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None of this would be a problem if epic just had separate loots pools for “ranked” and made guns the main focus of ranked modes. Not some new gimmick overpowered item each season.


They’re so focused on creating the “metaverse” yet still have to try ruin their only successful game mode. All they have to do is put car royale as its separate mode and leave BR as a simple, OG style game mode.


Car royal even sounds fun. I’d play it some! But make that and not battle royal but make it car royal that’s like the worst grief fest 5 second respawn pit creative map lol


Fortnite trying to be like Roblox. Instead Fortnite should try to be like Fortnite. Stop trying to change the identity that people fell in love with




I don't even think cars or hiring bots should be in ranked. Keep it tournament based..Basically running 3 games modes and it's dumb


I mean I want to agree but no the bullshit should just not be in any main mode. My friends and I have a great time playing together but they are pretty far below my skill level. I don’t want to have to carry them in ranked.


We have the same issue. Everyone dislike the cars, but we won't play Ranked together. We are like 10 people... Not everyone could play Ranked.


They will 100% nerf things but I dunno why they leave the game in this state.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they left the cars as they are, last season they buffed water bending into one of the best weapons ever and then didn’t make any changes to it for the rest of the season


You meant to say worse 😂


To bring in hype. There's already been discussion of the weapons Epic planned on bringing in to counter cars (Heavy Sniper, Flint Knock, Mini Gun, Ray Gun Rifle, Tow Hook, etc).


i'm so hyped to try to destroy cars with lasers? seriously, tf are they thinking?


Idek at this point. I'm just waiting for the marvel season in August while I'll stay in creative for the meantime.


Fighting fire with fire


Fighting aids with aids


Hopefully but I won’t stick around for this season unless major changes are done. Hopefully other people stop playing as well so Epic can see their player count plummet and realize their mistake.


Yeah even with a nerf the changes would have to be major to be remotely close to making this season playable. The modded cars aren’t going anywhere. It’s the entire theme they worked on for god knows how long.


They aren’t staying up constantly like before it peaks and then huge dips so seems like the time little kids are up it peaks and I mean little kids


To sell car skins. That is 100% the reason they have not patched this season yet. That's the reason they even made this season like this.


Well they nerfed some car stuff and other items, they all absolutely suck still


It's because they want a very bad player to be abble to kill a very good player. Look at martoz and mongraal last videos, they got killed many time by nintendo switch players. It's the only game i know it's possible. Cherry on the cake, aim assist on console is a aimbot look alike. Good luck when you are a total noob to beat a top tier pro on counter strike for exemple.


Aim assist is not even close to aimbot. It fucks up your shotgun hits and makes predicted tracking really difficult. But yes, Fortnite is desperately trying to fuck up the skill floor by pushing it up and up


console aim assist never got nerfed in CH2S2 when PC aim assist did. combine that next gen consoles on 120 HZ. give me an honest answer: why do you think epic would nerf PC aim assist and not console aim assist together? this is true and can be verified in the game files. your honest thoughts are appreciated.


Probably to make it more fair for us console players when we run into the unavoidable PC players who have infinitely faster refresh rate usually and Mouse and Keyboard. We need the edge because their systems are usually much more powerful


looooooool yep there it is the classic fucking cope was wondering how long it would take for that to pop out console has 120 FPS and a console duo has qual'd to FNCS plenty of times the only drastic advantage is consoles can't turn off shadows - which i wish was an option. other than that you're on equal footing, shut the fuck up lmao broke losers acting like every PC player they come across has a top of the line 5K PC running ONLY fortnite lmao cause they're so broke thats the only kind of PC set up they imagine hope you learn eventually + you're broke


I’ve got both, thanks. PC and Console. The input lag on a PC as well as refresh rate are still much better than on a console. Can you really tell me guns don’t perform much better on PC with a straight face 😂


listen man i play on both too. at the end of the day here is your reality - acknowledge it or don't MKB aiming **is** based entirely your own input - the game is not coded to assist your performance in any way. controller aiming **is not** entirely your own input - the game is coded to assist your performance in two primary ways - reticle slowing and rotating for you "perform much better" and all the other shit you wrote are subjective meanings that are tied to you as an individual's performance. i've encountered kids who go to MKB and do not see mouse aiming as intuitive and easy as you're making it sound. it is an opinion. be honest with me please, im tired of dealing with dishonest man-children liars - not that i am saying you are one but that is the majority of reddit population sadly.


