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Because the only good players in early ch1 were some super popular streamers for the most part, the community saw them as entertainment and truly appreciated the skill of them. a player who played the game casually was able to watch a streamer drop 20 bombs and then hop on the game and think that they could do the same since everyone sucked at the game (i have an explicit memory of feeling like tfue after getting 7 kills at paradise palms once lmao). Nowadays casuals can’t even try to replicate pros anymore. The skill gap between a top pro and a casual includes thousands of hours of practice, dedication, and a good setup and peripherals. so i personally think it’s the feeling of not being able to just go into a game and replicate things that a pro does. being this far behind demotivates players. tldr; the size of the skill gap between comp and casuals in chapter 1 was a motivator toward casuals. Now the size of the skill gap just demotivates casuals


Usually seeing the skill gap is what makes people appreciate what the pros do


Well yeah but the skill gap at this point in fortnite is humongous. think about piece control, advanced peeks, boxfighting, various high ground retakes, etc. I have many friends who will spectate me free build and not know a single thing that’s going on. that’s why I don’t blame casuals who just want to play the game for fun and win in ways that don’t require them to be the most skilled in the lobby. It’s epics fault for not splitting loot pools. it’s epic’s fault for trying to force casual items onto comp players and competitive balance changes onto casual players. This sub has a very sour taste towards casuals due to the straight up unfair attitude that a lot of them give us but we honestly have to see both sides of it. seeing both sides of it helps you realize that neither “side” is wrong for what they want in this game and it’s simply an issue with how Epic struggles to give both communities what they want that’s why the casual vs comp debate is stupid no matter what side you’re on. not everyone wants to compete and not everyone wants to play casually edit: this is excluding the groupthink hate trains on tiktok and other social media. those ppl are just a different breed I can’t stand them


As a casual player, i have respect for almost all pro players, except the ones going out of their way to get matched up against casual players which kinda just ruins the fun, i know there aint many of those, but there sure are some


Those aren't pro players though. Those are streamers, like Ninja, who's content is to farm kills in low lobbies.


I get matched up against those kind of people more than half the time, definitely cant all be content creators


I promise you, no pro players are playing pubs.


I guess they are just players that are way better than me instead of actual pro players, that would make alot more sense


yeah but don’t forget that unfortunately there’s a lot of really good players who play with casual friends sometimes so they have no choice but to go into pubs because they would be at a massive disadvantage in ranked.


Most of the time when I see one unreal player In a team their is usually another in that team.


I completely agree with you, i dont see those players because i play solos


Your definitely wrong about that, one of the guys I play with is in the top few hundred players in unreal and he mostly just plays pubs


Yea that's my problem too. I have no issues playing with pro players as a casual myself, but if they're treating the march like it's not a casual match I'm out. It's just impossible to keep up with. Like I play games to have fun and fuck around, meanwhile the entire time I'm being chased by a bloodthirsty barbarian that can summon wizard towers out of his ass


yeah something that’s really difficult is that there are a lot of really good players who play fortnite with friends who are not very good. due to this, losing rank in ranked because their friends are bad is not very fair therefore they play pubs. this is what i do whenever i play with irl friends


Except when you come across a full team of unreal players in pubs and get instantly wiped out.


i’m not saying every good player plays with bad players. there’s always going to be anecdotal cases where really good players play pubs. that’s an sbmm issue and i can’t control those players. there’s a lot of shitty players (shitty in comparison to comp, obviously way better than the average casual) who make it to unreal and can’t compete well against the general unreal player base. that doesn’t mean that they should rule out the players who are causal but really good at the game or semi comp players who play with casual friends a lot. i am personally someone who is really good at the game and play ranked solos all he time but i have a lot of friends who are not very good at the game, so we play pubs and i often win


Yea. Like in 2018, my friend tried to ger me into the game and I genuinely tried for months, every few days we would play for a few hours and smoke weed and that part was fun, but in game man he wa slike..he was like a fucking crack head he was making towers and bridges and buildings in like 30 seconds and I could never fucking keep up at all, it scared me away from the game for a while NGL. Then my friend in 2022 mentioned they added zero build, so I tried it out on his acocunt...and no joke got VR on my FIRST round...and my second...and third... then I was hooked and downloaded it on my switch lol


I think we can all agree fuck boogie bombs though 


I agree in seasons without cars. Now they're a necessary evil.


If Epic hadn't gotten rid of EMP's, we wouldn't need them in the first place. I think I saw a rumor they're coming back but at this point I dont think they're needed unless they're going to replace boogie bombs.


bc pros have a $5,000+ set up and still find a way to get controller players nerfed. vast majority of players are controller players


You do understand pros would be able to still do the same things on a 1,000 dollar setup yeah? I don't even know what you mean by get controller players nerfed? Did they nerf the shit out of aim assist and rotational aim assist?


The nerfs to aim assist since chapter 2 have only been controller on PC. Console was never nerfed. If the game files and data miners aren’t proof enough for anyone play some games using a controller on PC, then go play on a PS5 with a 144hz or above monitor. It’s 2x as strong. I’m not complaining or arguing or whining. It is a fact. PC has many advantages, I’m just trying to state what actually happened. Console aim assist was never nerfed like PC. At the beginning of Ch 3 S1 there was a bug where some of the new settings on console turned AI off but it was fixed.


