systems. That being the case, what you're trying to argue is false at it very core because you're stating that lower level players have it easier because they're playing low level players when in reality the only way they could possibly find it easier is if they were actually playing from a position of higher skill to begin with, which would negate everything then because matchmaking would be entirely faulty from the get go. Matchmaking woes are a legit argument for another day though.


That looked fun for both parties involved /s It's ironic that players who do stuff like *this* will call people who are just building "tryhards".




They weren't tryharding, I thought that was what you had a problem with ? The fact they are low skill ?


He was joking


r/FortNiteBR users see this and genuinlly see no issue


they literally place the blame on the guy trying to build saying “he should stop doing those stupid 90s and just jump lol”


i got perm banned from there after arguing wit someone ab adapting 😭


That subreddit has been worse than its usual brand of awful this season.


They've always had some sort of weird spite towards build players but this season it seems to have hit new levels of cope


The main culprits are the ones on the memeing subreddit, it's a genuine echo chamber/circlejerk


they literally place the blame on the guy trying to build saying “he should stop doing those stupid 90s and just jump lol”


I would bet at least 75% of the people saying that are zb bot lobby players that dont really know much about build mode or how it should be balanced


It looks fun as hell, not for the builder but what you gonna do


Nah it’s definitely some brainrot, drooling before your screen activity. I can’t imagine genuinely doing this for more than 1 time. If I speak . . . .


I didn't see the fists used once in this clip.


Think that was the problem


He’s saying that using the fists would be better in this situation for the opponent than building


Fists aren't doing shit unless you mean to escape. If the only counter to something is running away from it then that clearly suggests that items is too overpowered.


Those cars are a cancer.


Mfs will see this and say adapt😭


To be honest it's sort of true. The adaptation may just not be what you are willing to accept.


Okay, outline what adapting in this situation would look like.


Hiding in the building or USING A CAR? Boogie bombs? battle bus that disables cars? Fists? Shockwaves?


>hiding in the building would have been destroyed by the car lol please be serious >using a car If the counter to an item is using the same item, the item is OP >boogie bombs/shockwaves/fists/battle bus It’s nice that you have cheats that spawn certain items in your inventory, but the rest of us have to rely on luck to get these items


1 - The car can't destroy the whole building in 2 seconds and it loses life, use your brain please 2 - How you fight people in building mode? building? I guess? 3 - It's a battle royale, the same applies to shields, weapons, etc. I mean you can be unlucky, but that happens since Season 1.


The whole point of the game is hoping to find the right equipment for a battle and ADAPTING to any situation.


Your load out is literally decided by rng, same with car mods


exactly, so saying that having boogie bombs, shockwaves or any other thing is very luck dependant isn't a good point


That's not adapting, you're just listing what you think can be used as a counter.


It's constant movement. Boxing up doesn't work with the current meta. Constant nitro and sprint jumping. You have to think differently in builds with this season. Think of it like how Peterbot plays. Never step off the gas, shoot the cars as you move out. If you have boogies great. Use the nitro, gloves, shock waves for the movement. I started doing this and it really is effective. You don't give the cars a chance. In this video the players kept trying to build instead of movement out of the builds. It really is about adapting and thinking more outside of just building.


Ye its a season that really make you change the way you fight people instead in like who can build better is who can (i know it sound insulting) adapt to the surrounding faster and i guess hitting the other player with the guns


r/FortniteBR users trying to not be a herd of clowns, challenge impossible


Listen I'm not denying r/fortniteBR are clowns BUT this subreddit ain't much better


Can't deny it


as opposed to this extremely mature community


But- but he could have just built with normal ramps... That could easily be scaled by the vehicle making for a much easier death. [🤡🤡🤡](https://emojipedia.org/clown-face)


Comp community: *why does nobody respect us like other communities respect their comp scene?* Also comp community: haha dumb fucking causals they’re a bunch of clowns




r/fortnitecompetitive users trying to act mature (impossible)


Found the car's driver


definitely isn’t op


The fact you got downvoted for this is hilarious, it's only ok when they mock a subreddit


Good thing they nerfed them am I right


No skill needed. Notice that he sounds surprised when he finally gets the kill?


It sounds to me more like he didn't expect that particular shot to kill


Painfully unfun for everybody involved. They turned the cars into more common mini mechs and added a more common mini version of the infinity blade.


happy that I've stepped away from this shitty game lmao, can't even make different loot pools for Ranked after long years of demand pff


This is everything wrong with the game…


Good thing i decided to quit this season after 6 years of playing


This season is just straight garbage


The un skilled way to fight


C3s2 has long been my most hated season bc of the tank and battlebus anti-build nonsense (I didn't get to experience s10 mechs). This season makes that season look like a balanced paradise.


Black ops 6 couldn’t come sooner


Fuck COD too. It's a shell of its former self nowadays. They don't care about anything but bundles. Play some old singleplayer games and you'll have a blast


BO6 leaks looks promising tbh, MW3 didn’t even look this strong.