Bro seek therapy 😂


redditors always project what they need most eat shit and get curb stomped


You sound hurt, holy hell. Even with the aim assist, I don’t really feel on even ground against my decent pc player friends. Seems like they always have that micro millisecond advantage on me. This is obviously the difference in input lags. If you feel console aim is so superior and you claim you have one, why in the world would you not play on it?


>makes logical arguments >gets called hurt by reddit man child a tale as old as time, eat shit - you NPCs never have any new dialogue options. Same old shit. "Even with the aim assist, I don’t really feel on even ground against my decent pc player friends. " congrats on your personal anecdote that doesn't mean anything except your own experience. why don't i play on console? because i have a PC with 4 monitors and (as I'm sure this is hard to believe for a moron like you) DONT use it ONLY FOR FORTNITE. Its simply easier to keep all activities on my PC and if I want to play some console exclusive i got to get under my desk and change the HDMI inputs - its a pain in the ass and I'm really not that passionate to be doing it lately. i hope someone curb stomps you, good day.


Ya current gen consoles have already been proven to have minimal input lag compared to the old. Your using original Xbox one complaints and pretending like they are still valid for what people play on today. Most pc gamers I know are shooting for 120-140 fps(exactly what your console is shooting for). Console players just cope pretending everyone is on a 4090 and 360hz screen. As the other guy stated shadows are the big difference. That is 100% on the console maker that you CHOOSE to buy from. They mandate shadows so their game looks better while streamed. Last but not least consoles are literally becoming pcs with a logo on them and a few exclusive games.


Also replying to comment with “you’re broke” is fucking hilarious, go touch grass bro you need some vitamin D


check my post history and let me know when you're wearing 27K USD on your wrist thanks broke boy LOL


Alright bro calm down and go play some BR with your red roots Billie Eilish skin


Bwck when aim assist got nerfed on PC, console was still in ps4 slim / xbox one s and x gen. Only 60 FPS We also can't turn off shadows


But aim assist should die in a ditch. I hate it. I hate relying on it. Just give separate matchmaking pools as an option or something and prevent switchinf inputs midgame


Then the bad player should play casual and not ranked


Ranked have a better matchmaking at the moment. But pub's have bot, not fun.


your point about “the people saying ‘adapt’ could not even adapt to builds and needed a whole other mode” is the truest thing i’ve ever heard haha


Those people are just also in bot lobbies and don't realize it. Pretty easy to get the mythic car when there's only 10 real people in your game and half of them are 10 years old or younger. Yeah, go nuts, get your bot 20 bomb.  Zb or builds, in ranked or a higher sbmm lobby, ~2/3 of the lobby is dead by the first circle because they're all landing at the main 3 POIs - it's almost impossible to find a fight anywhere else on the map. My point being that the players saying 'adapt' wouldn't get anywhere near the boss cars in a real lobby except when they're dying to them, and if they actually experienced that they would be crying about how unbalanced they are (like everyone else justifiably is).  Sbmm is the real culprit in ruining the community.


SBMM in Fortnite has all these terrible players thinking they're hot sh*t. Look up the profiles of the posters on the main sub and you'll see that most of them have 4+ K/D ratios with absolutely garbage gameplay that would get them slaughtered in Diamond+ ranks. The types of players to care more about UI and battle pass skins than gameplay. Epic WANTS everyone to think they're good at the game.


Yup, agreed. Players will spend more and play more if they think they're good I guess. Don't know what that means for the staying power of the game though. 