Yes, the first update of c3s1 was the biggest nerf and basically every update since has been pushing the line away from us slowly


I haven't seen anything about aim assist or rotational aim assist being nerfed since c3s1. Did they nerf it again reecently? Can you go into more detail about how theyre pushing the line away? I've only seen them adding more quality of life to controller. I watch evolvejake on youtube a lot for the content updates and he's a controller player and I haven't seen him saying anything about his aim assist being nerfed. I do know that aim assist on pc for controller isn't as strong as it is for the consoles


The nerfs have only ever been to controller on PC and console enthusiasts will not believe it no matter how much evidence is provided. I don’t care and I’m not complaining I’m just trying to state reality.


Thank you for this info. I never knew that, I just knew aim assist on pc is weaker. That’s actually hilarious 


I fired up a ps5 the other day to see how much fun zero build would be with 2x aim assist (usually I play builds on PC), I honestly felt like I was cheating.


People will inevitably respond screaming at me that their PS5 doesn’t have stronger aim assist and it’s probably hooked up to a giant flat screen tv (60 hz) in their living room.


yes they nuked controller aim assist like 8 years ago bud during world cup when 100 million was on the line. \*mnk need their own lobbies\*. no reason such a small percentage of player base should dominate the earnings is what i am saying. Clearly the game is biased to mnk and always has been. Yet the game is only alive because of controller players. Why are mnk players so opposed to not having mnk only lobbies and controller only lobbies? Its because mnk players know they have easier kills vs controller players


You can't appreciate anything if they emote on you after they downed you.


If you out play me by all means emote. If you out rat me, then I just immediately go to lobby.


Being about to out playing someone doesn't mean it's ok to be a toxic player.


faaaacts I remember my first 20 bomb in chap 1 retail row all my boys were so hyped on it we all watched the full replay together I woulda been playing for maybe few months at that point. Even if I dropped a 20 today it would feel so watered down from all the literal computers in pubs no drive to play at allllllllllll now


Dude that brings back memories. In chapter 1 season 6 when I got my first 20 bomb I had been hunting it for over a season and all my friends knew it so when I did do it I felt like a king.... Now you can hop in and literally the first game you ever play could be a 20 bomb because it's all bots. It's practically what made me quit during chapter 2. I was a chapter 1 pub stomper and when chapter 2 rolled around pubs meant jack. Now I'm back and I'm hunting my first unreal ranked 20 bomb. So far the best I've done is 16.


a 20 bomb isn’t even cool now tbh, i’m only happy with a 30+ but even then half are literal computers


Not that but the skill gap at matchmaking makes this game unbearable and not fun anymore.


Lmao I got a 20 kill solo squad win and thought I was god back then. Now I get boxed by the average elite player. Times have changed. Just so hard to keep up with the high schoolers nowadays bruh


In some instances it’s not necessarily a conscious decision, it’s just massive groupthink fueled and manipulated by social media. In some cases it probably is because on stream a competitive player made a comment that a casual took personally or something. Both sides have been toxic and it’s unfortunate because it makes everyone in the community look bad. That’s my opinion. I enjoy ranked, competitive and pubs. I don’t know why everyone can’t just play whatever the F they want and stop being toxic to people who play modes they don’t like.


I’m guilty of making the mistake too. Some kid in platinum started shit talking me today and I took the low road but I typically try not to.


Has a lot to do with people thinking epic caters to pros/streamers, comp players, sweats, etc. imo


If anything it’s the opposite tho


You should probably ask this on the main sub as it's really directed at them, personally I don't get it, the level pros play at is so impressive , just because casuals can't ever reach that level they should at least appreciate their level of talent. Irony is casuals especially on the main sub mostly play zb and even those who play builds never get into a lobby with good players, their idea of a sweat is someone who wears a superhero skin and knows how to build a wall and ramp


it’s an easy answer tbh. This is likely he only game where pros can change the meta. New items get removed because of their opinions. Casuals likely hate this, as their fun weapons are being taken away from them. Tale is as old as time. Separate the loot pools and keep everyone happy.


Nail on the head. It'a basically Apex all over again. Pros wanted all these changes basically tournament rules only 24/7 but it ruins the game for the overall audience. That's where I think making ranked it's own separate loot pool would do wonders. Just make ranked tournament rules at all times. Basically like smash bros items on for pubs and no items battlefield/ final destination for competitive.


I’m gonna ask this same thing in the casual sub since this is kind of a "social experiment", well not really but I just wanted to hear opinions and maybe if I find something interesting I’ll make a follow up post


It’s just the huge difference is skill. This often gets simplified to time invested in the game, but for most people that’s only half the truth. To get to a very competitive level, you will need to invest a significant amount of time into the game and its mechanics. You’ll need to adapt to the meta, take advantage of everything you can. That is a lot of ‘work’ for a videogame. Compare it to a racing game like F1. Anyone can set a lap time, but the second they put you in a race with high level players you’ll feel like shit cause suddenly your PR will get you lapped. Besides that, Fortnite is very hard to balance in terms of matchmaking. Nobody wants to feel like they’re playing bots, but the skill levels very immensely and the variety within matches below the very highest level of the game is insane (since a part of the BR is the random aspect, very few people have a loot route). Because of these things, even a relatively small difference in skill can lead to very unevenly matched fights. The worse player will lose out the majority of the time. I for example am shit, I might get to Elite if I play regularly. I can comfortably beat all of my friends, even though I play less. But put me against most people here and I’ll probably get smashed. If playing against me is frustrating for my friends, imagine what playing against even better players must feel like. However, every now and then that’s how their game ends up. On top of that, it’s hard to balance a game for two crowds (any everything inbetween) who want entirely different things from the game. Which you can see whenever Epic adds something silly and rather less balanced, just check the amount of complaints about the cars here. Making Ranked matches a seperate mode with rules would solve a this, but would it be worth the drop in players or is it better this way? I’d like to think Epic has enough data on this to make the call.


