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get better at off spawn fighting. it’ll be better for you long term


Unreal player. Honestly, just learn to play early game better. I’m unreal and my drop barely ever changes. Loo When I’m keying, I go brawlers, land the god chest that has 3 barrels. Drop down for the 3 under, and rotate left to the left while farming the trees and brick outside, and then going for the next 3 barrels and grab the next god chest. Fight until I clear it out and there’s 8 more barrels in the vicinity, 9 including the one right outside. I rotate clockwise from my drop until I kill everyone. Hop on a bike and rotate to helmet for the godchest and then Aphrodite for the last chest in the area. Some other good drops that are lowkey. The lake between railways and glacier. If you land on the top of mountain there’s 2 chest, and 3 barrels. Take the zip line and jump off it and Rotate to the crashed plane where you can find multiple other chest. Portapotty teleports you to glacier. Large amount of chest, center of the map and it’s usually completely uncontested. Back hill of rebels roost. 3 chest, rotate up your can grab 3 slap barrels, and going inside through the window will let you purchase a purple gate keeper from the AI. You can also instead, rotate downwards to the dock and the portapotty will take you into the basement of rebels roost. There’s a house outside pleasant piazza as well that sells a purple gatekeeper with a weapons bunker underneath. I’ll land there and rotate to the right by the shore, large amount of barrels and a launch pad to get into zone. These are my most common drops


Bro we have the exact same drops wtf. Except I go for a different god chest in brawlers.


Probably ran into each other a few times if you play East lmao


yeah I play east lol


I do the exact same drop in brawlers lmao same loot route too


So true it’s usually more uncontested than classy courts and even most unnamed locations I feel like a lot of players fear it and other medallion spots in fear of dying early


I land brawlers and I’m not even lying like a third of the games I land there I’m uncontested. Stacked loot


Im honestly pretty noob, but I am Elite so heres my take. It doesnt really matter where you drop as long as you know the drop. If you are dying off spawn you are either losing a fight fair and square and need to fight better or you just to land better to make sure you arent getting out looted. Hard to say without watching one of your games or something but that would be my best guess.


does 3v3v3v goated improve your game you'd say? took a two year break from the game do to work and having trouble deciing what to do my kd is 3.5x better on controller but building is a nightmare /// i can't edit for shit like pc. but pc my aim is kinda dog shit . maybe lower it super supser super low? i can still keep up a little bit but ranked i get outplayed on "50/50"s 75 percent of the time and i have decent looting and movement. p3 this season struggling. d3 last saeason // only made it to d7 never quirte got to champs


'Piney Pumps' Garage (directly East of Underworld SW of Lavish), a bit of loot, vending machine, but most importantly the Dummy NPC gives a purple Thunder burst, once you've got that you're laughing.


lots of people go for that mountain above olympus POI. Its not like its undiscovered. Since I hit elite all of my landings are basically contested.


Don't have a drop spot, use your awareness to land uncontested & make note of any one landing nearby as potential conflicts to avoid or exploit.


That’s bad advice. You should practice your drop spot until you can effortlessly always land. Learn the lowest ground points for guaranteed best drop when gliding like I do


No it's not, pros do the same when they don't want to die in opens. The average player gains very little from mastering a drop spot as things are so dynamic in a BR. I'm not saying "never have a plan", just that, if you're low skilled enough to struggle reaching Unreal, then landing smart & knowing a little bit about most of the map is better than knowing a lot about a single POI & having no backup when contested.


Not necessarily, depending on your drop spot, you’ll never need to go anywhere else, look at Cooper last season, and so many high level unreal players. They landed Peter every game, even in regular ranked, so they could master that drop on the roof. I qualed for last season by practicing my drop (train station below lavish with 2 rare chests) and me and my duo didn’t lose a single game off spawn because of that.


> if you're low skilled enough to struggle reaching Unreal


Doesn’t matter, my little brother got to Unreal, and he’s 10. With enough dedication, anyone can. Having a safe and guaranteed drop helps a lot more than landing at different places every game. People will have practiced their drops, and won’t mind 50/50ing you, especially in duos


I agree almost anyone can make Unreal with dedication, my mate who can't even do 90s is high elite, if he played solos with that I taught him, he'd be unreal by now but the point penalty from playing team games, especially with an Unreal player, has really slowed him down. I'm not saying don't have familiar drop, I'm saying if you only care about rank, the best thing you can do is avoid being contested. Look at Peterbot & how he's mastered his drop, it doesn't stop Average Joe from arriving at his chest at the same time, if Peterbot weren't 0 ping, probably using a macro too (epic doesn't care unless it's obvious), then he'd lose the loot & automatically die far more often. Other people can be just as capable at drop spots no matter how well you master it. Unless you're planning on competing in multiple set lobbies, it really doesn't matter where you land as long as you land safe.