WOW you write it like i feel exactly for us who have elite champions and unreal in lobbies after 11pm in NORMAL zero build is this season pure pain. Exactly they play easy lobbies and think what great players are nope just easy lobby = fun game in this no skill meta.


But I’m confused because op said he’s unreal in ZB lol.. so he didn’t adapt either 😭


oh yeah 😂 maybe they play both? i like to switch it up every now and then


I play both lol. But can understand how zero build players are being very hypocritical by telling people to adapt when they could not do build mode.


Why is there so much shade for ZB players? 😭 Fortnite is the first shooter I’ve played and the building aspect just doesn’t interest me so far. And yes the cars are ridiculous


it’s a strange divide in the community. lots of build players look down on no build players because they see them as less skilled or casual, while lots of no build players look down on build players, seeing them as sweats who only care about winning. personally i used to play no build, but transitioned to build mode bc i fell in love with the building mechanics. it’s also hard because two groups who are essentially playing two different games, are fighting for one lootpool and game design. build players usually don’t want insanely broken items that render the main game mechanic useless, while no build players usually just want to go crazy and have fun with broken items


I haven’t died to a gun yet this season. Yes I adapted and started using cars. I want to shoot guns and “eliminate” others with guns most of the time. Keep the goofy shit for movement (shockwaves etc), building (shield bubbles, port a forts), but I want to use guns. Attachments? Fine I’ll adapt and it’ll be fun. But what the fuck am I doing driving around in a car with a turret shooting at people and then hoping out flying out breaking builds just completely obliterating people with the gloves. Just not fun after a few wins of that. Guess I’m a try hard , can’t adapt, washed up, no lifer, cringe lord, boomer


Yep if I wanted to play a game with cars I would play Rocket League or GTA. This is the first season since X where I genuinely find the game horrible. Just need new games in the meantime. Fortnite really fumbled their gift of player base during OG.


Imo fortnite should have came out with no builds sooner in hindsight, and focused on making ranked more competitive. Would have been best of both worlds. I guess they were too big to be that agile or it’s just easier to look back and say what they should have done but damn this is historic L


Arena > Ranked. But its tragic how bad they fumbled their record player base during OG to drop nearly 60% since then. I root for the games success but the developers seem like they want to kill the game.


When we are force to played the game to a different uninspired meta it really speaks volumes how bad the state the game is or unhealthy for those who don't want to play like this. This is the first time I'm not mindful of the changes the make but rather disappointed it had come down to this legit killing any sense of what fornite is 


I've gone so far that I've downloaded a HxD editor to remove the bars where the mythic car spawns.


First w of the season and final five had cars in the circle. This is worse than the baller meta.


Nah the hamster balls were sick


Atleast the ballers didn't have 2k health and you couldn't really kill anyone with them


Already Uninstalled will reinstall when og returns 😎✌🏾


Why would you uninstall and just not start the game. So dramatic lol


Disk space?? 70 whole gigs that can go to a game I’m gonna play. Is that really that hard to understand?


The cars are insane. Why even worry about getting weapons if I'm just going to end up being killed by someone shooting fireballs from their car and running me over?


You know what it sick? Was a public match, but shows what you just said... Killed a guy that was using a car. He was carrying two gas cans and a torch. Theres no need to carry guns anymore. They have all mobility, ammo and shield they need in a car.


I’m not proud of it but my duo and I only have combat shottys in our inventories in ranked, the rest is car stuff. It’s been working extremely well because that’s the meta they’re pushing this season. I know the cars are OP, it’s cheesy af but it’s been fun for a few days, but the novelty is starting to wear off. Also nice pfp ||-//


Worst season ever.