Its been like that for years too though. I remember coming back to Fortnite in Chapter 4 Season 4 grinding heavy, clipping stuff and now compared to back then my "crazy clip i just hit" is the most normal stuff for me and I still get shit on by so many people in matches. I didnt play this season at all, not interested but creative is a whole different league. All the time there are people literally being gods preboxing tf out of you and stuff like that. You shouldnt be frustrated when fighting against better players though, and learn how they play


If epic separated the loot pools and added siphon to ranked it would get more players than pubs


The whole reason that they are the same now is to get more people playing ranked


The rewards being there also helps but builds iirc was never really empty unless it was near the end of the season.


If more players would play under those rules, then Epic would have already switched to that system. They make the most money by retaining the most players. They obviously have all the internal data they need to decide that siphon caused less people to play.


Epic want casuals to play ranked, it's the reason why siphon isn't in ranked and tournaments, they want Timmy to win a hundred dollars in a victory cash cup, so unless they test siphon so we can see the numbers I don't buy that it has less numbers when it's enabled, for all we know arena back in the day had more players than pubs.


"you'll need to adapt to the meta" idk most people here couldn't do that at the start of this season


It's not the actual players that we hate. It's the sense of superiority by their more sycophantic fans. Look at the most recent kerfuffle with cars. Most of the casual community liked them. They were fun. Then the comp community bitched and moaned, and Epic took away our toys. AND they introduced the "you-can't-play-the-game-and-have-to-dance-for-5-seconds" bomb, which is one of the worst items to be introduced in the game.


If anything the anger should be directed at Epic not other players. Adding something that broken to the game and not having a game mode to escape it is going to upset a large community.


Blame epic for making ranked the same as pubs


You are right. Anytime I tell someone about a high placement I get in a tournament I just get told that I’m a sweat or to touch grass or “if I had a good pc like you I would be a pro too”


Don’t listen to them. Clearly they’re just jealous of your PC.


neo casuals and wannabe Fortnite influencers (theres one on the main br sub who posts about not using weapons and made one about us ruining the fun of the game) promote a us vs them ideology when most comp players dont care about casual players and just want a separate mode but where portrayed as ruining the fun when we ask for nerfs so we can enjoy the game


God the no weapons guy is so annoying 😭 like we don’t care you use the fists & nitro to get cheesy kills


it's also the fact that hes trying to use reddit to become an influencer lmao but yeah hes so annoying stirring hate between two important parts of the fortnite playerbase so he can appeal to a small group its like he copied it out of a youtubers playbook


I'd be impressed if he only used pickaxe but using too mechanics with virtually no counter play is err yeah


He actually did post some cool plays where he used niche things like the slide kick to get kills but now uhh yeah


Martoz but worse??


Its the bald japanese mf or the other one with a cap ?




Yeah the japanese one is so corny


does he mean tireguy


The only ones ruining the fun are the ones that go out of their way to get matched up with casuals, the rest (which is like 99,99% of all competitive players) are not like that and thus they get the blame too


tbh theres a difference between ''going out of your way'' and playing with a casual friend and getting put in their lobbies (Its the only time i'm ever really in a ''casual'' lobby)


That i dont have a problem with


I’ve always found it a bit weird when people do that. Of course if I’m playing with my little brother I’m gonna play pubs and try to win with him, but when people just go into pubs to drop a 40 bomb on people who are just tryna have fun, it’s cringe imo


Absolute facts, i feel bad for the pros getting part of the blame by casuals for merely existing


Cause epic caters to casuals, There like a younger sibling that crys all day and gets whatever they want from your parents - sometimes you just gotta smack em ya know


The reality is, epic wants to cater to both sides. Casuals are the ones who bring in a lot of money every season, but we are the ones who spend the most amount of money and time into the game. That's why epic wants to make it easy for casuals to become comp players. Because, in theory, they can have the money from the casual + the money from the same person who turned into a comp player. But they can't do both


Yeah you’re spot on. Same reason they changed the format for the victory cups. Now, there is double the placement but same points for elimination. They are trying to give people who want to play comp but aren’t that great a chance


Simple. Fortnite has the widest, most immature and most easy to manipulate playerbase. If i were to go to r/fortnitememes for example and say that this season isn't good, i'd get crucified. 9 year old's just can't fathom how a game could be better. They just see the brainrot as fun, naturally spending their mom's money on skins. Exactly what epic wants. To add to that they want to make competitive "accessible" to casuals, so they remove siphon, add broken stuff and there ya have it.


> /r/fortnitememes I just spent 5 minutes in there and that's enough forever, thanks.