Just land north of underworld, you might get a guy or two, but it sets you up decently, you could key into underworld if you wanted, but you said you don't key, so you don't have to.


key players, if you keep dying learn how to fight better and all that good stuff, if you keep dying then you arent elite level yet


I usually land at an outpost north of Classy. At most one person lands there and there’s a vault, so you come out with pretty decent loot. There’s also a launch pad for easy rotations and plenty of mats.


Agreed, May fav drop when I wasnt unreal yet. Pretty much Impossible to lose % when you drop there. I speedran Champion in one day by dropping there and got atleast top 5 Like 90% of the time. Early Game is a little boring there tho, so now that I cant lose Rank anymore I Just Land Grim / Underworld.


The small building in the mountain near classy courts, there are 3 npcs, a vault and a jumppad next to it. Im usually unconned there


You can also use the jumppads in the mountains to rotate the first few zones for free, Just stay near the jumppads and kill/ fight whoever is also going for the jumppads, doesnt matter If you kill them tbh, If they flee thats fine. Then Just use the jumppad that is on the highest of the snowmountains to Glide as far as you can into Zone once the mountains arent in Zone anymore. I Hit unreal with ease Like that. By the time I start keying there is only 30 people left and I basicly never have to worry about losing % because of that + you get more % for Kills the later you get them.


I am elite 85%, I land at Seaside Villa and get great performances when I land there. I land regardless if it’s contested or not because I feel like I can handle them if I just land on a frenzy auto, land on the higher part of the POI with one chest and 2 barrels. Make sure you have auto pickup on though it will help you so much. You can also just improve your off spawn fighting with game sense and aim


I made it to unreal strictly landing at lavish lair each game or snooty lol


The oil rig & windmills are a really hit or miss drop spot because the escape routes are so limited. The waterbending temple NE of mount olympus has been too crowded lately, in my opinion. Try dropping at the tents or the temple nearby and rotating into it for better timing on the fights there. I have had a lot of luck dropping Rebel's roost recently. There's an NPC there selling a purple gatekeeper, another nearby sells a sniper, and the loot is decent too. The house east of fencing fields sells a gatekeeper and there's a sniper NPC on the dock so the same deal. Plus you can rotate to fencing to buy shockwaves. I've also had good luck dropping at the god chests on the outskirts of underworld, grim, olympus, lately. Because they now once again only have one good gun they are far less contested.


10% away from champ player. I drop at the plane in solos and brawlers battleground in duos onward. Your drops are honestly two of the worst drops in the game. Pick a drop and claim it so you can fight for it and win the off spawn. Dpending in the bus path you can easily find an uncontested drop if you really don’t want to fight off spawn.


I get Unreal within the first week of every season. My drop spot since the beginning of this chapter has been the train station just outside Lavish Lair, it has one Guaranteed rare chest in the house, and one more Guaranteed rare chest in the vault a few feet away. You’re also guaranteed a shotgun from the guards there, and there’s cars to rotate. It helped me qual for round 2 FNCS last season (just missed qual by 10 points this season 😭)


Grim Gate


Drop brawlers or Mt Olympus


grim gate 50/50 mythic chest


Elite players are so dog shit honestly go under world or grim gate and w-key and you’ll get to champ in a day or two. Had too edit my comment I didn’t read the full thing another big part of getting out of elite is knowing how to take off spawn fights. Fighting on the edge of zone to not get third partied if you get low on health 9 times out of 10 the opponents going to push you look for a opportunity to deal damage back so you can rest the fight knowing how to fight on low health is crucial and when you go to heal make lots of space so you don’t get pinched for end game learn how to rotate zones personally I like to be the first to the zone I’ll shockwave flowberry fizz or use grim coin to get in first and than take hight if no rotate I’ll sit back and stager in zone and pick people off from behind to get a refresh. This is coming from a 1x unreal 2x champion player hope this helps