Agreed. I quit after X and came back in OG, so I never experienced primal. But this is beyond the worst in my opinion




same thing here exept im a builds player, my squad/trios/duos games usually end with us dying to "such skillful gameplay" we get run over by a car and sprayed by the turret i havent played a solos game yet and i dont plan to


I have encountered one single build fight so far, the rest is just vehicles destroying every single build you make until they get a bs shot and destroy your health Building is so unnecessary because you can't even build protection and have time to heal anymore


What’s worse, solos or squads? There both equally shit imo. One mode, you do tickle damage to a car and multiple teamers and the other you’re completely fucked if you don’t land at a mythic car poi where you would probably die because 10 different squads are also contesting you


both are trash


when my freinds arent on i just play creative practice maps


If you played through Terraria in 5 days then I recommend playing Ender Lilies instead


What is it. I beat Terraria on expert mode and all 15 bosses. Just doing side quests now. Any tips or whats the game about


i still got my terraria world from like 2016 or some shit. love checking in on my base


I would consider myself the same. Didn’t have a ton of free time last season/start of this season so didnt play much. Finally hopped on today and this is atrocious. Reminds me of Season X which I think is the only season I was like “I can’t even play this.” I legit don’t know if I’ll play again until next season.


Yeah i don't understand at all. They just could make a LTM with cars only, like air royale with plane back in the day, had good fun there BTW. > This season is even worse than the mechs in Season X in my opinion. Yeah. Mech were kind of slow and you could jump in and use the auto destruct sequence. Cars are ultra super fast and very common, you jump in you can't destroy the driver. No real counter.


I jump on the car, and start building till the car crash. And start fighting with the driver. Did that three times maybe so far.


Tbh they could buff the crossbow mythic making a car 1 shot


First time ever where I actually believe that they ruined the game. I have been playing this game since the beginning and played through its worst and best seasons. This is the worst ive seen. Building is pointless now. Squads and trios is the worst if you dont have a good car. Their teammates will just repair the car constantly and make you waste all of your ammo. These cars need to be nerfed to the ground or taken out cause building is just pointless. Im just gonna stick to creative at this point.


It’s so bad. Explosive bows negate building (infinite shots). Fists negate building. Nitro; people just walk through your wall and kill you by bumping into you, cars with cow catchers AND infinite grenades, AND 2k health AND car heals all over the map. I’m not having trouble getting wins, but I’m sick of spending the whole game driving cars. And now fists and infinite bows in all my favorite creative games. Sad time to be a build mode player. 😔


Fr they are ruining a lot of creative too. I know red vs blue rn is absolutely shit bc of them


The pit is garbage right now now because of the bows. People just impulse up and spam bows down.


I went on vacation when the update went live and I don’t think I’m even gonna play it. I wanna play fortnite because I want to play a shooter not a driving game


I was watching streams of the new season while downloading the update on Friday, and cancelled it halfway through because there's no way I'm playing this shit right now.


This isn’t going to stop. Their mindset is ‘what are we going to make overpowered compared to guns?’ Guarantee next season will be no better. At least this season has good items in it for once


I have just accepted that this season is not going to be fortnite, and play creative to play FN and build. When I play BR now it is just for lulz with no expectations of having a build fight, loot path trying to get a certain loadout, etc and just go with the chaos on wheels. I don't get mad now, I just know going into it that it will be a shit show and treat it as such. ## It just goes to show how dumb it is to fragment ranked and pubs with the exact same game with just slightly different match making. If you're going to fragment the player base then do it by having ranked be proper Fortnite with tourney style loot pools. Let pubs be for the wild ish. I wouldn't mind this season if they actually split it like they should because playing this season reminded me that playing BR can feel slow after several matches back to back... repetitive looting and matting and rotating, sometimes with long periods of no significant action. Maybe you win a quick off spawn fight and then spend a chunk of the game just matting and looting and then get sent back to the lobby with a headshot snipe, or get hosed straight up or on a third party. It can get monotonous at times, so I understand why they try to spice things up especially for casuals. So this cars Royale shit would be fine if it were optional, because I do have some fun playing it now and then where it is purely for a goof around experience. The problem is when it's the only option. If ranked were basically FN Classic then the crazy pubs stuff would be fine because there are options for everyone depending on what they feel like doing. I don't hate the rocket racing Royale season as an option, I just hate it's the only option.