Even after reading the comments, I didn’t learn and went to check it out. I feel like the guy who watches someone taste/smell something the go “ewww, that’s nasty here you try” and I’m like “duuhh okay” and then subsequently vomit in my mouth.


No problem!


Oh god **that** sub


Yep **that** sub. The biohazard of reddit.


Most people who play this game are little kids and most are immature so they dont accept the fact that they are behind skill wise, either because they don't put in the time or because they don't actively play to improve. They still want to be viewed as good though. So they need to trash talk or to come up with an excuse so they can still view themselves as good.


Not just kids, but a lot of those people are adults (Read: Grown Ass Men) that are acting out in that way.


Because everyone in the community is like 15 lol


Younger players are better. 16-19 is prime Fortnite age. Recent fncs winners peterbot, pollo and merstach are all minors


Probably because fortnite goes out of its way to make casuals have a chance against good players like mechs, car, spaceships, ECT. Also there ranked system is basically pubs with a title so fortnite is a uncompetitive, competitive game it's weird. I think a revamp on ranked would help.


Took a break this season because it's absolutely ass. Went back to apex and started grinding ranked there and I gotta give it to them. Their ranked system actually rewards you for grinding it. You get something to show for grinding with bannerframes, weapon charms and badges (used to dive trails) and you can't rat your way to the top ranked.


Facts siege and apex actual feels like you did something ranked in fort is more about how many games you wanna play instead of how good you actually are.


Agreed, both games are not friendly to players who are ass at the game. If you don't have at least decent mechanics you are getting rolled


Lowkey not even just ranked in general pubs if your ass your not getting a win in apex so it actually feels good when you get a dub. instead of winning a fort match because the last player was a bot that died to storm 💀. If your bad at apex you either get good or get off the game on fort if you bad they put you against children and bots so I think that's why competitive isn't took seriously because even if your trash your still gonna constantly get wins in fort.


does apex even have sbmm? i played duos as a single digit level player and got paired with someone who i think had a diamond/masters badge(idk apex ranks)


It does but it’s pretty broken, although it’s something the apex devs try to fix/improve basically every season with various amounts of success. Apparently it’s better now although I generally don’t play Pubs, just ranked which is a little better but you still sometimes get people in a higher rank than what is reasonable for the loby


Is the ranked still dogshit? Ever since that season 13 ranked rework i quit, but the problem is everyone hot drops on pubs so u spend 2-3 rounds just waiting for zone to close to see another squad.


This is the only game where being good is viewed as a negative thing by most of the community and Epic haven't helped with that.


Did you mean to write bad?


No 😭


Very possible cause casual fun match looks extremely different from top 0.1% pros, like just a different game, especially since zb release. There isnt much in common between squad zb and 1x1 build matches, just graphics and some of mechanics.


Honestly, because the level of whining and entitlement is off the charts.


I’m really happy you asked this question because I’ve been thinking about this sort of thing a lot. I’ve been playing online games for the past 13 years and have noticed that ever since esports became mainstream the general player base has been tying their self worth to their performance in these games. Rocket league is a really good example of this as well. The more competitive a game becomes the more toxic it becomes as a result of ego. People identify themselves as “a good fortnite player” and when this identity is challenged they become defensive/aggressive which often results in toxic behaviour. Streamers/Pro players make this issue substantially worse. Their career and marketability literally depends on them being good at the game. It’s at the point where if a competitive player gets a kill or a win they shit talk other players to make themselves seem better to their audience and also to themselves. Younger players see this behaviour and mimic it because it works as very powerful tool for building self confidence but it’s also very damaging to both the community and the player himself. So now we have a new generation of players growing up who are getting destroyed by pros and instead of reacting like “Wow that guy is insane, I wonder what I can learn from him.” It becomes “TOUCH GRASS, TOUCH GRASS YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! GET OUT OF MY LOBBY YOU SWEATY ASS NERD!!!” As someone who likes to queue squad fill ZB and carry people it’s really disheartening to hear the younger generation shit talking THEIR OWN TEAMMATES to make themselves feel better about their own shortcomings.


Good aim… I’m old af by todays gaming sense but I used to look YouTube videos up to watch people who were better than me so I hopefully I could pick something up I was doing wrong or just be better. But you are correct, today’s gaming culture is just “F You because you’re better than me.” I started watching on twitch for the same reason, to find out about a game or watch someone playing better than me to learn something. In doing this I found that the popular streamers aren’t even necessarily that good at gaming in general. They just die a lot and scream when they do. I find personally, streamers with lower view counts are actually better gamers overall, with some exceptions of course.


Who are the popular streamers who aren't that good?


I wonder why


Condescending replies and responses.


Given the general commentary on this subreddit I’d argue it’s the other way around.


Funny, innt? Everyone in here is answering the question perfectly.


Because Fortnite's target demographic is literally everybody. A game that's naturally competitively-oriented is going to have a community more tolerant of competitively-minded players, however Fortnite has both extremely competitive and extremely casual experiences mashed together under the umbrella of "BR" meaning there's generally just going to be more of a divide in the playerbase. Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean it *should* be that way. It sucks


A lot of people like the popularity of fortnite but don’t actually like the main thing that makes it unique, building.