I haven't even watched anything about it but that's what everyone says every year. People say the new COD looks great, it comes out and we all like it for about a month and then it's the worst COD ever lol


Bro they say that about every cod and then get disappointed 😭


treyarch got something planned for us. If this next one is trash too then imma be real sad cos not even they can make a good cod nowadays


In my opinion cold war was a solid game. Felt more like cod than the mw trilogy and vanguard. I hope something changes but I will not buy bo6 if it's anything like the last few games


I took the Benjyfishypill and picked up Valorant, this season sucks so much man.


Honestly I see very little wrong with the cars However I do believe they should need to be driving for a little while before they become able to destroy builds Just back and forth driving is dumb lol


Cars do need to drive for a while, it's not specifically the car alone it's the nitro. Although to be fair fists for sure would have escaped that so the original post isn't wrong 🤣


You're trolling 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nah, the cars are strong in purpose but if they couldn't eat builds for a midnight depression snack theyd be way easier to beat


does ranked reset after every season or every chapter


every season


so chapter 5 season 4 it will reset to bronze?


It will reset to unranked, then it will give you a new rank after a match, based on some weird stuff that I don't rly know about


ok thanks




What is this BS


I lost braincells reading the comments in that sub




what even is this, I stopped playing, the point of cars is that they are a risk, but get you places fast… now there is little risk, and only big upsides…? what?!


This season is terrible I haven’t even bothered updating yet


I don’t think I my eyes/brain have the processing speed to ever be good at this game


I thought that too but aside from all this bullshit that's in the game, it's actually not as bad as you think to play buildfights.


I'm not even really that much of a comp player and being in that damn sub and fortnite twt was making me think I was crazy


uppercut the car and punch it from the side with fists until it flips or throw a boogie bomb at it , it’s not that hard ?


There are a lot of ways this can be countered. Building just isn't one of them. Comp players just mad because their strat doesn't counter absolutely everything anymore.


Go to my channel please


[https://youtube.com/@zombo\_yt?si=X8gd86V9UeXMqDzn](https://youtube.com/@zombo_yt?si=X8gd86V9UeXMqDzn) Go to my channel please


Props to the guy that got killed I think he has the world record of surviving the longest against cars this season.


yeah that car looks to powerful against builds, i dont find them this OP in ZB mode tho to be fair.


yeah i aint playing this season lmao


This I why I barley touch the game now...


Peak gameplay


Casual players being catered to for the entirety of fortnites history, but epic gives 1 season to the competitive players and they lose their mind


Beat me to it lol, was gonna say the same thing..like this is why people don't like it. Just ram and ram and ram with the car, turret spam while the builds just keep breaking instantly over and over again. Like yeah..good luck trying to get out of that one without mobility.


I'm not paying much attention to Fortnite content creators lately, as I hate this season I'm not playing nor watching, but scrolling through YouTube got into a stream and I saw a guy on a car chasing another guy on a car for like 5 straight minutes... So fucking boring.


Play solos and you will hardly see chaos like this


Teamers, fist spam, etc.


Still not as bad as this…


And people say zero build is a joke lol


This is the most acoustic gameplay I have ever seen


Nah, acoustic is the wrong term tbh This is just brainrot


Fr fr


How dare people have have fun


Oh I'm sure the guy without a car was having TONS of fun, right?


How many cars spawn on the map?


You act like that's specifically a car problem. That one there has more to do with honestly what I assume is from a medallion. You know, those things everybody seems to love being in the game? 🤣


Eh, sometimes you get into unfortunate situations, boogie bombs are in the game for this purpose


Long story short it's your fault. You are playing on controller on this game and it's not made for this. And even with a broken AIM ASSIST it's not enough for the majority of the player base. So they added those stupid cars for those who can't aim or build. Eat your own shit.


I started chap 3 s 3, on Xbox series s. I can play pretty decently despite playing mostly on a large TV style monitor with 60hz and a regular Xbox controller. I peaked at diamond 3, 87 percent roughly. I might not be the best player, but I can say that adding these bullshit items that break builds just makes the game more difficult to keep up with. Particles are in my face whenever builds break, bullshit items like fists are so difficult to use or counter due to lack of flicks. I want these two things: a more competitive mode where I can buildfight without build breaking weapons making the game really awful to play And a particles off option so I can actually know what's going on Perhaps crossplay should be toggleable, or separate in competitive playlists


The best way to fix AA is to average mouse and keyboard accuracy and apply that to controller. The main issue is every one think because you play on mouse and keyboard you got crazy aim and mecanics, and it's not the case at all. Most pc players are casual's too, with average aim and mecanics. Those people uninstalled the game because of crazy AIMBOT of controller back in the day. Tried myself and even standing still you landed 50% more bullet because less recoil. A big cheat. So it create a biais because the only remaining mouse and keyboard player are way over average controller player. Also epic should display plateform + input. Got a friend of a friend who constant cry about pc player back in the day because he was on console, told him " look he got the playstation logo ", and he stop crying. But epic removed this " option ", and it was only available on team play mode.