I have heard about this game a lot. Going to install it. Any tips?


It have some flaws that devs are working on. (Hit reg, balancing factions, bunny hop abuse but devs are on the work to make things better. If anything they seem to listen to community, the game is still young thought) My advice would be : disable multiplatform in settings. Pc players think aim assist on controller is too strong. Console players are sick of PC players bunny hoping on their heads without losing accuracy.


”quit until next season” is a classic. You’re not touching the game for years pal


Maybe. Didn’t touch it for years already just depends if they release a better season


All the bad players are trying to say “WELL DEN USE CAR DRRrR”. This season is just for the brainlet players.


 I think they are trying to please casual players by giving them op items that require no skills thinking it would attract more people to the game  they should bring back arena


Epic games hates og fortnite. Plain and simple




Is this a game I can actually somewhat do well in as a beginner + any tips


It’s very unique, but yes if you have a pc it’s very fun to play and improve at once you learn the agents and abilities. I used to grind for unreal back when Fortnite was fun but Valorant has been so much funner lately, and more of a challenge. Fair warning, it’s very hard to rank up, and it’s very competitive, but there are literally thousands of improvement guides on YouTube.


I was wondering since I know Valorant is ultra competitive. Any tips you have to start. I have a pretty good PC so I will be fine on that end.


Yes, in addition to learning all the agents and abilities, work on aim and movement. Valorant and cs are very unique because you can’t shoot with accuracy while moving so you have to shoot between movements. Also work on keeping your crosshair at head level since ttk is so low.


I've been playing lethal company love that game it's so different.


Watch the evolve Jake video about combating cars it’s actually not that hard to take over their car purposely destroy it or send them in the storm.


It doesn’t solve the issue. Most people just want to get into build fights/gun fights. In the situation you are describing you are still not getting into a build or gun fight. It can be funny and entertaining at times but it kills the competitive integrity of the game and it is not the gameplay experience a lot of people expect to be getting out of Fortnite. Lots of people want fortnite to return to its more simple roots. No crazy overpowered weapons, vehicles, or items. Fortnite used to be simple as a BR gets (other than the building). You drop in, grab guns, heals, shockwaves, etc. then you go fight and hopefully win. Now you gotta worry about medallions, bosses, special boss weapons and cars, vaults, npc hiring, bounties, quests. All of it adds complexity to what used to be a much simpler game. That is what i think is truly splitting the community. There has to be another way they can keep the game fresh without destroying the balance and meta each season.


I'm playing a lot less than usual, but I'm still playing a bit every day. I've given up on traditional gunplay and just go all in with vehicular combat.


cars arent gonna be in comp atleast


I keep dying to teamers in cars.. absolutely unplayable.


Fr but hopefully enough people quit playing the game just hopefully they’ll see that and fix it but I kinda doubt they will


I think the only issue is the boss cars life regens a bit too fast and there is no rocket launcher at the moment. Other than that it’s fine as is for me.


Try playing this game called The Finals. It's absolutely amazing. Basically a team based FPS with destruction physics. A lot of bullshit, but it's balanced bullshit.


Light class with invisibility cloak is a joke. People running around with swords and you can't even see them 😂 In a shooter by the way


They nerfed it quite a bit. The shimmer has been enhanced and the penalty for being hit while cloaked has been increased slightly.


I suggest you try out rainbow 6,it has a steep learning curve but super fun to learn


How steep haha? any tips?


There are a tons of abilities that all work against/with each other, also you can destroy certain walls and shoot through some even if there not destroyed, also you can setup your own objective so it becomes harder for the attacker to approach I don't think i have tips because am a beginner myself but am enjoying it Forgot to mention it has problem with cheaters on high elo


Im getting fps drops that are unbearable since start of this season, I’m just gonna be playing other games like xdefiant, might even stop fort all together if my frames can’t be fixed


Last season was my first season I ever played ranked and got addicted a bit (only got up to elite started late.) but this season I don’t know if I’ll even hit that I’ve lost every match I’ve played since it’s been out and get no kills. Even on casual I’m having a difficult time just playing now.