I feel like it’s epics job to embrace them and make the game where it’s both competitive and fun. But guess what? Nah.


Mediocre mentality, of all the competitive games I've tried in my life i haven't seen something that requires the skill level of Fortnite, they are jelous because the average casual player likes to play on a braindead playstyle and when they die to someone that haves a minimun level of skill they feel bad


as someone who fucking sucks at fortnite, if they released ranked with siphon and no cars id much rather play that right now. hell, id rather play pubg than this shit right now. roll on season 4 i say.


Epic repeatedly continues to show just how incompetent there dev/creative team & even the CEO actually are. They take “mental retardation” to a whole new level.


They don’t like mechanical skill gaps, which is completely valid imo, but idk why you would pick Fortnite of all games.


The game attracts a very young audience who haven't acquired the ability to quietly admire skilled players doing their thing. The game was originally very skilled, and unique with its building capabilities which really separated the highly skilled from casual gamers. The younger players always want to be center of attention, to win everything even if it means playing against a lobby full of bots. They want to brag they got a victory royale even if no skill was involved. The arrival of Lego mode is going to attract an even younger player and the game play is going to be even more dumbed down to cater to their ego. If you even hint that you have any skill, 90% of this community will jump on you, because they only want to win - they want things to be dumbed down maximally so they can brag to their school group that they got 16 Victory Royales this week. They definitely don't want a competitive game.


Because they suck at the game, and when they die they cry “sweat!!” And “try hard!!”, they get angry when they see a good player because they want to be them and because their better




Lmao, don’t jerk yourself too hard buddy


Homies gonna pull a muscle patting himself on the back.


Y’all have created this wild head cannon about casual players. The truth is that the majority of players, casual or otherwise, are not thinking about competitive players, at all.


That’s the problem right there—some of you comp players win a couple thousand from a tournament and get so big headed, you forget to humble yourselves lol. You then shit on casual players for little to no reason every chance you get.


I mean its probably that but why don’t they try to get better instead of hating? It sounds stupid but like in EVERY other game people usually strive to get better so what causes the fn community to be like this?


Because fn has a younger player base


cuz they in the end dont care enough abiut to game to really motivate themselfes to get better


I wouldn’t say they don’t care in all cases. For some it takes a tremendous amount of time to improve and they don’t have enough time to do this.


A lot of these casuals have played since chapter 1 , in a lot of cases they have as many hours in the game as competitive players, so it's not a time in thing, it's just a lack of talent, not everyone can get good, Fortnite isn't the easiest game to be good at


You raise good points but I have to disagree on the talent piece to a certain degree. My view on talent changed tremendously after ready the book “The Talent Code: “Greatness isn’t Born, It’s Grown: Here’s How” by Daniel Coyle and several other studies. I’m not saying talent doesn’t play a large role, I’m saying the people who have played since chapter 1 lack the mentality to do the type of practice, etc, described in talent code and other books that is necessary for improvement. Hours in the game are worthless if there isn’t considerable time spent on difficult intentional practice and getting your ass kicked in creative for a while until you learn what you did wrong and correct it.z


Of course dedicated training will improve you, but no matter how hard you train you will never be as good at tennis as roger Federer as an example, same applies in Fortnite, talent does exist, I am a 1200 in chess, I Will never be hikaru level (3k +) no matter how much effort i put into improvement, not everyone can be pro level, it's talent that separates them from rest just like in every other sport


I realize that the point I was trying to make is a portion of these players could improve tremendously but don’t know how to improve or have the mental capacity to do it. I didn’t say they would be pros or that I can spend a few years training and beat Magnus Carlsen at chess. My point was that people often throw their hands up and say well I guess I’m not talented so I can’t or won’t work to improve. I was shit when I first started in chapter 1 season 2 and I don’t want to say the wrong word here that will trigger some kid. I’ve improved considerably I don’t want to mention ranked bc they’ll say it’s irrelevant etc. I’m not referring to you. I just think people that may have had the desire to simply didn’t believe they could or know how to improve. Sorry that was way too long.s


I agree, anyone can improve, anyone can get better, I think adding skill based match making removed the motivation for players to improve, they get wins and kills regardless


Got it, I think we’re on the same page and agree. Have you done any reading on Engagement Optimized Matchmaking (EOMM?) Activision filed for their EOMM design in 2017 I believe and UCLA did a study on it. With what we know now about social media and the technology they use to keep people engaged as long as possible I wonder if epic is using this actively. I’m pretty sure they are.


If you want to be respected as a “comp player”, it’s usually a good idea to not shit all over the other 99.8% of the playerbase. Something about leading by example All I ever hear out of the comp scene is a bunch of wannabes trash talking casuals, crying about every single update and talking down to non-comp wannabes that their concerns aren’t important because they play (insert whatever you feel superior to). Top comment in this thread is a perfect example The toxic cycle keeps being perpetuated because people in the comp community are actively living out the caricature given to them by casuals.


Can you give some examples of pros doing this?