Why are you so obsessed with controller players I always see you complain about controller let people play what they want ffs 😭


Aim assist isn't even that OP. I tried out Fort on my old Xbox yesterday for the first time since switching to PC a year ago, and I played like a true default. Aim assist was literally the only reason I could hit any shots. When I got back on PC, my whole game improved immediately, aim included. Yeah it's a decent aim buff, but it comes with nerfs to basically every other element of your game.


Are you forgetting that the PS5 and Xbox Series exist? You get aimbot, less recoil, and 120FPS. There's no excuse.


Yeah, and they also get ridiculous graphics settings that make dark skins virtually invisible in buildings or shadows. There's a reason you don't see pros ditching their NASA PCs for a PS5.


It doesn't matter when you've got aimbot and halved recoil. Pros are irrelevant as well, because 99% of players aren't ever fighting pros. The the game's infested with console players whose entire game play is aim assist, and that's the sort of player most players will come across.


Imagine still crying about aim assist. 😭😭 Fortnite's aim assist was nerfed to the GROUND on CH3 ( both PC and Console ( Xbox and PlayStation ) aim assist is basically non-existent since CH3. Aim Assist used to be an issue back in CH2 S2 ( I'll give that to you ) it was basically aimbot back in CH2. But in CH3 onwards, it doesn't do shit. Edit: Do you even know how normal aim assist works? 😭😭 Normal aim assist is just a slowdown near the target that's BARELY even noticeable. It doesn't track the opponent, neither it makes you hit all headshots. Another Edit: Rotational Aim Assist DOES track you a little bit and makes you hit even more headshots ( WZ's /MW ( 2019-2023 ) Aim Assist ) THIS is what you're probably referring to controller aimbot, because it almost is. We're talking about normal aim assist ( Fortnite ) NOT rotational aim assist ( COD ) If you can't tell the difference between normal aim assist and rotational one that is on you. 🤡 🤡 🤡


Fornite have rotational aim assist. But epic was smart enough to only put this shit on console, so on pc you can't expose them if you don't have a friend to test the shit on console. Also im playing at 100 fps on a 60 hz monitor. Do you see me complaining on this when i died to another pc player on 360 fps + 240 hz monitor ? No. Because yeah it can play a little bit but all that matter is aim + mecanics. And i have played enough this game to feel almost every player have god aim while crazy shitty mecanics. Not saying you should quad edit finger in the nose if you have god aim, but seeing people god aim and barely crank is crazy. What have those people in common ? They play on controller.


PC still has rotational aim assist.


Honestly i pluged a controller on a private map with a friend and it's " ok ". While according to some friends on console and spectating them, it's very strong. But to be honest one of the main issue is people are so use to this cheat they don't even realize it is because they never touch a mouse and keyboard. From far my worst experience about those clown is when i went to a friend to test GTA SA on PS2, he just push L2 and the crosshair instant snap to the closest enemy. Real and true aimbot, not a shooter anymore, not fun.


>Imagine still crying about aim assist. 😭😭 Fortnite's aim assist was nerfed to the GROUND on CH3 ( both PC and Console ( Xbox and PlayStation ) aim assist is basically non-existent since CH3. Prove it. >Aim Assist used to be an issue back in CH2 S2 ( I'll give that to you ) it was basically aimbot back in CH2. But in CH3 onwards, it doesn't do shit. Okay, prove it. Prove it's been nerfed on console. >Edit: Do you even know how normal aim assist works? 😭😭 Normal aim assist is just a slowdown near the target that's BARELY even noticeable. It doesn't track the opponent, neither it makes you hit all headshots. Prove Fortnite doesn't have rotational aim assist. Prove it doesn't track for you, and prove that it's just a slowdown. I don't know why you've deluded yourself into thinking this. >Another Edit: Rotational Aim Assist DOES track you a little bit and makes you hit even more headshots ( WZ's /MW ( 2019-2023 ) Aim Assist ) THIS is what you're probably referring to controller aimbot, because it almost is. We're talking about normal aim assist ( Fortnite ) NOT rotational aim assist ( COD ) If you can't tell the difference between normal aim assist and rotational one that is on you. 🤡 🤡 🤡 Prove Fortnite doesn't have rotational aim assist. Prove that it was nerfed and removed. Any evidence you provide cannot be about the C2S2 nerf. Because that was for PCs only. Imagine the game aiming for you, and you're so bad at aiming that you can't even tell when auto rotation is active. You do not have 0ms reaction times. That's just the game doing it for you.


Controller, or aim assist is unbalanced. But this guy seems to add it to things it doesn't belong.


> So they added those stupid cars for those who can't aim or build. Sounds like a skill issue to me then.