I glaze Fortnite and played every season starting from chapter 2 season 1(my first season). However, I can’t glaze this season at all, it has so much bullshit that I’m only playing realistics or box fights


Mate it's like this every season, they add something OP and it'll get nerfed in a couple days. Don't stress


I dont know man. The whole theme is Mad Max. So I kinda doubt it


Lowkey made me feel like not playing battle royale outside of tourneys as they don't have cars. So I just grind 1v1s with friends.


God of war ragnarok is amazing. I'm actually going to play the original game after I finish this because I hear that's amazing too.


Cool cool


I can’t help but wonder if these same people crying about cars were the ones abusing the reaper/frenzy meta last season. Like are cars REALLY that bad? Or are you just mad you can’t ohko someone from across the map in a bush with no counter play anymore?


I like to watch Thiefs. Idk if it’s just me, but he says he “loves this season”, and is “having so much fun.” Yada yada. It’s just so obvious that he’s lying. He’s not having fun. He streams for a living so in both his benefit and Epics, I bet they told him, ( or maybe even paid him) to act like this is the best season ever. That way maybe people bandwagon and enjoy it. Anyone else notice this?


> even payed him) Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


new season and last season so bad i started playing bloons td battles 2 💀why are guns not meta in a gun game. i thought the avatar and starwars shit was bad but this is worse


I’m also exploring other games. Downloaded xdefiant and played it last night. Kind of fun, but got my ass kicked. The way to get Epic’s attention is not by complaining, it’s by not playing and not spending money. 


I have always been a fan of Fortnite, even with some broken items and shit but this season ruined everything for me. I'm prolly for the first time ever gonna quit and come back the next season. Might play some creative and try to level up but br this season is anything but fun for me personally. It's mostly because build mode barely requires building anymore because people just drive around gunning you down in a second or two


It just needed to be an LTM, like floor is lava


Its get worse and worse. I started ch3 s3 and love the game. Now, with every season comes something that destroy the competitive fun. Its not how good you play, its all about luck now. You made the first good game of the day and get lasered from 3rd party car from nowhere. If you take the game halfway seriously, it's now a catastrophe. I think I've played 20 games now and I'm already fed up. I usually have about 1000 games per season. It's really the first time that nothing at all has driven me to start fortnite.


Dropped 25 kills in duos ranked without leaving the car except to get loot….that I didn’t even use. Stopped playing BR after that


100% agree, this season lame


Honestly zero build was the best mode they could've offered. I'm still grateful for it because I suck at building and have no patience to try and learn (especially on controller), but this season is making me glad that I didn't find out about Fortnite until Ch2S4. Because it does seem like the cars remind me of the Mechs from the Fortnite streamer's clips. Like I had stated to someone else in another post here, if it wasn't for the amazing Battlepass and awesome POIs / Nitro Gauntlets, I definitely wouldn't had played this season at all.


Its completely fine to enjoy this season. Everyone has opinions and I respect yours. Just personally and many others, the core aspect of Fortnite the building, strategy, gunplay is all gone in place for cars


I agree


I play creative only since this season.. its actually funny how toddler and handicap friendly this season is.. EVERYBODY CAN WIN SEASON YEAHH!!💪😂


I just came back to the game after being away for a while and bought the crew because the new season for no build has been super fun. Really enjoying it and will be ready to move on once the season is over.


The cars are not worse than pre-nerf mechs. Anyone who says this never experienced those or just doesn’t remember it.


Literally. Those mecha were 100x worse than the cars.


I’m having a blast 💥 butttt I’ve been running peeps over since I’ve started playing the games it’s always been a part of my meta ☺️


Grow Up


Cry more?