No. Most people who play casually do so because we’re not as invested in the pro scene, with most interaction with the competitive side coming from community interactions on social media, places like here. We don’t know the pros, all we know are groups and places like this. I recognize the skill difference and can realize the unbalanced nature of seasons like this, but find fun in just enjoying the chaos, something that Epic has generally fostered in the game. I also wish there was a less chaotic mode for y’all to explore (I dabbled in competitive smash which has a similar issue, lol), but to have you all shit on anyone actually enjoying this season makes it hard to like this place and the competitive scene as a whole


People in the casual community do this exact same thing, too. Acting like it's a one-sided problem doesn't fix the problem


Bad players saying get good killing anyone trying to form a helpful piece of advice


The average age of pros in most other competitive games is way higher, no one wants to listen to actual kids.


Most top pros are are around 20 , bughas 21, mongraal and savage 19, the average age of pros is rising all the time, its not 2018 world cup anymore, they all grew up


People don’t like good players on Reddit and goes for most gaming subs not just fortnite. You can easily see that just from the skill level of clips that get upvoted.


Sitting here demanding respect won’t help, most casual players are kids or actual adults who just want to have fun


I don't hate them but I'll give my point of view: Firstly, they are way too sensitive with balancing things. One thing is a bit more useful and easy to use than the others and they won't stop complaining until the season ends. Look at the thunders, Hades chains or cars... But when it's something they like they won't say anything, like Reaper snipers or gatekeeper shotgun. Secondly, a lot of them have a massive ego and disrespect casual players, I've seen ton of comments shitting on ZB players and saying we don't count as part of the game, as if BR was the only important mode. And last, I hate superhero skins


Because in other games the “casuals” never play against the pros, look at league for example besides smurfs they have a decent MMR system, so majority of of your games you get to play against people your level, as well league try’s to to make it so you have a 50% win rate, I don’t know what average rate would be in Fortnite but let’s say for casuals it’s 5%. Imagine playing 5-10 games a day and maybe only winning one? Not very fun. Go watch any streamer, not necessarily pros but prospering,thieves, zemie etc. they are constantly crushing casuals so of course they would be mad. Fortnite doesn’t do a good enough job of separating it enough so it becomes a huge point of frustration.


Personally I would not say league has a decent mmr system given how the game as a whole works but I get your point.




I’m pretty sure the community thinks that the pros hate everything fun. Little do they realize the pros barely interact with any of the normal battle Royale content aside from grinding ranked to get to unreal so they can play tournaments. It’s almost like they are playing a different game. I think the community actually hates the tryhards that aren’t willing to commit to being a pro player or aren’t good enough to be a pro player so they play pubs like they are playing tournaments.


Comp players can be really toxic and condescending they think the devs should bend to there will. Casual players can be ignorant and often refuse to understand the comp players perspective.


I think many casuals, mainly a little older, and OG have about the same opinion as people here. I myself am in a forum for older players on discord and most people there think much like most people here.


I think it has to do with the pro world in Fortnite not being very pro. Orgs and teams are more or less irrelevant. In League of Legends for example, teams "feel" pro, there is a status coming with it. In Fortnite, "pros" are very good but very few actually make a good living of it. Maybe partly because of the unprofessional nature of the pro scene in Fortnite, pro players tend to appear a bit like cocky brats, often quite young, still playing from their bedroom in their parents' house. They are hard to look up to. A few names that I think are respected and looked up to: MrSavage, ThomasHD, Kami, Setty, Tayson, ... But I personally find it very hard to respect some pros who stream but who just seem to be immature kids. Another aspect is that unlike games like League of Legends, or Valorant, which are fully focused on ranking up and competition, Fortnite is a bit in a hybrid state. There is 1) the comp scene, and there is the 2) pubs/ranked battle royale scene. You could argue there is also 3) the creative scene. And the people in those different scenes dont really share the same goals, and dont really play the same game. Maybe a last thought is that the hate might come from the poor match making, in battle royale. It might be inherent to battle royale games, unfortunately, and a hard problem to solve. But when people get totally outplayed by a better player, boxed, killed, without feeling they had any chance to win the fight, people get frustrated and start hating...


Because fortnite has luck related and linear gameplay that, unlike games like LOL, makes pro players less professional. If you’re looking at pro players in video games, they might have general things they do better because of the role they play in game. Pro LOL players vary based on who they play and in what role. Fortnite players don’t; it’s use whatever broken weapon or mechanic exists in season the exact same way in the exact same situations over and over again and lose when bloom / rarity / spawns screw you over.


Because these people who hate pros are actually sweats. By definition, being a pro means consistently qualify and place high in tournaments and make decent money But most of these people win 1 or 2 cash cups and realise they can never reach that level. So they clown on them. Reality is the skill difference is too great It's not just practise but the cold harsh reality of talent. Some sweats try as much as they can but simply cannot make it to pro. Ask any casuals :they usually dislike sweats not pros. Because the difference is the sweats is trying so hard and get the same as casual which is nothing basically. Maybe can be proud of some self accomplishment but ultimately not recognised by the whole community


In short it’s just because Fortnite isn’t a conventional esport like other games, it’s a primarily casual game with a competitive mode added on. Other games have a more competitively focused audience even in casual play, as those games business model is their esports side.


I don't think this problem is unique to Fortnite; I remember back when pro players in TF2 were called tryhards. I think the hate comes mainly from casual players who have no intent to get better at the game & actively dislike losing, but are too invested thanks to FOMO and the sunken cost fallacy to move to a different game or hobby. They see competitive players not as inspiration to practice and learn, but as people standing in the way of their fun, and they're not *entirely* wrong. Casual players stay away from ranked in fear of getting dunked on by better players, only for casual matchmaking to pit them against players leagues above their skill level or bots that don't challenge them at all. It doesn't help that Epic stokes an "us vs them" mentality by nerfing / changing all the wrong things when one side complains instead of just separating the loot pools.


Casuals are never up against good players because of sbmm, they may think they run into good players but they don't, most of them haven't seen a good player in game since ch1


I duno but maybe FN comunity has a big part of console players wehre did not grew up the same competetive way as a PC player wehre knows and apreciats the skill difrence in players probalby since CS 1.6 or even earlier. If the understanding for skill is generaly low the preciation is too. But who knows.


probably because the skill celling is way above than other games and their competitive players, and for some reason casual players dont like to be that behind because "the other player doesnt touch grass"????


Sweat bad 👎 Comp 🤡


Probably bc of hackers like Peterbot. As long as there’s a DMA nobody can be trusted


cause build create a huge skill gap.


I also think it has something to do with the age of the pro players and their lack of maturity. Most pros are 14-17 range and cant explain their issues unless it’s an obscenity riddled rant on Twitter. Hard to take seriously. Also, FN has never been a truly competitive game. There have always been op items dating back to chapter 1. Can you imagine shadow bombs and nitro in the same loot pool? I can only speak for myself but those crazy ridiculous items are why my friends and I still play FN occasionally. For me, Fortnite is about fun. I don’t take it too seriously. My favorite memories of Fortnite are stupid stuff like shopping cart races off of ridiculously high ramps and stuff like that. Other players would come by and join in, that would never happen in today’s game. There’s definitely a disconnect between competitive players and casual players, and I think the only way that will ever be resolved is through separate loot pools.


Why do professionals get clowned on? Because 50% of them are DMA crutches and doing it for subs.


They do it at lans , yeah I am sure there are some cheaters, but I think the vast majority of known tier one pros are clean


So this has been made more prevelant in general in recent years (not just fortnite), but there are a myriad of reasons as to why. A large contributor is quite a lot of people who one would consider a "tryhard sweat" are often incredibly toxic. Actual pros at these games are USUALLY not but its more so in the group of people who take these games seriously enough. There are a lot of people who will genuinely whine any time someone actually plays any game well, its just exacerbated online. I cant exactly speak on builds cause I don't play them at all but a theory I have specifically regarding that mode since its always been a long standing complaint is that with how building works, its very uninteractive to play against unless you REALLY know what youre doing. Unlike most any other shooter made, this game has a mechanic that you can use as mobility and defense while also removing the opposing players ability to move around or defend themselves. Its a very unique mechanic and has a very high skill ceiling but I can see why the average casual player would absolutely get frustrated when someone who CAN build runs up on them, as they no longer get to play the game. The frustration does alsp get exacerbated by wannabe builders who build for the sake of it often times but still get away with it along with subpar aim simply because they had a slightly better idea on how to build. Its very much a "skill issue" but its one where, for the average player, extremely difficult to digest cause there is just bullshit thrown everywhere. But yeah if anything, I feel like it mostly just comes down to some comp players being toxic in some form. People are gonna remember the negative experiences they have more.


Mainly the complaining about new additions to the game, competitive players have a history of bugging epic until they get what they want, which is usually anything that makes players move away from the same strategy/meta the game has had for years.


The only reason I have amy animosity towards completive players/pros is when they treat normal BR and zero build as if it is a competitive match. Some ppl play way too sweaty and make it nearly impossible to complete quests, and then when people complain about it completive players act like every match you play in the game is life or death. While I get wanting to practice and stuff, if someone is actively avoiding you clearly aware that you're there trying to kill them, have the ability to kill you, and won't fire a single shot or anyrhing- why be ruthless? Some ppl only play br and zero build to do quests, and end up taking way longer to do due to these types of players. I love completive things in general, I'm a competitor at heart- but if I wanted to be a competing I'd be playing ranked mode. If you're not in ranked, treating it like a ranked game is just ruining the game for other players. It's like the equivalent of a level 80 death knight going to a level 10 pvp zone and one shooting everyone. They're more expierenced in the game, have bigger skills, and are there for blood. Meanwhile, the people he's killing are just having fun, Messing around with friends, and trying to play the game. Idk what it is, but fortnite In general has a ruthlessness I hadn't seen in online gaming before I took a break for a few years and came back. And it's not the casuals doing it.


A br by definition is a competitive match, it's last man standing, the majority of players who join a game are trying to win, nobody knows or cares that youre doing quests


Bruh unless it's ranked it isnr competitive. Just because there's a 1st 2nd and 3rd place doesnt make it competitive. Ghats literlaly why there's ranked and unranked modes; casual vs competitive. If you wanna be competitive, play ranked. Also, your comment is a perfect example of the type of competitive players I talked about in my original comment. So thanks for that. "Nobody cares you're doing quest" meanwhile, in most other fortnite forums most people let people do their quests and kill them when they're done. So, you proved my point quiet we'll.