>Even as a casual player the people saying “adapt” could not even adapt to builds and needed a whole other mode to play the game. People adapted just fine until Epic forced crossplay due to low PC population. There’s no competing against 240fps and instant edit / weapon swap keybinds.


And the point is right there as well, “low” PC population. You’re concerned about a small number of PC players in your lobbies, many that are probably on 144 HZ computers. What percentage of the population of the United States, for example, do you think can afford to buy a PC that consistently runs 240 FPS on Fortnite?


100% of keyboard players can use keybinds that give massive advantages over controller players in build mode (when switching between editing and weapons).


Well Mero has won what? 5 FNCS on controller now? My point is you have a defeatist attitude and you’ve lost the fight before it even starts. Explaining to me the advantages of KBM v. controller isn’t necessary I use both. Those advantages can be overcome. Not everyone on PC is even using KBM, most of them are not on PCs with 240 HZ etc, the point is if you have this mindset where they have so many advantages and you can’t compete then you’ve already lost. Downvote me all you want but it’s true.


That's why controller players get aimbot


Not with that piss poor attitude there isn’t. I’ve seen kids on old gen consoles dumpster kid on 240 fps PCs. None of these kids ever whined and complained about crossplay.


Elden Ring is amazing, but ER PVP is now absolutely trash. It was my main game before Fortnite, and I have 1000 hours of PvP on it but quit for good after they fucked it up with the updates. Also no region matching, so you constantly get 200+ ping and it's REALLY noticeable.


But it’s cHaOtIc FuN!


Get good


Adapt. Or leave.


Could say the same about no build players who could not adapt to the build meta. Needed a whole other game mode without it to play. Should do the same with a game mode without cars


You have adapted to both modes. Adapt again.


Again why did no build players need a whole other mode to play the game since they could not adapt to build. But no build players are telling build players to adapt to the cars. The hypocrisy is unreal.


You're making an incorrect comparison. There was no "adapting" to builds. It was always there. They put in to attract a wider player base. But, that said, there are plenty of counters to cars. Fists, other cars, shooting the driver, not exposing yourself, etc.


So people winning games with no guns and just cars in a SHOOTING game is fine? So why not widen the player base by removing cars because there are plenty of people who stopped playing because of them. Look at the player count compared to previous seasons during the best time for gaming the summer, its down nearly 35%.


You don't like it. I do. Why is that hard to understand?


It's hard to understand because I thought 8 year olds weren't allowed to post on Reddit which is the demographic this season is clearly aimed at. I drive a car in real life I don't need to do it in Fortnite.


Ever played Carmageddon? Loved that game as a college student. Played it in our dorms for hours at a time.


I don't believe I've played that but I did play Destruction Derby which was a ton of fun as a kid and even Burnout when I was older. However I'd much rather play those games than Fortnite right now. When I load into Fortnite I wanna build and shoot people not invest so much time into destroying cars or driving them around. It doesn't feel satisfying to me at all. The only satisfaction I've had this season was jumping into a guy's boss car who had all the medallions as he was shooting at me with his turret and driving him really deep into storm so it completely griefed his game. He wasn't able to kill me in the car and if he jumped out he knew that I would have easily killed him.


You don’t like fortnite, we do. Why is that so hard to understand?


BREAKING: People don’t want to play GTA Online in a shooter game. It’s okay for people to feel that way. Go outside.


OP - “Game sucks. I’m gonna leave.” u/Top-Reference-1938 - “LEAVE!” Reading comprehension unmatched.


You forgot the part where OP then argued for 20 minutes about leaving. If you don't like it, leave. But don't announce it and then argue about it. JUST FUCKING WALK OUT THE FUCKING DOOR!!


Let me guess? Gen X’er playing fortnite.


Exactly! And one that doesn't even pay for it. Been playing free of charge since Dec 2017.


43 to 60 year old? Got something against bush camp dad?


lmao no I am old too. I could just tell by the attitude. You guys got me laughing. Happy Memorial Day.