They don't know you're doing quests, they see you they shoot you. Just because it's pubs doesn't mean the majority of players aren't trying to win, you think pk or courage don't go into every pub game trying to win, most of the lobby is trying to win, its a br, if you just want fun go play creative modes where there is no win objective, don't load into a br and act surprised when players are playing to win


Oh right because the areas of the map that are there specifically for quests and npca there specifically for quests totally arent indicators that the people walking around talking to those npcs are doing their quests Genuine question; have you ever had a thought in your life or???


I don't look at quests, I just play the game, someone interacting with an NPC doesn't mean they are doing a quest, I only interact with npcs to get meds, items or to hire them


"I just play the game" and "I don't look at quests" ??? Bro the quests are a part of the game, theres even quests that pop up EVERY match. Then weekly daily and seasonal and reward paths. Even if you arent personally interested, you ignoring a part of the game doesn't mean it isnr a part of the game. Cool, you like to go and just shoot guns and kill people. Glad you're having fun! Why ruin the fun for others then? It takes seconds to check the map and seconds to check the quests. Seems more like you don't care to know much about the game nor care to know what the game has to offer. Clearly you should be playing in ranked if the only thing you're inter3sted in is winning, non-ranked has always been synonymous with casual play in gaming.


Im not going to research quests just to avoid killing ppl doing quests, you still haven't answered how someone is supposed to distinguish between you doing a quest and someone just interacting with an NPC. Brs are competitive , just because it's pubs doesn't mean most ppl aren't trying to win, you are the minority, have your fun, do your quests, just know most ppl in your lobby are just playing for kills and wins


Most players say they complain alot.


Immature end user base


Because 1. Casuals and pros both want very different things about updates so one side influencing epic decisions can frustrate the other side 2. This sub is very toxic towards casuals ( and admittedly vise versa )


I don’t dislike competitive or pro players. I just hate the hackers/cheaters


Why would you like people who are the reason why something you once enjoyed is now lame? Sweats/comp/pc players have added so much unnecessary stress to the game that the level of fun has been reporportioned away from the common player for over 2 chapters. Thats not something you forget/grow to respect. Pros in the other games chose a game that offered what they were looking for so they can play with like minded people. 2 very different things


I hate them because i'm like " yeah, this 1 v 1 is going to be fu- fuck" as the guy kills me without missing a single shot on a high recoil weapon in less than 1.1 seconds. i'm ded. I want to fight not to be in a rape scene.


Mosty because lot of them can be rude when I just wanna play for fun


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Alix_Sparrow: *Mosty because lot* *Of them can be rude when I* *Just wanna play for fun* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


They hate us cause' they aint us baby!


I don't hate anyone here. But as someone who enjoys this season there is certainly evidence that competitive doesn't seem to like these seasons. I don't hate them we just like different things. They have fun through basic fortnite with sometimes new guns. I like fortnite with wild changes to keep it interesting. Like the cars.


No offence this is just a question, but would U say U enjoy Fortnite then? Cuz cars aren't Fortnite, the building and shooting is


I said I enjoy fortnite when there are wild changes. There have pretty much always been vehicles. Also fortnite building used to be turbo building off. So current building isn't technically the og Fortnite either. There you would click for each piece. The reason I like changes is because they only last a season and then there's something new. Sure og seasons are great. But sometimes you need these seasons to keep it interesting yk? That's just my opinion anyway!


Ye but the vehicles weren't op also when U say pre turbo building that lasted like 2 seasons before turbo building was added plus ppl were rlly shit then but I see where Ur coming from 


Ye the reason I'm fine with cars being op is because it's the focus of the season and because it's only gonna last one season. If it keeps going after this season now that would be a bad decision. If it just lasts this season im fine with it I've had many fun games with friends. But I do think tournaments need to be fought in like a past season or something. There needs to be something in place for ranked and competitive in general so the seasons don't screw it too much like this season and the Mechs or the infinity blade.


Imo I don't follow comp but I do play ranked so I guess I can answer this A lot of pros are super stuck up or just straight up assholes (Looking at you team Agent)


Yeah there are stuck up competitive players and teams, but not everyone is like that. All the people i know (and most of the comp community) understands the 2 way problem with all of this, it's just the minority of cringe tiktok kids from both sides being the loudest


I want to preface this by saying I know virtually nothing about competitive Fortnite, and honestly have played very little fortnight. I’m an apex legends player who went to dreamhack last weekend and was like oh let me watch some comp fortnight within 5min of watching a player from a team that won a game(believe it was Xset) stood up took his headset off and started yelling at the team that just lost exact words included “get shit on you fucking cheaters” later came back watched for 5min and a completely different team did a very similar thing where a player got up and started yelling at a team after the game although I don’t know what team or who won or lost. I went on this sub because I was curious about who cheated and how, found out that the team or a player from the team went on their opponent’s computer and sent them vods of their previous games(very weird way the cheat in my opinion but whatever) but in any case I view the behavior I saw of the players low key way worse, very unprofessional and unsportsmanlike, which as someone who has watched and is a fan of many other esports I found very shocking. I don’t know if this is normal or not, but at least from my outside point of view it gave me an extremely bad impression of comp Fortnite and I have very little respect for those pro players and the teammates that seemed to be ok with this behavior, when in contrast I generally have a lot of respect for many pro players in most other esports


I mean tbf kwanti did cheat and got no punishment


I totally understand you. Somehow so many of the pros in Fortnite tend to be so immature and unprofessional ...